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Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)

Posted by kidlesskim 
Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 02, 2009
(Entire article and reader commentary)

This is an article about a moomie who had read a lot of "hateful" and negative comments regarding traveling with small children on planes and she was upset by it. The "mean" comments caused her to worry about her upcoming flight with a newborn and a less than 1 y/o, but it seems that she had a good experience. Anyway, I found some of the reader comments more interesting than the article itself and some selected ones are posted below:

"...Basically, I think it’s a backlash against the perversion of the adage that it takes a village to raise a child. Please understand that inconsiderate is still inconsiderate even if you’re really proud that your uterus and/or gonads work properly. It’s simple: don’t let your kid be a monster in public. Take him or her outside and away from humans when they become intolerable. I did it for years. It works. I promise...."

"...Nobody enjoys hearing a baby cry. Nobody likes poop. But they’re kids, and kids cry and poop. Still, even though I don’t have or want kids of my own, I’m glad someone is doing the exhausting work of raising the next generation. it’s those tykes whose wages are going to be taxed to pay for my social security. It only seems fair to put up with the occasional inconvenience of other people’s children if they’re going to be the ones putting up with the crushing burden of my retirement and old-coot reactionary politics....."

"I find it interesting that all these people with such negative views of children and parents are reading this blog in the first place.
It’s great to read the different viewpoints, but I just wonder what would attract them to a blog about parenting. From Lisa Belkin (editor): I have wondered that myself. Not in a “get out of here” way, but in a “I don’t spend a lot of time on gardening blogs because I don’t garden” way. Any childfree posters out there who can answer that? What draws you to a parenting blog if you aren’t a parent? "

"... Why would a person without children read her blog? Why would a person without a house read about the housing crisis? Why would a person who is not Chinese read the latest news on China? Why do any of us read the NY Times at all? I assume it’s to stretch our understanding of the world around us. The assumption behind this, that those without children shouldn’t be concerned with how children are raised is probably at least one of the causes for some of the negative attitudes...."

"No, we do not hate your kids. We hate your inability or unwillingness to discipline them or keep them under control when in public."

"...HAVING CHILDREN IS THE NORM, people. Without the next generation, YOU won’t get your Social Security, because there will be nobody paying in. YOU won’t have anybody to push your wheelchair in the Assisted Living community. Geez louise. Children are not PETS. They are our future. That’s “OUR” future, not just their parents’ future..."

") I don’t think anybody who isn’t a parent themselves has any business telling the rest of us how to raise our kids.
2) I am a parent of 3 kids (ages 8, 6, and 4, including a child with autism) and I am more then capable of keeping my kids in line while in community areas like restaurants and airplanes.
3) Parents of bratty kids deserve to be told off, provided its by another parent.
4) We could all use a dose of humanity every now and then.
5) There are far too many self-absorbed people in this world.
and finally
6) Large men need the room, change your seat if you don’t like it."

"Just remember, we were ALL children once. And to those that hate kids, and those that don’t think kids should be seen nor heard, you’re typical of the “the whole world’s about me ” attitude prevalent in America and Europe. I just wish your mothers had raised YOU with a little more compassion."

"...Remember this folks: even if you choose not to have children one or more of these children are going to grow up to be the home health aid that changes _your_ diapers when your reach _that_ age. They will also be the folks we’ve saddled with our national debts, pollution, Social Security taxes…. you get the point. It will take a village of children to take care of all of us old people. That is, unless you plan to make the lifestyle choice not to live that long….."

"My dogs are my children. What would all of you parents think if I brought them with me everywhere. What if they jumped on you. Or I had to “scoop the poop” from next to your seat. Or they barked the entire time. I bet the reactions would be different.
However I train my dogs. And don’t bring them to inappropriate places."

"...The childless are *currently* putting up with the "crushing burden" of higher taxes (no tax credits or deductions for us!) and property taxes that go to schools we are not using. Our retirements will be paid for out of our own 4021(k)s, not social security, so the argument you’re making has no merit.The truth is, we are expected to pay higher taxes, to suffer feral children in public and on airplanes without complaint, and to be nice and sweet on the internet, too. And our return on this investment is snotty parents who won’t control their children and a generation of adults who can’t handle real life.... it’s very enlightening to see the end result of the job parents are doing these days"

."One thing that i have noticed amongst people who say those terrrible things are persons who have no children. They are selfish self centered persons who think that the world, NO universe revolves around them...."

