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Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies

Posted by Soulie 

Am I the only person who thinks this isn't such a bad thing?
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
I guess we probably should outlaw balloons, to protect the children you know... except, this just looks like yet another case of murder by parental neglect. "Why I never thought my autistic, non-verbal 5 year old who puts everything in her mouth and has no sense of self preservation would ever choke on an item small enough to swallow, yet large enough to block an airway."

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Anonymous User
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
Can't watch kids 24/7. Period. I wouldn't wish death by suffocation on anyone, it's an awful way to die. Guess my question is, why in the fuck were there balloons within a 5-second grab of this kid? They should have locked up so they could be taken out only when the kid could be watched every. single. second.
Anonymous User
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
For what it's worth, I posted over there, saying: Call it thinning the herd.

Prolly won't even get posted, but hopefully it'll at least ruffle some feathers, LOL!!grinning smiley
Survival of the fittest, in a fitting way. In bygone times the kid would've drowned in a pond or run in front of a horse.
Anonymous User
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
Was it blown up when the bugger swallowed it??
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
str8six Wrote:
> Can't watch kids 24/7. Period. I wouldn't wish
> death by suffocation on anyone, it's an awful way
> to die. Guess my question is, why in the fuck
> were there balloons within a 5-second grab of this
> kid? They should have locked up so they could be
> taken out only when the kid could be watched
> every. single. second.

this. While no one should have to bury a child, watching one 24/7 has got to be exhausting.
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
Hey you gotta pass 'the balloon test' if you're going to make it to age six. She failed.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Anonymous User
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
Sure 'nuff. They posted someone else's slobbery, pity-filled blather but not mine. Heh-heh-heh. I'm so evil!tongue sticking out smiley
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
I am sick and tired of EVERYTHING being made "kiddie proof", labeled "Do not use without adult supervision" (when it's a lawn dart set, BB gun, plastic pool) and EVERYTHING has warnings stamped all over it like, "May pose a choking hazard", "Do not put the electrical cord in your mouth", "Not for human consumption" on Playdo, "Do not use while in the bathtub" on a blow dryer, etc.......Manufacturers have been blamed for SO many kiddie deaths and injuries that they overkill the public with these "warnings", inconvenient packagaing, and confusing/detailed product safety usages. This "death by balloon" likely had choking hazard warnings on it, but it doesn't have appeared to have done much good because the parent simply wasn't paying attention.

If the PARENTS would take reasonable care in watching/supervising their own kyds, these "accidents" would be a lot less likely. The kyd was 6 years of age so they HAD to have known that she was a retard, so EVERYTHING should have been kept out of her grasp. This is parental neglect at the least and as I have said about almost all kiddie "accidents"in the past, it is clearly the parents' faults and they should be prosecuted accordingly and sentenced. Even if circumstances warrant the sentence to be reduced to probation and no time served, at least they will have a conviction on their record and can't just move around and continue killing their kyds. SO many have done this in the past and have gotten away with it until they had killed 2,3,4 or in one case, EIGHT of their own kyds.

I don't especially like most kyds and certainly don't want to birth any, but I don't want to see them needlessly suffocated/choked to death on toys, pillows pressed over their faces at night, drowned in bathtubs, stroke out in hot cars, or backed over in their own driveways either. This should be a criminal investigation and well documented on a public and permanent file, regardless of the outcome. IMHO.
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
married with rabbits Wrote:
> I have a tall 5 gallon bucket I use for my fish.
> There's a huge warning sticker on the side and it
> shows a toddler upside down with it's feet in the
> air and it's head in the bucket.

We have one of those buckets too, and I giggle everytime I see that picture.
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
Apparently, the little bastards are'nt smart enough to keep from lunging head first into the toilet either.eye rolling smiley

"The Dangers of Toilet Training by Potty Training Solutions
Toilet Training Children Drown Without a Sound

"More children drown in toilets, tubs, or a bucket with just a few inches of water. Buy special toilet latches to prevent toddlers from opening the lids. Never leave your young child unsupervised when in the bathroom potty training , using the toilet, in the tub, even if he is in a bath seat.....

Bathtub and toilet drownings are also quite common. In fact, a child can drown in just a few inches of water. So always pay full attention to your child in the bath and on the toilet.... don't leave your child in order to answer the phone or door - even while on the toilet or the bath is just being filled....

Keep toilet lids closed at all times. Better yet, install and use toilet lid latches......

sixty-five percent of the submersion victims were between 1 and 3 years old; 65 percent of this group were boys.

... At the time of the incidents, most victims were being supervised by one or both parents. Forty-six percent of the victims were last seen in the house; 23 percent were last seen in the yard or on the porch or patio; and 31 percent were in or around the TV before the accident. In all, 69 percent of the children were not expected to be at or in the bathroom, yet they were found in the bathroom.

Submersion incidents involving children usually happen in familiar surroundings. Toilet submersions involving children happen quickly. A child can drown in the time it takes to answer a phone. ......Safety barriers include door alarms, for the bathroom, and a toilet lid lock for every toilet in your home......."

