1391-Violins and Kleenex
May 15, 2006
This article made me angry. Even if she didn't have children, she has a mother to celebrate mother's day with. I nearly puked reading her laundry list of activities that she carts her kids back and forth to. Does being a human taxi bring her fulfillment?
Wah wah wah. It was sooooo haaaaaaaaaaarrrd to have a (nice white pretty) BAAAAAYYYYBBBBBBBBBEEEEEE!!! I waaaaannnted it SOOOOOOOO BAAAAAAAD!!

Stupid selfish sack of shit bitchass from hell. Oh, so only her genes are good enough for her to raise. Never mind about all those kids out there who are schlepped from foster home to foster home because their parents don't want to raise them. Pay no attention to those kids in other countries who essentially live in garbage dumps. Heaven forbid you spend Mother's day WITH YOUR OWN GODDAMNED MOTHER. No, it has to be a baby and it has to be from my loins...and there has to be at least two of them...if not more.

Re: 1391-Violins and Kleenex
May 15, 2006
You know, I have to admit that I do feel a little left out on Mother's Day sometimes. Being CF is still new to me, since DH and I decided only recently that having children is not for us. Yesterday at church, the interim minister had the teenagers pass out roses to all of the moms, and I was one of very few women who did not receive one. And the minister's preaching that only mothers could truly understand sacrificial love angered me. I hope our new minister, who starts next month, won't make sweeping generalizations like this.

I had actually thought about skipping church, but DH and I were committed to leading adult Sunday school yesterday. I am thankful for the other adults in our Sunday school class, who made a point to wish DH and me a happy wedding anniversary (we had donated the altar flowers and the service bulletin mentioned that) instead of Happy Mother's Day. The one person who did wish me a happy Mother's Day smiled and said, without being sarcastic: "Because you're the mom of pets who depend on you, right?" I smiled back and said, "Yes, and I'm also someone's daughter, so I do celebrate Mother's Day."

DH and I had a great afternoon with my dad and my mom, who is recovering from surgery and was grateful that one of her three daughters could spend time with her on Mother's Day. My two sisters were busy celebrating Mother's Day with their kids instead of with Mom, although they both sent flowers to Mom.

I want to punch the author of that article for being so wrapped up in her own misery during her childless Mother's Days that she ignored her own mother. My mom is 75, and while she's recovering nicely, her surgery made me realize that I may not have too many more Mother's Days with her. That's why it's important for me to go to see her on as many Mother's Days as possible, although I certainly don't need a holiday as an excuse to visit her.

Re: 1391-Violins and Kleenex
May 15, 2006
Oh what a bunch of self serving tripe. I got the worlds smallest violin right here for her pity party. I agree with others who have said what about her mother? Not a word was mentioned about the authors mother who most likely spent mothers day by herself while super moo was wrestling her broad. It's sad how people don't care about their elders anymore, it's all about the croth droppings, even Mothers Day.

I had a tooth pulled on Saturday so I went out once on Sunday to the Korean store to get some eggs and various Korean cold drinks. I had a couple of people wish me happy mothers day. I just wished it back to them and went on my merry way. Then I went home and made some tonkatsu with eggs on the side and popped a few vicodin. Later that night gave my mom a call after she came home from work. I'll take her out for a meal another time, after hearing everyones stories I'm kind of glad we didn't go out on mothers day.
Anonymous User
Re: 1391-Violins and Kleenex
May 15, 2006
Oh boy Lynn I hope you get a better pastor then the interm!! I hate generalizations like that! My old co-workers wife was a minister in the Presb. church up here, and both of them are the kindest people you'd want to meet. I know we bash religion on here, but I hope you realize it's against the fundies that cannot see anything but their own point of view....
Re: 1391-Violins and Kleenex
May 15, 2006
I'm childfree, and I wished my mother a Happy Mother's Day. We just had the dinner Friday. (I know, alittle early, but better than on Sunday!) I even called and wished her happiness. My dh didn't wish his mom any happiness. (He doesn't have much of a relationship with his mom.)

This bitch needs to get off her high horse. Cry me a fucking river.


Katherine Hepurn was childfree, it didn't stop her.

lab mom
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