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Divorce Drama For Our Friend

Posted by KidFreeLuvnLife 
Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
Take a peek over at antigonelost blog. Today's post is all about her divorce drama and illustrates just how money-grubbing, "its all about me" CUNTS a lot of these women are. Her soon-to-be ex should have somebody "take care" of that bitch. But listen to her blog and she's such a victim. Poor widdle me.

Another example of somebody who probably went into the marriage with next to nothing, married somebody who earned a lot of money, and now she's taking him to the cleaners. She talks of going to law school full time and somehow I see the soon-to-be ex footing the bill for all of that.

Her excuse? "for the kid" She calls it "justice" Yea, my ass, too. Its revenge. Pure and simple. Your rich husband doesn't want you anymore, you're a reproductive cripple, and now you're forced into raising the baby of a man who doesn't want YOU or the kid, you're angry so he's gonna pay. So typical. I swear there is template out there for this shit that these bitches use. I can't wait to see the life lessons this kid is taught.
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
You're absolutely right, KFLL. Ok, so the husband does seem to be a complete ass who isn't above throwing or breaking things when he has a tantrum. And it sounds to me, from this entry and earlier ones, that he's just as immature as she is.

And her excuse of 'justice'? What a crock. No matter what a bastard her former husband is, he doesn't 'owe' her or her sprog his Star Wars toys.
According to her twisted mommy-logic, those toys should 'rightfully' passed from father to son. I don't think so. You know, if she really wanted to end this divorce as quickly and easily as possible, she'd realize that those toys belonged to him and just let it go. You can buy your brat some new toys, for fuck's sake. Does she think an infant gives a damn that those toys were given to him from his father and that they were collectibles made in the 70s? Hell no. She just wants them so she can 'hurt' the husband in some corny attempt to get him back for how he hurt her. So she threatens him with a court appearance because she wants his toys.
It's clear both of these people are a couple of bratty children themselves.

This "I will make that evil bastard pay!" crap is tiresome. If I was in her shoes, I'd just want a clean break and get rid of this idiot as soon as possible instead of dragging it out just so I could get my hands on his TOYS. Jeezus Kee-rist.
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
Jeezus Kee-rist indeed. Fighting your soon-to-be ex over some fucking TOYS?? WTF??!! I say revenge is what is going on here. And yeah, her blog reveals what a self-centered bitch she really is. Just think, the court system clogged up with bullshit like this.eye rolling smiley
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
RatsNotBrats Wrote:
> According to her twisted mommy-logic, those toys
> should 'rightfully' passed from father to son. I
> don't think so. You know, if she really wanted to
> end this divorce as quickly and easily as
> possible, she'd realize that those toys belonged
> to him and just let it go. You can buy your brat
> some new toys, for fuck's sake. Does she think
> an infant gives a damn that those toys were given
> to him from his father and that they were
> collectibles made in the 70s?

They aren't toys, they're an investment in his future. You know, like an estate, or a stock portfolio.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
The whole thing wreaks of immaturity and prepubescent drama.

She just wanted to hurt the soon-to-be ex by taking something dear from his childhood to give to the child he doesn't want. Very mature.

Why would she want her son to have something from the father who he will probably never know and who didn't want to be part of his life? "Oh yes, junior, these action figures are from the father who never wanted you." Family tradition probably means nothing to her. This is all about revenge.

Again. Very mature.

My guess is, she'll sell them on Ebay. Cunt.

And as far as this guy being a jerk, my money's on the fact that a lot of it is made up for several reasons. 1. to make everybody feel sorry for her when, in reality, they should be asking her WHY she wanted a kid so badly with this "jerk" and 2. to make herself feel better about being dumped. I think she pushed this guy to the edge and he just couldn't take anymore OR she just really turned him off due to her lack of reproductive "skills," not cooking, cleaning, or any of the other stuff chicks do. He probably realized he could do better.
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
Poofy's Free Non-Professional Advice & Editorial:

"The Asshole is IN"

It's obvious to me that she is relishing this divorce process because she wants to be an attorney herself. It's part of the personality profile. When OBJECTS are this important, there are other issues that are fundamentally incapable of being resolved (in this case, she wants to turn back the clock and undo events in order to be able to live happily-ever-after with this man) for which material things serve as a surrogate.

That's about all I can come up with on such short notice.

--end transmission--

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
Operatic drama about....erm, a bunch of PLASTIC STAR WARS FIGURES?!?

Someone needs to get a GRIP!

Who names their dog "Sothis"? Give it a normal dog name already, pretentious twit.
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
If you read her blog for two minutes, you notice that she is obsessed with Star Wars and Greek things.

