1412 Dunkin Donuts Commercial
May 18, 2006
How VERY sad, indeed. First of all, what MOO needs caffeine having to deal with 5 kids? Aren't their nerves bad enough let alone adding caffeine? It should show them going through the pharmacy drug store drive through to pick up moo's refill of Valium and Prozac and Paxil for each of the brats. Any moo feeding herself caffeing while on the edge from dealing with 5 kids is asking for a nervous breakdown. What an empty life.

They are liars, every last one of them. While moo is speeding through the drive through with a car load of wailing brats, SO and I are enjoying our quiet evening on the patio with our Kona coffee and the pets.

....oh but I sure do wish that I was racing about town, shuttling brats back and forth instead.
It's so cool to tell everyone all of the activities that your children are in. The more they're in, the better parunt you are. I have a coworker who totes her two sprogs to 2-3 activities per evening. Every evening meal they eat is fast food eaten in their MooVan. She's always complaing about how exhausted she is, but insists that her kids will be more prepared for the world because of their fast paced schedule. These 2 sprogs don't have an original thought between them because they are so used to activities facilitated by someone else.

This commercial makes me want to never visit Dunkin' Donuts again, even though I can't think of the last time I ever vistited one!
Re: 1412 Dunkin Donuts Commercial
May 18, 2006
I'd rather just have fresh brewed coffee at home, go outside, sitdown and RELAX AND ENJOY MY PEACE AND QUIET!!!!!! Love it. winking smiley

Breeders today are just pathedic.

lab mom
Re: 1412 Dunkin Donuts Commercial
May 18, 2006
I saw this fucking annoying ad several times. It doesn't make me want to try their new smoothies.

The overbreeding bitch should have had a drive-through tube tie many cuntdrops ago. Moohood sucks so much that they have to schedule activities all day to keep the brats out of their hair.
Anonymous User
Re: 1412 Dunkin Donuts Commercial
May 18, 2006
I've seen that stupid commercial, and it is indeed gag-inducing.

I actually feel sorry for today's kids, and glad things weren't as they are now when I was a sproglina. I would have hated all of this over-scheduling of things.

For instance, I have always loved baseball...still do. When I was around 12 or so, I organized a small neighborhood baseball league. I could only find enough other kids to make two teams. Still, we had stats and standings and even our own mini World Series.

No adults were involved...very seldom did anyone's parents even come to watch us play. Our *stadium* was the local park, to which we walked...never driven. Growing up in Brooklyn, NY, we didn't have or need a car, and neither did most of my friends' families. We had no uniforms, and not enough equipment to go around. I had a Hank Aaron bat, one ball, and a beat up glove that I bought at a yard sale for 25 cents. Oh, and a batting glove that was a giveaway from a Mets game. A few of the other kids had stuff, but not everyone did. So we pooled what we had and shared it.

And you know what? We had a blast! Somehow, I don't think the Little League kids of today have as much fun as we did. We didn't have to deal with shit like sports moms and dads beating the shit out of each other (not long ago there was a moo around here who was banned from her son's Little League for assaulting another kid!), or pressure from parents and coaches to play better. I think that shit takes most of the fun away from it all.

No way would I want to BE a kid now, never mind have my own!
Re: 1412 Dunkin Donuts Commercial
May 18, 2006
I highly doubt kids have any fun nowadays. I'm in my twenties, but I had fun as a kid. I was always outside as were my brothers. I loved baseball, too. Riding my bike, ect. I had a blast. I'm glad *I* wasn't overscheduled, or any of that crap. I agree, catmommy, who in the hell would want to be a parent nowadays? If anyone does, damn, they must be on crack!

lab mom
Sherz Wrote:
> It's so cool to tell everyone all of the
> activities that your children are in. The more
> they're in, the better parunt you are.

It's just the breeders' way of vicariously living through their kids since they don't have their OWN accomplishments. So they push their children into a shit-load of activities so they can brag on how "good" their kids are at the activities (even though the kids are mediocre at best).
I did numerous competative sports since I was in the 5th grade; and I wasn't good at most of them. My parents didn't go to most of my competitions but would ask how I did. When they did go, they were there to cheer me on because they knew I worked my ass off in order to compete.

WaterLily Wrote:
>I'd rather just have fresh brewed coffee at home, go outside, sitdown >and RELAX AND ENJOY MY PEACE AND QUIET!!!!!! Love it.

Amen sister! Fresh Brewed coffee at home tastes MUCH better because you know exactly how fresh it is versus buying it at Dunkin' Donuts or Charbucks (unless you watch it brew right then and there) and is a hell of a lot cheaper.
Re: 1412 Dunkin Donuts Commercial
May 19, 2006
When I was a kid, my Mom let me do my own thing - we didn't even have a car until I was almost 9, so there was no driving me around. I'd go swimming or skiing or just playing with my best friend, and our moms knew where we where and trusted us to enjoy ourselves while staying safe. There was no stupid "program"!

And, see, I actually ENJOYED my childhood. Those over-scheduled brats today will burn out before their teenage years.
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