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Table for 12

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
Table for 12
March 22, 2009
Please forgive me if this has been posted already. I am so irate right now that I HAD to rant about this somewhere where sanity is the norm...

New show to outshadow "John & Kate Plus Eight" It's called "Table for Twelve." Preview, breeders have TWO sets of twins, then sextuplets. Now it's going to be a new show. For cripe sakes already - aren't there enough breeder army shows already? And just when you thought it was at it's worst with J&K+8. TWELVE. Ten fucking brats. I'm going to go throw up now...
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
I don't understand this whole "Cult of Breederism" that is flourishing in this country or why people find it entertaining to watch that crap.
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
The media should not be giving these people attention. It only encourages them. It's not admirable. It's not amazing. It's not miraculous. It's not responsible, either. Its unacceptable, and society should treat these people with the derision and disgust they deserve. Especially in this day and age when we're pushing 7 billion people.
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
I think TLC also has a show called "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant". That shit gives me nightmares, though I wonder how a woman does not know a sprog is growing inside of her.
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
Funny you should mention that, Lucy. When I was at the clinic for a parasite removal, there was this girl there who was 21 weeks pregnant. When asked (not by me) why she waited so long to have an abortion, she replied "I didn't know I was pregnant". Good god, 5 months along and you don't know?! She was very obviously showing, for fuck sake! I smell bullshit.
Anonymous User
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
I hope that isn't true, the whole "not knowing I'm pregnant for months" thing because that fear keeps me up at night. I've never been preggers so I never want to be one of the GENUINE women who had no clue they were knocked up untill 2/3 months in , that's horrifying!!!! doh face
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
I never want to be one of the GENUINE women who had no clue they were knocked up untill 2/3 months in , that's horrifying!!!! doh face

That happened to me (fortunately, I was only 2 1/2 months- I would have started showing had I not been fat). It is horrifying. I was horribly depressed and felt like shit all the time and didn't know why. What happened is that I had a period while I was pregnant, and didn't find out I was pregnant until I missed the next one. It's rare, but it can and does happen.
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
Instead of "Table for Twelve", how about "Vasectomy for One"?
Anonymous User
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
ARK that's why I wish that women would get a big blue plus sign on their stomaches to tell them if they were pregnant or not, would save a lot of trouble .
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
I never want to be one of the GENUINE women who had no clue they were knocked up untill 2/3 months in , that's horrifying!!!! doh face

That happened to me (fortunately, I was only 2 1/2 months- I would have started showing had I not been fat). It is horrifying. I was horribly depressed and felt like shit all the time and didn't know why. What happened is that I had a period while I was pregnant, and didn't find out I was pregnant until I missed the next one. It's rare, but it can and does happen.


My favorites are the ones who "don't know" until they go to the bathroom to take a shit and clog up the toilet with a "miracle".

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
I actually have a friend whose neighbor gave birth into a toilet. The pregnant girl was known to be "slow" when we were growing up. She was also raised in a household that was very puritanical and I can guarantee you that they didn't talk about sex.

The girl had been raped, not violently, but in the sense that she was not aware enough about sex and its potential ramifications to properly consent. She was also a pretty chubby person, which may help explain how her pregnancy went unnoticed. On the blessed occasion, she felt sick and went to the restroom (I vaguely recall that it was at school--anyway it was in a public place, not at home). She sat on the can, and at some point gave birth into it. Imagine the shock!

This is the kind of story that I might otherwise write off as an urban legend, except for the fact that I heard it second-hand from a very close and trustworthy friend. I have never been able to get this story out of my head. It's horrifying on so many levels...
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
I never want to be one of the GENUINE women who had no clue they were knocked up untill 2/3 months in , that's horrifying!!!! doh face

That happened to me (fortunately, I was only 2 1/2 months- I would have started showing had I not been fat). It is horrifying. I was horribly depressed and felt like shit all the time and didn't know why. What happened is that I had a period while I was pregnant, and didn't find out I was pregnant until I missed the next one. It's rare, but it can and does happen.


My favorites are the ones who "don't know" until they go to the bathroom to take a shit and clog up the toilet with a "miracle".

HAHAHAHA! Yeah, I will admit that I kinda giggle when I hear those stories.
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
I knew a girl in college who didn't know she was pregnant until she had the baby. I saw this girl the weekend before she gave birth, and there was NO WAY she looked 9 months pregnant. I saw her again about a year after the kid was born. She said that she had never stopped having her period and had only gained about 10 pounds, and it never really showed as more than a little paunch in her stomach. She continued to drink the entire time, which the doctor said most likely contributed to the baby being so small. She was also told that while it is unusual for women to continue their periods throughout the entire pregnancy, it is not entirely unheard of.

That shit gives me nightmares.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Anonymous User
Re: Table for 12
March 22, 2009
nvm, What I was going to say was already said. I should really learn to read the whole thread before replying.eye rolling smiley
Re: Table for 12
March 23, 2009
I'm just hoping with all the insanity these shows really portray, that people take a hard look and realize that, "Hey, breeding SUCKS!"

I think all in all, deep in the realm of what's right, that these shows are a snide mockery of big famblees. How can they not be?
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