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No men allowed?

Posted by Rose Red 
No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
My husband noticed the absence of fathers in American media some months ago. Yesterday, at the dentist's I was reading "Redbook", a domestic-themed magazine aimed at women. One article in particular struck me: it concerned itself with the different housing scenarios causing people difficulty- can't sell house, can't afford mortgage, etc. They used about 4 case studies and NOT ONE had a father or husband in the situation. Not one. Where are the fathers going? Are women trying to have the appearance of doing it all or are men leaving?
CF Uter
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
I don't have the answers but it is getting worse in the media.

ClubMOM for savings

Disney Mom for travel

Mommies helper, for a way to carry bags on your stoller.

I sit there and always ask, what about the dads?

And, what do they think when they see all this crap?

Go on any site for professional women, and there's always a mommy section. that certainly is not on any site meant for men only. We're still in the stone age....
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
Even though single moo-ism is on the rise, I believe that most families still have a dad in the picture. Nobody is fighting to have the fathers represented more. The men certaintly aren't - and why would they? Let the wife do all the work (I doubt that many of them wanted kids in the first place, anyway). The women aren't fighting because they like the "martyr moo" label ("Look at me! I can do it all! My husband is like another kid! I can't trust him for anything!) I blame the moos for not putting more pressure on the dads to step up, and instead gladly laying down in the women's role that society has had for them since humans first started spawning. All they are doing is making it harder for those of us with a vagina and half a brain, because we are then seen as uppity bitches.
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
Rosie, this is a sad phenomenon that is becoming all too commonplace, and it gives me great concern for the future. My parents are still together, and my beloved father is a great man and was/is a good influence on my life. It makes me wonder what's going on these days...is it a change on the part of women? The whole, "I don't need no man" thing or perhaps women these days really do just want to 'have it all' and will have a kid with no intention of staying with the father (or they're too dim or too blind to realize the sperm donor has made it clear, whether by words or actions, that he isn't interested in being a father or would be a LOUSY one). Or maybe it's on the part of the men and some guys don't want to commit to the relationship or the responsibility....I'm thinking it's a bit of both.

It's becoming widely accepted to be a single parent....when I was younger, any time I found out about a single mother, I thought, "Aw, how sad for her" because I couldn't fathom a kid being without a father around. Nowadays, single moms are everywhere and no one bats an eyelash over it.

And even though I have no intention of ever becoming a parent, it still makes me sad. The state of the family is shifting for some reason, and all it's doing is creating more and more rude, uneducated, entitled little brats.
Anonymous User
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
Very involved and convoluted answer.
Women themselves, the current so-called feminist movement, media, and just plain old-fashioned bimbo stupidity have contributed to this. Coupled with what women themselves and the so called feminist movement have taught men what they can get away with (plus the fact ahta men think with their dicks for the most part) also factors in. The main goal of most boys is to get in some girls pants... which, nowadays, takes very little effort. Or, at the least, get a blow-job which our esteemed former prez billy boy clinton taught them was just fine. (Many of these kids reported that as a strong reason to engage in these blow-jobs.)
The feminist movement, at one point in time, could be explained by 'equal pay for equal work', and refusing to be identified as sex-objects. The movement has been co-opted by god knows what kind of female who, in the name of equality with male slutiness has sought equality with the lowest common denominator, namely promiscuity.
What has not been thought out is the impact on children, plus the general dismissal of their needs and an attitude of 'I don't give a damn about the children, they'll have to adjust to MY wants and MY needs.'
This will step on some toes also but shacking up is a commitment to non-commitance: someone has at the back of their minds one foot out the door. Which has led me to the conclusion that the real old-fashioned methods of courting, choosing a mate, etc were generally the best in regards to successful marriages, children, etc. We have witnessed girls and women left to their own devices and what do we see? We snark it here all the time: girls who dress like cheap, mascara laden street-walkers with equally skanky moos egging them own.
Men are being taught they are of no consequence: they are drugged into compliance as little boys (little boys, by nature, bounce off walls.) so they will not bother anyone, especially the teachers. They should be run around a track course once or twice and THEN commence the class. In a few hours, do it all over again. They are also being taught that they are of no use. Not will women give it up for absolutely nothing (hell, street-walkers are smarter, they get 20+ a pop-- these modern skanks will spread for whatever dick with balls walks by and for... nothing 'oh, he told me he wuuuuved me') Men do not have to love, honor, cherish a woman as they do not have to do much of anything to get in their pants.. so why aspire to anything better? We see what a success child support is from such males that these dumb little shits spread for.
Someone I have listened to once said that men will do only what women will let them get away with. Women (and men) do not choose well. When they do (or do not choose well) they do not treat kindly. I pick on women because they seem to be the vast majority of the stupids out there. They ignore red flags from the males, they ignore the warnings of family and friends, and they think that having children will improve the relationship or 'at least they'll have someone to looove' and their stupid choices results in children that react to the moos own stupidity and the duhs acting like little boys.
Over simplification, but sometimes the bare facts are the most accurate.
Women are their own worst enemies.
Anonymous User
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
That's a very good point Rose, but I can't say I ever remember it being any different. You would think that with things being so much more 'open' in today's society, that fathers would be in the light much more. But they aren't.

