Anonymous User
boyfriends 'son of satan' angela
August 04, 2005
While I can understand your feelings, please be advised you will NOT win in this relationship. You said the guy is waaay older, so I would suspect motivation on his part here.. (this old dude has a hot young babe? I wouldn't be sure but beware when some waay older guy is interested in a waaay younger woman.. there is something else here).

Second: he may very well be dealing with some guilt feelings over the break up and it's impact on the sprog (yes, he most likely IS rotten.. and may very well be acting out over the whole mess.. this is what kept me child free.. also kept me from looking at guys who had kids who were not grown and out of house...even that is not completely safe as there are the inevitable grand brats).


This guy may be the nicest individual on the face of the planet. Don't put your own ego into this and ruin your own life.. This sprog is well on the way to doing that already.. PLEASE don't join him. Right now I think you are too emotionally invested .. get away and get some breathing space... So the little pisser thinks he's won. He only won the battle.. the child will ultimately lose the war as he grows into an angry young adult... who will probably visit the same sins down to the next 4 generations.. Don't be on the list... please.

two cents ¢¢
yes, you won't win so really, give up now.

on a side note, it kills me how much time parunts put into their kids now a days. When I was 13 and my friends too, we didnt hang out w/ our parunts all weekend, gosh, my parunts had plenty of time to themselves.

Even a Pnb male friend of mine was complaining about being on outta town business that we both have to do. He was like, it is my oldest daughter's 18th b-day, that's a landmark b-day, I'm going to be taking her out to dinner, i'm gonna try and reschedule the trip.

I kept my CF mouth shut, but when I was 18, i wanted to hang out w/ my friends on my special bday, not my dad. of course, we probably had a little cake and singing some part of the day or week of the bday, but my highlight wasn't hanging out w/ pops. Since many if not all my friends were the same way, i would say this is pretty normal.

what is it w/ this generation of kyds and parunts???? I really don't think they are really more "familly oriented", than those of the past, she more showy about it.

HOw about you guys, as teens, did you hang out w/ your parunts, or your friends more?
I spent more time with friends and my animals waaay more than my parents.
I think there's more of a big production about sprogs' birthdays, when parents have parties for kids who are only one or even two...And usually these parties are grand affairs. I don't get it.
My mom would bake the kind of cake I wanted and I would have ice cream and get one present. I usually would get a card from my grandma, too. That was it. I think that maybe the parents want some reinforcement that having this kid was worth it. Then parents take their kids to DisneyWorld and other places at ages when they are too young to even have a memory of it. Let the brat stay with their fucking grandparents and have an adult vacation for Christ's sake. But no, they would rather focus on the kid almost exclusively because it's easy; the kid depends on them for everything. It becomes too hard then to try to relate to their spouse.
I really appreciate that I have found people here who are like me, but let's face it, it's a breeders' world out there.
Anonymous User
Re: boyfriends 'son of satan' angela
August 04, 2005
You ever hear some of the fusses these moos make when someone does not want to attend their darlings 1 year birthday??
sheesh, get a life besides breeding..

two cents ¢¢
I remember reading about someone who was invited to a one-year gift grab/birthday.
First, there was an entrance fee to get in this park then they were supposed to pay for parking! Such a fucking production!
Angela, I've dated 3 guys with kids, and the last one I married. Luckily I get along really well with my stepdaughter, but still...the kids really DO always come first. I am also very lucky that SD and her mom live so close to us, so we just hang out with her when we want to and then take her home. It doesn't interfere TOO much with our schedule.

With my last 2 boyfriends, they always had the damn kids every weekend or every other weekend, which SUCKS for people like you and me who work 9-5 weekdays. I can't tell you how many times I'd try to make plans (Let's go to this party, let's go to the beach for the weekend) only to be told, "I'll have the kids that weekend,", "I MIGHT have the kids and I don't want to bother X by asking her to take them", "I might have to drive Sproglina to something that day," or "Can we bring Sproglina? I bet she'd love that!" It sucked.

Naturally, you want to be with your boyfriend on weekends and have some ALONE time or go places, but if he has the kid EVERY weekend, what are you getting out of this relationship?

He can't or won't make time for you, and has made it clear that you're not a priority for him. If you move in with him or marry him thinking "Oh, now we'll have more time together," it will never happen. Sorry! I've been there and I know.
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