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Preggo pees on herself: "How can I stop it?"

Posted by kidlesskim 
Preggo pees on herself: "How can I stop it?"
January 11, 2009
(courtesy of parenting.com)

STUPID question award eye rolling smiley

"This is really embarassing but I need to know if this is something else I get to look forward to while being pregnant...
The other day I was at the store looking for macaroni & cheese, and I sneezed, and actually peed myself a little. I was so horrified I left immediately! Is this going to keep happening?! Or is there something I can do to stop it from happening?! It's not a case of me having to use the bathroom and holding it too long. I didn't even know I had to pee!"

(Old preggo veterans enlighten the dummy with war stories)

"LOL,I just started a thread like that in the GP section!I'm only 13weeks so,I thought it was kinda wierd this early!But yeah it's normal and it will keep happening possibly even get worst!(NOT what you wanted to hear I suppose)The only thing I know of doing is to keep doing kegal excercise as these help tightnen those muscles and where a pad so you don't go through Another mom on the thread suggested to add babypowder for freshness..I thought It was a good idea I just can't put that stuff down there or I'll get an infection Anyways I hope this helps,If you want to check out the other thread to read the other posters it's "2nd timers...TMI"

"Cay is right. It's completely normal! And she is also right about kegals possibly helping. I was every so slightly incontinent for months after Charlie was born. I just wore and carried panty liners. It's just another one of those things that we have to deal with as moms."

"I had that problem.. I actually DID wet myself uncontrolably 3 days after my daughter was born - our fist day at home. Thank goodness for a VERY open relationship with my husband... part of my problem could have been the two of us laughing so hard at me."

"Ugh...sorry to hear you are having this problem. I too had it during and after pregnancy. I did not do the kegels, and should have. (It's not that I really didn't want to do them, I just kept forgetting.) If you let those muscles get to weak/stretched out during pregnancy you actually get something called a prolapsed bladder after the baby is born. Then you have to do the kegels anyway, and if they don't work surgery. Luckily the kegels did eventually work for me, but I would say it's better just to do them while you're pregnant."

"Yep, like everyone has said, it's very normal. Another thing that can help is to go to the bathroom more often.... I wore panty liners for my whole prenancy, and not just for that but for the discharge. Pregnancy sure can be icky lol"

shrug EVERYBODY knows that preggos piss on themselves. I have never been around a pregnant woman (for any length of time) who didn't mention something about needing to pee and may not can hold it, peed a little already, or just outright pissed herself at some point. Unless they have had surgery to correct it, I also don't know any woman who has had a kyd who didn't have to close her legs together when she sneezed or laughed to keep the pee from trickling out either, or worse. So WHY does this tart have to sign onto a parenting board and pose this common knowledge question? Either she has lived in seclusion or she wants to talk about all of the "cutesy" litte things that happen during pregnancy, wants attention for being naive' about it, and wants ALL PRESENT to know that this is her first brat. I HATE it when they feign ignorance about something that any 7th grader likely knows regarding being knocked up, just to get attention, pats on the back, sympathy, etc..... Can't the more experienced moocows see it for what it is and call her out on it? I wish to God that would occasionally happen.

As for all of these "lol" at pissing on themselves, little remarks like it's just to be expected, wearing sanitary pads for months on end, is NOT normal at all NOR is it the least bit funny, IMO. I do not understand how anyone could willingly accept that from this point forward, that they WILL be pissing on themselves. It would be different if it was medically impossible to correct the problem, or they had an involuntary disability which could not be treated, but they KNEW IN ADVANCE this would happen to their bladders and they went right on ahead with it without a care in the world that short of surgery, it was highly likely that they would basically be soaking in and/or smell like urine, for the rest of their natural lives. This really bothers me that they don't seem to care and that they even think it's funny. My mother has been pissing on herself since she was about 35 years old and it is DIRECTLY caused by childbirth. She started out wearing mini pads occasionally, by the time she was in her 50's, she had graduated to maxi pads EVERY day, and now that she is in her 60's, she wears those adult piss pads. It's only a matter of time till she is back in diapers, I suppose. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.two faces puking
Re: Preggo pees on herself: "How can I stop it?"
January 11, 2009
It happens to me if I use a tampon; it used to happen when I wore a diaphragm. When something is pinching the vaginal wall against the urethra, a little bit of pee gets stuck in there sometimes and when you sneeze, the muscles rearrange themselves and there is a little bit of "accident". It also does it when I cough. I guess with different bodies, YMMV... Sorry to be so graphic to the people who are eating right now!

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Anonymous User
Re: Preggo pees on herself: "How can I stop it?"
January 11, 2009
I don't know about the post-pregnancy stuff. I'm a guy so I'm not really expected to know too much about it and quite frankly, don't care to.

But you've got to be a special kind of stupid to not realize that growing a 9lb parasite in your abdomen is going to have an impact on the organs that normally occupy that space. There's no empty space inside the body, it's all filled up with something (Nature abhors a vacuum and all that).

Next thing you know this moomie is going to be all shocked and shaken when her milk leaks unexpectedly.

Maybe that's why mom's are so tolerant of their screaming larvae. It doesn't seem as disgusting to have a miniature human that excretes foul things from every orifice if you've lost the ability to really control how much of it you do too.
Re: Preggo pees on herself: "How can I stop it?"
January 11, 2009
But you've got to be a special kind of stupid to not realize that growing a 9lb parasite in your abdomen is going to have an impact on the organs that normally occupy that space. There's no empty space inside the body, it's all filled up with something (Nature abhors a vacuum and all that).

But it's NATCHURAL! (sarcasm)

I've seen uteri from hysterectomies. The normal-sized uterus is amazingly small, smaller than your fist. It's tiny. To think of it expanded to hold something larger than a bowling ball is horrifying. I don't care if it IS natural. sad smiley two faces puking
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