Why Our Kids Need Help
December 16, 2008

Here is an idea... Stop breeding!!!!!!!!!!!

NY wants to tax soda, SC wants to tax how much you drive, and other states want to tax your carbon footprint. But nobody wants to tax breeders for breeding us into oblivion.

T wo
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I ncome
N o
K ids
E arly
R etirement
Re: Why Our Kids Need Help
December 16, 2008
It's so simple for us, yet so complex for them:

FUCKING is how baybees get into moommy's tummy.

I think kydz should watch their breeders fuck the second they are old enough to ask this question.

Either that, or they can watch a porno flick. Either one will get the message across.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: Why Our Kids Need Help
December 16, 2008
"A black boy born in 2001 has a one in three chance of going to prison in his lifetime, and a Latino boy has a one in six chance of the same fate. For a white boy or a black girl it is a one in 17 chance."

The author conveniently leaves out the fact that their are more whites than blacks or hispanics or any other race. So what is she trying to say? What this says to me, is that they [blacks] get in more trouble. Period. Stats don't lie. So now, WE have to foot the bill because statistically speaking, other races improperly raise their kids more than 'whites'? They get the same fucking shitty public education that I got and every other kid today gets. I chose a different path and so did others, whether they were black, white, or hispanic. End of story. I didn't grow up in a ritzy area or get any kind of special privileges regarding education. I went to school with all sorts of different races. GMAFB.

..."and stopping the criminalization of children at increasingly younger ages."

Just wait until you're robbed at an ATM machine by a 15 year old. You'll change your tune. All that pirate-ism going on in the gulf of Aden are being carried out by NINE YEAR OLDS and teenagers. Get a grip on the real world lady. I CHOSE not to have kids because I DIDN'T want to deal with them. Others' choices are not my responsibility. Hate if for ya.
Re: Why Our Kids Need Help
December 16, 2008
""A black boy born in 2001 has a one in three chance of going to prison in his lifetime, and a Latino boy has a one in six chance of the same fate. For a white boy or a black girl it is a one in 17 chance."

Says who? What study, funded by what organization(s), and done how? Were these numbers pre-adjusted for the fact that there are a lot more white people in the first place? Or is this the old numbers-out-of-air trick tailored to whitewash (haha) any hint that it isn't racism but that minorities won't $#%&ing behave themselves?*

I also love this little gem -

"Protecting children is a parental responsibility, but it also is our collective responsibility as no parent raises a child alone."

No, they raise them with the help of generous tax breaks, perks on the job, sleazy lawyers and free public benefits of all sorts because Won't Somebody Think About the Children?

You see, Mz.Edelman, once upon a time parents bore all the costs of raising their offspring. In the days before taxpayer-funded 'Publik Skools' parents had to buy most school supplies with their own money. The burden rested on a child's parents to make sure their children could attend school. This system also provided an incentive to make darn sure they weren't goofing off, because that was your hard-earned cash Bratford was blowing. Welfare consisted mostly of local groups with Grade-A bulls**t detectors who could send you away empty-handed without fear of being sued for 'discrimination'. And no such thing as Stork Parking, time off at work for being preggers, or any of a hundred other things.

That system worked just fine for a long, long time. People who wanted to have kids still did and the rest of us didn't have to fund their existence. What say we try it again?

*Mildly OT: My family's church recently began allowing a Sudanese group the use of their facilities. Long story short they won't remember the simplest rules, won't behave themselves and the elder board is too chicken to MAKE them.
Re: Why Our Kids Need Help
December 16, 2008
"The recent experience with Nebraska's safe-haven law gives us a glimpse into the enormous challenges children, youths and their families are facing today all across our country."
(confused smiley Uh no, it gives a CLEAR AND FULL picture (not a "glimpse") that when given half a chance and without consequences, parents will dump off their kyds on anyone who will take them. I have known this for years as I have witnessed it and have been the dumpEE)

"Nebraska's law allowed parents or guardians to hand over children of any age to state custody without prosecution. "
(shrug True, and they would have continued to do so, IF the law hadn't been revised. Now though, they will likely just find more creative ways than locking them in hot cars, or something)

"Although it may have been passed with good intentions, it resulted in 35 children, mostly teenagers, being dropped off at Nebraska health centers or other safe places in the last few months alone."
(confused smiley My only surprise was that there were so few kyds dumped off)

Five of the children came from other states. Last month, Nebraska changed the law to exclude children older than 30 days.
(eye rolling smiley Further proving this is a nationwide, if not global thing, that parents would do if it were available)

