Entry 1338 - Comparing humans to animals
May 07, 2006
Hayley made a good point. I also notice that, in the case of animals who can have litters, if the mother births more offspring than she can take care of (or nurse), she'll kill the "extras", usually. Animal mothers know when they are able to fully care for their young, whereas some stupid human mothers will crap out kid after kid even when there's absolutely no way they can afford to care for or feed the kids. When animals kill their young, it's nature. When humans kill their babies or kids, it's homicide. Go figure.

Another is that animals don't fucking babystalk. Human breeder mothers will take their kids everywhere possible in public and sometimes flaunt their babies to the world because they are somehow the most incredible beings to exist on this planet. Animal mothers, most of the time, will hide their young in a secluded place where they know predators won't find them - which is as far from babystalking as one can get.

I really think breeders could really learn something from the parenting patterns and skills of animals.
Damn, Darwin was wrong when it comes to humans. Dumber humans have more offspring than smart ones.
Re: Entry 1338 - Comparing humans to animals
May 07, 2006
Yes, people are usually the worst parents.

Many breeders keep their crotchcrap much longer than 18 years. I know some alleged "adults" who are in their 30s and beyond who still live with moo and duh. It could be because the spoiled brats don't want to pay bills, or because a parent--usually moo--doesn't want to "let go" of her "baby."

I would love to see a doctor kill off extra crotchdumps in a fertility litter! Better yet, just kill all fertfreaks!
You're so right about the dumb ones breeding! I went to high school with a family where the parents were first cousins. They had seventeen, yes 17, mutant kids. The special ed class at our school was basically comprised of that family. The funny thing was their first child was mentally "normal." She even had the "smarts" to call in a fake bomb threat every Thursday for an entire school year without getting caught. We always looked forward to that! I don't think it ever occurred to the father of all of these special wonders, that the first kid might not be his!
Re: Entry 1338 - Comparing humans to animals
May 07, 2006
Sherz Wrote:
> You're so right about the dumb ones breeding! I
> went to high school with a family where the
> parents were first cousins. They had seventeen,
> yes 17, mutant kids.

Ewwwww! How was this even allowed to happen and continue? Disgusting.

And I agree: the number of crotch dumplings one has is inversely proportional to their I.Q.
Amen, Cambion.
Re: Entry 1338 - Comparing humans to animals
May 08, 2006
I've always thought animals make better parents than humans. Mother dogs discipline their puppies better, more often and more effectively than human mothers. I watched my rabbit with her babies and she was such a good mom. Same goes for the feral cats who live around my friend's house. Luckily there is only 1 breeding female left, the rest have been trapped, spayed and put back.
Yeah, unlike some humans, animals actualy want to parent their offsprin, be around them, ect.
Plus dear friends, are we forgeting how much cuter baby animals are compared to humans? There is no comparision!!!

-Everytime someone gets an abortion, an angel gets her wings.
I agree, Sharon. I love seeing baby kittens, puppies, cute bunny rabbits, ect. Much cuter than a human baby.
Even reptiles are cute as babies, they're like miniature versions of adults. Hehehe baby turtles!
smiling smiley Animal Babystalking!

(hopefully that link works)
CUTE!!!!!! I love baby reptiles, too.
Even maggots are cuter AND more useful then human babies.
"Maggots are cuter AND more useful then human babies."

getting above post made into bumper sticker ... kidding smiling smiley
Now come on, get it made and report to us what happens.
Re: Entry 1338 - Comparing humans to animals
May 10, 2006
I was in a pet store close to my house not long ago and saw a tank full of baby rats. I swear there is nothing cuter on the face of this earth than baby rats. Plus I LOVE rats, they make fantastic pets.

A moo and sprogs were looking at them as I was talking to the employee taking care of them. Employee and I went on and on how cute they were. The moo just walked away in disgust. Cunt.
Good thing, KFLL! She'd probaly wouldn't know how to take care of the baby rats correctly.
BTW maggots are really useful. They raise them somewhere to sell to hospitals to eat away dead flesh. No kidding! Also at the Body Farm in Tennesee, they help (along with other bugs) to determine when someone died by examining various stages of their growth.

Re: Entry 1338 - Comparing humans to animals
May 10, 2006
I think I saw that on "Bones" - or "CSI"?
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