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your cave

Posted by meagain 
your cave
December 21, 2008
Just before you accuse me of trolling your board here, you all know very well how I got here - because of that hateful message I happen to read just in time on Antigone's board, before she erased it. I wouldn't even know about you guys if YOU didn't come in there to harass people.

And I don't hate CF people, I was CF until I turned 32, but changed since. I have nothing against people who decide that's how they want to live. Most of my friends are CF, that's the norm where I live.

But you are all another breed, and hateful is the right word for it.

If you live in the bible belt, and you had to face all your life questions about your fertility, I am very sorry. I can see how that can be annoying. But maybe you should deal with your own feelings instead of lashing out at people.
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
Boring Coward Troll:


Go shit out a baybee, since that's what you folks do best.

Everyone knows we did not troll Antogine's blog. A couple of us disagreed rationally with her, and she could not handle it. That's about all there was to it.

And you never WERE "CF" if you "changed".

The way I see it (and some of my fellow "haters" might disagree with this, but disagreement is part of why we like this board), being "CF" is like being straight, gay, or bisexual. It's something you're born with, not a "choice". Anyone who thinks they "were" CF but "changed" is like a "college lesbian" or a gay person who got married to an opposite-sex partner because it was expected of them by society.

The only "choice" involved is whether to be honest with oneself. Denial is not a river in Europe. [sic]

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
I agree, you were never really CF if you now have kids. Childfree - it does not mean what you think it means.

Anyway, I wasn't part of whatever happened, nor do I even know what happened. So, meh...
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
What happened was:

Antogine posted a blog about how she cut in line at a coffee-shop and thought she was perfectly entitled to do so because of her "delicate condition". It got posted here in the main rant area (Entry 2848 http://www.bratfree.com), and KFLL made a comment over on her blog about how if she were in line, or if it were her coffeeshop, she wouldn't have let it happen.

So, Antogine deleted that blog entry and posted KFLL's personal and work information in its place. KFLL contacted Google/Blogspot's legal department and it was removed. So, natch, the rest of us started reading Antogine's blog.

Soon, another post came up http://www.antigonelost.com/2008/10/insurance-companies-infertility-dead.html and some of us tried commenting on it, and got deleted. However, I saved the deleted parts to my clipboard and copied them to my own blog http://childfreecatlady.blogspot.com/2008/10/t-minus-five-and-counting.html, just for times like this. The topic was along the lines of why insurance won't cover certain tests and procedures.

There is an unofficial policy/consensus on this board that we don't "troll" blogs. Of course, there are people whose definition of "troll" means ANYTHING that remotely questions or disagrees with the original post(er). In that sense, one could say that we "trolled" Antogine's blog. However, we prefer to get our cheap thrills by simply making fun of these things over here, on OUR forum. But, what happens is that people find us through Google, or through other blogs, and then feel compelled to come HERE and troll US.

We have had some trolls that actually put up some good arguments, but this most recent wave is predictable and pedestrian. I really wish that they would study the list of bingoes http://happilychildfree.com/bingo.htm and come up with something original before they post here.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
Just fuck off already - we don't CARE what you think, or say. You were NEVER Childfree in the first place... Now, piss off and look after your brat before he/she/it accidentally drowns itself in the toilet.

Also, I agree with you, Poofy.
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
For the record, I do hope that Antigone's (spelled correctly!) son is born healthy and happy, so she can STFU and get on with doing TMIJITW.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
Meagain, I'm not going to spent a lot of time commenting - Poofy said it best. We did not "troll" Antigone's board and Poofy provided proof to the contrary.
Posting a rational comment that disagrees with someone does not a troll make. In fact, it was your heroine Antigone herself that behaved threateningly, NOT the person from the board that posted the original comment. Her comment was exactly what Poofy said it was - she questioned Antigone on why a pregnant woman should be 'allowed' to cut in line simply because she is pregnant, and stated that if she had been in line that day, she would not have allowed it. It was then that Antigone thought she could prove some ridiculous level of 'computer prowess' to impress her sycophantic readers by lashing out and posting KFLL's personal work information on her site. And yet, here you are, still bleating away that KFLL was the threatening one? Once again, like your environmental comment, I see you are utterly deluded.

WE do not 'troll' any of the mommy boards. It is YOU and your ilk that get a bug up your mommy asses and choose to come here. We have all the right in the world to discuss or make fun of anyone on the internet we so choose here - because the internet is just that, the internet. Anything that gets posted online that can be read by others is open to being discussed or laughed at by anyone else, EVEN those that disagree. I know that's a SHOCKER to you and to people like Antigone, who is used to people feeling sorry for her and gathering around her like a bunch of flies on shit to pat her on the back and tell her what a good person she is. But that's not quite how the world, or the internet, works.

