August 15, 2005
As a parent of a young girl, I have to agree with the poster who wrote about the girl wearing the pants with a word across the rear end. I see this all of the time, and it makes my blood boil. Sometimes the words are 'spoiled' or 'princess'. It's so stupid to draw attention to your young girl's rear when they are so many sick people out there these days. Plus, even the not-sick people, like me, don't want to be accidentally looking at kid's butts. Some parents are just stupid.
Re: slut-clothes
August 15, 2005
Karyn, why does your opinion have to be qualified with the preface "as a parent". Does that make it any more relevant?
Re: slut-clothes
August 16, 2005
The reason I prefaced my comment with 'as a parent' you thin-skinned dimwit, is because I was trying to make the point that not all 'moos' think it is okay to dress their kids like sluts, just a select few of them. That, maybe, breeders and childfree can agree on some topics. Now fuck off, loser.

I think she's gone now. We'll file her outbursts in the "Parenting makes you a better person" file. - BratfreeGirl
Re: slut-clothes
August 16, 2005
Ah Karyn...just as I suspected, you've showed your true moo colors.
Re: slut-clothes
August 16, 2005
And people wonder why CFers need their own space on the 'net?

It's because of people like you, karyn. You outted yourself, you got called on it.

We Cfers are tired of having to listen to people like you try to give yourself more importance with the "as a parent" seal.
Re: slut-clothes
August 16, 2005
Nice Karyn!

Did I attack YOU? No. I asked a question. "As a parent" often comes off as My opinion is more important and condescending. Your opinion would have been just as valid without the AS a parent crap.

Yeah, who is dimwitted and thin skinned? Who's a loser. You are snookums. Go fuck yourself with a rusty nail studded board you canyon twatted whore.

See, I can have a potty mouth too.
Re: slut-clothes
August 16, 2005
'as a parent' it makes Karyn an expert at reading kids butts.
None of us are any such butt reading experts because we are CF.

*sarcasm included*

Anonymous User
Re: slut-clothes
August 16, 2005
Karyn are you trying to show that you are an understanding parent, not of the type we are critical here in this site? Maybe you are trying to reconcile your own feelings about your parenting or maybe you feel the need to convince us that there are good parents out there.

I have been on this board just a month or so and I can easily surmise that the people on this post are well aware that not all parents are breeders. We all understand that some people do a great job of raising children. But as the social climate seems to change they are few and far between.

But this is our place to vent, no sideways looks from people that think we are haters- or worse. This is our place to find peace and acceptance that is denied us each day by a baby centered world.

If you are trying to do a public service and help us CF'ers understand that there are good parents- and tone down our zealous opinions, then you are trolling. It seems that everyone on this board is very intelligent and insightful as to the ways of the world- good and bad.

I am not sure why you would spend time with us- you have things to learn and prepare for to ensure you raise good kids.

1. homework 2. parent teacher conferences 3. college prep 4. life lessons. 5. Reading to your kids 6. Appropriate social training. You have a huge job- it is your universal responsibility- Your time is already full- why are we of interest to you?
If you want us to say you are doing a good job- look else where as you are the only one that can judge yourself when you look in the mirror.

mercurior 1
Re: slut-clothes
August 17, 2005
i come here to vent my anger, coz i know if i didnt have a few places to get my anger out, then that would affect everyone..

this is a dedicated site, to childfree, some of us hate kids, some dont mind them but wouldnt want any of their own.. as its says this is a place to let of steam..

that being said.. as a parent the phrase is condesending to say the least, being a parent doesnt give u a greater understand of life, the universe and everything, all it does is gives u greater understanding of having your own kid.. but most parents are in the words of heinlein

"Delusions are often functional. A mother's opinions about her children's beauty, intelligence, goodness, et cetera ad nauseam, keep her from drowning them at birth." its like oh my neighbour a mr dahmer was a such a nice person, he could do no wrong.. being a parent doesnt make you god, doesnt make you an authority on life. all it does is make u boring, and makes u exist without a life..

so ok come here, but dont use the phrase as a parent.. its insulting and stupid.

btw board i think we should have a phrase as our our, like as a non parent.. we have A LIFE
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