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And the Xmess begging begins

Posted by Cheese Louise 
Cheese Louise
And the Xmess begging begins
November 17, 2008
I work for a large Catholic hospital, so as you can imagine the begging and heavy-handed pleas to "help" are especially intense...and maddening. Found in my email this morning:

The House is supported by the Volunteers of America for six moms and their babies. Most of these moms are street kids who want to keep their babies. If they live in this house they must follow the rules, stay in school, cook, clean, and what ever else needs to be done. Is anyone interested in providing Xmas for the House this yr? I will call to have them send me a list of items for each mom and baby. The last two years we have done this and I just wish all of you who have donated in the past could see the faces of these moms when we take over all the items you have donated. Let me know and I will share the list with those of you/depts who would like to help.

[These bitches are already getting tons of public support in the form of welfare, food stamps, tuition help, etc. etc. WHY should I enable their sorry asses by giving them MORE of my hard-earned money??]

(Hospital) has once again adopted 75 children from low-income apartments for Christmas. Can you help make their holidays bright? Call xxxx or stop by Public Relations and tell us which child you would like to “adopt;” the list is in today’s newsletter. Wrapped presents must be returned to PR no later than December 12.

In addition, we need a department to adopt one of these families:

Whitney and Eric have one-year-old twins. Mom could use some pants (8-10); shoes (6½); and shirts (med/large). Dad needs pants (32/32); shoes (11½); and shirts (med). The twin girl wears size 9 months to 1 year; the boy’s size is 1 year. They would like a large toy box, crib sheets, set full sheets, socks, crafts and a stationary jumper.

Wendy, a mom and college student, needs pants (7-8); shirts (large), and shoes (7½). She could really use a coffee maker! Her son is 18 and also a college student, and would like some pants (34/32); shirts (med); and skate shoes (13). Wendy’s daughter (age 16) is in high school, and could use some pants (6); shirts (sm/med); and shoes (9). They all need socks.

[These losers need socks, but I'd LOVE to take a peek inside their Section 8 apartment and see what kinds of "necessities" they've managed to afford....cell phones, computers, etc. etc. This shit pisses me off to NO end...and there is no end in sight!]

angry flipping offangry flipping offangry flipping offangry flipping off
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 17, 2008
This is what I love:

(Hospital) has once again adopted 75 children from low-income apartments for Christmas. Can you help make their holidays bright? Call xxxx or stop by Public Relations and tell us which child you would like to “adopt;” the list is in today’s newsletter. Wrapped presents must be returned to PR no later than December 12.

LOW INCOME APARTMENTS. Not only are these leeches getting handouts, but their parents aren't paying any fucking school taxes either. The fuckers that rent and have kids should pay a per-kid tax. Period.

The only thing I'd give these people is my shit wrapped nicely in a box and holiday paper.
Anonymous User
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 17, 2008
Wendy's 18 yr-old son is a college student and he wants skate shoes for Christmas? Really? He's 18 and wants the kind of shoes that I've given 9 yr-olds time out for wearing to school. Wow. Just wow.

I'll bet you're right about what might be in their section 8. I'm betting a nice ass flat panel HDTV with surround sound. Probably a shit load of video games of the expensive variety. The biggest TV I've ever seen was in a trailer that I made a home visit to when I taught sp. ed. The family was out of heating oil. There was one working light, and their kid was eating ramen noodles for breakfast, but moo had cable and was watching her soaps on the big screen!
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 17, 2008
Here's my beg:
"Family of two can not afford a decent television this christmas. One works for the library and the other works for a non-profit. As a direct result of their low paid work, your children (and you) get free access to books, computers, information and safe sex supplies. They are also caretakers for an arthritic, incontinent cat and would gladly accept a 26x26 inch plastic tray with sides no more than 1.5 inches high to use as a litter box. Unfortunately, they choose to spend their pay on rent, utilities, groceries, gas and prescription cat food and have nothing left over for a decent, flat screen television."

Surely that'll get me the goods, just like a breeder, right?

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 17, 2008
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 17, 2008
Cheese Louise Wrote:
> The House is supported by the Volunteers of
> America for six moms and their babies. Most of
> these moms are street kids who want to keep their
> babies.

The only thing they should collect money for is sterilization.


Family of two

If you don't have kyyyyyds, you're not a REAL famblee, Feh! So you can't possibly need anything!
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 17, 2008
Medusa Wrote:
> Family of two
> If you don't have kyyyyyds, you're not a REAL
> famblee, Feh! So you can't possibly need anything!

Waaaahhh...I can whine and brag at the same time about my elderly cat like a Moo if you want.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 17, 2008

What in the HELL is this shit?! Begging for your adult child is a whole new low.

