CF Scorpio
#1373 Illegal Immigration
May 16, 2006
Guest, your racist, anti-immigrant rant is complete B.S. All those "statistics" in the "article" are made up.

See the rebuttal at
Anonymous User
Re: #1373 Illegal Immigration
May 16, 2006
Yes! Thank you! A lot of this anti-immigrant stuff sounds so racist. Why not just loosen immigration in the States and make seasonal work visas easier to get? Oh no, god forbid foreigners in the States! But they'll let us Canadians in to work in your medical clinics, why? Because the majority of Canadians going to the States to work are white.
CF Scorpio
Re: #1373 Illegal Immigration
May 16, 2006
LadyCooper, do you guys get the TV shows "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report" in Canada? They air here on the Comedy Central cable TV station. They're comedy news shows that make fun of real news items. One of them (can't remember which) did a segment last week about illegal immigrants sneaking across the border from was totally freaking hilarious!
Anonymous User
Re: #1373 Illegal Immigration
May 16, 2006
Yup, we're flooded by American television. We get everything (it suffocates Canadian shows), but I do love those shows. Jon Stewart is the closest thing to Rick Mercer that Americans are allowed to have (you can't have pundits invading personal space of politicians in the States).
Re: #1373 Illegal Immigration
May 17, 2006
News is always slanted to pander to the viewers or readers of a particular political interest. With the immigration issues, I am sure the other side also did a bit of "fudging" on facts.
Re: #1373 Illegal Immigration
May 17, 2006
Lady Cooper Wrote:
> Jon Stewart is the closest thing to Rick Mercer that Americans are allowed to have (you can't have pundits invading personal space of politicians in the States).

That is so funny, because I had an American friend tell me that Rick Mercer is the Canadian Jon Stewart.

(Well, except Stewart has kids.)
Anonymous User
Re: #1373 Illegal Immigration
May 18, 2006
lol, Medusa, Mercer's been kicking around longer, and he's been allowed to break into offices of Canadian politicians, harange other politicians, actually personally stopped an Alliance bill from passing through gov't with the Stockwell / Doris Day petition.

And Talking To Americans! Bahaha!

But I do love Stewart, I'd love to see the chaos he could cause if he was given the same sort of freedom that Mercer has.
Re: #1373 Illegal Immigration
May 18, 2006
John Stewart is a riot!! I'd love to see the religious fundies, with their panties in twist, if he had any sort of freedom whatsoever, to say whatever he wanted.

Speaking of TV censorship, WHY WHY WHY do the non-religous people of this planet have to suffer the atrosities of those god damned strictly religious channels - that pain in the ass Mother Indignant chick, in charge of the EWTN television station, and that old, old priest show on there from way back - it's still in black and white. That man looks like a serious pedophile. Yet the religious fundies bitch and moan about all the bad things on regular TV that influence their kyds or offend them? TURN THE CHANNEL!!!!!
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