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sick of recycling THIEVES

Posted by walflower 
sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
Every week, people with stolen (no doubt) shopping carts roam our city's alley ways scavenging recycling from the city's bins that residents have put out to be picked up on trash day. I consider this theft because the goods are not meant for these people--they're meant for the city. After all, our city is the one who pays for our precious recycling program, so they should be the ones to reap the rewards for the recyclables upon redemption. Instead, the parasites come along reaping the low-hanging fruits by grabbing all the highest-yield items from the bins. At the risk of being accused of profiling, let me add that I very strongly suspect that few if any of these folks are here legally (but that's another issue). I know some would argue that these folks are poor and probably really need the money. And I've heard others argue that "at least the stuff isn't ending up in a landfill". But that's not the point. The city is bleeding cash because of this. If these scavengers want to make cash, then why don't they go pick up recyclables off the street, or dig through garbage cans to find stuff that actually WOULD end up in a landfill were it not for their intervention? NO. They prefer the easy route--the low-hanging fruit of conveniently aggregated, easy-to-find, ready-sorted recyclables.

No one I've called (police dept., city officials, waste-disposal company) wants to be bothered to do any serious intervention to curb this problem. What I foresee is that our recycling program will eventually go bankrupt because of this, and it will be canceled. Then each resident who wants to "to the right thing" and recycle will be forced to figure out another way.

Anyone else have this problem where you live?
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
I've not seen it in Baltimore, but the blight hasn't spread to my part of town. Also, we have dedicated recycling days so the city comes to residences to pick up your stuff. That said, if someone wanted to sell cans here, I guess they could but they'd have to get the crap all the way to the depot and if 1 person tried it and left a mess around my can I'd be waiting for them the next month.
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
I DO have this "problem" where I live, but I would gladly trade my REAL problems for yours any day of the week.

So, in your community, the recycling program is paid for by the deposit on returnable containers? In my city, it's funded by our tax money. Also, when items are recycled, it is the material that gets left out of the waste stream that saves money for the city. They don't have employees going through containers one-by-one searching for items that might be worth nickels and dimes. It all ends up in the same place. For example, in Massachusetts we have returnable containers, but a lot of containers from New Hampshire, which does NOT have a "Bottle Bill", get thrown in with the lot. The municipal recycling program does not sort out the Massachusetts empties and bring them to the redemption center.

I'm not sorry to say that I got a big laugh out of this post. It made my day. I haven't read anything this petty, yet funny, in my whole Internet existence. You're kidding, right? If it bothers you THAT MUCH, save your empty returnables and redeem them yourself. Convince your neighbors that they ought to do the same. More likely they'll laugh their asses off at you like I am doing right now. I can't believe you called the POLICE about this! I bet they thought you were a crank caller. This is just way too funny, I can't even find the words for it.

If this is your complaint du jour, then you've got a charmed life. I suggest taking on some new hobbies, or perhaps a continuing-ed class. Maybe check the library for an interesting book to read in your spare time.

Send your thieves over to my recycle bin. Trash day is Monday on my street. I'll SAVE my returnables for them, if that would help keep them away from your neighborhood.

No thanks necessary! I am providing this service free of charge to you. Glad to help out.

Now, can YOU help ME get my house out of probate for the past seven years?

That would be a BIG help.

[I keep editing this message and adding something every time I go back and read the OP. It's just so priceless!]

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
I DO have this "problem" where I live, but I would gladly trade my REAL problems for yours any day of the week.

So, in your community, the recycling program is paid for by the deposit on returnable containers? In my city, it's funded by our tax money. Also, when items are recycled, it is the material that gets left out of the waste stream that saves money for the city. They don't have employees going through containers one-by-one searching for items that might be worth nickels and dimes. It all ends up in the same place. For example, in Massachusetts we have returnable containers, but a lot of containers from New Hampshire, which does NOT have a "Bottle Bill", get thrown in with the lot. The municipal recycling program does not sort out the Massachusetts empties and bring them to the redemption center.

