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More Announcement of Breeding At Work

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 04, 2008
I just learned that yet another of the career breeders who work here at my company is knocked up again.

These fucking cunts make me sick. They cost the company so much money in the way of maternity leave and health care costs that the company picks up. And when the health care costs are up, they start with the coverage cuts and everybody suffers. Not to mention how they "work from home" on certain days - how much fucking work can you get done with a screaming kid there? And how everybody else has to pick up their slack.

The loud mouthed cow down the hall is out - perhaps she hatched her loaf today? I noticed how peaceful it is here today and will be now for the next 12 weeks. God, I hate all of them. Any company who hires breeding-aged women is fucking crazy.
Re: More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 04, 2008
And what chaps my ass about these bitches is that with each loaf, they spend exponentially less and less time at the office. It doesn't affect me at all, these are admin people but to the company as a whole, they are expensive and everyone feels it when costs are out of control.

"Working at home" and "leaving early and will make the work up later" are two of the favorite excuses they use. If they do 20 hours of REAL work it's a miracle. They want to get the pay but not do the work.
Anonymous User
Re: More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 04, 2008
This is why I disappear into my office/cube & fire up the iPod whilst I write my briefs, and take my lunches outside, with friends. I'm known as the anti-social one, but fuckit, I get my job done. The copies of Guns & Ammo magazine on my desk usually keep people out...heh.
Anonymous User
Re: More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 05, 2008
Not only does HR where I work send out company-wide emails announcing births, there's this guy who, a couple weeks back, walks up to me and is all: Guess what?? (and inwardly I'm thinking I KNOW what he's going to say and I don't care) And his reply, of course: I'm gonna be a daaaaaaaadddddd!!!!

I gave him a VERY uninterested, deflated response, and he left me alone.

Fast forward about two weeks, and he comes hustling up to me all: Wanna see something? And I can tell he's just JUMPING out of his shoes, AND I know *exactly* what he's going to show me, despite my total lack of interest and inclination to say, "No, I don't want to see what you're GOING to show me." So what's he whip out of his bag? You guessed it: the sonogram image. But not just ANY sonogram, oh, no. It's a sonogram Christmas photo-card that he plans to send to one and all. I was all: meh, and he finally said: That's my little child.

Meanwhile I'm wondering why he can't just leave me the fuck alone, but I wanted to be nice so I said "I know, dude, but you're barking up the wrong tree, man." Hopefully, he'll quit bugging me. I understand he's all agog, but I really don't appreciate being forced to respond to something I care nothing about. I feel like saying to him: Great! Your dick works! Way to GO!eye rolling smiley
Re: More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 05, 2008
There's nothing more annoying than breeders in the workplace.
Every day I have a new, glaring example of why mommies, daddies, and those who are planning on becoming so are the most predictable, boring types of co-workers.

Our office manager here likes to pipe up with jokes that always end with the punchline, "I'm a mom." Allow me to explain further:

"Aw, it's ok that I got pink ink on my white trousers, I'm used to messes, I'm a mom!"
"Aw, it's ok that you're sick today - I'm used to being around sniffling noses, I'm a mom!"
"Aw, I don't mind if we have McDonald's food as the meal for the company party - I eat there all the time, I'm a mom, after all!"

And so on and so forth until you want to puke every time she mentions it. She stands there after the 'joke', expecting us all to bust out with knowing nods and big guffaws at her cheeky wit.

Today we had an analyst come in and install something on one of our big back-up machines, and he was turning the 'alarm' noises on the machine down to soft. He asked if we were all ok with it being set to soft. We all agreed. Office Manager Moomie pipes up with, "Oh, it's perfectly ok! I can hear everything! My kids try to sneak home or sneak out of the house and I always catch them! No noise gets past me...after all....I'M A MOM!"
I'm sitting there thinking, "Oh, for fuck's sake - will you just come off that garbage already?! We GET IT. HARDY HAR HAR. It wasn't funny the first 900 times and it certainly isn't now!"
But I can tell you, the rest of us don't have a prayer - we'll never get this idiot to shut up about her kids.

She's the one I've mentioned in the past who tells the same story over and over again about what foods her children eat, and she's the one who always has to leave early in order to shuttle Snotlyn to some extracurricular activity and leaving the rest of us in the lurch to cover her ass.

Also, hubby is an IT manager at his job, and he has hysterical stories about how the breeders at his job never listen to directions about what NOT to put in the company PCs. Nearly every single day, he has to fix some parent's computer because they ignored the rules, tried to download an animated photo screensaver of their kids into the machine, and ended up tearing something up or getting a virus. Also, he tells them never to make their password their kid's name because it isn't a good idea, security-wise, but they do it all the time anyway. And again and again and again he has to get on them about making it something different.
Re: More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 05, 2008
I LOATHE those "I have a special and uncanny understanding of this or that, because I am a mom!", bullshit. The only predictable comment similar to it which rivals it are the ones who think that NO pain anyone else has ever experienced is anywhere NEAR the pain that they know about, because they, ".....had a baybeeeee..." You can have an impacted wisdom tooth which causes a severe infection in your entire head but, "You don't know REAL pain until you have had a baybee...." You could have passed a gallstone and contracted a SEVERE infection in your entire lower abdominal cavity requiring emergency surgery and a week in the hospital, but even THAT can't surpass the pain of childbirth/labor pains, they say.