"Having a child is a personal choice. Interesting. So, I can get an Ipod, go skydiving, or have a child. And all are equally important and equally choices. That sounds about right for our modern materialistic, childish, ultra-PC, greedy culture. The human race must procreate or it won’t survive...."

"...I suspect that if many of the people with no tolerance for children had children they would see things differently...."

" If you allow your child to kick my seat, I don’t hate your child. I hate you.
If your baby screams for minutes on end and you don’t remove him from the small coffee shop because you think you deserve a nice day out more than I do, I don’t hate your child. I hate you."

"Finally, to the nasty child haters: You were a child once yourself. Learn to love yourself in a healthy way and you might realize how precious our children are. "

confused smiley How many bingos can YOU pick out? There are more than 15 pages of comments regarding this topic and the level of arrogance spewed forth by breeders and breeder pleasers is astronomical.
Anonymous User
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 02, 2009
How many bingos can YOU pick out? There are more than 15 pages of comments regarding this topic and the level of arrogance spewed forth by breeders and breeder pleasers is astronomical.

Wow, I was going to shout BINGO almost immediately. I like the comment about not hating the kid, but hating the PARENT. That's about how I feel.
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 02, 2009
That was my favorite comment among the ones that I read as well. You wouldn't believe how many I skimmed over that said the near exact same thing with the same bingos. In the few pages of comments that I read, the "They will pay your social security". "Who will take care of you in your old age" (variations), and "You were a child once too", seemed to be the most popular, The last comment I posted from the guy who says that if we had a healthy love for ourselves then we would realize how precious children were, was a new one on me, but I find it HIGHLY offensive. Then the one where the stupid bitch says that ONLY PARENTS should be able to call other parents out for bad kiddie behavior is ABSURD. Also, that part where that same one says that people who don't have children have no business telling parents how to raise their kyds, had NOTHING to do with the subject at hand. No one wants to RAISE it, least of all me, we want it to STFU when it's on a plane or other public place where it should be quiet.eye rolling smiley

How many bingos can YOU pick out? There are more than 15 pages of comments regarding this topic and the level of arrogance spewed forth by breeders and breeder pleasers is astronomical.

Wow, I was going to shout BINGO almost immediately. I like the comment about not hating the kid, but hating the PARENT. That's about how I feel.
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 02, 2009
Then the one where the stupid bitch says that ONLY PARENTS should be able to call other parents out for bad kiddie behavior is ABSURD.

Allll righty. So that gives me license to go out to a bar, get absolutely smashed, and be obnoxious to the parents who dragged their kids out there, because ONLY the CF should be able to call me out on my behavior, because ONLY the CF would understand. OK!

(not that I would ever do that).
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 02, 2009
Then the one where the stupid bitch says that ONLY PARENTS should be able to call other parents out for bad kiddie behavior is ABSURD.

Allll righty. So that gives me license to go out to a bar, get absolutely smashed, and be obnoxious to the parents who dragged their kids out there, because ONLY the CF should be able to call me out on my behavior, because ONLY the CF would understand. OK!

(not that I would ever do that).

I hadn't thought of it in that way! bouncing and laughing Following that logic, a LOT of things would be different. Including but not limited to the following:

1) Men shouldn't be allowed to even vote on any abortion laws or issues, since they can't have baybees (Well, except for maybe that one she-man)

2)No one should be allowed to work in the child protective services division, unless they have kyds.

3)Police officers should be DENIED the right to work in the sex crimes unit unless they have been a victim of sexual assault, or in the juvie division unless they are parents, or in robbery/homicide unless they have been robbed or an immediate famblee member has been murdered.

4)No one with a lactose intolerance should be allowed to work at the Dairy Queen or Baskin-Robbins

5)No one should be allowed to work in a health related industry if they smoke or are overweight.