I'm not sorry to say that I got a big laugh out of this post. It made my day. I haven't read anything this petty, yet funny, in my whole Internet existence. You're kidding, right? If it bothers you THAT MUCH, save your empty returnables and redeem them yourself. Convince your neighbors that they ought to do the same. More likely they'll laugh their asses off at you like I am doing right now. I can't believe you called the POLICE about this! I bet they thought you were a crank caller. This is just way too funny, I can't even find the words for it.

If this is your complaint du jour, then you've got a charmed life. I suggest taking on some new hobbies, or perhaps a continuing-ed class. Maybe check the library for an interesting book to read in your spare time.

Send your thieves over to my recycle bin. Trash day is Monday on my street. I'll SAVE my returnables for them, if that would help keep them away from your neighborhood.

No thanks necessary! I am providing this service free of charge to you. Glad to help out.

Now, can YOU help ME get my house out of probate for the past seven years?

That would be a BIG help.

[I keep editing this message and adding something every time I go back and read the OP. It's just so priceless!]

Your attacks are pitiful. So sorry your life sucks so much.
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009

Your attacks are pitiful. So sorry your life sucks so much.

Apology accepted and you're welcome!
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
We have real crime to worry about.

T wo
H ousehold
I ncome
N o
K ids
E arly
R etirement
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
Did I wander onto a breeder board by accident?

"My problems are worse than your problems!" "You're stupid!" MOO MOO MOO

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
Did I wander onto a breeder board by accident?

"My problems are worse than your problems!" "You're stupid!" MOO MOO MOO

You are right of course. Shame on me! But, I needed this! I have been really stressed out all week, & I just found out yesterday that the estate probate has not been finalized, (it should have been in 2004), so this thread feels like a mini-vacation. Sort of like eating a Mounds or Almond Joy.

[Edit: I took the OP out of my sig and posted it as a new entry in my blog. I'm too lazy to write a REAL blog entry!]

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Cheese Louise
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
Did I wander onto a breeder board by accident?

"My problems are worse than your problems!" "You're stupid!" MOO MOO MOO

No kidding. Just because you're stressed out doesn't give you the right to jump someone's ass for something THEY feel like ranting about. YOUR problems don't negate or lessen theirs.

I could try to one-up you by saying that MY problems are worse than yours right now, but I won't.

This board has been remarkably free of bickering until now. I guess it was just a matter of time, but it makes me sad.
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
OOH, Big, Bad ME! LAUGHING at someone!

I'm BETTER than all of you!

I hope ALL of you lose your freedom of speech!

NONE of you deserve to exist!

My recycle bin can beat up your recycle bin!

Call the police! Call the City Council! Call the President Elect!

Those damn illegal homeless people, at it again, lowering the quality of life for decent citizens by scrounging for returnable containers in recycle bins instead of digging through the regular trash! The nerve! They should all be put on a boat back to wherever they came from! Then the rest of us can live happily ever after! MOOOOOOO!!!!!!11!!!!!one!!!1

I have an idea: If enough of you click "Report Message", you can make my messages go away and maybe the Administrator will even BAN me for being not-nice.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
Cheese Louise

I could try to one-up you by saying that MY problems are worse than yours right now, but I won't.

I would have made this reply in a PM, but CL is not a registered user profile and cannot receive PM's

Cheese Louise,

I was going to say something snarky, along the lines of "You just did say that your problems are worse than mine, but you added 'but I won't'". But I didn't. The reason for that is because I KNOW your problems are worse than mine. AND worse than the OP's.

I mentioned the probate of my mother's estate. I seem to recall reading that your mother is dying, too, or perhaps has done so by this time. Therefore, I think I know a LITTLE BIT about what you are going through, and it certainly IS important. And I hope that you will be able to heal your sorrow, and that the other people close to you do not serve to perpetuate it. I'm sorry this board makes you sad. Maybe this is not the place to go when you need cheering up.

Unfortunately for some of you, however, the original post DID cheer ME up. I guess that cheer and sorrow are a zero-sum equation, but I'm comfortable with my share of laughter in this particular instance.

People taking things out of recycle bins isn't something you VENT about. It's something you KVETCH about. Last time I checked, it was perfectly acceptable to be snarky on this board.