Antigone was practically BORN to play the victim role. It's what she's best at, and it's what she thrives on. Everyone, even the mothers that visit her site so religiously, should be able to see that. You're playing right into her hands and giving her exactly what she needs to make it through the day.

YOU are the one who chose to come here and troll OUR boards. You used the typical trolling methods involving multiple names, posting a bunch of garbage in multiple topics, and visiting over and over again without adding even one intelligent comment to any discussion. Quite frankly, the hypocrisy of people like you is quite astounding.

Oh, and you may notice that unlike your cowardly friend Antigone, we deleted none of your messages to pretend they did not exist.

Now then....who is the real troll here?
Anonymous User
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
Thanks for the synapsis, poofy. I just skimmed this antigone blog and I can't believe her sense of entitlement! I won't post there, just so I cannot be called a troll, but she deserves any amount of ridicule that she gets! Wow! Insurance won't help me get fertility treatments, BAAAWWWWWWWWW!

"Insurance companies just don't like infertiles, subfertiles, or dead baby moms. I'm sure one of you can provide a logical reason why. Maybe it's because children are a privilege, not a right?"

Uhhhh, you said it, right there, lady! If you can't afford to have children, don't have em. And don't depend on insurance to pay for your fertility treatments, that's not what insurance is for. AT ALL.

"Wow! Poofy Puff certainly has a point except that Antigone's is better! If people diabetes or emphysema continue to eat the donuts and crap or smoke the cigarettes they are pushing up my premiums. Why do their choices have the right to raise my premiums but my choices don't have the right to raise theirs? It is a load of crap. The whole thing."

Wow, what entitlement! It's dripping wet in that paragraph. I can even smell it through the screen!
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
Unfortunately, the reason we need a board like this to say these kinds of things is because we are open to discriminatory consequences in the workplace and elsewhere if we try to address this topic.

I went to a meeting at my union at work to request that they consider offering "Individual-plus-one" health insurance (which could also be used by a SINGLE PARENT WITH ONE CHILD), and I was handed the "It takes a village to raise a child" line. I let it go, but not without mentioning that it is someone's CHOICE to have a kid, and they are not required to subsidize MY lifestyle choices (growing old and/or becoming frail or infirm are NOT choices - even little babies are not getting any younger). Most of the people (there were only about 10 of us at the meeting) there were nodding their heads as I spoke. Hey, at least I got to say what I had to say, and the union is not about to punish anyone for that.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
libertyordeath Wrote:

> "Wow! Poofy Puff certainly has a point except that
> Antigone's is better! If people diabetes or
> emphysema continue to eat the donuts and crap or
> smoke the cigarettes they are pushing up my
> premiums. Why do their choices have the right to
> raise my premiums but my choices don't have the
> right to raise theirs? It is a load of crap. The
> whole thing."

And, I made a counterpoint, but it was deleted of course.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
meagain Wrote:
> I was CF until I turned 32, but changed since.

You were never childfree then, you were childless.
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
Meagain, I made this point in the post above, but let me just ask you to think rationally here for a moment - I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that it is possible for you to do so.

I'm actually surprised that not a one of the mothers who follow her boards haven't picked up on what kind of a person our dear Antigone really is.
Like I said, the victim role is what she was born to play, and she plays it well, and loves it. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to read her blog and put it all together, piece by piece, as to how she lives her life. Everyone is out to get her, isn't that right? From the people in line at coffee shops, to insurance companies who won't fund her 'right' to reproduce, to her evil husband (wicked, devilish man that he is), to the cold-hearted, phantom childfree people - all of us play a role in making her life a living hell, isn't that right? Each and every person in the world has a vested interest in making sure she suffers, am I correct on this?
Please. You know as well as the rest of us that it's nonsense.

Things don't happen IN Antigone's life. In her mind, they happen TO her. She's the poor, put-upon martyr, and only a child will ease her suffering. A child, and the multitudes of attention she receives on her quest to achieve this child. So keep giving her the attention she absolutely craves. Trust me, she feasts upon that kind of thing.

