Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 21, 2009

In an attempt to curb child predation, the police in Missouri are now claiming that any adult who owns and plays games like Animal Crossing probably doesn't have a good reason to do so and is most likely a pedophile with bad intent.

"There is no reason an adult should have [Animal Crossing: City Folk]," says Andy Anderson, Mid-Missouri Internet Crimes Task Force.

Anderson says adults playing "Animal Crossing" and similar games are likely doing it for the wrong reasons.

Astounding. I don't think I should even have to mention that it's impossible for an adult to get in contact with a random child through Animal Crossing without first acquiring his friend code in real life, so what gives?

Given a rise in poorly researched media reports where predators allegedly meet their prey through online games, such fears are unfounded, and based purely on the ignorance and fear of the general public. Needless to say, it's very disheartening to hear such ignorant opinions from a member of law enforcement.

Couldn't the same be said about any activity enjoyed by children? I see no reason why adults can't appreciate good games like Beautiful Katamari, Noby Noby Boy or Ragnarok Online any more than children.

Reference: GamePolitics via The Escapist

...What the fuck? I truly hope that's a joke.
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 22, 2009
That's like saying adults who collect toys are pedophiles. I love how an adult can't enjoy a video game or a stuffed animal without being called a pedo, but Moos can tit-feed their kids until high school and people don't bat an eye. Gotta love those standards.
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 22, 2009
I know, right? Only paedophiles want to play with toys! LOCK THEM UP NOW. Christ... What the fuck is wrong with Missouri?
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 22, 2009
Can the life police just back off for once? They have gripes against those of us who are law-abiding citizens who play Grand Theft Auto and can differentiate between real life and fantasy. Now they complain about people who play a very innocent video game. What next? No Nintendogs for adults because when you're training them with the stylus you might also be fondling the dogs? Or maybe you're having impure thoughts about growing marijuana in your Harvest Moon garden! Oh, and you know that tiny person you rolled up in your Katamari ball? Well that was a child! Shame on you! Whoa, that PopCutie game I played on my DS actually had outfits you could create that showed your belly button. Gasp! Oh, and those Need for Speed games? Well they just encourage irresponsible driving and that's a bad example for our impressionable teenagers!

LOL, my aunt and uncle actually had issues with my cousin liking Pokemon at a young age because it was "violent". Oh yeah, it gets really intense when your Pokemon flashes when it gets pounded by a Snorlax. Imagine exposing a child to those horrid graphics! Give me a break.

Everything an adult does is under scrutiny, but a child? Oh no, they're born with halos on their heads who can do no wrong.
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 22, 2009
Hey, breeders may lead dull and tedious lives, but the rest of us remember how to have fun and play games and retain a sense of wonder. Don't hate us 'cause we're having fun, idiot parunts.
Dear tin-star idiots: screw you, the ICTF, the media mouthpieces who repeat your garbage, and the horses you all rode in on.

Yet another example of people succumbing to Chicken Little-ish hysteria over people born with their reproductive organs on the outside. If these dingbats were correct I'd be watching my local elementary school with a telescope every day. (although I don't own AC)

With dumbf--kery like this coming from our own 'law enforcement' - ye gods and little fishes, what a joke - I'm wondering how long before it's declared that adults who posses children's toys is a closet pedo. Not long, I'm betting. And then I'm really up a tree. No way on planet Earth am I giving up my Legos or plushies without a fight.
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 22, 2009

In an attempt to curb child predation, the police in Missouri are now claiming that any adult who owns and plays games like Animal Crossing probably doesn't have a good reason to do so and is most likely a pedophile with bad intent.

"There is no reason an adult should have [Animal Crossing: City Folk]," says Andy Anderson, Mid-Missouri Internet Crimes Task Force.

Anderson says adults playing "Animal Crossing" and similar games are likely doing it for the wrong reasons.

Wow! I'm a pedophile and I didn't even know it! eye rolling smiley

This fucktard needs to GTFO of my state. angry smiley

Some of my "pedo-wares" and shifty behaviors are my collection of plushies, my 2 Piccolo action figures (from Dragonball Z), my collection of pretty rocks, my treasured treefrog necklace and my variety of video games (Including several GTA games and racing games- guess I'm also a violent criminal and a reckless driver (even though I don't drive)). I like watching InuYasha, reading fanfiction for said show, and playing GoPets.

