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Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?

Posted by Rose Red 
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
That I'm not entirely convinced segregating non-straight people is really an answer, and that I think pointing out sexuality within the context of the education of children is not appropriate.
As it has been mentioned, kids have been bullied regardless of sexual orientation. The students who went "postal" at school towards their tormentors and anyone else who was in the way were not all gay or of any other "minority". I was the victim of bullying in the 8th Grade. No one cared what the sexual orientation was! My mom moved to another part of the San Francisco Bay Area. We went from San Francisco to San Bruno (a suburb of where there was lack of tolerance who was 'different'). My difference was that I did not wear the "right" clothes. I got beat up for that and started to not give a d@mn when I got to high school. I felt anger and not worthy so I messed up badly in H.S. If a gay high school is a part of society due to the hassle kids get at school, almost every other parent is going to demand a separate school paid for by the state and the taxpayers to educate their harassed kids.
But, Krishna, does that mean that other kids should go through that? I was bullied in school because I was, early on, perceived to be different. I certainly don't want to see other gay kids go through that.

The reason gay kids are bullied and beaten is the hate that is instilled in children by their fucked-up breeder parents, and the schools do NOTHING to stop bullying. No child should be bullied, regardless of race, religion (though I might make an exception for fundies), sexual orientation or whatever. But a chance to even let one group learn in peace is special rights, huh? I guess that because kids have always been bullied, we should just let it continue. After all it's just part of "being a kid".
No one should be bullied or beaten up. However, we cannot have separate schools to segregate each faction to protect from bullying. If no other alternative is available, parents can choose to homeschool. My husband pays enough property taxes in two states for schools. He nor anyone else needs to pay more for all of these special schools. Plenty of straight kids are targets because parents refuse to discipline their own children who are in trouble for bullying. Your opinion is yours. I respect that but I am not going to argue online over this issue but only state my own opinion.
"Really, who wants to encourage sex in school?"

How about the contraceptive companies?
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 19, 2008
How about when future employers would see that school's name on the former students' resumes? Since there are A LOT of homophobic douchebags out there, this could result in a lot of discrimination and hurt their career prospects.

I'm for stopping bullying at the source. (And yes, I was bullied, and this was at an all-girls Catholic high school. And I'm straight.)
I've mentioned before that my younger sister is a lesbian. She stayed in the closet when she was in high school. She is a very pretty girl, very small featured with thick long brown hair and huge blue eyes. She was asked out a lot in high school by guys. She usually told them that she was interested in someone else (namely girls!), or that she wasn't interested in dating right now and wanted to concentrate on her studies. She was never picked on, but had more of a reputation for being kind of a snob (which she totally isn't!) because most guys thought that she thought she was too good for them. She had told our immediate family she was gay when she was 13, but spent her entire time in school quietly getting by to keep from being picked on like other gay students. She also hated school and was often depressed. If she could have had a school to attend where she could have been herself, I think it would have been so much more psychologically healthy for her.
My take on this is totally one-sided because of my sis, and my always feeling the need to protect her. I really think that the prejudice against gays is so much more violent and hateful than with other groups. I see where those of you who are against it are coming from, but I'm seeing it from my sister's perspective.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 20, 2008
Medusa Wrote:
> How about when future employers would see that
> school's name on the former students' resumes?
> Since there are A LOT of homophobic douchebags out
> there, this could result in a lot of
> discrimination and hurt their career prospects.
> I'm for stopping bullying at the source. (And yes,
> I was bullied, and this was at an all-girls
> Catholic high school. And I'm straight.)

yep. Why the bubble wrap? get yer thick skin now!

Amended to say that if we are going the diversity route, what better way than to educate from within!
You know, I'm all for the rights of the homosexual/bi/TV/TG community in every single aspect. They have my vote all the way.

What pisses me off is that people expect homosexual students to have their own school so *GASP* the other students aren't exposed to them or to end bullying.

What I'd like to know is, why aren't the fucking bullies and the trouble makers put in their own school? Why do all the good students who follow the rules and not make trouble have to be segregated from everybody? This only makes the whole "tolerance" thing that everybody talks about that much worse. There is supposed to be ZERO tolerance in these high schools for hate crimes and bullying yet the answer to stop this is to segregate the good students.

My vote would be to ban the fucking bullies and put them in a shitty school with shitty teachers. None of those fuckers will be worth a damn as adults anyway.

Or better yet, public beatings of the bullies in the school auditorium with the whole student body in attendance to watch. The more they act out, the worse it gets. Now THAT'S justice!!!