The problem that Antigone doesn't seem to realize is that NO ONE is promised anything in this life. But she seems to think she DESERVES the world, wouldn't you say? She deserves to have that child, she deserves to have those Star Wars toys even though they aren't really hers, she deserves to have insurance pay for it all. Again, life promises us nothing. We are OWED NOTHING. That isn't the way life works. Antigone has lost a lot in her quest for this child she believes will be the answer to all of her problems, wouldn't you agree?
Anonymous User
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
Mrs. Ogre Wrote:
> meagain Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I was CF until I turned 32, but changed since.
> You were never childfree then, you were childless.

To further iterate this, here's my example. I remember being 4 years old and my mom playing with a baby and going, "One day, you'll have your own baby!" I remember being immediately horrified. I started crying because there was this sinking feeling in my stomach at the prospect of having to be a dad. Even then, as a child, I couldn't fathom having a child myself. I remember the sinking, drowning feeling at the prospect of having kids quite distinctly, as it was one of my first memories, and I still have that feeling to this day when I think what it'd be like to have children. If I were to have a child by accident, I would be depressed and miserable. I would not be a good father. I understand that about myself, this has remained a constant in my life, and anytime I even LOOK at a child, I get that same feeling. When my wife babysits my nieces and nephews, I feel like a trapped animal, even though I don't have to actually care for them myself.

I hole myself up in my room, and when their little hands start reaching under the crack in the door, curious as to what is behind the door....well, it's like a horror movie to me. I have nightmares that those little hands are MY unborn children. "Daddy, why don't you want us. We want you. We LOVE you, DADDY. We will come for you. WHY DON'T YOU OPEN THE DOOR DADDY?!?! YOU CANNOT ESCAPE US. YOU HAVE TO OPEN THE DOOR SOMETIME, DON'T YOU, DADDY?!?" AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

When I was working developing film, I had recurring nightmares the hundreds of baby photos I would go through would actually suck me down into the photographs. A fat, chubby, baby arm grabbing me by my work apron and pulling me down into their tiny frame of existence. I'd be trapped inside that picture perfect life, where everyone was happy and smiling horrible fake smiles, and I had to force the fake smile as well, and force myself to be happy and say this is what I want. But I just wanted out. I could do nothing but pace back and forth to the ends of the photograph, unable to get back to my REAL life.

I try to limit my exposure to children, for my own sanity, and for their well-being.

So yeah, you were not childfree. You were childless.

What? Too much info??? LOL
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
One popular bingo is: "Something awful must have happened to you when you were little / Your childhood must have sucked / Your parents should never have had YOU" for you to have turned out "this way".

I have always been not interested in "one of my own". The thing that got me to identify as "CF" as we realize it was a couple of years ago, we were camping here http://www.coventryresort.com/aboutus.htm and another guest (a woman) and I struck up a conversation. She asked me, "Do you have any kids?" and I thought "Here we go!" and answered "No." She replied, "Good for YOU! They SUCK the LIFE out of you! I have three, and I just shipped the last one off to college!" (Or something to that effect).

We began to discuss the pro's and con's of parenthood and reproducing. I have a pretty loud normal speaking voice and there were many other folks around, including a family with two teenagers. The conversation was G-rated in terms of profanity and sexual content.

A few days after we got home, I received an email stating that I was no longer welcome as a patron/guest/visitor/what-have-you because of "multiple complaints" about a "loud and vulgar" conversation I had that day. The email stated that I had also "deeply offended" a "mother of two teenagers" and "don't bother with rebuttal - this is final".

Yes, I am still sore about that, and I am sure that the woman who brought the subject up in the first place was NOT banned due to the fact that she is in the "parents' club". That was the day I started searching the internet with key-word "no kids", which eventually led me to websites calling this deviant condition "child-free".

If I could find a non-sexually-themed clothing-optional resort around here that is adults-only, I'd join in half a heart-beat. The way it is now, we make do with what is available, and I watch my mouth.


(And read their "Standards"! http://www.coventryresort.com/standards.htm )

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
"I wouldn't even know about you guys* if YOU didn't come in there to harass people."

First of all, do you personally know every "hateful" comment comes from this board? While the Antigone mess was going on, I went over there to WATCH, not to post anything at the time. The coffee shop incident, where she pushed in front of the line and stuck out her pregnant belly when challenged about her rude behavior, also had a comment from A (self-described) PARENT who wrote something like "pregnant or not, line-jumping is kind of tacky." That post was IMMEDIATELY removed by Miss Antigone and another commenter wrote that particular comment was "unnecessary."