6)No one should be allowed to work in a bank unless they have good credit and are well off financially

7)No one should be able to work in the "adult entertainment" industry in any capacity, unless they are childfree

8)No one should be allowed to work for a toy manufacturing company or toy distribution center unless they have small children

9)No judge should be allowed to preside over any trial unless he has personal experience with a similar crime for which the defendant is charged

10)Women shouldn't be allowed to have any say so in whether their sons are circumsized, since they don't have a penis (Although some of their cooters are stretched out enough to look like one)

11)No one should be allowed to work in or run a daycare, babysitting service, be a nanny, or teach in any capacity involving children, unless they are a parent.

and so on. What a STUPID thing that woman said.angry smiley
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 02, 2009
IMO, most of those comments are absurd--

"Just remember, we were ALL children once. And to those that hate kids, and those that don’t think kids should be seen nor heard, you’re typical of the “the whole world’s about me ” attitude prevalent in America and Europe. I just wish your mothers had raised YOU with a little more compassion."

angry flipping off My mother raised me to be civil in public and act like a human freakin' being. Children should be seen and not heard and if you don't like it take you AND your brat and stick it where the sun doesn't shine! I do not have to endure bratty behaviour from kids and suffer in silence. If you dumb cunts knew how to PARENT there wouldn't BE a problem!
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 02, 2009
Yep, I was raised the same way, and also, in stores, to "look with your eyes, not with your hands."

And I remember when, one time, I broke the rules somehow when on a trip to Kmart (a destination that my sis and I loved, and which on a good day ended in a KMART GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH OR MAYBE EVEN CHILI which was to us the ULTIMATE TREAT!!), and I was put out in the car, and left there, while my sis and mom continued their shopping. Somehow I survived...
Anonymous User
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 02, 2009
"You were a child once too" always makes me laugh.

Yeah, I was. And my parents didn't take me to places where a child's presence would be inappropriate, or where expectations of behavior for a child would be unrealistic for the venue.

It's really not about hating kids. A duhd was in my regular bar a couple of weeks ago with his daughter, and I was thinking, "Great, another douchebag who thinks it's cute to have his brat in a bar." The kid looked to be 8 or 9. I changed my opinion (slightly) when the two of them started playing chess. If the kid can behave appropriately, great. Though a kid in a bar tends to annoy me just out of principle, as you can understand.

Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 02, 2009
That "you were a child once" is a crock of nonsense. I can say I was in my 20s once. Does that mean that I should like and sympathize with all 20 year olds? I don't think so.

Modern day breeders have produced a league of duds who know no discipline. My cousin is a perfect example. She gets away with mouthing off to my aunt and uncle and experiences hardly any repercussions. Certainly not a spanking, gosh forbid! If it were up to me, all of these kids nowadays would be sent to mandatory military school. The crap my aunt tolerates from my cousin is stuff my mother wouldn't take from me, an adult! Nothing puts me in a more foul mood than ill-behaved children in public places. I see red instantly.
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 02, 2009
LOL There were so many BINGOs I thought it was Monday night at the Elk's club and everyone ELSE was winning!
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 02, 2009
LOL There were so many BINGOs I thought it was Monday night at the Elk's club and everyone ELSE was winning!

LOL deegee.bouncing and laughing Don't they even realize how cliche', unoriginal, common, and so so so zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsleeping all of those tired old comments are at all? It just shows how incredibly brainwashed that they are and how they don't have an original thought in that vast empty space between their ears. They are only capable of repeating what they hear or read and never offer ANY original commentary. I wish that one of them would create some new ones. I have thought about creating some new bingos and posting an article called, "Ten More Reasons To Have Kids", so it would get lots of breeder hits, JUST so they would start parrotting off some new ones. It would almost be fun to do and I just might do it if I get bored enough one day. I will post them here first though, so when the spark turns into a blaze and they start pasting the new bingos all over the world wide web as if they are their original "reasons", we can all get a good laugh. tongue sticking out smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 03, 2009

Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids?

Yes. :spin
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 03, 2009
Amen, Marzipan!:sw
Anonymous User
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 03, 2009
Before I went back to school, I traveled by air a lot. My advice:

Drink at least 3 beers before departure.:chug


Vick's Vapo-Rub under your nose. The FBI uses it when clearing corpses to mask the smell.

Ear Plugs.