MerlynHerne Wrote:
> Sex is not the point, RR. These schools are being
> proposed because of the homophobia in the general
> population. It is the straight homophobic fuckers
> who cannot leave gay people to be themselves and
> instead, taunt and beat them. THIS is why a gay
> school was suggested. Maybe when straights stop
> teaching their kids hatred and bigotry, there will
> BE no need for LGBT schools.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 20, 2008
I too am for a "bully school". I vote to toss all of the bad apples in it's own school, complete with cages and daily public beatings if (when) necessary. That way, the other intelligent students who have common decency, manners, social skills, a desire to learn, and a tolerance for other people, can thrive in a cohesive, strong, accepting and diversified learning environment without fear. Segregate the asshole kyds, not the good students.
Our local school system has an "alternative school" where troublemakers are sent. The place is the former county jail, and the school board was probably sending a very clear message.

For living in breeder hell like I do, at least there is a zero tolerance attitude towards bullies and they seem to be removed from the rest of the population quickly.
BratsNONONO Wrote:
> Our local school system has an "alternative
> school" where troublemakers are sent. The place
> is the former county jail, and the school board
> was probably sending a very clear message.
> For living in breeder hell like I do, at least
> there is a zero tolerance attitude towards bullies
> and they seem to be removed from the rest of the
> population quickly.

Our system has an alternative school, as well, however, it's very difficult to get a child placed there. Usually the only ones that are there are the children of the complete dregs of society who have parunts that don't give a damn where their kid is as long as it's out of the house. Any bad kid from even a semi-decent home who has a behavior disorder or is a bully, usually also has parunts who are in total denial of their behavior, and fight tooth and nail to keep their kid in the regular school. All these parunts have to do is threaten a law suit and the system caves in to them.

There should be a separate schools, but they should be for conformist douchebags, assholes, bitches, dickwads, puds and jerks. Then maybe smart kids who are different, in whatever way, could learn and study in peace with out their stupid peers pressuring them to conform and wallow in stupidity.

HAHAHAHA!!! Wouldn't that be grand?!


It's a flyer that advertises for Hubba-Hubba, which is a BDSM "lifestyle" boutique here in Cambridge, and not only does it feature a caricature of a dominatrix "riding" a large, disembodied penis (or maybe it's just a dildo), but it offers a 10% "student" (or maybe they meant to say "novice") discount.

I saw the picture of this in the other post, Poofy. It was beautiful, thank you for that.

As for the garbage about segregating gays...I can't even begin to understand why that would be okay. What. The. FUCK.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 21, 2008
Separating homosexual/bi/TV/TG students into their own school would do everything to make the 'normal' (hoho -- read 'bigotted') students think they won. Imagine the black-only schools in 1950s Alabama -- racist white kids and their parents were all for that, for the so-called good of all, right??

It's running away from the problem entirely, just at a time when the younger generations are evolving so well, and becoming so much more open-minded compared to their grandparents' generation even.

And I do believe in a 'no special treatment' policy wrt publicly-funded institutions like schools, colleges, soup kitchens, hospitals, public housing, jails, etc. When people lean on the taxpayer for X, then they can't expect it to come with a special cherry on top just for them.

But on the other hand -- great big knowing 'wink' here -- imagine how much more fun their dances and proms would be!

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 21, 2008
Amethyst Wrote:
> Separating homosexual/bi/TV/TG students into a
> separate school would do everything to make the
> 'normal' (hoho -- read 'bigotted') students think
> they won. Imagine the black-only schools in 1950s
> Alabama -- racist white kids and their parents
> were all for that, for the so-called good of all,
> right??
> It's running away from the problem entirely, just
> at a time when the younger generations are
> evolving so well, and becoming so much more
> open-minded compared to their grandparents'
> generation even.
This. If it's all about diversity, then we need a mixed population. Non-breeder or any other kind of unconventional person (this isn't a slam- I'm a fish out of water too) really needs the chance to get acclimated to all kinds of people because they're going to working with them and living among them. When they can afford their own place with a door that locks, then they can call the shots.
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 21, 2008
I think some of you are missing the point that the gay school is not a place where all gay kids are automatically shuttled off to the moment they're "found out". It's a school kids can freely choose to go to, or not.
Around here we've got alternative schools for kids who can't learn in the regular schools because it's too structured, a school for the bad kids, several programs for kids who just want to work, and numerous "charter" and "magnet" schools for rich kids. I'm all for gay school, it's not like kids from different subcultures interact in school anyway. Hell, have special schools for goths, skateboarders, metal heads, stoners and preppies for all I care.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Gay high school scrapped- really, who wants to encourage sex in school?
November 21, 2008
Feh Wrote:
Hell, have special schools for goths,
> skateboarders, metal heads, stoners and preppies
> for all I care.

Hmm, not at the taxpayers' expense I would say.

No I do really get it Feh, but I believe that it's detrimental to education and society to ringfence lifestyle groups like that. Ringfence pupils by educational ability and behavioural ability by all means -- that is, after all, the purpose of education. But it would seem to me that anyone going to a "lifestyle school" is overtly refusing to deal with others who are not like themselves and who do not subscribe to their agenda whatever it may be.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
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