So, obviously, Miss Antigone isn't out to run a blog where she wants anything other than a one-sided deal: She wants to write posts about her heroism as a single Mom-To-Be, where she is brave, good and right in all situations, and she wants everyone to agree with her. But I also believe it's her blog and if that's the way she wants to run it, that's her perogative.

However, do I think all the comments she's removed constitute trolling? No. But are they absolutely futile and guaranteed to bring the likes of you over here? Unfortunately, YES. I don't condone leaving comments in that type of situation because it does nothing other than fan the flames. There are 3,456,867 sites where Antigone can get some validation. Things work better when we stay in our corner and Mommies who want a following stay in their corner.

*Now, MEAGAIN, let's discuss *YOU* for a moment. You have now learned places like board this exist. If you think some people from here are "harrassing" Antigone, (not verifiable, see above), are you not harrassing us? What is your purpose here? You've already talked about your so-called fabulous life before sproggen and how you still have a fabulous life now, but do you think we really care?

I urge you to show a little more caution. You are sounding like just another Bitter Breeder who can't stand the fact that this place exists at all. Because if you were happy with your life, why would you care?
My belly-button says:
December 21, 2008
I have heard other bloggers (such as CF Sexpot, owner of "Childfree Clique", who is absolutely fabulous, BTW) say (let me just go find it so I don't make another enemy here: http://www.childfreeclique.com/2008/10/psa-word-about-comments.html ), but what she describes is basically the definition of trolling.

My belly-button says that if you want to edit the comments on your blog, do like Gluten does and make it so that they have to be approved by the blog-owner first. That is the difference between writing a blog and being an attention-whore.

The other blog we enjoy poking fun at - Flotsam/Alexa - was even worse because we never even POSTED over there. All we did was read it and talk about it here, but we clicked on a referral-link and that showed up in her RSS-feed. So, they came over here.

My belly-button says that we should forget about hiding the fact that we are linking from here for these two:




We should continue the practice of masking the links for webites that are new to us. Folks have various ways of doing this, one is by putting "delete" in it, but another way is by not putting in the http:// and then just copying the main part of the URL into the browser (most browsers add the http:// automatically).

Thank you for your attention.

End Transmission.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
Mommy bloggers are the most annoying nuisance on the internet today.
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
I am CF and a regular poster here. I can attest to the fact that the entire mommy blogger crowd is made of a bunch of shrill nazis, and they will, if given the opportunity try to find your real name and anything they can about you and post it all over their blogs. These worthless cunts play dirty, and they play dirty with each other and do the same shit. They also do it on their message boards. They are shrill, and calculating even if they are not very smart. And yes, just disagreeing with them on any issue will get them going across the internet looking for your personal information. This is why I stay on bratfree, because I never sign up for an account here and post under different names all the time, the fucking MOOOOOOOs sit on this board and look for whatever they can.

If you see a particularly stupid moo blog, (and that's a tall order because they are all insipid and braindead as the next) and you are tempted to "comment" but don't want to troll the moo on HER blog where she can start waging an internet campaign against you (because you know, they are all so BUSY doing the MOST important job in the world) just post the fuckin link back here and rip her a new one right here. The dumbass will find it in their trackbacks or whatever, but the bonus round is that she won't be able to find anything out about who you are. LMAO.

poofy_puff Wrote:
> What happened was:
> Antogine posted a blog about how she cut in line
> at a coffee-shop and thought she was perfectly
> entitled to do so because of her "delicate
> condition". It got posted here in the main rant
> area (Entry 2848 http://www.bratfree.com), and
> KFLL made a comment over on her blog about how if
> she were in line, or if it were her coffeeshop,
> she wouldn't have let it happen.
> So, Antogine deleted that blog entry and posted
> KFLL's personal and work information in its place.
> KFLL contacted Google/Blogspot's legal department
> and it was removed. So, natch, the rest of us
> started reading Antogine's blog.
> Soon, another post came up
> http://www.antigonelost.com/2008/10/insurance-comp
> anies-infertility-dead.html and some of us tried
> commenting on it, and got deleted. However, I
> saved the deleted parts to my clipboard and copied
> them to my own blog
> http://childfreecatlady.blogspot.com/2008/10/t-min
> us-five-and-counting.html, just for times like
> this. The topic was along the lines of why
> insurance won't cover certain tests and
> procedures.
> There is an unofficial policy/consensus on this
> board that we don't "troll" blogs. Of course,
> there are people whose definition of "troll" means
> ANYTHING that remotely questions or disagrees with
> the original post(er). In that sense, one could
> say that we "trolled" Antogine's blog. However,
> we prefer to get our cheap thrills by simply
> making fun of these things over here, on OUR
> forum. But, what happens is that people find us
> through Google, or through other blogs, and then
> feel compelled to come HERE and troll US.
> We have had some trolls that actually put up some
> good arguments, but this most recent wave is
> predictable and pedestrian. I really wish that
> they would study the list of bingoes
> http://happilychildfree.com/bingo.htm and come up
> with something original before they post here.
Anonymous User
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
meagain Wrote:
> Just before you accuse me of trolling your board
> here, you all know very well how I got here -
> because of that hateful message I happen to read
> just in time on Antigone's board, before she
> erased it. I wouldn't even know about you guys if
> YOU didn't come in there to harass people.
> And I don't hate CF people, I was CF until I
> turned 32, but changed since. I have nothing
> against people who decide that's how they want to
> live. Most of my friends are CF, that's the norm
> where I live.
> But you are all another breed, and hateful is the
> right word for it.
> If you live in the bible belt, and you had to face
> all your life questions about your fertility, I am
> very sorry. I can see how that can be annoying.
> But maybe you should deal with your own feelings
> instead of lashing out at people.