"The response dramatically illustrates how many families struggle unsuccessfully to get help and support for their children. It should serve as a call to action to create a movement in our communities to protect our nation's vulnerable children and overwhelmed families, especially those trying to cope with mental health problems."
(angry smiley No, it illustrates that people don't want their kyds. It was never mentioned that these kyd dumpers couldn't get any help, they were basically just sick of poorly behaved, shitholes, and retard kyds that they shouldn't have had in the first place)

"Parents and other caregivers of children with special needs, like many of those in Nebraska, often feel very much alone. Even when help exists, they may not know how to find it and to get through bureaucracies that can defeat the most determined parents."
(confused smiley How could they NOT know about help for their retard kyds? If they are getting a check, which most of them are, then they KNOW about the "help", because if a doc says their kid is ADHD/awtistic spectrum, that means more money. Oh yeah, they know.)

"Protecting children is a parental responsibility, but it also is our collective responsibility as no parent raises a child alone. All parents need support from extended family, friends, colleagues and their congregations, and communities. Some parents need professional support to get the treatment their children require."
(angry flipping off The first sentence is the only accurate one. I did NOT ask to be part of the "village" who is held responsible for raising, feeding, or paying for their ugly, tard, self replicants)

"Each of us can reach out to relatives and neighbors struggling to care for children -- even when familial tension makes that uncomfortable."
(angry smiley BULL SHIT. Why in hell would I help out a bitch and a whore of a cousin, just because she was "famblee" and had a chyyyllllddd? I don't think so. The only help I have is advice; STOP FUCKIN'.)

"When the needs of children go unmet, risks -- like poverty, inadequate health care, lack of quality education and abuse and neglect -- accumulate. Research shows that children facing multiple risks are much more likely than other children to end up in the criminal justice system."
(Thank you MANDATORY STERILIZATION. That alone would cut out a lot of this nonsense.)

"For children struggling to grow up at the dangerous intersection of poverty and race, the problem has reached crisis proportions. Each year, tens of thousands of children are sucked into this pipeline from birth and never escape."
(eye rolling smiley AGAIN:MANDATORY STERILIZATION. No need for kyds to go through this, PREVENT them in the first place, abort the retards, and let the fucked up preemies die in peace)

"A black boy born in 2001 has a one in three chance of going to prison in his lifetime, and a Latino boy has a one in six chance of the same fate. For a white boy or a black girl it is a one in 17 chance."
(confused smiley Maybe they should stop fuckin' when they realize their kyd will likely go straight from play pen bars to jail bars. WHY do they keep shitting out baybees if they KNOW the little bastard will wind up in prison?)

"We must replace the pipeline to prison with a pipeline to success for all of our children. This will require a major paradigm shift in America -- away from punishment and rehabilitation after a child's problems have become severe -- to prevention and early intervention."
(smiling smiley I agree, "early intervention" is the answer. INTERVENE before it's too late to do the vacuum abortion. The ONLY pipeline I can see in their bean's future is the hose line between their twat and the suction machine)

"The Children's Defense Fund has sounded an alarm through our "Cradle to Prison Pipeline" Campaign about the pipeline to prison in America and how we must act immediately to dismantle it."
(eye rolling smiley Again, either STOP FUCKIN', prevent it or abort it if they KNOW it's going from the cradle to a jail cell. Yes, IMMEDIATELY get on the pill, IMMEDIATLY "dismantle" the welfare program and rip these whore's little money makers out by the roots)

"As a first step, we must demand that as health reform moves forward in the Congress in 2009, it includes quality health coverage for all -- not one-third or one-half -- of the 9 million uninsured children -- a number that will grow during an economic downturn."
(angry flipping off FUCK the kyds. What about affordable health care for EVERYONE)

"Real child health reform must ensure that every child and pregnant woman can receive all of the medical services they need and that they do not have to overcome barriers to get covered and stay covered."
(confused smiley UMMM, why do I have to be knocked up or under 18 to get the medical care that I might need?)

"In this rich nation, it is immoral for any parent to feel they have no choice but to relinquish custody of their child to the state as a last resort to get mental health care for their child when they cannot find or afford treatment."
(eye rolling smiley They should have thought about what they couldn't afford BEFORE they had the kyd. Besides, they CAN get free health care for their brat. Is this just for those too stupid to know how to walk down to the food stamp office and ask? sheesh, I guess they want a representative from the welfare office to pick them up and take them to the office to sign up for their free and guaranteed kiddie health card)

"Parents should not face the trauma of adjudging themselves neglectful or abusive to get mental health care for their children or have to suffer public humiliation from teachers when the parents are desperate to get care for their uncontrollable mentally ill children."
(angry smiley That right there is just untrue and made up bullshit, that simply does not happen in this day and time)

"A study by the Special Investigations Division of the U.S. House of Representatives Government Reform Committee reported in 2003 that there were more than 15,000 children in costly juvenile detention facilities solely because of the unavailability of community mental health services. "
(eye rolling smiley More bullshit. They CAN get free mental health care. I also doubt that's why they are in kiddie jail too. They committed a crime, probably while they were in training for becoming an adult criminal.)