Yup. Better smack the cuffs on me now. I live not far from a preschool and a daycare center! Boga-booga-booga! doh face
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 22, 2009
I have stuffed animals, Transformers toys, Powerpuff Girls items, Archie comic books, colorful marbles, etc. and I also play Neopets on the computer. I even take out and read children's books.

I am 38 and live by myself. So someone BETTER call the police to come and kick my skull in because I might consider touching a baby's smelly, shit-smeared pubes!doh face

SRSLY!eye rolling smiley
Ugh, this is why law enforcement needs to hire tech savvy people.

I own many games, stuffed animals, children's movies, etc. What's so bad about having fun? Stuffed animals are cute and I like watching mindless movies sometimes. That doesn't make me a creep.

Parents should be monitoring their kids on the internet and have rules about giving out information. I guess that might take effort though...
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 23, 2009
Yep, the old double standard. And remember: once you shat that clump of cells, you're qualified for anything!

That's like saying adults who collect toys are pedophiles. I love how an adult can't enjoy a video game or a stuffed animal without being called a pedo, but Moos can tit-feed their kids until high school and people don't bat an eye. Gotta love those standards.
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 23, 2009
Looks like DH is headed for the sex offenders registry...he has Need for Speed! tongue sticking out smileyeye rolling smiley Come to think of it, so am I. I have some dolls and stuffed animals...oh yeah and a couple of computer games of the Bejeweled Line. Awwww Man, we are in trouble now lol

Honestly, this bullshit has gone way too, too far. SO kyds are the only ones who can play? I call bullshit on that!
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 23, 2009

Childhood is all about fun and games (as well as creativity and imagination, too) while adulthood means dull duties and being serious all the time, too. AND avoiding ANYTHING remotely fun or amusing at all.

Is that WHAT we GREW UP to????? eye rolling smiley
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 23, 2009
Yea, and only pedophiles breast feed their infants after 6 months.
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 23, 2009
Not THIS again! I'd better check up on hubby, he's got an extensive collect of Hotwheels! OH NO! And the My Little Pony collection had better go, it may give me...(say it like Ren)...tend-en-cieesss... How could I forget?! We're adults and therefore are no longer allowed to have fun. Shame on us!

To the assholes who believe this shit, a great big angry flipping off
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 23, 2009
Shit, I still have ALL my Barbie stuff, a huge collection of Peter Rabbit shit, my Cabbage Patch Doll and Koosa, and a number of miscellaneous stuffed animals. Christ, and I LOVE Big Bird!!!!!!!

Funny, I abhor little children, being a pedo would be the FURTHEST thing from my mind. BLEAH

Speaking of pedos, why don't they start questioning those stupid moms on that show, "Toddlers & Tiaras?" Parading your little whore dressed up like Mae West in front of a crowd of strangers is a little fucked up.
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 23, 2009
I think the crux of the matter is not the toys per se but a more lighthearted, playful attitude and sense of wonder that the toys signify. The CF are free to preserve these precious attributes and that may be too much for bedraggled parents to stomach without pangs of jealousy.
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 23, 2009

I think the crux of the matter is not the toys per se but a more lighthearted, playful attitude and sense of wonder that the toys signify. The CF are free to preserve these precious attributes and that may be too much for bedraggled parents to stomach without pangs of jealousy.

Exactly. I choose to keep my childish sense of wonder, dammit!
Re: Only Pedophiles Play Animal Crossing Say Police
March 23, 2009
I have lots of toys, and I even occasionally make my own toys. And I have tons of video games. I have shirts sporting my favorite cartoon characters, and I also still watch cartoons (including the ever-popular Spongebob *GASP*!) Oh, me and my pedo tendencies eye rolling smiley. I guess that makes every animation and game design student pedophiles too since they all love cartoons and games, respectively.
Looks like I will have to throw away all my Warhammer 40K stuff (space marines wielding deadly weaponsdoh face), my old Masters of the Universe toys, countless videogames and anime DVD's -including Akira, Spirited Away or Ulysses 31. Otherwise I will be deemed a paedophile... :crz
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