We don't lash out at everyone, we critique dumb moos. Go live your own cow life.
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
Rats - What does all the stuff that you are saying about Antigone have to do with hating parents?? This is a whole message board dedicated to laughing about kids and about parents. You are united by hatred for something that is absolutely ridiculous. So what if she's a whiner? Look a little bit in the mirror dude!! You, all of you, are about 1000 times bigger losers than she is. Yes she's one sided and presents herself in a light that is obviously a bit manufactured. But you are totally overreacting. I understand not wanting kids, and I understand how it can be annoying to have to put up with other people's kids. For me it's really annoying when people smoke. Or don't wear deodorant. But I don't crusade.. come on, having kids is, I'm sorry to say, totally normal part of life, you can choose to embrace it or go on your merry way. I think being mean to kids, or laughing when one dies (!? for g-d's sake!!!), or not standing up for a woman on the subway when she's pregnant, is demented. Wake up! What are you talking about and what am I talking about?? Yes you sound a bit more sane but you have some serious hangups. Everybody has their own way of deluding themselves. So does Antigone. I'm sure it took two to tango, but who cares? The woman runs marathons!! She's just a normal, half-deluded, really good writer, single mother to be.

anyway I'm off,
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
"Yes she's one sided and presents herself in a light that is obviously a bit manufactured."

Well, I'm glad even you can admit to that. There, that wasn't so hard, now was it?

"But you are totally overreacting."

And what exactly are we overreacting to? Once again, you did not answer my previous query - does she not realize that the internet is not merely one's personal, private therapy session? Anyone, yes ANYONE, even those who disagree can and probably will read and/or discuss what people post publicly on the internet. The fact that we happen to discuss it here should mean nothing to her. I and others have admitted it's her prerogative to say whatever she wants on her blog....but this is our forum, and it is our prerogative to do the same.

"For me it's really annoying when people smoke. Or don't wear deodorant. But I don't crusade.."

Oh, but you do, my dear. You do. As a matter of fact, you're awfully proud of this poorly-spelled, poorly-argued little troll crusade you've been pulling off for a little while now, aren't you? If you didn't crusade, if none of this mattered to you, you'd be gone by now. Oh, but I guess if you come onto our board and call us '1000 times bigger losers' than Antigone you'll be spreading the good word, right? Making a difference! Changing minds!

"come on, having kids is, I'm sorry to say, totally normal part of life, you can choose to embrace it or go on your merry way."

Once again, your hypocrisy shows itself quite clearly. You have chosen to have children, and we have not....you embrace it, we don't. And now you could be on your merry way, right? And yet....you're still here! So tell me, why exactly should we be on our merry way and you don't think the same rule applies to you?

"I think being mean to kids, or laughing when one dies"

I am not mean to children, nor do I 'laugh when they die'. Most of my friends are childed. If I was the heartless monster you'd like to believe, these mothers wouldn't let me within a five-mile radius of their kids, I'd wager. But it's easier for you, isn't it, to paint a group of people with different opinions out to be monsters, I know. I don't 'hate' children and I don't 'hate' mothers. I'll say it again, and I'll use small words so you will be sure to understand: this is a rant board, dear. A rant board. We come here to rant about certain TYPES of children, certain TYPES of parents. And ranting (much to your chagrin, I'm sure) is still perfectly ok, even if you don't like it.