Her kid is gonna get teased mercilessly about being named "Perseus". what will it be for short, "Percy"? Unless these are all just pseudonyms. I doubt "Antigone" is her real name.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
Having prior divorce experience came in handy for me this last time as I was able to draw on my past. I have noticed over the years that stereotypically speaking, the spouse who does NOT want the divorce will attempt to hold onto, hide, steal, or otherwise withhold something tangible which belongs to the other spouse. I like to refer to it as "taking it hostage". When they don't have a child to use, or if they DO have a child but the other spouse doesn't give a shit if they ever see it so it loses it's "bargaining" or revenge power, they will turn to a personal item (s). For me, (the first time) it was a piano that had been passed down to me from my g-grandmother and it held a great deal of sentimental value, although it wasn't worth very much I wouldn't imagine.

The bastard absolutely would NOT let me have access to it unless I came and "talked things over with him....". Long story short, after some heated exchanges, threats, and a HUGE big deal made about it over a period of weeks, I realized that it was only a material object and if my g-grandmother had realized it would have caused me this much pain then she would have never given it to me. So, I "released" that piano in my mind and immediately ceased communication with him. When he finally located me, he asked me about that piano, or I should say was trying to upset me about it. It was then that I told him that I just didn't care about it anymore. As I watched his smugness transform into anger, sat there and listened to him call me every name he could think of and say how I must not have loved my grandmother, etc....on and on and on, I realized it had been a power play all along, and he was only using it so he could continue to badger me into "coming home".

THIS time it was some antique china and crystal. He was going to "smash it to bits" if I didn't come RIGHT over and talk to him, "aka" listen to him wail and cry. Yeah, rriiiigghhhhhtttttttt. I nipped that one in the bud and told him that he could have it. Ironically, in both cases, I was able to get my "things" later on as they were just abandoned in the marital dwelling after it was vacated. Divorcing spouses can be such BIG asshole bullies, but NOTHING, no Star Wars toys, no pictures, and NO KYD is worth going through all of that. I swear that I believe that if MORE women would just hand over the kyds when the husband starts his oh so typical and predictable threat of, "You will never see them again", or "I will get FULL custody because YOU are unfit..", etc......There would be a LOT less custody issues. Divorcing spouses need to stop and think WHY the other spouse would want the toy, or collectible, or even the kyd and 99% of the time, they don't even want it, they just don't want YOU to have it/them.
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
...waste of skin....
Anonymous User
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
The latest entry on her Blog has her canceling her LSAT score. Basically she quit the process of getting into law school. DUMB move. Even if she screwed up the exam, she could've retaken it. Any re-take will be after she loafs, so I guaran-dam-tee you that she's thru trying to get into law school.

Not that someone like this would be able to handle the rigor of First Year at law school, which is intended to weed out weak students. (I know, I'm a third year law student)

So she's not going to law school as of the last entry. Good. She would've been a royal pain in the ass to her classmates anyhow.

The star wars toys aren't marital property--she has no claim to them.

Good riddance.
Anonymous User
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
Unless those toys are in *mint* condition and in their original boxes, even the supposedly valuable Darth Vader figure case he mentioned might go for $25, tops, on eBay. Whatever "future value" this woman is banking on as her excuse to guilt-trip her husband is practically nonexistent. (We sell action figures etc. on eBay... used, played-with figs, even from the 70s, really are not worth more than a few bucks, depending on condition.)

An incredibly stupid thing to quibble over. KidlessKim nailed this one too, it's just "Antigone's" way of "hanging on" to the guy because HE'S the one who wants out.
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Another example of somebody who probably went into
> the marriage with next to nothing, married
> somebody who earned a lot of money, and now she's
> taking him to the cleaners. She talks of going to
> law school full time and somehow I see the
> soon-to-be ex footing the bill for all of that.

Let's see - the woman live in poverty and marry a rich man full of luxury and divorce with the kid with cash.

This ex-hubby soon-to be is nothing but an eternal WALLET.
Plain and simple - WALLET and the waste of women breed out of his expense while she did shit for anything.

WALLET, WALLET, WALLET and nothing but a f-ing WALLET.
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
Someone on this board mentioned that A said he is a doctor, but I read through the blog and I don't think that is necessarily correct. She does refer to him as "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde", and from there as "The Doctor" or somesuch similar pseudonym, but I don't seem to have a clue what the man actually does for a living.
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 11, 2008
Kim is spot-on, as always, with insight, humor, and very readable posts.

Other comments made also make me stop and think about things from a little different angle than I'd previously considered.