Exit rows. FAA regs forbid Moos and shit-loafs from those rows.

If sleep is not an option, iPod with death metal on it.band playing music

Tell the flight attendant you're nauseous. It should get you moved away from the Moo and Loaf.

If not, barf on the Moo. Blame it on turbulence. two faces puking
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 03, 2009
best song, the ramones, beat on the brat with a baseball batwink.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
The bingoes were flying as fast and furious as scallops or shrimp off the blade of the local teppanyaki chef.

ITA about the "you were a kid once" argument. We outgrew it, and apparently breeders can't.
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 03, 2009
I found it kinda funny when some of the commenters compared CF commenting on a parenting board or blog to non-gardeners doing the same on a gardening board or blog. Morons. If someone is a bad gardener, then the non-gardeners are not usually affected (unless they are spraying pesticides all over the neighbors' places) by it and would have no interest in it. Bad parenting, however, does affect everyone, from other parents to CF, so we CF folks definitely have an interest in it. If EVERY parent raised their kyds right so they behaved properly in public or else not foisted upon the CF and the responsible parents, we CF would not have that to complain about and would have no need to post on a parenting board or blog. BUT, too many breeders are not that way and the rest of us have to bear the burdens of their inadequate kyd-rearing. And we will NOT simply sit down and shut up and just "take it" anymore!
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 03, 2009
That attitude about CF shouldn't be reading a parenting blog pissed me off for a few reasons. The first reason is that the way in which it was said implied that we are either jealous of the childed or secretly wish to BE childed, so therefore we read about parenting. eye rolling smileyThe next reason is the presumption that since we have no children "of our own. " that we have no child relatives or contact with childed friends/neighbors, any interaction with children such as in a teaching or medical environment, etc....Finally, that CF shouldn't be "allowed" to read anything remotely child related, unless we have children, because somehow it SHOULDN'T be of any interest to us, which is absurd. Can we not read what the hell we want for ANY reason? confused smiley

I often read articles/sites and watch documentaries about situations or subjects which will NEVER personally affect me. Just in this past month, I have watched or read:

1)The Mermaid Girl
2)Little People Big World
3)Religious Zealot networks on late night, begging for money to "save the chydlren"
4)Locked Up Abroad
5)Deadly Food Allergies
6)Empty Nester AND Moomie blogs
7)Schizophrenia blogs/sites
8)Homeless in Paradise
9)Unusual sexual perversions relating to neurological injuries or abnormalities
10)Gay men sites
11)The Westboro Baptist church site
12)NUMEROUS case studies on various psychological illnesses
13)The BBC network
14)Hispanic culture message boards
15)Missing children case studies
16)The 200 lb tumor story
17)The 750 lb woman story
18)The "tree man" story
19)Baybees:special delivery
20)Various religious sites including Muslim, Hindu, and Judaism.......

The list goes on. These are subjects which do not directly affect me in any way, but I have still watched or read about them for various reasons, of MY OWN. It is NONE of the childed peoples' business to even BEGIN to presume to judge or monitor what I CHOOSE to read or watch. Fuck those self righteous assholes.angry flipping off
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 04, 2009
The first reason is that the way in which it was said implied that we are either jealous of the childed or secretly wish to BE childed, so therefore we read about parenting. eye rolling smiley

So does that mean that I can go ahead and assume that all of the troll moos we get around here are jealous of the CF lifestlyle? grinning smiley

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Do Strangers Really Hate My Kids? (article)
January 04, 2009
The first reason is that the way in which it was said implied that we are either jealous of the childed or secretly wish to BE childed, so therefore we read about parenting. eye rolling smiley

So does that mean that I can go ahead and assume that all of the troll moos we get around here are jealous of the CF lifestlyle? grinning smiley

LOL!bouncing and laughing That's a good one. I think that moo trolls come on here because they enjoy drama and they know WELL in advance that we will be laughing at them, picking them apart, poking fun at their lifestyles, giggling over their whiny blogs about their fallen, swinging, sunken, scarred, and sagging body parts, unveiling their numerous lies, and busting a gut over their stupid actions which headline global news on a daily basis. They know it will upset them and they LIKE being upset because it will give them one more thing to add to their list of moo martyrisms.:bawl
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