Cheese Louise, I hear you, I work for a Catholic organization also. I cannot stand Catholic Breeders. My own parents are Catholic, but they were PNBs for the most part. They got sterilized after their third and last child, me. My mom actually shouldn't have had me, as she was diabetic and at the time it was very risky. SO. Here I am. Destined to be nothing. Hahahaha! Anyway...hang in there, girl.
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 17, 2008
The single moos could all use tubals.
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 17, 2008
I'll send these moos boxes of Trojans decorated with pretty red and green bows.
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 18, 2008
How in the hell can anyone not afford SOCKS? They're, like, $5 for a bag of 6 pairs at Meijer's, right? Jesus.

Why don't these people go to their equivalent of our local Value World (thrift shop)? We buy clothes there all the time and nice stuff too--I just got three lovely and new polar fleece sweaters there for less than $10--those will see me cozily through the winter and are in tiptop condition. You can get all kinds of nice clothes there for almost no money at all--we save so much by going there. Why is this anathema to these people?
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 18, 2008
I'll take the cat....
Anonymous User
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 18, 2008
MWR: I work for a small City Municipality, and already the calls are coming in begging us not to turn their water off because they have...*kids*...and afterall, it's Thanksgiving. WTF do holidays have to do with paying your bills on time?
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 18, 2008
My local paper does this annual charity soliciting monetary donations. Each day during the holiday season, they profile a different struggling famblee who needs toys for the kids (only up to age 14 or 15). The short article states the gifts each child desires. Some of the requests are reasonable, like books or dolls, but many times it's like: "...and twelve-year-old Mystake would love to have an XBox under the tree on Christmas morning." What the hell?
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 18, 2008
I like the 'six moms and their babies' one. Awww. They actually 'have' to cook and clean. Just imagine! Gosh they're amazing! 8-/

Street kids my arse. I say, six moms equals six sets of parents, sibs, cousins, friends, and of course the inevitable boyfriends who can 'provide' Christmas for their lazy arses. They already get every last thing for free, why the hell don't they show some flippin gratitude and do something for someone else at Christmas for a change?

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 19, 2008
Amethyst Wrote:
> They already get
> every last thing for free, why the hell don't they
> show some flippin gratitude and do something for
> someone else at Christmas for a change?

This is a very interesting point. When people adopt an attitude of helplessness, there is an expectation that they will be taken care of, and are not at all expected to pay it forward. All this does is perpetuate the helplessness and encourage more to jump on the sumthin-for-nuthin-bandwagon.

A number of years ago I was involved with our local Habitat for Humanity chapter. One thing I liked about the group is that recipient families were expected to put in a certain number of hours working on their own house, and a certain number of hours working on the next house for someone else. I was not with the group long enough to know if the recipients actually did more than the required hours on the next recipient's house, but at least they had the right idea.
Re: And the Xmess begging begins
November 19, 2008
Tiquer Wrote:
> Amethyst Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They already get
> > every last thing for free, why the hell don't
> they
> > show some flippin gratitude and do something
> for
> > someone else at Christmas for a change?
> This is a very interesting point. When people
> adopt an attitude of helplessness, there is an
> expectation that they will be taken care of, and
> are not at all expected to pay it forward. All
> this does is perpetuate the helplessness and
> encourage more to jump on the
> sumthin-for-nuthin-bandwagon.
> A number of years ago I was involved with our
> local Habitat for Humanity chapter. One thing I
> liked about the group is that recipient families
> were expected to put in a certain number of hours
> working on their own house, and a certain number
> of hours working on the next house for someone
> else. I was not with the group long enough to
> know if the recipients actually did more than the
> required hours on the next recipient's house, but
> at least they had the right idea.

They sure do have the right idea and in many cases I am sure that it works out the way it is supposed to work. However, I have seen some hillbillies in these parts weasle out of doing their fair share when Habitat for Humanity lent a hand. One of my husband's hillbilly cousins and his welfare whore have lived off of his grandparents since they were married nearly ten years ago. They have lived in their basement, which is about 1400 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, huge greatroom/fireplace, and a kitchen/dining combo, with a separate entrance for over ten years. They have never paid a DIME in rent, NOR have they paid for any home maintenance or repairs or neither have they bothered to pick up a paint brush since they have lived there either. The grandparents are elderly and disabled and qualified for some home repairs, which I thought were rather extensive to be "free".

The hillbilly cousins convinced grandmeemaw/peepaw that it would be "better" if they didn't mention that they lived there, so they packed up their redneckmobile and piled into another relative's trailer with their three kyds while the work was being done. There were numerous volunteers from a neighboring county who did repairs, fixed flooring, and some other things, and this included work that was done in the basement/hillbilly den. After all was done they simply moved back into their den and it was life as usual. I thought this was incredibly low rent of them to do, but it made me wonder just how common it is for people to take advantage of such a good program. I have never known anyone else to get help from an agency like that, so I am hoping that this was an isolated event, but somehow I doubt it.
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