So hey everyone! I can't MAKE you kiss my ass, but you're welcome to try if it makes you feel any better. But, don't blame me if it doesn't help.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
Cheese Louise
Did I wander onto a breeder board by accident?

"My problems are worse than your problems!" "You're stupid!" MOO MOO MOO

No kidding. Just because you're stressed out doesn't give you the right to jump someone's ass for something THEY feel like ranting about. YOUR problems don't negate or lessen theirs.

I could try to one-up you by saying that MY problems are worse than yours right now, but I won't.

This board has been remarkably free of bickering until now. I guess it was just a matter of time, but it makes me sad.

You are not the only one who has noticed that the tone has shifted.
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
Guess the honeymoon's really over then, huh?

We now return you to the regular programming.

Everyone together now:

"Kum-ba-yah o Lord, Kum-ba-yah!"

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

The Phan
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
I've gotta say that there's something in the air because I also got my ass handed to me elsewhere in CF cyberland, over something very innocuous. Is it a full moon or something?
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
I'm fine. I'm having the first "good" day I've had in months. Maybe I'm feeling better than others around here are feeling, and perhaps, unlike misery, joy does not like company.

If the Admin invites me to leave the board and not post anymore, I will do so without forcing her to ban me.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
Ladies, gentlemen, please - I deplore you..........let me settle this petty bickering........you ALL suck!!!
(Now you can all be united in hating me.....glad to be of assistance!!!)smiling smiley
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
everybody just simmer down. we are all human here and of course there are going to be disagreements. i don't think this thread or poofy approaches anything close to the vicious nature of the moo boards, so let's not say it does.

the illegals have always been a problem insofar as taking advantage of things and not contributing to the system. they don't ask for citizenship papers at the recycling center or anywhere else, and that is the crux of the problem. the illegal alien welfare whores are worse that the regular ones, why? because they don't have to be accountable for anything. even the regular whores can be tracked for their earnings through the system, the illegals get paid cash for everything and qualify for welfare and medical just for shitting out brats.

and before we bring race into this lets remember a hell of a lot of the illegals out there are WHITE.
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
I don't like the idea of strangers being in close enough proximity to my home to be rifling through my trash, regardless of their intent or motive. They may just be "dumpster diving" like I have known law abiding citizens to do on occasion to look for "lost treasure", OR they could be casing the place and looking through the trash as a front for potential criminal activity or a crime of opportunity. " I was just looking for cans officer, I don't know HOW the lady's throat got slit (or beat up, or raped, etc...) My fingerprints are on her door because I knocked on it and asked her permission to go through the trash, my blood is in her house because I cut my hand on a can and she gave me a bandaid. She GAVE me this TV, cell phone, and diamond ring, said she didn't want it anymore............" etc.. If a large item, such as a microwave, kinder crap, a box of clothes, etc....is with the trash on the side of the road and is visible from the street and easily picked up and off they go, I wouldn't mind it. However, when they are on my property for enough time to mill around (if there's more than one), dig through the trash, make a mess, or otherwise frighten or disturb me unnecessarily, I will be reaching for the shotgun after I call 9-11 and report a trespasser.
Cheese Louise
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
I'm fine. I'm having the first "good" day I've had in months. Maybe I'm feeling better than others around here are feeling, and perhaps, unlike misery, joy does not like company.

This doesn't quite wash. You attacked the OP quite viciously, essentially saying that your problems were SOOO much worse than hers and how dare she post something so stupid. Now, when called on the carpet, all of a sudden you are all happy happy joy joy?

As for what you said about kvetching vs. ranting, I think the Admin should be the one to decide what's a valid post.

You are obviously going through a very stressful time. I really don't understand taking it out on others on a message board.

My mom did pass away last week, and thank you for the wishes. It is very difficult. And yes, certain family members ARE making things harder, but I won't go into that here.

BTW, I have tried several times to register at this board. It keeps telling me that my user names and email are already taken by someone else, but that someone else is me! Guess I need to create a new email addy or something.
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 09, 2009
Cheese Louise
BTW, I have tried several times to register at this board. It keeps telling me that my user names and email are already taken by someone else, but that someone else is me! Guess I need to create a new email addy or something.