Seventy-seven percent of the victims had been missing from sight for 5 minutes or less...."

shrug BULLSHIT on the chylld had been usually missing from sight for only 5 minutes, I just don't buy that, sorry. "Speaking as a former chyld" (TM pending), I vividly remember being aware at a VERY early age, perhaps at age 2 or before, that toilets were where people shitted, pissed, and vomited, and that they were nasty and to be avoided, except for the reasons I just listed. At NO time was it appealing to me to think about sticking my hands in it and CERTAINLY not my face. These people are raising nasty and gross little shitterlings and only have themselves to blame when the little buggars "die by toilet". What an embarassing and completely senseless way to go. I wonder what they put on the stupid kyd's epitaph or how that they even tell people?

"My brave, intelligent, booootiful little boy drowned by submersion when he stuck his head in a shit filled commode sucking water, turd scraps, and e-coli into his wittle lungs. The world may NEVER get that cure for cancer now, what with our Little Einstein gone."
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
Toilet lid latches? Are you kiddin' me? How flat DUMB does a kid have to be to drown in a toilet, after learning its proper use?

Not sure this balloon incident is an accident.
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 18, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> "My brave, intelligent, booootiful little boy
> drowned by submersion when he stuck his head in a
> shit filled commode sucking water, turd scraps,
> and e-coli into his wittle lungs. The world may
> NEVER get that cure for cancer now, what with our
> Little Einstein gone."

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Kim, you crack me up. grinning smiley
Hey, at least "swallowing a balloon" takes the heat off the pahrunts, unlike (say) "accidentally" leaving Li'l Tard in a closed car on a hot day.

For a cheap laugh, every time I see the word "children" on a warning sign, I mentally substitute "stupid little fuckers". Try it. On a bucket: Warning: Stupid little fuckers could drown. grinning smiley
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 19, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> shrug BULLSHIT on the chylld had been usually
> missing from sight for only 5 minutes, I just
> don't buy that, sorry. "Speaking as a former
> chyld" (TM pending), I vividly remember being
> aware at a VERY early age, perhaps at age 2 or
> before, that toilets were where people shitted,
> pissed, and vomited, and that they were nasty and
> to be avoided, except for the reasons I just
> listed. At NO time was it appealing to me to think
> about sticking my hands in it and CERTAINLY not my
> face. These people are raising nasty and gross
> little shitterlings and only have themselves to
> blame when the little buggars "die by toilet".
> What an embarassing and completely senseless way
> to go. I wonder what they put on the stupid kyd's
> epitaph or how that they even tell people?

I have to wonder about this too. By the time I was tall enough to fall into the toilet I understood that it was a full of nasty water and didn't want to touch it. Either A) these deaths are another type of parental "accident" cool smiley the parents are too inept at parenting to teach their brats that a toilet is dirty, or C) the brats really are that dumb.
There's no thinning the herd as effective as the bratfree bunch... kudos to you guys for self-exterminating yourselves.
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 19, 2008
garunga Wrote:
> There's no thinning the herd as effective as the
> bratfree bunch... kudos to you guys for
> self-exterminating yourselves.

how many user names do you have, idiot? PS. THIS WAS A BREEDER BRAT. RTFA.
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 19, 2008
I read a post on WD where this woman was stating her kid was scared of the fluffy covers that you put on the toilet lids.
I bet that weird kid never drowns in the toilet.

T wo
H ousehold
I ncome
N o
K ids
E arly
R etirement
Re: Awwwtistic 5 y/old swallows balloon and dies
December 20, 2008
garunga Wrote:
> There's no thinning the herd as effective as the
> bratfree bunch... kudos to you guys for
> self-exterminating yourselves.

This breeder comment goes a LONG way in explaining one of the more selfish reasons that people breed. It is such a foreign concept to me that I had to read it a few times before I could grasp exactly what was meant by it. They believe that if you reproduce a biological human being, then you are truly self replicating and that somehow "YOU" will actually live on for eternity after death. It must be an "I conquered death" type delusion for them. This really makes no sense when we consider that EVEN IF we had ourselves cloned and had an exact biological replica of ourselves, that our clone would still be a separate person with his own soul, thoughts, talents, choices, and his own life, much like a person's biological child or twin. When we die, even our own clone couldn't "live on" and extend OUR lives in any way.

Therefore, it stands to reason then that giving birth to a child couldn't allow anyone to "live on" any more than NOT giving birth could cause a person to "self exterminate". The only way ANY human could "self exterminate, " would be to commit suicide. If "self exterminate" is said in this context to mean that we have none of our DNA passed along to the future human race because we are childfree, this would generally be considered an inaccurate statement unless we had no brothers and sisters, no nieces or nephews, no aunts or uncles, and no cousins. Maybe it's important to SOME people, but I really couldn't care less that if in the year 3008, some Indigo kyd was telepathically telling another that he got his big nose from his great-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g- Aunt Kim. WHO cares?eye rolling smiley
****I**** am just not that important, in the grand scheme of things and neither is anyone else, breeders included. They really need to get over themselves.

I believe that it's the epitome of selfishness to self replicate in order to "live on" to infinity and beyond, like Buzz Lightyear. tongue sticking out smiley
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