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Why I moved where I did

Posted by annie35 
Why I moved where I did
January 08, 2009
When I decided to settle into a home, that was 9 years ago.I purchased a home in a community, that was designed for retirees. I know I am not a retiree, but I do live the lifestyle. I enjoy the golf courses, walking trails, parks,fitness centers,and other amenities offered because we pay monthly dues. I also moved into this town because it was cheaper than the metro area and mostly child free. The home I bought was on a road with about 25 other homes. Not one family on the street. All were either young professionals like me, that discovered the hidden secret of cheap housing and no kids or retirees who moved their to retire. Well 9 years later, our once quiet and mostly CF town is filled with kids and they just completed the first shcool in the town. Damn breeders, invaded our nice little town. Now I see trashy homes, more junk on the roadsides, run down cars in driveways, and kid crap in front yards. Again this proves that breeders will make your quiet and clean community a nasty and cluttered mess that smells of baby lotion and urine. The moo SUV's also clog our small and narrow winding roads in the town and the appearance of are community now looks more like a bomb exploded at a Chuck E. Cheese and the remains landed in the front yard of every other home.
My little cheap slice of paradise now sucks.

T wo
H ousehold
I ncome
N o
K ids
E arly
R etirement
Anonymous User
Re: Why I moved where I did
January 08, 2009

I know how you feel. When I moved to my house about 10 years ago it was a fairly new development with mainly older people. Now their are kids on the street who run around screaming outside, it drives me crazy. One neighbor's house is so overrun with kindercrap they can't even park their cars and van in it, I wince every time I go by. Sometimes I just want to scream at all of them stop breeding you nitwits! lol Maybe the next time you move you might want to consider somewhere with an strict HOA, that might help prevent the junky look, at least in your own neighborhood.

Re: Why I moved where I did
January 08, 2009
I know the feeling too, Annie. I've been living in this house for 18 years now, and at first it was mostly neat, quiet DINKs and elderly people around me, just like in your situation. And now it's nothing but fucking messy, noisy breeders everywhere.

Until last Summer, I was able to say "not in THIS house, at least!" But even that isn't true anymore, what with the bastard downstairs moving his psycho single moo whore from Hell in. angry smiley
Re: Why I moved where I did
January 08, 2009
I had the exact same thing happen to me and I was a real estate appraiser at the time with "inside info" about neighborhoods in the area; which area that agents were marketing to famblees, how many houses were for sale or foreclosed on, the demographics of areas, etc........I PURPOSELY and carefully scouted out all of the potential areas and just to make certain, I drove through the various areas at different (and strategic) times of the day like Mon-Fri from 3-4pm when kyds are normally first freed from the school cages, on Sunday afternoons to see if the area was over run by weekend dads or proud meew maws and pee paws,...... etc......I found a much forgotten, older, yet very well maintained, area of the city that was basically separated by a main road as a buffer zone from the "famblee area" type subdivisions. The neighbors were an average age of 55, it was full of retirees and military people signed onto 4-6 year programs at the AFB, . and during my month of surveillance I never saw one single bicycle.

The lawns were well manicured, flower gardens were carefully tended, homes were in good condition and updated and clean, and one thing that I liked was that people didn't park on the damned street (or lawn) which is a HUGE pet peeve of mine IF it's done on a regular basis. Cars parked on curbs on a regular basis, when carports and garages are plentiful, is a BIG RED FLAG that too damned many people are living in the single famblee dwellings than was intended, OR they have a bunch of cars that don't run. Before the ink was good and dry on the closing papers, the elderly woman next door on one side died and UP went the for sale sign and IN moved a hodge podge Brady Bunch famblee. OUT came a makeshift skate board ramp to clutter up the sidewalks, UP went a cheap above ground pool which did NOT look right alongside all of the inground pools with decks, a basketball hoop went up over the garage, and the cars started piling up: At the curb, alongside the sidewalk, in the yard, and on the driveway parked all fucked up like so they could each leave without moving a vehicle, I suppose.

