1357 Feeding Stray Cats & Fines
May 10, 2006
That crap burns me up. Oh but it's ok that our charity welfare cases are nothing but "strays" sucking money from the taxpayers and continue to breed. Isn't it? No one minds feeding them.

At least the stray cats are grateful for the handouts and we can capture, spay, and release them. People can keep on breeding.

As far as I'm concerned - and they can be glad I don't run this country - breeders who breed and can't take care of their kids could die in the streets for all I care.
Anonymous User
Re: 1357 Feeding Stray Cats & Fines
May 10, 2006
I'n not surprised that this is taking place in the bible-thumpin', fetus humpin' midwest, aka Breederville, USA. I bet the assholes who made this law are so-called *pro-lifers*...yet they don't care about the lives of animals.

I hope they all come back in another life as mice, and get eaten by stray cats.
Re: 1357 Feeding Stray Cats & Fines
May 10, 2006
I saw this on Snopes and it pissed me off. All I can ask is...why the fuck are these people so damn stupid? They piss and moan about residents feeding stray cats, yet it's perfectly fine for some welfare leech to shit out nine kids and suck up taxpayers' dollars? What harm are these cats doing that stems directly from their being fed? If anyone running that town had a working brain cell, which they clearly do not, they would see this as a sign that maybe they should be working to aid animal shelters and help to find these animals homes, or at least spay and neuter them to keep them from breeding more unwanted cats. Oh, how I wish we could kidnap breeders and spay/neuter them against their will. That would make my day.

Besides, who is to say the people who feed the strays won't just say the strays belong to them, but are just outside cats? I would certainly say that if people were trying to keep me from providing hungry strays a meal.
I'd say feeding the poor stray cats, is doing those poor cats a favor.
This is sad. It breaks my heart to think of hungry kitties not being allowed to be fed. THey don't have the reasoning ability to not breed, nor do they have the resources to get themselves to vet to be spayed or neutered. We domesticated them, it's our responsibility to care for them. I do feel cheered up by the fantasy of capturing stupid breeders to be "fixed." In fact, I think there should be a network TV show about it. I would call it "Sprog Stoppers" Here's a short excerpt from a show:

Host: We're standing outside of the the trailer of Elmer and Leota Beamer. Elmer and Leota are the parents of seven children. Neither are employed, and are living off of your tax dollars. Our mission is to keep another drain on our tax dollars from entering this world. Our breeder catcher crew is equipped with tranquilizer guns, ropes, and nets. We are prepared to transport Elmer and Leota to our "Sprog Stopper" clinic for an immediate tubal and vasectomy. Their seven children will be taken to a "no kill" shelter, cleaned up, and put up for adoption. Watch, and hold your nose, as we enter the "breeder zone."
Anonymous User
Re: 1357 Feeding Stray Cats & Fines
May 10, 2006
HAHA!! Oh I wish that could happen in real life!! Only you forgot the part where the kids get fixed as well.
CF Scorpio
Re: 1357 Feeding Stray Cats & Fines
May 10, 2006
I feed a little stray cat who has adopted us. If anyone tried to fine me for it, I would fight it all the way up to the Supreme Court.
Re: 1357 Feeding Stray Cats & Fines
May 10, 2006
I am all for "Sprog Stoppers" - brilliant!

I am so sick of breeders taking it out on poor defenseless innocent animals who aren't hurting anybody and are struggling just to live through another day. Breaks my heart. I swear, those bastards won't be happy until there are no other life forms left on this planet, so they can have it all to themselves.
What a poorly written article. I had to read it three times to figure out what the complaint about feeding stray cats was in the first place, and I'm still kind of foggy on it. I mean, what the hell does this mean?
"We have people who feed the wild cats and the cats leave something behind," he said. "One guy won't be able to use his hot tub."
I'm guessing the "something left behind" that the city is worried about is shit, but who knows?

1. Hey! Brain wizard! If no one feeds the strays, they'll find something else to eat, like birds, mice, garbage....and they'll still poop....and they'll be even more feral and unmanagable.

2. Yo! Dumbass! Cats don't poop in water. I'm actually surprized they didn't mention the "widdle children's sandboxes" which is where the strays are more likely to leave their...leavings.

3. Oi! Shit for brains! Why are you passing a law for the convenience of the "one guy who won't be able to use his hot tub". As far as I know, laws are supposed to be for the protection of the MAJORITY of people, not just the one yokel who can't figure out how to use a hot tub cover.

CF Scorpio
Re: 1357 Feeding Stray Cats & Fines
May 10, 2006
Feh Wrote:
> What a poorly written article. I had to read it
> three times to figure out what the complaint about
> feeding stray cats was in the first place, and I'm
> still kind of foggy on it. I mean, what the hell
> does this mean?
> "We have people who feed the wild cats and the
> cats leave something behind," he said. "One guy
> won't be able to use his hot tub."
> I'm guessing the "something left behind" that the
> city is worried about is shit, but who knows?

> 2. Yo! Dumbass! Cats don't poop in water. I'm
> actually surprized they didn't mention the "widdle
> children's sandboxes" which is where the strays
> are more likely to leave their...leavings.

I was also thinking it can't be shit, because cats bury it. Maybe a cat killed a bird or mouse and left the chewed-up parts of it in the guy's hot tub.
What a poorly written piece of shit article! What kinds of problems are caused by feeding the stray cats? Taxpayers are paying those fat motherfuckers to come up with laws like these? I feel so sorry for the kitties. People are really losing their humanity a little more every day as they relate less and less to animals and the environment.
Re: 1357 Feeding Stray Cats & Fines
May 10, 2006
Those assholes should be shot, and sent to hell.

lab mom
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