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What the shit is this?

Posted by CherryBlossom 
What the shit is this?
December 06, 2008

New South Wales families are being urged not to go on a shopping spree when they receive the Federal Government's $1,000 child bonus this week.

The $10.4 billion package to boost consumer spending kicks in tomorrow.

Parents will get $1,000 for each child, while pensioners, carers, seniors and veterans will receive $1,400 over two weeks.

Opposition fair trading spokeswoman Catherine Cusack says families need to keep some money for the new year.

"Families in NSW will need to put aside at least an extra $140 for each high school child and $95 for primary school children to make up the cost of student travel, and also the axing of the back to school allowance," she said.

What's the point of axing that shit to "save money" when you're basically handing it back to the breeders? At least the penioners are getting something out of this... Although, not by much compared to the breeders and their spawn. Disgusting. STOP GIVING BREEDERS MONEY, AUSTRALIA. JUST FUCKING STOP. angry flipping offangry flipping offangry flipping off
Re: What the shit is this?
December 07, 2008
Yes, I am also pissed off at this, mainly because I'm funding this through my taxes and yet I personally stand receive the grand sum of fuck-all dollars. Breeders will counter this claim with the usual bullshit of "my kids will be funding your pension in the future, so you ARE benefiting from it!". Um... no. I've been putting money into my super which would prevent me from being able to get the pension (as long as the whole fucken thing doesn't collapse like it almost did, thanks to the recent global financial bullshit).

40% of families in this country basically pay no tax because they receive an amount of welfare that is equal to or excedes the amount of tax they pay. And I would suspect that giving each family $1,000 for each child would probably push that percentage even higher. Seriously, this shit can't go on. The tax base of the country are benefiting from it the least. If the trend continues, more families will be tax burdens instead of tax payers, making the problem even worse.

What boils my piss even more is you KNOW that these breeder fucks are going to waste a lot of the $1000 bonus on bullshit they don't need, because at the end of the day no government is going to let children go hungry. As a result, irresponsible bogan breeders will piss the money away on booze, smokes and blu-ray movies (that go nicely with the plasma screen they bought with the $5,000 the government gave them to give birth to the kid in the first place) and Holden HSV* branded bullshit - because they know they can still rely on other welfare to actually feed and clothe their yard apes.

They'll cry poor once the money is gone without having to account for how it was spent. Some smaller towns are bracing for a wave of drunken violence and other crime as bogan parents stock up on VB, Bundy Cola and Jack Daniels (oh, and Peter Jackson Super 30s, can't forget those).

WHY can't we have a foodstamp system in this country? OR give the $1,000 away in the form of coupons or vouchers so we know it can't be wasted on alcohol or tobacco? Hell, even if they buy the big TV there's a remote chance the kid might learn something if they accidentally flip onto something educational, but I can't see spending the money on booze being of any benefit to the child.

We can't win. No government will give anything back to the CF unless the breeders and their hellspawn are taken care of first.

* For non-Aussies on this board, Holden is the equivalent to whatever auto maker has the biggest redneck/white trash fanbase. And bogan is an Aussie term for white trash.
Re: What the shit is this?
December 07, 2008
Yes. Everything you said. This pisses me the fuck off beyond belief. I may not live in Australia anymore, but hubby and I are moving back to Perth in two years, and I FEAR what Australia is going to be like when we're back. Thank GOD this bullshit isn't happening in Western Australia... Yet.

The bogans and abbos are probably PISSING themselves with joy over the "free money". Ugh. It's like the breeder bonus all over again. I agree - if they HAVE to give money away to people shitting out a flesh turd, at least (like you said) put it into vouchers or coupons or ANYTHING that can't be used to buy grog, smokes, or drugs. It won't happen... Not for a while.

They'll cry poor once the money is gone without having to account for how it was spent. Some smaller towns are bracing for a wave of drunken violence and other crime as bogan parents stock up on VB, Bundy Cola and Jack Daniels (oh, and Peter Jackson Super 30s, can't forget those).

Haha, so true about the Peter Jacksons. I worked at Woolworths for almost 7 years and that's all I saw the bogans buy.
Re: What the shit is this?
December 07, 2008
What are Peter Jackson Super 30s? Is that connected to the man who directed Lord of the Rings, Brain Dead, Bad Taste, etc.?
Re: What the shit is this?
December 07, 2008
So, if the Duggars lived in Australia they would get a SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLAR check? JEEEEEEZ. The US does the same damned thing only they call it "earned income tax credit", which is basically handing over more cash to breeders than most of them actually "earn" just because they have kyds. You can bet your ass that less than 5% of that money will go directly to any kyd, but rather to what the PARENTS want. I don't understand how our world got so upside down like The Planet of the Apes, when it SHOULD be that people are penalized and have to work harder when they sprog, instead of the other way around. I avoid going into town at all the week those "refund" checks come out around here, which is at the same time because they ALL go to the same place and pay extra for a "rapid refund".

There is standing room only at walmart, worse than the first of the month, ALL of the pay by the week places' parking lots are filled to capacity, and there is an hour long wait at area restaurants.You can spot them a MILE away too, even if they don't have their strollers and pac n plays in tow. They have that undeniable look that can't be covered up, much like a homeless person who is "cleaned up" for a one time court appearance. A sudden windfall of cash can't automatically hide bad taste, missing teeth, shitty hair dye jobs, scruffy beards, poor grammar, prison tattoos, and beer guts. I have never understood why the women head STRAIGHT for nail salons, Gold exchanges, and tanning beds, as it's like dressing up a circus monkey. Their BEST investment would be a trip to the dentist, a diet/nutrition center, a store that could clothe their bulging bellies in something other than too tight knit and spandex and to a hair stylist who had the experience to change their blond hair and black roots back to a believable color.
Re: What the shit is this?
December 07, 2008
> What are Peter Jackson Super 30s? Is that connected to the man who directed Lord of the Rings, Brain Dead, Bad Taste, etc.?

They are a brand of cigarettes that bogans seem to prefer. No connection at all to the Peter Jackson who made Lord of the Rings.
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