KYDS and their kindercrap was EVERYWHERE. Their front formal living/dining room had partitions in it and they had converted it to three or four extra bedrooms. I knew this because it had a huge window across the entire front of the house and they often left the blinds up so you could see it from the street. Beds, (ALWAYS unmade) hanging clothes on what appeared to be racks from a retail store, , kyds laying around in each "quadrant" doing various things like headphones on, talking on a cell, etc....That was where they housed the older kyds. The OTHER kyds, and later on, the newborn, "one of their own", lodged in the original four bedrooms, I suppose. Inside of two years they had missing shingles that went unrepaired after a bad storm, screens falling off, dead/brown grass, peeling paint. rotted facia board, broken privacy fence (because of their NUMEROUS uncared for dogs) and it was a COMPLETE eyesore. Within 5 or 6 years, I had famblees on every fucking side of me including the back and acoss the street. I felt like a prisoner in my own home.

I finally moved after TEN WHOLE YEARS OF IT, and it was then that I discovered the meaning of true peace. I sold that house in 2/06, but the nightmare of that bullshit is still branded on my mind. I realize this sounds dramatic, but I swear that living there toward the end and becoming sleep deprived because of the noise and being annoyed and angered every day by their destruction of my private property and the demolition of a once quiet neighborhood, nearly sent me into a psychosis of sorts. I STILL have nightmares about it.ranting
Re: Why I moved where I did
January 08, 2009
I swear that living there toward the end and becoming sleep deprived because of the noise and being annoyed and angered every day by their destruction of my private property and the demolition of a once quiet neighborhood, nearly sent me into a psychosis of sorts. I STILL have nightmares about it.ranting

You're describing what my life has been like for the past 6 months, Kim. :smn
Re: Why I moved where I did
January 08, 2009
Awww, Annie...I feel your pain. Why must they INVADE EVERYWHERE?? I've been at my same apartment building for 8 years... There were only a couple of kids when I moved in. Now there are at least three families that I know of, all with at least two kids. I'm hoping my nice old landlord doesn't die anytime soon...I shudder to think what would move into his big apartment.
Cheese Louise
Re: Why I moved where I did
January 08, 2009
It's unnerving how often you hear these stories with the very same theme....CF searches for and buys a home in a quiet neighborhood with no or few brats, and within a few years the place does a 180 and turns into a breeder shithole. WHY does this happen? Because people everywhere are having too fucking many kids, that's why.

Our neighborhood seems to have roughly the same number of brats as when we moved in 8 years ago, but the problem is that a good portion of them are now at that annoying sullen teen or preteen stage. I HATE IT when I see a group of scraggly looking, gangsta-wannabes hanging out trying to look tuff. In one case, they were standing smack dab in the middle of the street and would NOT move as cars tried to drive by. At one point, one teen girl actually LAY DOWN in the street, just lounging there like she was on a couch. All her "friends" thought that was so hilarious. Where the fuck were the parents? Probably several blocks away at home, thankful their precious-miracles-turned-teenscum were out of their hair for the time being.

Re: Why I moved where I did
January 08, 2009
It never happened to me. I live in the same house I grew up in. It is across the street from a playground; at the bottom of a hill with two schools on top. I am going to move out of here one of these days but it is not that simple. I inherited this house seven years ago but the will is still in probate because I had a lawyer drop the ball.

All the reasons why this place was good when I was growing up is the exact reason I want to get out of here as an adult. especially during softball season. One of these days I will start a thread telling you folks all about softball season on my street.

BUT NOT TO-DAY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!spanking with a whip on the ass

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: Why I moved where I did
January 09, 2009
When I got my first apartment, I couldn't afford to be too picky about where I lived. This was a time when I really learned to loathe breeders. My best friend and I shared a small apartment in a fairly nice row of apartment buildings. Between our building and the next one over was a large courtyard area. It was a decent enough little area, with a nicely kept lawn and a place where it WOULD have been nice to read and get some sun and quiet after work. But no, the breeders took care of that.

Every day I would get home from work around 4:30 PM, and the lawn would be FULL of kids doing all kinds of things. Running, screaming, throwing things, playing ball (right by the apartment building with windows), just generally behaving like wild monkeys. And their parents would always be sitting together outside of a couple particular apartments. They usually had baby strollers with them which meant that more obnoxious kids would soon be joining the big group. Of course, we were lucky enough to live on the ground floor, so during this time of day we always had these brats running up to our windows to tease our cats. Sometimes they would bang on our windows or just stand there and stare through them. So, I could never have my fucking blinds open this time of day. Do you think the parents would EVER tell their kids to get away from the windows and behave? No way. Every day I got home to that place, I had to close the blinds and turn up the TV and try to drown out the deafening kid noise. And the lawn was littered with kid junk at times. I think the apartment managers finally did something about that, but...it wasn't the main problem. I was so glad when I finally got out of there. It was hell. It drove me crazy that the managers never put a stop to the noise. When you compain about breeders, most of the time you just get the standard "but they're CHILDREN" response. Fuck that. Kids need to be quiet when they're told to, and they need to be told to sometimes.

