1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 08, 2006
India, your post made me LOL.

I work a desk job and hate it. I've become so out of shape and sitting all day listening to pregnant idiots on Medi-cal is going to drive me insane. I would take a warehouse job in a New York minute just so I didn't have to sit all day long.

I'm kind of stumped as to why someone who gets all dolled up like that for work wants to work in a warehouse? Especially in a humid environment. Me, I'm a tomboy so I don't mind getting dirty, although I would have to say I wouldn't be down with working a warehouse in the humid Florida summer.

It really isn't the heat it's the humidity.
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 09, 2006
The problem with Florida beside the climate is that the pay rate is so low for warehouse positions. Management treats production workers like sh*t knowing that there are many other people lined up for those jobs. I did work in one good warehouse through a temp service during that company's peak time -- packing and assembling costume jewelry which was fun. However, the pay was horrible -- $6.00 an hour and that was back in 2003! This is a right-to-work state so people in this type of work have no unions or any real benefits. It is rare in this area to find a job of this sort to pay ---maybe--- over $8 per hour. Working for Medi-Cal has to be hell... :scr
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 09, 2006
The warehouse jobs around here don't pay that much less that an office job. I worked in a .com warehouse a few years back I thought it was alright, better than the shit job I have now.

I don't work for medi-cal I work as a long term temp for the state of California. We sit on the phone all day and make money for the state and they're too cheap to hire us so we can get benefits and paid holidays. We have this prenatal test called the AFP test which is done on pregnant women to make sure the fetus doesn't have any genetic diseases. I get to talk to all kinds of welfare queens whining about how they shouldn't get a bill because they have the almighty Medi-cal. How I want to stuff that card up their ass when the pull that shit on me.

Here in CA they automatically give Medi-cal to women in pig which really pisses me off. I once talked to some woman who worked for the post office and had Medi-cal. Isn't working for the postal service a federal job with all kinds of great benefits? I resent my tax dollars going to pay for people too stupid to use birth control especially when they get medi-cal on top of already having insurance.

I can't wait to get the fuck out of California.

Ok I'll shut up, I could rant about this all day.
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 09, 2006
That is one thing I miss about California -- the unions and fair wages. I loved the jewelry warehouse where I temped years ago and got an offer to stay but I could not afford to work for $6 an hour. From what I hear, these cheap $OBs that own the place still pay a smidgen above minimum wage.
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 09, 2006
I love my office job...

Besides that point, in the midwest, for the welfare queens, they have Health Wave besides Medicaid. If some female in pig doesn't have insurance, they get healthwave, where they see the crappiest of doctors to take care of their unborn child. Which, of course, comes out of OUR tax dollars...
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 09, 2006
Damn, I thought at first the title was "Whorehouse vs Office. I choose office. I want a nice quiet office job where no one bothers me all day long. After teaching school for 15 years, and dealing with kids, and their parents, I don't want to be around anyone who is planning on bothering the shit out of me. I love to work alone.
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 10, 2006
My ass sits behind a desk too. I used to groom dogs part time some years ago for some extra money, I loved it. I was around animals all day, on my feet moving around, and didn't have to deal with many people. I'm DEFINITELY in the wrong field. *SIGH*
Anonymous User
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 10, 2006
A good summer job that I had as a teen was working in a health food store in Calgary. Yuppies didn't go there (thank god), and very very few kids were brought into it (the ones that were were generally very well behaved), and there were a lot of hot guys who went there! Not a bad summer job at all...
CF Scorpio
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 10, 2006
I first thought this said "whorehouse vs. office"! LOL!
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 10, 2006
Sherz Wrote:
> Damn, I thought at first the title was "Whorehouse
> vs Office.


Yeah I notied that H after I hit post and couldn't edit it. tongue sticking out smiley

Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 11, 2006
Looks like my co-worker will get her wish. Bad news came out about the account being no more by June 11. The call center made little money off of this account so they were told to find another vender. It will be hard to get on at another account. I may go back to another center I worked at last year. Wish me well...
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 11, 2006
Very best of luck.

lab mom
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 11, 2006
Thank-you, Water Lily... smiling smiley
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 12, 2006
Your welcome.

lab mom
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 12, 2006
I am doing okay with this job transition. could be the best thing to happen. Change is always scary yet great things have happened when I accepted changes. I may do some on call work for a former employer who was like, "When you coming back to work," when I called his cell. Actually, I am still technically employed with the company but am only on call on a very limited basis because of what will soon be my ex-job. I am also interviewing for a company I worked for over a year ago.

In fact, this all may be good because I do get drained with call center work even though I like it well enough. The other company is also a call center but I don't have to hear all of the sob stories since I am not doing credit apps but dealing with cellphone demons. The other job, where I am on call, is contract security. I get bored with it and hate it when my relief is late but I don't have to answer calls...
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 12, 2006
India, I hope your job situation works out. It sounds like you have some prospects. You never know what new opportunity may be around the corner for you.smiling smiley
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 13, 2006
You are absolutely right, Sherz!

I was also thinking last night how the crank callers on that account were really getting to me. This account got the calls after commercials were aired for those who need an auto loan but have credit issues. The teen boys would crank call us. Even though I would be on and off the line with one of these creeps withing a minute or so, it was unnerving to constantly being told, "Suck my d*ck, you f*cking c*nt/b*tch/wh*re!" It really is scary knowing how deep the hatred is for women in our society and how males learn how to threaten females at such a young age.

After getting over the shock of how management dropped this bomb on us and the job insecurity we all feel, I really do believe this is for the best. I don't plan on staying at this center since the accounts do not last long. When an account is lost, we have to reapply for other accounts and go through the re-testing process as if we are newhires all over again. I don't like that type of insecurity in a job knowing that I could be out on my a** even if I have been on an account for two years and then *poof* it is gone...
Anonymous User
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 15, 2006
India is there anyway to trace those calls? That is terrible.
Re: 1342 Wharehouse vs Office
May 15, 2006
Sharon, supposedly, IT could trace and block the calls after the DNIS of the toll-free number and the time the call came in took place. However, I doubt it worked because these same perps would call all of the time. It was hard not to know their voices. At least in the wireless world, people just yell about their cell bill especially when the teen of the house has been on the 'Net or text messaged to death. No one is going to sit in a cellphone qeueu (sp?) for 30 minutes or so just to crank call and talk filth.
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