"We are already seeing evidence of the devastating impact of the current downturn on families. Demand for foods stamps is surging, and the number of people on unemployment benefits is at a historic high."
(yawning smiley As long as they can get freebies, they will continue to sprog. It is no surprise that any of that is on the rise.)

"Child poverty and extreme child poverty -- defined as children who live in families with incomes below half of the federal poverty level -- rose last year, and we expect to see them increase dramatically again."
(AGAIN, no surprise here.)

"More children will be uninsured, since many parents will be unable to pay for health insurance or will lose family coverage when they lose their jobs. Since stresses on families increase as the downturn worsens, we must make children a priority during these difficult economic times."
(confused smiley OMG!! They might have to "pay" for famblee insurance? Tough shit. I have ALWAYS paid for my insurance for exactly 26 years. So FUCK them. If they lose their insurance the state will give them a free card. They don't know the MEANING of actually having to pay their own way.)

"The wisest investment our nation can make is in our children. We must not permit the economic crisis to increase the number of children who will be less educated, less healthy and less able to move up the economic ladder."
(angry flipping off NO, THE wisest investment we can make as a nation is having tax paid MANDATORY sterilization, NO neonatal units for extreme preemies, and MANDATORY abortions for retards who have no hope but to be lumps of clay and a burden to all)

"Providing a safe haven for all our children requires: working to create an economy that works for everyone -- with jobs at decent wages and tax help for working middle class and poor people; providing high quality early childhood development programs for all children; making sure every child can read at grade level by fourth grade and guarantee quality education through high school graduation and college
protecting children from abuse and neglect; and stopping the criminalization of children at increasingly younger ages.
( confused smiley There is ALREADY a social service in place for every single thing she mentions in this paragraph, paid in full by tax payers. What the hell else does she want? I am not giving ONE DIME MORE, not voluntarily anyway)
Re: Why Our Kids Need Help
December 16, 2008
CFTeen Wrote:

> *Mildly OT: My family's church recently began
> allowing a Sudanese group the use of their
> facilities. Long story short they won't remember
> the simplest rules, won't behave themselves and
> the elder board is too chicken to MAKE them.

churches are the biggest enablers of turdwerld bullshit there is. even the conservative churches are completely useless in this regard. also, a lot of the churches are responsible for bringing the terdlers over here to start with, "to save them from the horrors of the turd werld." wtf? the horror of the turd werld is the amount of breeding they do, end of story. FIX THAT FIRST ASSHOLES. oh buuutttttt noooo. we need to bring them here and then expect the western people in the church to adapt to whatever filthy habits they have, like shitty toilet paper thrown in the wastebasket instead of the toilet, or just the toilet not being used at all and the turd werlders leaving turds outside in the parking lot or in a potted plant.. don't think i am kidding about this, i've seen it.
Re: Why Our Kids Need Help
December 16, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> "Protecting children is a parental responsibility,
> but it also is our collective responsibility as no
> parent raises a child alone. All parents need
> support from extended family, friends, colleagues
> and their congregations, and communities. Some
> parents need professional support to get the
> treatment their children require."

> (angry flipping off The first sentence is the only accurate one.
> I did NOT ask to be part of the "village" who is
> held responsible for raising, feeding, or paying
> for their ugly, tard, self replicants)
> "Each of us can reach out to relatives and
> neighbors struggling to care for children -- even
> when familial tension makes that uncomfortable."

> (angry smiley BULL SHIT. Why in hell would I help out a
> bitch and a whore of a cousin, just because she
> was "famblee" and had a chyyyllllddd? I don't
> think so. The only help I have is advice; STOP

DAMN RIGHT! If I had no say in the conception of the fucking loaf, then I don't see why I should be responsible for it in any way.

There was some bitch on TV here last week who said something similar - like neighbors should always be ready and willing to help the moos, offering to baybeesit whenever needed, yadda yadda. EXCUSE ME?! I'll rot in Hell before I take care of the downstairs skank's nasty little bastards.
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