I'm sure everyone has heard the little yammerings after each discovery of a 'mad' cow..."Oh, the food supply is safe.." according to your friendly neighborhood federal government.
The girl who worked next to me suffered from reflux and was on regular medication for it.
The pharmacy where she got her meds.. the woman who was the pharmacist there had a husband who DIED of mad cow disease, and this was VERIFIED by a lab test..
Don't let the proclamations of 'safe food supply' lull ya into sleep.
It is a crap shoot, but don't believe anything the govt tells you.

two cents ¢¢
actually its not mad cow disease, its human variant CJD or Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease


and here


We have had many enquiries to the relationship between sporadic CJD and variant CJD. Sporadic CJD is of unknown cause. However, detailed investigation over many years has failed to provide any evidence to suggest that it is related to diet. It was first described in 1921 and therefore predates the BSE epidemic by many years. Sporadic CJD is found in countries throughout the world regardless of the presence of BSE. There is therefore no evidence to suggest that sporadic CJD is in any way the result of BSE. On the other hand, the timing of the appearance of variant CJD and its geographical distribution in the world strongly suggested a connection with BSE in cattle. Laboratory scientific work has shown that the protein agent involved in sporadic CJD has quite different behavioural properties to that seen in the protein agent from variant CJD. In addition, the behaviour of the variant CJD agent is very like that of BSE. There is therefore scientific laboratory evidence to support the view that variant CJD and BSE are related, whereas sporadic CJD is not causally related either to BSE or variant CJD.

less people have died from cjd or mad cow disease than kills old aged person during winter.. not that i am saying its not a bad thing, but there are many other more deadly diseases than cjd, but you never hear about those.. remember the world pandemic sars outbreak that would kill millions,, only about 600 out of 6 billion died.. and they had other problems as well..

if you follow what the government says, dont eat meat (BSE), fish (mercury), chicken (salmonella), vegetables (organo phosphates), alcohol (binge drinking even if its 3 pints once a week).. the air(carcinogens in that), the water (organisms and flouride).. not the mention sex, everything is potentially bad for you.. so you might as well crawl into a dark cave (as sun is bad for you too).. and curl up and die.. panic sells, panic is profitable.. so dont panic, find out the information via the web..
It is important that people ask these types of questions. The last data fact I heard is that scientists are concerned that 13% of the current Alzheimer’s cases can be attributed to CJD. Thank you for the explanation of the differences between variant and sporadic. But what we need to understand is the CJD comes from a protein or prion that makes its way into the human system. This protein is not destroyed by heat/ chemicals/ radiation; there is no way to get rid of this abnormal cell without destroying the food. So this is a problem just like all the unknown diseases you mentioned.
The next issue with this is that CJD has an approx. incubation period of 10 years, so it is impossible to associate the illness symptoms with the burger you ate- but the link this there. The only way to confirm this is when a person is dead and they take a sample of brain tissue.
The way that the meat is being prepared for the supermarkets is the problem. The rendered meat (extra meat that is not ok for human consumption) is made into pellets-, which in turn gets fed to the cows along with all their other feed. This helps them gain weight so they are plump for the slaughter- house and bring in more cash. CJD started happening- when the process of making these pellets changed due to an oil crisis. This started a perfect breeding ground for the prions to be passed from sick animal A to the healthy animal down the road or across the world. This disease is found in the nerve tissue of the cows; with the brain and spinal cord I understand being the main source. These tissues come in contact with rump roast or other parts and then those parts become infected- but this can't been seen with the naked eye. This meat then makes its way to our tables and we eat it unknowingly.

I agree that there are all sorts of warnings about our food supply and the sun (new link from study in Australia is that with the advent of sunscreen- so came skin cancer). I think it is a good idea- instead of just saying that you won't participate in the fear and just keep trucking along. Get informed about how our food is becoming more like Franken food than healthy food. Then make your choices on what to put in your body.

I researched this topic and many of my facts came from Jim Hightower the former agriculture secretary from Texas. All his books are great reading. This information is not from some misquoted site or a site that has a hand in keeping the real information hush- hush as it helps them with profits.

Just had to share my few bits on this topic.
i agree ask the questions, but a lot of these warnings, are exaggerated, the binge drinking, they dont mention that 2 units of alcohol is good for your system, that if you dont go out in the sun your vitamin d level is reduced.. and so on.. yes be aware.. but dont let it run your life..or ruin it..

but there is a point where you have to say, if we follow everything they say, then we wont be able to do anything at all..

i agree eat healthily, but not if fear causes you, eat because you want too.

the french had bse many years before us brits, america's cows have it, almost all the world has cows that has bse, but only the brits said it.. the germans had the highest amount of bse cows..they never said a word.. there was a question whether bse was scrapies a predominantly sheep related disease, and that got into the system of cows.. and spread.. i disagree with feeding herbivorous animals meat, to me that smacks as being wrong.. but it was all due to making a profit.. thats all this disease came from profits from farmers.. and farm producers..

so i agree, do your research, read about it, but take note of the amounts and ratio's, and know there may be a small chance of you contracting it, just be aware.. and dont let the government scare you.

if we follow everything the governments say.. all these health warnings, then life wouldnt be worth living, we would all have to live of distilled water.. so yes be aware, but als be aware that you cant be protected from everything, so you might as well live each day as it comes..
Sounds like we are on the same page. Fear is not a way to live life. It is our responsibility to find out what works for our health. In fact I take little from gov. warnings, as there is often another reason behind the warning- not just our health. Thanks
i got this way too as a very close friend died suddenly, from an epileptic fit, and he was living life having fun, he may not have had that long, but he made every minute count.. exactly halen couldnt have said it better myself.. i live in england, and we not only have all these food scares, but we had terrorists for over 35 years.. blowing up cars and people.. i live near where 2 big bombs went off, manchester and warrington i was actually going to go to manchester when the bomb went off, and i would have been within 15 feet of the bomb site.. but i didnt feel like going.. and that saved my life..

so i live for NOW
Glad you are still with us...
The IRA seems to finally have quieted down..
However, to think, 1000 years ago, folk kicked muslim butt off the continent..
I think they must have had good reason..

two cents ¢¢
This is exactly why I eat venison instead of beef.
I trust what's going into venison a lot more than what they are pumping into beef.
All I have to keep my eye on is CWD.
This is exactly why I eat venison instead of beef.
I trust what's going into venison a lot more than what they are pumping into beef.
All I have to keep my eye on is CWD.
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