I think many of them ARE gone, and the ones who aren't just are not important enough to be included in the spotlight. Ever heard of that song by Toby Keith (heart pounds..) "I Wanna Talk About Me"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYrlzEUuBIM

If I were a man today, I swear I'd get my nuts cut, live alone and never marry. Women today are insufferably arrogant and greedy. My husband's friends FREAK OUT when he tells them I mow, weed eat, saw, fix fences, pay bills, invest, work, cook, shop, keep a clean and neat home, love to ride the Harley,...they just can't believe there are actually women out there who are real. Poor bastards, they're all laden with miserable wives and kids who hate them. My husband's the envy of the office...I'm really not trying to brag, but it's true. shrug
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
as a man.. theres no benefit anymore to being in a relationship, or married, men are jokes now.. theres knife blocks that says stabbing men is funny.

ask yourself this.. why bother?.. Is there any good reason for a relationship. explain to me WHY men should be with women.. when they get shafted in law, in life, in work.. and god help him if he has kids..

seriously, you are mostly intelligent people.. think about WHY men should? i really would love to hear your reasons..

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> My husband noticed the absence of fathers in
> American media some months ago. Yesterday, at the
> dentist's I was reading "Redbook", a
> domestic-themed magazine aimed at women. One
> article in particular struck me: it concerned
> itself with the different housing scenarios
> causing people difficulty- can't sell house, can't
> afford mortgage, etc. They used about 4 case
> studies and NOT ONE had a father or husband in the
> situation. Not one. Where are the fathers going?
> Are women trying to have the appearance of doing
> it all or are men leaving?

I'd say a little from column A and a little from column B.

Moos are the biggest martyrs in the universe, as far as I can tell. They'll lie, cheat and do anything to make themselves appear to be helpless, overworked, put upon wenches. If there is a father in the equation, he is too stupid or lazy to possibly be trusted to do even the simplest of tasks, so Poor Moo has to do it all by herself. Oh woe is her.

Or, there is no father. She had baby rabies and had to sprog with the first guy who had the strongest swimmers. Or she WAS in an actual loving relationship with a man who wasn't really all that into kids in the first place, and she oopsed him because "we're not a fambily" or "everyone else is getting attention" or whatever the excuse du jour is. Eventually, after years of bf'ing, cosleeping or gentle discipline, and ignoring him he probably had enough and left. He may have to leave his wallet at the door, but at least he'll get to have sex once in a while.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
twocents: excellent post. Can't say there's anything in it I disagree with Thank you

Merc: I agree with you too. If you read my post a couple above yours, you read that if I were a man today, I'd get my sack cut, live alone and never marry! I really cannot think of one good reason why men would want to marry today's woman. Of course, most of the women here are reasonable thinkers, don't want and don't have children, and are married to like-minded men. I honestly don't think women realize just how miserable your marriage will become when you have a kid. It's the very rare family today who has children and still has a happy marriage and a happy life.
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
I agree that women are their own worst enemies. Perhaps what we are seeing in society today is the direct result of the misguided search for happiness in fundamentally unhappy people looking outside themselves to find it.

The feminist movement started because women were unhappy with their choices. If birth control and equal employment opportunities were available, they claimed, everything would be so much better. Later, women became established in the workplace, birth control and abortions were available, so different inequities became the new focus, like family leave and women breaking the glass ceiling into upper management, because unhappiness was still ever-present. More time passes, the target shifts again, and the new issue becomes the inequities of the Mommy track, which then becomes women getting a college degree and opting out of a career altogether and being a stay-at-home mom, because they're still unhappy.

Single mothers having kids with multiple baby daddies is the direct result of women being unhappy with themselves and thinking a child will improve everything and make someone love them, whether it's the child's father for a short time, or the child itself. Ditto those sentiments for women in bad marriages thinking that a kid will magically fix their relationship problems.

Women convince themselves that being a soccer mom will make them happy, and when that doesn't work out as planned, being supermom is surely the ticket. Of course, dad gets pushed by the wayside in order for Mom to be the martyr, and while she got what she thought she wanted, she is still unhappy with her life. She's probably stuck in a loveless marriage or in divorce proceedings, with unmanageable entitlement minded kids, huge debt, and no marketable workplace skills.

