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Forever Pregnant Article

Posted by sprogless 
Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006
The link worked fine. That has got to be some of the worst fundie, pro- natalist, breed till you die BULLSHIT I have heard in a long time! What the fuck is going on in this country? To hell with the fetus! These goddamn fundies are into everything- fucking hypocrites- can't they just go and pray, or something? What is it with the breeding, anyway? Why are they so damned concerned about the fetus? They don't give two shits what happens to it after it's born. Or, do they think women should be punished for eternity because Eve ate some forbidden fruit? Now, I'm no religious scholar, or anything, but if memory serves me correctly (that's debatable), the Bible doesn't say anything about abortion, birth control, or folic acid beginning at menarche. If all healthcare providers are supposed to offer this "treatment", then can I expect a bingo at the chiropractor's office? This is just too much...

Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006
I would say, all the more reason for getting your tubal right now.Then at least you can smoke, drink and handle cat feces to your hearts content!! Also good to know that the current US. government sees women as walking wombs only!
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006
What also gets me is that the internet mostly have tubal-reversal sites if there is a search done for tubals. It is harder to find sites to refer women who want to be sterilized. It is easier for men to get vasectomies since the idea is that males are the ones trying to keep from marriage and the albatross of children. Even if a mom of one wants a tubal, she is still often told "no" claiming that she is to want more of those babies.

America has gone so backwards. Religious superstition is taking over. Women are always looked to be the blame for everything due to that myth of Eve eating an apple (the forbidden fruit) and leading that poor male, Adam, astray. I am glad I had a tubal years ago and am 42 and am in pre-menopause. I would not want to be a young woman starting out in today's terrifying society.

The sickest thing is that many women buy into this religious nonsense so they want to turn the clock back for other women. I stopped reading religious scriptures - Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita, and Torah. I consider myself spiritual and subscribe to many Eastern philosophies & do yoga. I tried to be religious but only found hatred of women & sexual hang-ups even in more "liberal" religious churches or communities.
Anonymous User
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006
Oh, I know about the tubal reversal sites, I used to have a Google Adsense bar on Dear Lady Cooper (it's gone now), and when I had a question on how to go about getting a tubal, all the Adsense ads were on tubal reversals! Ack.
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006

I already do many of the guidelines listed in the article. I have never smoked, I try to maintain a healthy weight, and I am treating my chronic condition - thyroid problems - with medication.

But I'm doing all these things for ME - not because I am concerned about the health of a fetus which I probably will never have inside my body. My own health comes first! As sprongless said - I can care less about a future fetus. My doctor did mention that my thyroid condition needed to be treated because it could lead to miscarriages if it wasn't treated - but I wanted it treated anyway because I feel terrible if I don't take the medication.

The article makes it sound as if as all women of childbearing age are going to get pregnant eventually. That's just not the case.

I'm in my late 30s, and I have been on the Pill for nine years. I have never had a pregnancy scare. And I'm happily married and have been with my DH for more than a decade, so it's not as if I have been sexually inactive for long stretches. If all women do get pregnant eventually, as that article implies, then I should have gotten pregnant a long time ago - but I haven't.

The things I am not giving to give up just because I'm of childbearing age (although I'm at at the tail end): My glass of wine with dinner and other occasional drinks; cleaning out my cats' litter boxes (it's not fair for DH to always have to do it) and using any kind of paint (we're fixing up our house, and I refuse to be a prima donna and make DH do all the painting).

Anonymous User
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006
So I guess this also means that women with depression, who treat it with meds, should stop their meds *just in case*?

I have a CF friend who is bipolar. That's one of the reasons she is CF...because first of all, this can run in families (it runs in hers), and second, she is in a good place now and is NOT about to go off the meds for any reason. And most certainly not for some non-existent fetus that she wouldn't want, anyway, even under the best of circumstances.

As for me...I love my beer too much to give it up! If I somehow got knocked up, I would want to drink MORE!

And how come they don't offer any health advice to MEN in this regard? Can't some unhealthy things that me do hurt the lil swimmers?

The increasing hatred of women in this society scares the shit out of me.
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006
What the hell kind of bullshit is THAT? Just what every woman wants, to be knocked up day after day; year after year. Yep, that's what I want for myself. Do they not realize that women actually DIE in childbirth? Do they not realize not all women's bodies are not capable of sustaining pregnancy after pregnancy? I know women who were told NO MORE KIDS - their bodies could not sustain anymore. Pregnancy is very hard on women's bodies. Just look at a spawned moo.

And while we're on this interesting little subject, what about women who have difficulty during birth? If we're following the natural cycle of things, these women would die since intervention (c-sections, etc.) is not the "will of GAWD."

What a bunch of whackos. I feel sorry for the folks who actually buy into this crap.
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006
Oh! AAAAND! Love the line, "keep chronic conditions such as asthma and diabetes under control."

Asshat breeders, if you have these diseases, I don't think it would be a good idea to breed since you could pass them along to your baby.

But that is a selfish thought.
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006
Damn, I guess this means I'll have to lay off of the beer and paint chips. Making sculptures out of cat feces is out, too. What in mad hell am I going to do with my weekend now?
Anonymous User
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006
I posted this on my blog today, and I cross-post it here, as to what could happen if this shit is allowed to go too far.

