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your cave

Posted by meagain 
Re: your cave
December 22, 2008
Oh, did you go away, little uterus-that-walks?
Re: your cave
December 22, 2008
Go away, don't you have a kid to feed, wash, bribe, or yell at?

T wo
H ousehold
I ncome
N o
K ids
E arly
R etirement
Re: your cave
December 22, 2008
I am still trying to figure out why we are supposed to be impressed that someone "runs marathons". BIG DEAL. On TLC last night they had this midget who was being billed as the shortest marathon runner in the world, so most ANYONE can "run marathons". In fact, THOUSANDS of people "run marathons" in cities across America every year. Many walk or roll the marathon as they are legless, paralyzed, or otherwise handicapped. I think that woman who started MADD, whose kyd was left with SEVERE permanent mental and physical disabilities due to a drunk driver, got a lot of press when she "ran" a marathon. My sister runs marathons every year in Atlanta and has FOR YEARS, although she usually comes in #976th. ANYONE can sign up for a marathon, then lolly gag around, come in last, and get the "money pic" of their lunging across the finish line. Then they can have that picture to proudly display in their homes next to their golden plated baybee feet and hand molds, the preserved placenta and umbilical cord displays, right next to the upclose birth shot of their ripped open cooters.

"Runs marathons"? SO the fuck what?
Anonymous User
Re: your cave
December 22, 2008
Aha, I have deciphered what it will take for world donimation. Run a marathon after you cut to the front of a line in a coffee shop while being a prego.

Damn, I'm a male :bawl
Re: your cave
December 22, 2008
But maybe you should deal with your own feelings instead of lashing out at people.

Ah, the irony.
Re: your cave
December 23, 2008
Fuck off you stupid FUCKING WHORE. Go breed, change diapers, make formula, or whatever the fuck it is you assholes spend your day doing.

The Childfree are hateful? FUCK YOU! I'm not hateful, I'm one of the happiest people you'd ever know with a great sense of humor. I ADORE animals, have tons of friends and my co-workers love me. Hateful? I don't think so. Just because I don't pat the mommies on the back for overpopulating the planet does not make us Childfree hateful people. Childfree by far, do more charity work than the breeder assholes of this world. I wouldn't call that hateful.

And for the record, you were never "childfree until 32" - it's just that up until then, you couldn't find anybody who wanted to fuck your ugly ass let alone breed with you. Cunt.

And I wouldn't doubt that it's Anti herself posting this stupid shit.
Re: your cave
December 23, 2008
You're off alright, off your fucking rocker. Beat it.

Rats - What does all the stuff that you are saying about Antigone have to do with hating parents?? This is a whole message board dedicated to laughing about kids and about parents. You are united by hatred for something that is absolutely ridiculous. So what if she's a whiner? Look a little bit in the mirror dude!! You, all of you, are about 1000 times bigger losers than she is. Yes she's one sided and presents herself in a light that is obviously a bit manufactured. But you are totally overreacting. I understand not wanting kids, and I understand how it can be annoying to have to put up with other people's kids. For me it's really annoying when people smoke. Or don't wear deodorant. But I don't crusade.. come on, having kids is, I'm sorry to say, totally normal part of life, you can choose to embrace it or go on your merry way. I think being mean to kids, or laughing when one dies (!? for g-d's sake!!!), or not standing up for a woman on the subway when she's pregnant, is demented. Wake up! What are you talking about and what am I talking about?? Yes you sound a bit more sane but you have some serious hangups. Everybody has their own way of deluding themselves. So does Antigone. I'm sure it took two to tango, but who cares? The woman runs marathons!! She's just a normal, half-deluded, really good writer, single mother to be.

anyway I'm off,
Re: your cave
December 29, 2008
RNB, Benjie, KK, KFLL, Clematis, L or D, Poofy, NotOnYourLife: I love you all. Not in a sexual way, but in a "thanks for handing another stupid breeder her ass" way.

You complete me.
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