For many people, I think that kids are just the latest accessory that "everyone" has, and the very thing that will make you happy. Given their poor track record on other choices, it is doubtful, but as we've all said in our own ways, there's no giving this one back.
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
Two cents, that was excellent. One sentence I found especially telling:

"Women (and men) do not choose well. When they do (or do not choose well) they do not treat kindly."

So simple, and yet so true! So many people's problems are the result of poor choices, and when they DO choose a good mate, they behave selfishly and treat them badly. We live in a very selfish time. "Do whatever you want, as long as it feels right to you, and it doesn't matter who you hurt along the way."

And the 'red flags' thing - you've got THAT right. It isn't that difficult to understand! If you're looking for a good relationship, both men and women will give off signs that they are or are NOT what you are looking for.
Guys and girls will give off hints, however subtle, about what kind of person they are. Most women, though, it seems, just act like idiots and drop trou for any guy that comes along, thinking, "Ohhhh but if I do this he'll like meee morrre." Give me a break.

str8, you're not the only one...and I'm sure the other people on the board can attest to that as well. I've noticed that guys in general think I'm more 'cool' than most women do. A lot of women my age give me the vibe of, "you're not one of us" when they find out I'm childfree.
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
but the problem is finding a reasonable thinker.. stories about "Childfree" oopsing men, but nothing guarentees anything now. not that it really did back in the day.. but its worse today. Not only those with partners of a like mind, thats no guarentee either..it may mitigate but it will never stop it.

so, i am a male as you know, and i cannot think of any reason.. can anyone think of a reason, any reason as to why men should be with any woman in a relationship?

so who is to blame? perpetual adolescant boys.. as some would say.. or women who want it all regardless. There is a danger that one day women will wake up to a world where men dont really care anymore. for anything or anyone..

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
"A lot of women my age give me the vibe of 'you're not one of us' when they find out I'm childfree." That is so true! I've often got that impression at church, and even though I'm nice to the sproggins, their mothers just don't know what to make of me. I teach violin, AND I don't have kids? WTF? As if you have to be a Mom in order to be a good teacher...or run for office, or pick out Christmas gifts, or keep house, etc.

I heard someone on a radio show say that so-and-so would be a good politician because "she's raised a family."moody smiley What the hell does that prove? And would something similar be said about a man?
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
mercurior Wrote:
> There is a danger that one day women
> will wake up to a world where men dont really care
> anymore. for anything or anyone..

Excellent feedback, everyone, thanks so much- I thought about you guys when it hit me yesterday.

Merc, you may well be right- there could be a future where men say they have had enough....
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
Merc, I've got to say, your query intrigues me....and I'm sitting here trying to think of an answer that doesn't sound like a cliche or a big round of platitudes.

Now, just to clarify, are you talking about childfree men? Or just men in general? I think it would be unwise for any of us to say that NO men ANYWHERE want kids at all...I don't think that's true. I'm sure there are plenty that do just like there are plenty that don't. I think you answered your own question, in a way...you said the big problem is finding a reasonable thinker. That's definitely true. I think that's a problem for both sexes, though.

As a woman, I think I offer a lot in a relationship...I'd hate for a man to think there was no reason at all to be with any woman at any time. I'm loving, intelligent, independent, and I'm good at both listening and communicating. I don't want men to reach a point where they think it's just not worth it at all to give any woman a chance, but you're predicting a future that may very well come to pass. sad smiley

Perpetual adolescent boys meeting the women who want it all, regardless....wow, that's exactly it, and that's why we've found ourselves in such a sorry state.

Your question has definitely got me thinking this over.
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
Men are viewed as sperm donors and bank rolls, other than that, they are veiwed to have no other use unless it is yard work or routine maintenance.
As long as men tolerate this treatment, it will only get worse.

My husband and I were in our thirties when we married. I married later in life, because I could not find what I thought a real man was, meaning strong, confident, and my equal. My husband did not marry because his experience with women was all about marry me, give me money and give me sperm. He said until he met me, he had decided to stay single because he did not want to be a ATM for both money and sperm, that he wanted an equal who had interests other than keeping up with the neighbors and breeding. He haad given up on women and decided that most were not worth his time or effort because they were sneaky, deceiving, and ruthless.
Men are absent because women want to be the do it all heroes, they just forget that the men keep it all going financially.

I hope to see men organize and stop this bad behaviour.
I would donate to their organization and help fight for the cause.

T wo
H ousehold
I ncome
N o
K ids
E arly
R etirement
CF Uter
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
>>>>>The feminist movement started because women were unhappy with their choices. If birth control and equal employment opportunities were available, they claimed, everything would be so much better. Later, women became established in the workplace, birth control and abortions were available, so different inequities became the new focus, like family leave and women breaking the glass ceiling into upper management, because unhappiness was still ever-present. More time passes, the target shifts again, and the new issue becomes the inequities of the Mommy track, which then becomes women getting a college degree and opting out of a career altogether and being a stay-at-home mom, because they're still unhappy.