And what will be next? Picture the following scenario:

Portland, Maine, a nice summer afternoon. Mike and I walk into Gritty McDuff's in the Old Port, and I order a Vacationland Summer Ale. Mike orders the same.

Bartender (to me): I need to see some ID, please.

I show them my license, feeling flattered that they carded me.

Bartender: I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't serve you this beer. (then pours beer for Mike and sets it in front of him)

Me: Why not? I'm over 21 twice over!

Bartender: According to the new Federal Guidelines, you are of childbearing age, and therefore *pre-pregnant*. Alcohol will harm your potential fetus, and Federal Guidelines say that even a non-existent fetus' life is more important than that of the woman who may or may not carry it to term. And for all we know, you could be pregnant right now.

Me: This is BULLSHIT! (points to Mike) This is my husband...he had a vasectomy several years ago...wanna see the scars? (to Mike-) Drop 'em...show the nice bartender your snip scars so I can have a fucking beer already!

Bartender: I believe you...I don't need to see. But Federal Guidelines say that a small percentage of vasectomies have been known to fail. And Federal Guidelines also say that babies are a Gift From Gawd, and we must accept all Gifts From Gawd. So no beer for you.

Me: Here's what they can do with their Federal Guidelines (grabbing Mike's beer and start drinking it, flipping the bird with my other hand).
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006
Excellent scenario, Catmommy! Very scary.

How long until some nutjob suggests rounding up all women aged 15 to 45, branding them and sending them to live on some Breeding Farms like cattle?
Anonymous User
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 19, 2006
Hahaha! That's great catmommy!
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 20, 2006
Very scary indeed. Scary enough, this is something my fucking in-laws would think is just it. OH.GOOD.GOD.

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 20, 2006
Yep, we are losing our freedoms so quickly and people (present company excluded) don't even seem to notice or care.
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 20, 2006
I used to do a lot of work regarding abortion rights in my area. Many women did not even seem to think they should get involved. The young gals who got their abortions just wanted to secretly slip out the back door of the clinic. I think anyone who has had an abortion should somehow give back for those who have fought for our rights. After I had an abortion, I knew that I could not just stand by and allow others to do the work. After well over a decade, I retired myself from activism. I did get so burned out at the apathy among my gender.
I hope they know that that article will make certian folks, like myself, want to drink, abuse drugs, and clean the cat box more.
My cats will be so happy to have their box cleaned twice daily.
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 22, 2006
Black cohosh and cofffee can also induce abortions. Keep on drinking that java and picking up the herbal remedies at the vitamin shops. winking smiley
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 22, 2006
Ginseng I've heard does the same thing, india-darshan.

lab mom
link to herbal abortifacients. Save and share this information.

Anonymous User
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 22, 2006
I like the "keep the kitty litterbox clean" idea, though. At work, we use a product which comes in 55 gallon drums containing a mineral product formed and fired into tiny balls. One guy who used to work for us, also very CF, called the stuff kitty litter. But it's not very absorbent of liquids, it is highly adsorbent [sic] of nitrogen at high pressure.
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 23, 2006
Feh Wrote:
> I hope they know that that article will make
> certian folks, like myself, want to drink, abuse
> drugs, and clean the cat box more.

Same here! Yay! But, darn, it's too early for Merlot right now...

Anonymous User
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 23, 2006
It's NEVER to early for merlot. Or my special Cooper's Hard Lemonade. http://liquorlog.blogspot.com/2006/05/recipe-coopers-hard-lemonade.html
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 23, 2006
So, let's see, let's take all the herbs that may cause abortions, all the alcohol and prescription drugs off the market for child-bearing age women ONLY. Just in case. And no driving either because if you have an accident, you could lose the fetus you *MIGHT* be pregnant with.

Oh, and while we're at it, if you are of child-bearing age and have cancer or some other terminal illness, forget about having any life-saving treatment because it could harm your *POTENTIAL* fetus.
Anonymous User
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 23, 2006
Wasn't there some woman...Susan Torres, I think her name was...who had some terminal illness, yet got knocked up and rejected treatment so that she could birth the loaf. I believe she was kept for a time in a coma, on life support just so the Almighty Loaf could be born.

It was all for nothing, as the loaf died, too. Way to go, asshole husband...you could have saved your wife's life, or at least made her last days more pleasant. But NOOOOOOO...you just HAD to have that DNA replicant, didn't you?

Fuck that shit!
Re: Forever Pregnant Article
May 23, 2006
I've heard of this woman who was dieing of cancer, rejected treatments, they took the baby out via C-Section as she was dieing (to save the baby, not mother). The mother died, and the baby was EXTREMELY premature. On oxygen, the whole nine. Were talking about a micro premie. (Weighing only ONLY about 1 Ib!) Heaven forbid the baby turn out normal. Of course the stupid sappy story made head lines. www.kansas.com If *I* was the mother, I would a 1. Abort the fetus/embryo, 2. Get those cancer treaments. 3.Want to save *MY* life, so the husband doesn't have to life WITHOUT his wife. If you try the link, the story was in the paper quite some time ago. I don't know whether it is still in archives. It might be.

lab mom
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