Fixed. You should be able to register now. Be sure to check your email to complete registration.
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 10, 2009
I'm sorry about your mom too, Louise. I did not know. Best wishes in this difficult time.
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 10, 2009
I am sorry to hear about your mom, Cheese Louise. Hang in there even though it is tough. People act odd when death happens... sad smiley
Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 10, 2009
Cheese Louise
I'm fine. I'm having the first "good" day I've had in months. Maybe I'm feeling better than others around here are feeling, and perhaps, unlike misery, joy does not like company.

This doesn't quite wash. You attacked the OP quite viciously, essentially saying that your problems were SOOO much worse than hers and how dare she post something so stupid. Now, when called on the carpet, all of a sudden you are all happy happy joy joy?

I don't feel as if i was "called on the carpet". I simply said I would trade my problems with the court for the OP's problems with the recycling program. I still stand by that remark. And, "HH-JJ" is a little extreme, but YES. If any other people don't like something I said or the way I said it, then welcome to the world. I like this board because I am not required to walk on eggshells around people's fragile egos.

As for what you said about kvetching vs. ranting, I think the Admin should be the one to decide what's a valid post.

I wrote to the admin and offered to leave without being dragged out by security, and she said that my posts did not violate any posting guidelines.

You are obviously going through a very stressful time. I really don't understand taking it out on others on a message board.

Some people took my post a lot more seriously than I did, but it would be disingenuous of me to say that I am surprised by that.

I sowwy I hurt someone's peewins. Can I be let back into the cwubhouse pweeeeeeeze?

There is a lot of "I can dish it out but I can't take it" going on, and it's not on me. I never post something on the internet that I am not prepared to take the heat for.

However, in the interest of full disclosure, my best friend (who happens to be "a SAHMOO with 4 kydz") enlightened me to the fact that some communities DO fund municipal programs with the deposit cans from the recycle bins. This is the message she sent me:

Here we have city recycle bins for steel, newspaper, aluminum & plastic. We sort the stuff and put it in the proper bin, then the city brings it to the big recycling center and gets the per pound price. We don't have deposits, etc. and there isn't a refund center, just several companies who pay for recyclable materials. The guy who posted that is probably in the same situation.The per pound price is pretty decent, and the city makes a good amt of money off of it - enough to pay workers to do any necessary sorting. SO, if people were filching recyclables from the city bins, the city wouldn't be making enough $ to make it economically feasible to continue the program. The end result would be less people recycling and less money coming to the city... and probably park stuff coming out of our property taxes (which are high enough, tyvm)... anyway, the way things are done varies from place to place. It sounds like this guy has a system more like ours and nothing like yours smiling smiley In our town, yes, the WHOLE RECYCLING system does, in face, rely upon these bins. (Heaven forbid that a CF person gets their point made by a PAHRUNT to another CF person!)

That does not change the fact that the OP was still the funniest post I have ever read that was not a purposeful joke. Especially when I read it out loud. There is a lot of "reaping" and references to "low-hanging fruit" that it sounded like a passage from the Old Testament. It was so loaded with drama, metaphor, and social commentary that you could get a whole season of a reality-TV show of of it.

Once again, if folks don't like my style, that's just TOUGH. I have never threatened or attacked any individual in a personal way. There are things that people can do to avoid reading what I write. I'm not going to change my screen-name, go to another board, and act like I never said the things I said on THIS board, such as some other folks have been doing (you know who you are). I am the same person all the time, and I will never say something behind someone's back that I would not admit straight to their face.

ETA: I shred all paper with personal information because I, too, am paranoid about someone finding it in the bin and "using" it.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: sick of recycling THIEVES
January 10, 2009
I was thinking about this while I was driving around doing errands.

I apologize to the OP and the group for having a laugh at someone else's expense. It was not necessary for me to post a reply in order to experience the amusement. It was not a nice thing that I did. I am not a very nice person. However, I apologize only for what I did, not for who I am.

I should probably check with my friend in Idaho whenever something sounds funny to me from now on.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

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