I have wrote this here before but I swear this is where I hear an Archie Bunker type from years gone by say, "Equal Rights! Ha, these broads, they don't know what they want and can't make up their minds."
Anonymous User
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
Annie, I have pondered on your signature..
early retirement... unless govt confiscates everything everyone owns so they can give it to all those 'gimme' artists out there..

best of luck
Anonymous User
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
I am willing to bet these breeder moo-cows would embrace communism if they thought they could get more for their bastards.
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
That's a very interesting and very true observation, Rose Red. It seems as if men just want stay out of the limelight and be left alone by these treacherous whores.

And I agree with every world of yours, two cents. You explained the downward spiral of society quite nicely. Women do it to themselves constantly because they have been allowed. Their liberation has turned them into the ungrateful fucking shrews that they are.
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
it could be for childed and childfree rats. the cf are not without "sin", same result, different reason..

many men dont think about kids, its not our priority, we go along, and those like myself would have gone along and resented the children but would have hidden it. i know myself..

rats i did say in my signature "(Fallacy of Accident We often arrive at a generalization but don't or can't list all the exceptions. When we reason with the generalization as if it has no exceptions, we commit the fallacy of accident. This fallacy is sometimes called the fallacy of sweeping generalization" i know people dont read it.

ask any man who has been burned, or ask any woman who has been burned, the same question, they may unfairly judge everyone by that yardstick, but theres always a chance the next woman or man will be like that, Men have a tendency to judge to work out ratios, subconciously, as all those when male folk can see..

Is the risk worth it? a lot of men are saying no it isnt.. right or wrong they are still saying it. and more and more men are thinking the same.

annie there are mens movement groups, admittedly some radical some father based, but the mens movement is there.. (while i dont agree with everything blindly what they say a lot of it is of interested to you, and me and everyone else)

rose, well you can see it now, look at the gang culture, men are getting angry, it may take a while, but you get men like marc lepine (a brutal killer yes but he was pushed too far). i am not justifying what he did, god no.. but as men get pushed further and further, at one point they snap.. and its only going to get worse. its a self fulfilling prophecy.. whats the answer i dont know..

but unless there is some equality of life, men and women treated the same.. you will have a war of the sexes.. and that serves no one..

now these are my thoughts, and only my thoughts. i may be wrong, but i an not saying everyone is like it, i can get into the male thought pattern as i am one, and if i feel it, so will many others.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Anonymous User
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
""rats i did say in my signature "(Fallacy of Accident We often arrive at a generalization but don't or can't list all the exceptions. When we reason with the generalization as if it has no exceptions, we commit the fallacy of accident. This fallacy is sometimes called the fallacy of sweeping generalization" i know people dont read it.
Actually, I have read it.
I have been accused of 'stereo-typing' which may well amount to the same thing.
I view it as 'playing the odds'. I have a reasonable chance of being correct.
to give an example, I had a slight head on collision with a beat up car, driven by a hispanic female. I do not know if I had the light. I motioned for her to pull over but she took off.
I went through a mental set of rationale, but it came out as 'It was a hispanic, no wonder she took off'. Yes, that is stereotypical. But it was the conclusion: Hispanic, no matter mind: probably does not make much if anything. Female, ditto or welfare moo. Beat up car: indicates probably cannot afford a better car, also cannot afford insurance, license, registration. Therefore, took off. I shortened it to 'hispanic, why she took off'.
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
ITA with two cents.

The old-line "break down the barriers" feminists are gone to the fem-moo-nist moo-vement worshipping womben. Sorry, but I did not sign on for that and I will be damned if I ever do.

Whenever you see one gender reduced to a biological function, be it sperm donor or walking uterus, humanity is devalued that much more. And the stupid cunt SAHMoos who buy into this bullshit that they can have it all without leaving the comfort of their flannel robes and bunny slippers are scary, like a Stepford wife on crystal meth and steroids.
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
Merc, thanks for clarifying the childfree or just men-in-general bit.

By the way, I have read your signature before, and just so you know, I was not implying that you were making a sweeping generalization. My statement was just that, a statement - I think we all can agree some men DO want children. That's all.

In my last post I was trying to say that I find these thoughts intriguing, tell me more of yours, and I see now that you have.
Re: No men allowed?
December 18, 2008
yes, i dont mention all the exceptions, or i would be here till doomsday.

so if someone says on here but these people arent like this.. i say.. signature wink.. it saves time from arguing and i want a peaceful life.
not a problem rats..

some dont, and its always useful to reiterate it..

some cf men i know are idiots, some childed are idiots. some parents are great, some are crap.. others have read my statements thinking i meant everyone, and its gotten ugly.. thats why i have it..

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
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