Generally, the only difference between an abortion/miscarriage/d&c and labor pains, is the length of time that the pain is present. Therefore, based on personal experience, I can unequivocably say that the following would HAVE to be more painful:

1)Abscessed tooth
2)A brain aneurysm which bursts
3)Acute, sudden and severe case of pancreatitis with accompanying gall bladder attack
4)E-coli bacterial infection
5)Kidney/urinary tract infection
6)Ear ache caused by canal infection

I challenge these whores and call BULLSHIT on childbirth/labor pains being the worst pain known to human kind. In addition, all of the above illnesses can hurt for days and even WEEKS, instead of a few measly hours, even with pain medication. I would certainly think that being crushed by a falling object would be above that, a field amputation to free a conscious person from wreckage likely tops it, near electrocution probably has a higher rank, female gential mutiliation is a likely candidate of the "most painful" variety, and I know an aircraft mechanic who SWEARS that being struck in the head by a moving propellar is the worst pain possibly ever to have been experienced by a human who lived to tell about it.

So, when I hear how childbirth is the worst pain EVER experienced by anyone, I think to myself, "Yeah, and they keep going back for more of the same, so they must either be idiots or masochists." Perhaps too, they are too stupid to stop getting knocked up, OR they consider the pain to be a reasonable trade off for the attention they receive. I used to buy into the excuse that the baybee made the pain worth it, until I started reading moomie boards and at how they glorify natural childbirth and think that pain meds or a c-section isn't deserving of the same attention and accolades.
Re: More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 05, 2008
KK, you left out "appendicitis", which I have heard is very painful. Or, was it carefully considered for the list but rejected for some reason?

Explain, please.
>>>>My husband said he over heard 2 women, saying that my husband and the other 2 CF guys should have been laid off, because they work for something to do,and have no responsibilty ( meaning children).

Work for something to do? WTF are they talking about? Doesn't everyone work to have food on the table and a roof over their heads?

The gall of these short-sighted women.
Re: More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 05, 2008
Yea, just like they all had kyds because it's "what people DO".

They can always sell them on the black market.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

sorry wrong thread.
Kidlesskim, I definitely concur with having a absessed tooth or a UTI as being among the worst pains. I hope never to experience either one ever again!Mr. T: I pitty tha foold

Ya know, with all the talk about how godawful the pain of childbirth is, it's reason #4287 why I didn't want to have kyds. My pain tolerance is low enough, why go looking for more?
Re: More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 05, 2008
poofy_puff Wrote:
> KK, you left out "appendicitis", which I have
> heard is very painful. Or, was it carefully
> considered for the list but rejected for some
> reason?
> Explain, please.

I left it off by accident, but have since added it. I never had one that required removal of the appendix, but had an inflamed one many years ago. If that pain was indicative of what a full blown attack is like, then it DEFINATELY belongs on the list. I also forgot severe burns which require continual debriding which would have to be HORRIFIC pain. Then there's falling from a scaffold onto concrete, slipping on ice and breaking a hip or leg, being flogged, execution by crucifiction, poisonous snake bite with delayed treatment, being attacked by a bear, shark, alligator, etc......being buried up to your neck in sand, covered in honey and fire ants poured on, tarred and feathered, Having major surgery when the anesthesia doesn't work and you are awake the whole time but unable to move, having a garbage disposal come on when your hand was in it, getting your dick stuck in a drainage pipe of a hot tub, having a tire roll over your foot, getting gnarled up in an escalator, having to hack off your own arm to free yourself from a sinking car, dying of dehydration,slipping into a commercial bread kneader as it's blades are running,slipping backward into a lawn mower, falling into a mountainous crevice (Jimbob knows how this feels) near suffocation or drowning, being shot in the stomach, and various painful illnesses like certain cancers and treatments. massive heart attacks, severe migraines, RA, bone marrow transplants, and possibly even intensive forms of body art, among many other things.

Yeah, I would think there are a lot worse and more painful scenarios out there besides childbirth or labor pains.
Re: More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 05, 2008
Re: More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 05, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
>falling into a mountainous crevice (Jimbob knows how this feels)

I don't dispute your list but I can tell you that waking up and starting your day with 10 minutes of intense dry heaves is extremely painful, too.
Re: More Announcement of Breeding At Work
December 05, 2008
TXGal Wrote:
> Great! Your dick works! Way to GO!eye rolling smiley

Oh yeah, that is totally what I would have wanted to say! Loser duh.
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