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K-Man's ongoing battles with the childed...sort of

Posted by k-man 
If you don't think this is a breeder-centric world...

Long-term posters know that I have been taking care of my mom and late stepdad for the last two years. He passed away just over a year ago, but Mom then got breast cancer and then had a severe stroke just after the cancer treatment ended, leaving me unable to go back to work. She is in a skilled treatment facility for rehab and will return home to my care in mid-February. So...

1. Applied for Medicaid for her in case she has to stay in a nursing home. That was on 6 November. Just this week, after providing Social Services with a boatload of info weeks back, the case worker calls and wants even more info. Then our state governor announces plans to freeze new Medicaid applications because of the huge budget deficit. I withdrew Mom's application as a result. But it's obvious that Social Services wouldn't have been dragging its feet for breeders with bastards to feed.

2. Applied for a local radio station's Christmas Wish fund, seeking just a little money to help with the bills and explaining the situation here. Mom had numerous medical bill copays during her cancer treatment, and we had other setbacks that combined to put me behind paying the bills. Keep in mind that I have been unable to work due to Mom's illnesses. Now it appears that my application was ignored in favor of helping a bunch of breeder single moos. One featured on this radio station had three teenagers and was evidently never married. That's a classic case of bed—made—lie.

3. My brother refuses to help. His attitude from day one when Mom's ministrokes began to affect her was that I should have dumped her and my stepdad in a nursing home and moved on. He has failed to comprehend my explanations about levels of care, nursing home and Medicaid requirements, etc., and I had gone so far as to talk to an elder care attorney back in 2006 when this all first came up. (There is a huge amount of folklore out there about these topics, and most people simply have no clue about it all.) He says he is trying to take care of "his" family (actually his wife's two daughters from her first marriage, and she gets child support from her ex). He was willing to take them camping for a week but unwilling to give me a couple of days' respite when I was caring for Mom and my stepdad together.

Oh well. He'll find out just how much that's "his family" when the girls get angry at him for not letting them do something and they make a false accusation of molestation to get back at him...
Re: K-Man's ongoing battles with the childed...sort of
December 19, 2008
Oh boy oh boy oh boy... Do I know what you are going through, and then some. I can't even go there right now; have to keep it all in. Tried to talk to my neighbor about it the other day, kept getting interrupted with, "But WHY?" and had to go into minutiae in order to explain so it would make sense. Didn't even finish because AAA got there to break me into my truck. (I digress.)

I know all about "levels of care", and I know all about the social workers whose job is REALLY to read you the corporate charter.

What I have learned from all this is: save as MUCH MONEY as one can for old age, so that one has choices. A lot of good that does my poor grandfather right now.

I wish I had something cheerful and inspirational to say to you. At least I won't have to do this with my parents. My mother is deceased and my father thinks he's CF.
Re: K-Man's ongoing battles with the childed...sort of
December 19, 2008
I am so sorry to hear of all this.
I will keep you in my thoughts.
If I win the lottery, I am sending funds your way.
Hang tough, the universe gives you what you can handle and no more.

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H ousehold
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E arly
R etirement
Re: K-Man's ongoing battles with the childed...sort of
December 19, 2008
K-man, I am so sorry that this is happening to you and it makes me furious. I personally saw in recent years how "the system" works regarding difficulty getting care/help for disabled or needy adults VS breeders only needing to ask and they shall receive from the government, various charities, and the community at large. GOD FORBID some fatherless teen ager go without an expensive electronic toy this Christmas, while elderly people literally freeze to death due to lack of the ability to pay for heat or other adults suffer in pain over inability to pay for medical care. I can't understand why there are dozens of "children's hospitals" and orphanages which offer FREE medical care, food, shelter, etc.....for citizens under the age of 18, but NOTHING even similar to that for adults UNLESS they have minor kyds, which makes them "worthy" in the eyes of society. As for your brother, his punishment will NO DOUBT be in the form of suffering that his wife and those teen girls will cause when they turn on him, and odds are that they will if he is EVER unable or unwilling to meet their material or monetary needs or wants.

We are living in an upside down Planet of the Apes type of society and I absolutely detest it. I will be thinking of you and wishing you my best. Please keep us updated when you can.
Re: K-Man's ongoing battles with the childed...sort of
December 19, 2008
Don't forget to try and take care of yourself too. I'm sorry for this difficult time. You're in my thoughts.
Re: K-Man's ongoing battles with the childed...sort of
December 19, 2008
K-man, my good thoughts are with you. Caring for a loved one is a selfless and difficult thing, so please be strong.
Re: K-Man's ongoing battles with the childed...sort of
December 19, 2008
I'm so sorry, K-man. You are doing such a noble thing and you WILL be rewarded. You've been very strong thus far so hang in there.
k-man, you have to get breeder freebies when you can get away with it. I'd start at the local foodbank and lie your ass off there and then whatever else you can get away with, without going to jail for it.

Truly, society does not give a fuck even when someone is dying of cancer, it has to be a chhhiiuld dying of cancer, adults can just fuck off and lay for a dirt nap. That's why you have to fight and cheat whenever you see the opportunity to get away with it.
Best of thoughts in the season...
What goes around, comes around ... i.e.: your brother.

It is stressful, especially watching someone you care for slowly deteriorate... sooner or later, most of us have to face it as well.

Good to hear from you k-man.
Re: K-Man's ongoing battles with the childed...sort of
December 19, 2008
K-Man, you're in my thoughts. I am so sorry that you're getting screwed over by the system. Try to hang in there... You're a strong and awesome person for doing this for your mum.
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