My friend moved to a really nice apartment after that where her nextdoor neighbor had a constantly screaming infant. And you know what? The bitch moo actually reported my friend to the managers because she could hear my friend's heels on the stairs in the mornings and she couldn't relax because of it. She actually tried to get my friend put out! The heels were what she wore to her job, and of course, the bitch had no job. So she had no concept of getting up and ready for work in the morning. Anyway, my friend wrote the greatest letter to the management explaining that if she had to live with the constant crying from the baby, then the neighbor would have to deal with her footsteps. What bullshit. The management sided with my friend and told her that they would deal with the woman. Not another word was exchanged and eventually the bitch moved out.

Sorry for the long post, but sometimes I can't help it. These people drive me mad and I gotta let it out to people who understand.
Re: Why I moved where I did
January 09, 2009
when I worked in new home sales I was told that a certain % of houses in new communities had to be available to non seniors. I remember thinking- "Jackpot!"
Re: Why I moved where I did
January 09, 2009
Neighbourhoods and apartment complexes change so often. I lived in a complex for over ten years. When I first moved into my former apartment in 1995, most of the tenants were elderly or the average single working person. I loved it there because it was so clean and quiet! Five years later, the complex started to slowly go downhill. Little by little, more single moms on Section 8 were being moved in. The elderly were passing away or going to nursing homes or to their families. Decent families were moving out and buying houses during the real estate boon in Orlando. One long-time tenant was told she was basically stupid and crazy when a breeder had a loud party in the clubhouse which was next to the lady's bedroom. The manager cared more about getting $200 for clubhouse rentals than for the concern of a tenant who lived there even longer than I had and who always paid her rent on time and was quiet.

By the time I left Central Florida in the beginning of 2007, the complex was s#!t. The same manager ran the place but she no longer cared. Instead of the staff in the office wearing professional or even business casual clothing, the manager and the two other women were wearing jeans. The manager wore those horrible "mom jeans". The place was not kept up as it used to be. When I first moved in, there was a professional trash pick-up service which picked up the trash daily from each unit during the week. Instead of just deep-sixing that feature when the owner wanted to cut back, the office manager signed a contract with a drunk-@ss man who would threaten tenants and not give out bags. He was often very late for pick-up so the place started smelling like a dumpster. I took my own trash to the dumpsters and bought my own bags by then. The entire place looked bad. Kids hung out in the front on skateboards all day during school break and after school was out. No one did a thing about the noise these brats made.

The complex did sell after I left. I do not know if anyone bought a "condo". I had heard the new owner wanted to redo some units for folks visiting for Disney but Winter Park, FL is a bit of a ways from the theme parks. I know my ex still lives there. Areas cannot be counted on for remaining to be safe neighbourhoods or without a lot of kids around to bug the residents. My grandfather bought in Pittsburg, CA in 1974. The subdivision was great at first with quiet and nice young families. Then...it became Breederville when Section 8 started putting welfare slags in these nice houses rather than in the projects. I would never buy a home due to the issue of what happens when the area goes to crap and then it is hard to sell. It is even harder to sell a home in a nice neighbourhood now! Condos are worthless as the mortgage holder is only paying for air space. The land and structure do not belong to the "owner" but the association.
Re: Why I moved where I did
January 09, 2009
Oh, Krishna, don't get me started on Section 8.

My parents stil live in the small town where I grew up. The entire area was always really nice, clean, and safe, and I really enjoyed living there. About two years ago they put a section 8 housing development in the next town over. Since then, there has been a string of armed robberies, a bank robbery, and a woman was found outside of the middle school, beaten half to death.

I have yet to drive through the Section 8 development. I'm almost afraid to; I don't want to get carjacked or something. It makes me sad to think of what has happened to this lovely little town. I did want to move back to the area at some point, but not anymore.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
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