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Posted by Cambion 
December 19, 2008
Found this on another site. Nature was definitely not on this family's side considering that, of their six children, four of them were born with progeria, and one of those diseased kids died already.

I believe these folks live in India, and I know birth control there is...pretty scant. I know the kids can't help it, but my doG, they are frightening! And all the sick kids are going to die in a few years too.


Also, someone please hold me and tell me this is a fake.

Re: Progeria
December 19, 2008
*holds you* Holy shit, that second video freaked me the fuck out. Although... I LOL'd really hard at the music. Heehee. I kinda feel sorry for the Indian kids, though.
Re: Progeria
December 19, 2008
I feel bad for the kids in both videos. What is being accomplished by keeping them alive in a world that will likely never offer them a loving spouse and a normal work life? The second kid especially; poor thing. His or her life will never be normal with the usual everyday joys of family and home...perhaps it would have been more merciful to let these kids die with dignity in childhood.
Anonymous User
Re: Progeria
December 19, 2008
The video seemed to have a 'feel' to it that it was doctored.
What got me in the related links field was links to that little girl who was born with that 'no face' syndrome. Goood lord almighty, why didn't they let the poor thing go.
It looks like one of those props they use in horror movies.
Re: Progeria
December 19, 2008
I think that the reason that Progeria is such a medically captivating disease is that those who are born with it basically hold the biological "secret" to aging. If specific reasons for aging can be discovered other than the age old "the cells just die", then that of course means that a "cure" can be invented or at the very least, a drug to vastly slow down the process. I can not help but wonder if the medical groups who "treat" these kyds are not also looking at them as experimantal test subjects and that the "studies" and MILLIONS donated and allocated for "research", might not be for a cure for Progeria at all, but rather for a cure to aging or age related diseases. I really don't know, but I am suspicious of groups who claim to want to "help" these kyds and who raise millions for "reasearch", when it is very likely they can do no more than treat symptoms as they arise, much like they do with elderly people who become ill with heart disease, arthritis, alzheimers, etc.....

Progeria is so rare that up until recently when the famblee had the 4 kyds born with it, no one really knew what caused it. Obviously it is genetic, which I think most medical experts on the subject had suspected that for some time anyway. Now that it is known to be genetic, WHY would anyone sentence their kyd to this AWFUL disease? They are literally 90+ years old (biologically) by their tenth birthday(if they live that long) with all of the age related problems, and then some. How cruel would a breeder have to be to continue to spawn kyds with debilitating diseases? Their level of unabashed selfishness never ceases to amaze me.
Re: Progeria
December 19, 2008
Yowza! Of COURSE I forwarded the second one to everyone I know who's squeamish. I got a response back that said "that kid should be doing Excedrin commercials."
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