Just one of the many things that makes this place so much fun to visit.
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 12, 2008
No, she never actually mentions what the sperm donor did for a living. Regarding that 'abusive situation' with him, though - two things:

1.) I certainly don't condone abuse in any way, but I get the impression that the guy had just had ENOUGH of this woman and her constant, nagging quest to become a mommy. I think what happened here is it finally threw him over the edge, and on that point, I cannot blame him. I mentioned this in another antigone thread, but she even had a blog a while back that talked about how the two of them went to a coffee shop and she saw another woman with a baby. She cooed to her husband, "I want one of themmmmm". This overwhelming NEED for a baby on her part was a major factor in their lives every second of the day. And take a look at her track record...she miscarried twice and delivered a dead baby the third time. It's obvious she spent a shitload of their money on funding this little quest, and wasn't planning on giving it up until she got what she wanted, husband and dead babies be damned. HIS feelings obviously weren't considered in the least, and I think after three failures, he'd just had enough of her. He surely realized he was not a high priority in her life.

2) If he was so abusive, why did she continue to try and have a kid with him? She makes it sound like he was always kind of a 'switch', and would go from kind to vicious in the blink of an eye. There's no way I will be convinced that this just all of a sudden happened the second she got pregnant with kid #4, the 'Perseus' kid. Most of the time a person prone to abusive tendencies will give some kind of a sign - their words, their temper, their actions - and it's not a sudden thing that just happens overnight. But as immature and nasty as the guy is, she continued to get knocked up. More proof that it doesn't matter to these women WHO fathers their kid as long as they can play martyr and get whatever attention they can. Really, who cares who provides the sperm as long as it leads to the birth of the almighty infant, right?

At the first sign of anything even resembling abuse, I would have thrown this guy out on his ass. I sure as hell wouldn't let him knock me up.
Anonymous User
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 13, 2008
If I were the Duh, I'd post a video of putting the Star Wars toys in a garbage can, dropping a quart of kerosene in it, and lighting a fucking match, and then send her the link.
Anonymous User
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 13, 2008
Also--re Names: Since "Antigone" is arguably a Nom de Plume, does anyone else think that "Perseus" is also a pseudonym?
Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 13, 2008
It is certainly possible. Either case is plausible. My theory is the following:

Her #3 was called "Henry". I bet the (ex)husband was not into weird names, so they picked a normal one. Now that he's out of the picture, A is free to immerse herself in the Greek motif. Yes, I do believe A is a pseudonym, and so very well could P be, but I have this funny feeling that she gave him a Greek-myth derived name anyway.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Divorce Drama For Our Friend
December 13, 2008
I read it. It sounds to me like she's being fundamentally dishonest with herself. (Of course, being dishonest with yourself and ill-advised breeding go together like chips 'n dip, but I digress.)

Here's my take on it: Her ex husband sounds like a total prick. If you can believe what she wrote, he hit her, was verbally abusive and gave her clothes to Goodwill. He wants to give away the pets she left there.

Any healthy, sane person would be justifiably ANGRY at being treated like that. Six months later, a healthy person would not be saying that some parts of him were good. Six months later, a healthy person wouldn't be dancing in front of him and trying to get some stupid action figures out of him to SHAME him over his impending parenthood. A healthy person wouldn't want anything to do with him and would just be damned glad he was out of her life*.

A healthy person would be saying, God I hate that asshole, but what can I do to make sure that I never end up with someone like that again? What were the signs that I chose to ignore? Dollars to donuts her parents treated her like crap and it felt familiar. I know what I am talking about. I was married to my own abusive asshole. I got rid of him, but the bigger problem was that deep down I didn't believe I deserved better. The bigger problem took more time to solve. If you don't solve the bigger problem, you'll end up back at square one.

Granted, she's not that far out of the relationship and she has pregnasty hormones coursing through her body. But she seriously needs counseling and she needs to stay away from men for a while.

*And because this is a CF page I'll have to add: We all know an ultimately HEALTHY, SANE life follows this truism: DO NOT BREED WITH AN ABUSIVE ASSHOLE. I mean, really. Even if she gets her life together, there is a concept called FAAAATHERS RIGHTS. This dude has money. If he does a 180 and suddenly decides he wants to be Father of the Year, he can jerk her back to court in a New York Minute. She is tied to this dude for life.

A smart, sane woman, even one who wanted children, would have said: Somehow I ended up with an abusive nutjob. This guy would make a terrible father and he'll use the kid to abuse me. No matter how much I wanna baybee, my life and his/hers will be Hell. And she would have flushed that clump of cells and never looked back. There are a few smart women that realize that sperm from any old loser is INFINITELY WORSE than no sperm at all. At least I hope they exist.

Admittedly, I have a HUGE chip on my shoulder about women who deliberately choose to bring children in the world without a father. My own father died of natural causes at a young age. He loved me and my siblings dearly and didn't want to go. Even knowing that he loved me, growing up without a father was hard. Shame on these bitches who choose to put a kid through that.
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