"What are you talking about and what am I talking about??"

I know what I'm talking about, but I'm still trying to figure out what you're talking about. It's difficult to make sense out of a bunch of parroted gibberish, though. But it's awfully cute how on a mission you are for dear Antigone! I'm sure she appreciates it, as do we, you adorable little thing.

"Yes you sound a bit more sane but you have some serious hangups."

Perhaps, but I certainly don't go onto mommy boards, post under a bunch of different ridiculous names, and use extra exclamation points and question marks after sentences. I think you may be a few more hang-ups ahead of me.

"Everybody has their own way of deluding themselves."

Sort of the way you're deluding yourself now by thinking you should still be here on a childfree board, defending both your life choices and Antigone.

"The woman runs marathons!!"

Wow, she runs marathons? Is there nothing she's not capable of? Wow, thanks to your exceptional efforts, I now realize it was a monumental error ever making fun of Antigone! Anyone who can run marathons is fine by me. She can cut in line in front of me at a coffee shop any day of the week! And I like the extra exclamation marks you used for emphasis, by the way. Nice touch.

"She's just a normal, half-deluded, really good writer, single mother to be."

Er....I think you used the wrong words here, but allow me to assist you. No no, no need to thank me, dear. I'm feeling awfully friendly towards you lately, you know, since you've been making such a name (or is it names?) for yourself here on our humble board. I think what you meant to say is:
She's just an abnormal, completely-deluded, mediocre writer, single-mother-to-be. I hope I was helpful here.
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
"What does all the stuff that you are saying about Antigone have to do with hating parents?? This is a whole message board dedicated to laughing about kids and about parents."

Dear God, reading comprehension, much? Where are we laughing about someone who died? For that matter, where are we HATING parents?

Rules for the Rant Room

1. This is a safe place for the childfree to vent and rant. Respect our space.
2. The only items you must provide in your entry are the type and your comments.
3. Do not post the private information of other posters (real name, email address, IP address, etc.).
4. Don't bring your flame wars here. If you post a link to a train wreck in progress, please don't encourage
people to go there and troll them.
5. If you troll or spam this site, you'll be banned.
6. If something is wrong with the site, please drop me an email.
7. The Bratfree Rant Room is for rants only. If you'd like to discuss a rant, go to the Bratfree Forum.

Q I'm a parent. May I post here?
A Yes and no. Because there are so few childfree sites, I want to make sure that this is another place for support and discussion for the childfree. If you're going to bingo us, troll/flame, or tell us what a good parent you are, no you may not. If you do post, try not to mention your parental status unless it is absolutely essential to your post/comment. If a parent's post causes conflict, the parent will be banned from the site.
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
uhuh, I know your post was directed at RNB, but I’m going to throw in my take on it…

I dislike what Antigone represents – the victimized martyr who’s entitled to everything she wants (no matter the cost to anyone else) because her (incredibly privileged) life is soooo hard (due to choices she’s made). Her mindset is incredibly prevalent, and the schmucks like us who get stuck dealing with the fallout of that type of attitude just get fed up. We use this board as an outlet, to release all of the pent-up frustrations that can’t be expressed anywhere else.

Having kids is a normal part of most people’s lives – most of us are fine with that. The problem is that (what sometimes seems to be the majority of) the people having kids, aren’t raising them well, and the rest of us have to pay the price.
Re: your cave
December 21, 2008
I would never waste my time commenting on Antigone's blog with a dissenting opinion because what's the point? We know what will happen.

I will say that these infertile women who repeatedly inject themselves with hormones and tinker with nature start to get a little "off" in the emotions department. I don't know how she got pregnant this time around, but it's pretty clear that victim syndrome is an ongoing pattern in her life and didn't just start at the beginning of this pregnancy.

These women treat infertility like terminal cancer. In fact, I know a woman who has cancer that will never go into remission and she lives a far more richer, positive life than these women ever will. She couldn't have kids of her own, so she fostered two kids who desperately needed good homes and wound up adopting them.

No use pitying yourself day after day, 365/24/7. It's not going to produce a child.
Re: your cave
December 22, 2008
i visited antigones blog for the first time today, and i have to say as a blogger of long time, and forum owner and net freak. i have to say its first a boring blog, but it gets the press because misery loves company.

Now i am sure she just loves the feeling of martyrdom she engenders there.. i am betting that inside her isa part that wants something bad to happen, so she can get the praise of oh your wonderful.. even though this happened. a sort of a version of munchausens by proxy.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
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