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Defining Childfree

Posted by kidlesskim 
Defining Childfree
January 07, 2009
It sounds easy enough to define, but it seems that like with any group of likeminded individuals, there can be variables, degrees, levels, exceptions, and differing opinions of how to even specifically define the group to which they belong. Here's my definition of childfree and below that are some exceptions to the "rules". (IMO) Following that is my list of what is NOT childfree.

My definition of childfree:

A person who consciously chooses of his own freewill, and for whatever reason, to live his entire life without the responsibility or benefits of raising or caring for minor children in a parental capacity, whether they are biological, adopted, foster, God children left in his care after parental death, or step children. If children (child) lives under your roof and you are responsible for them in a parental or legal guardianship capacity, then you are childed.

Exceptions: Who I think can still be considered childfree although they may have had a child or have limited responsibilities of a child:

1)Women who have given birth, but who have given the child up for adoption because they do not want to be childed but chose not to abort, for whatever reason, and from that point forward they live a childfree life.

2)Men who were "oopsed" by deception(and an oops almost always is a deception) and the woman will not abort or adopt out the child. although he offered financial and emotional support and encouraged either of those choices. IF said man detaches from the child emotionally and does not exercise his rights to visitation, even though he supports his mistake financially. Then I consider him childfree although somewhat of an asshole for being able to ignore his own flesh and blood when he knows where and how to contact him/her and has a legal right for visitation. (IMHO) However, while this may seem prejudicial, if the man is married to or living with the woman and she gets knocked up and keeps it to raise, then he is childed whether he likes it or not. For him to not accept his mistake and support the child financially, at the very least, makes him a deadbeat dad and/or a shitty parent, NOT childfree.JMO. The same could be said for women who dump their kyds off on other people and live the life of Riley and disappear for months and sometimes years. They are shitty, selfish, deadbeat mothers, NOT childfree.

3) Weekend step parents who have no children "of their own"

People who sometimes claim to be childfree who I don't consider Childfree:

1)Childed people who wish that they were not childed (namely those dead beat dads and shitty disappearing moomies who I just mentioned)

2)Parents who have legal visitation, even if it's only on weekends or sporadic. Many a childed divorced man has claimed to me to be childfree, but if he has children then he is childed, vice versa for moomies who only have visitation, they are STILL childed.

3)Empty nesters

4)People who want children but can not or did not have them for whatever reason

5) People who don't have kyds, "yet"

6)People whose children have died, even if they never have another I still consider them childed or perhaps childLESS
Re: Defining Childfree
January 07, 2009
That's a great definition.
Kidless Kim: the Linnaeus of breeders. bouncing and laughing
Re: Defining Childfree
January 07, 2009
I agree with your definition. I wonder how we would define CF people who are breeder pleasers to an irritating extent?
Re: Defining Childfree
January 07, 2009
Re: Defining Childfree
January 07, 2009
Looks great just as it is...I wouldn't change a thing. Thank you
Re: Defining Childfree
January 07, 2009
I agree with your definition. I wonder how we would define CF people who are breeder pleasers to an irritating extent?

ranting Level I- The Coerced Breeder Pleaser

The coerced Breeder Pleaser resents children in nearly every aspect of his daily life, including the visual of kyds even when they are not actively being brats because he knows that they are capable of BRAT transformation at any given moment. This CF does not allow kyds into his home, office, or vehicle, and avoids kyds completely in public and at famblee get togethers, assuming he would attend something like that due to the likelihood of kiddie presence. He disconnects with friends when they self replicate and will not willingly form relationships with the childed. He would never work in a child related field where daily contact with children was required NOR would he be found playing Santa at the mall with the Kiwanis Club, running a concession stand at a kiddie carnival, or watching over the church nursery for an hour or so. He has no desire to "bond" with nieces or nephews and sees their presence as a nuisance, although he may bond with them later on when they become adults. This CF will go to great extents to avoid being responsible for a pregnancy and would terminate an "accident" without giving it a second thought and regardless of the pain or expense involved, or the legality in the method, if necessary. Even the coerced doesn't wish ill will toward children, he simply is just not interested in even being anywhere in their vicinity or being bothered with their presence in any way. He only comitts acts of breeder pleasing when it is forced upon him and he has no other choice but to comply, such as in certain public settings where he has no control over the matter. He highly resents breeders AND their kyds and doesn't care much for the childed in general.

:chug Level II-The Casual Breeder Pleaser

This easy going casual breeder pleaser will conform to societal expectations considered by many CF to be breeder pleasing including hosting and/or attending baybee showers and kiddie birthday parties and occasionally will even baybee sit for nieces and nephews and possibly close friends' kyds, but is VERY GRATEFUL when the kyds leave. This CF is absolutely certain that he wants no part in parenting or self replicating himself and takes great measures to prevent parenthood, but is open to marriage to a childed person, IF he/she does not have full custody or if they are an empty nester. He can maintain and form friendships with PNB's, but has no problem cutting ties with entitlement minded moowcows and duddys. This CF is capable of enjoying the company of well mannered kyds, but to a limited extent and for short durations. This CF type resents breeders and their attitudes moreso than the kyds themselves, although the end result of a badly mannered child annoys the hell out of them and they avoid it at all costs. This type prefers childfree environments whenever possible, but will quietly (and often begrudgingly) endure endless kiddie chatter because he cares about the parents/grandparents of said kyds and possibly the kyds themselves, in many cases. This person can be what is considered to be "good" with children and they can be found working in child related fields and often excel in the area of teaching, pediatrics, social services, and other child related industries. However, at the end of the day they are happy to retreat to a quiet home and leave the kiddies with moomie. This type HIGHLY resents entitlement minded moocows, breeder baybee daddys, welfare whores, and tit nazis, to name a few.

Duh with bratsd Level III- The Obnoxious Breeder Pleaser

This type of CF is HIGHLY annoying to others who consider themselves CF, regardless of his motives which could be financial (as in the case of a business owner/advertiser who caters to famblees), political (self explanatory), or just a people pleaser type personality in general where he wants and cares about EVERYBODY liking him, even entitlement minded breeders. He may (or may not) be annoyed by the same kiddie bullshit that the other two types find annoying, but he often goes overboard and "pretends" that he doesn't mind if the famblee of 5 are seated before he and his wife, afterall, "they have kyds". He may be heavily involved in kiddie charities so that no kyds are toyless at Christmas, have a dozen of so "adopted" little brown children he has never met who he sends his "price of a cup of coffee" money to each month(which he talks/brags about), is pro extra taxes and funding for kiddie related things in the community because, "the chyldren are our future", In fact, this type almost breeder pleases to the extent that he appears to be making some sort of penance for having been CF at all and for not having sprogged. He seems to have an air of superiority about him over other CF as if to say, "Look at me! I am CF but I just adore and loooove kyds!". This one NEVER misses an opportunity to publically express his popular (with breeders) breeder pleasing opinions. I have my suspicians about this CF type because I think that he is a secret breeder wannabee, that possibly he regrets not having had kyds, or that he was/is a fencesitter who maybe fell onto the other side after it was too late for him/her to breed, for whatever reason. At any rate, he annoys the piss out of the other CF people.
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