Introducing myself and a question/observation
December 12, 2008
Hi all,

I found this forum about a month ago and have enjoyed reading it ever since. I felt such relief finding people who feel the way I do. I knew by age 9 I never wanted a child and well, you know how most people look down on that. My friend of 12 years, who appeared to hear me all along when I stated I didn't want children, asked me at our last lunch if I was going to have kids. Whatever. Makes me wonder if anyone hears me.

Anyway, I have a question/observation for all of you. Have you ever noticed that many times when you read a comment or letter written by a kid, they feel the need to announce their age? What is up with that? I was watching some Jon and Kate Plus Eight clips on YouTube last night and there are all these kids professing their love for the show and stating, "I'm X number of years and love the show." Seriously, who cares?

Whew...small rant over. Thanks for providing me with plenty of entertainment this last month!
Re: Introducing myself and a question/observation
December 12, 2008
I hate that too and I also hate it when they say, "..the 36 y/o mother of three said......", or "As a parent of a four y/o and 7 y/o, I think....", or "As the mother of a newborn, I believe....", or "As a parent, I think......", or "As a father of 3 teenagers, I know that....".or, "He was the father of 5 boys, 7 grandsons and 3 grand daughters, and his and oldest grand daughter is expecting his first great grandchild. So his death brings a special sadness because his great grandchild will never know him." forth and so on. I ESPECIALLY hate it when they say, "698 people were killed in the blast today, including 4 y/o Bryanna Smith from New Port and 18 month old toddler Chrystian Bartozsowitx from Nantucket."
Anonymous User
Re: Introducing myself and a question/observation
December 13, 2008
As if by saying a kid was killed or a grandmother or whatever, it's supposed to make things even more tragic. I just roll my eyes, when I hear a newscaster say "A grandfather of four was killed today.." or something like that.
Re: Introducing myself and a question/observation
December 13, 2008
Re: Introducing myself and a question/observation
December 13, 2008
Hi and Welcome!

Your point is exactly the same one that broke my spirit and ultimately caused me to seek out other CFers. On the news: "...The victim was a father of two and a factory worker..." "...Four people, including a CHILD, were killed in a collision on the motorway this afternoon..." I thought I was the only one thinking "what brand of crap is this?". Then, connecting the dots, it's more than news stories, employment status, and taxation and benefits that denegrate the childfree.

Chat with us and enjoy!

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Introducing myself and a question/observation
December 14, 2008
Welcome, cherryice!


"Cherry ice cream smile, I suppose it's very nice." grinning smiley
Cherryice, I'll say the same thing to you I have said to other newbies (including CFcruiser) in this forum.

You will find a wide range of posters here, and we have come here with different approaches and priorities. Some of us, like myself, are more interested in political, economic, and workplace (not me any more becasue I retired recently) issues. Others are interested in parental issues. It seems that most of the posters here are female (I am male), while some are married and others are not. Either way, it is a good mix.

One thing I will say for this board is that the writing skills of the posters here are very good, something I find refreshing. We all have a good grasp of the English language and it makes for smooth reading.

Feel free to comment on what you like, or just to vent. Even if there are disagreements among us, it has always been civil and does not descend into the gutter like I have seen on other message boards.

Good to have some new blood here in the forum lately.
Re: Introducing myself and a question/observation
December 14, 2008
LOL Medusa. Now I need to go dig out my "Rio" album and listen to it. smiling smiley

And welcome Cherryice! Yay for new members and more CFers.
Re: Introducing myself and a question/observation
December 14, 2008
Thanks for the welcome, everyone. It does seem that people are defined by whether or not they have children. I'm not totally against them - I can appreciate a nice, well-mannered child, but nowadays those are very few and far between. All of this soft soap parenting has done it, IMO.

But as for me, no way would I want to raise a child. This world is overpopulated as it is. Just my dog is enough, thanks.
Re: Introducing myself and a question/observation
December 15, 2008
Welcome! It's nice to meet you.
Re: Introducing myself and a question/observation
December 15, 2008
Jon & Kate Plus 8 is the worst show in the universe. Pair of ugly, stupid breeders.

Second, the reason they make sure to post their age is so everyone can see what a good choice breeding really is, after all, young kids approve of it, right? BLEAH
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