Anonymous User
#1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 19, 2006
You know, I used to think it was just the well-to-do SAHM's who were guilty of this, but it's the less well-off ones, too.

My sil'S bro & his wife, both dirt-poor from Mexico, live in a shitty little apartment with their 3 year old. The guy works 12 hours a day x 6 days a week & wakes up at 3AM. (BTW-he's a citizen-she's becoming one I think).

The SAHM has been whining that DH goes out 1 night a week for beers and dominoes with his friends. That's the only outside activity he does & he's very faithful. She wants to get a divorce since she thinks she can "do better". She even called this guy's mom in Mexico & bitched to her about his going out!

She, on the other hand, hardly keeps their shithole apartment clean, and rarely cooks a meal for him. She's usually not even home when he gets home. She just gets her fat ass up around 10, brings the kid to preschool and hangs out with her mom or friends, all paid for by him. She doesn't even try to look nice to make it worth him coming home to.

Luckily, the guy laid it all out for her. He told her "If you can find someone better to pay for you to sit on your ass, then I'm outta here".

hehehe...last I heard, they're still together but reality struck & she's looking for a part time job!!!
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 19, 2006
A lot of women do not appreciate a decent husband until he is gone. When a woman dumps a good guy, she will be lucky if she is able to fnd another good man...even ten years later!These wives should think what their lives would be like WITHOUT their husbands before they go on giving the men grief on a day to day basis about anything & everything!

Divorced men tend to have no problem finding a woman and remarrying if that is what they want to do. A divorced mother with children living with her is going to find that the "pickings" are very slim. Even the smart and attractive single mothers tend to find that the only men interested don't have these ladies' or their children's best interests at heart.

A lot these housewives like I mentioned in the Mother's Day thread also withhold sex from their husbands. They expect the men are to be okay with it and not even look at other women. What I don't get is why is is that the kind and decent men are with such women when it is hard for even CF ladies have a hard time finding a good guy?

I think it is great that your SIL's brother laid it out for the wife. grinning smiley I bet wifey is out looking for a job because she knows she BETTER do something if the man decides to leave even before this ninny thinks she will find "Mr. Wonderful".
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 19, 2006
Glad he set the bitch straight. A lot of these SAHM's need a nice talking to once in a while, just to let them know where they stand. They don't have the upper hand like they think they do. I don't know why a lot of these men don't strap on a big set and lay down the law with the moo's who don't do a damn thing except sit on their ass, spend the wallet's money, and bitch and complain all the time.
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 19, 2006
She'll suck at holding down a job. SAHMoos are the least organized people on the planet. They also have no loyalty to their coworkers, and cannot be relied upon. Being a SAHM is easy as can be, compared to working outside of the home AND managing a household properly. Many SAHMooos are disorganized and lazy because they haven't been in the workforce. They have no idea how to budget their time, and complain constantly about how busy they are.
I've been home since November, and I have an extremely organized household. I might be playing on the computer right now, but I'm playing on it in a spotless house, in matching clothes, showered, with my hair and makeup done, after 30 mins. on the treadmill. There isn't one article of clothing in my house that needs laundered. I also have steaks marinading in the fridge for dinner. Earlier, I got the oil changed in my husband's car so he wouldn't have to do it while trying to work, he has my car today. I also ran to the nearby city to pick up our glasses and contacts that we ordered last week. I know how hard my husband works, and the long hours he puts in. I am more than happy to make a nice home for him, and doing it isn't that grueling. I get up early, get everything done in the mornings and the afternoon is mine. These stupid SAHMoos need to stop complaining. They have the easiest job in the world.
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 19, 2006
KFLL, you are 100% correct!

I wish more men would stand up and lay down the law. The husbands have more power than they realize and can put "the fear" into these wives who are lazy, complain, refuse normal sexual relations & spend like mad. Little do these men understand is that the wives WILL shape up if they think divorce is going to loom on the horizon. Men are not lining up to marry divorced women with kids and no job or qualifications for a decent job.

Also, guest, your SIL's brother could have also made it clear that he could send the wife back to her country. Many of these women from other countries want to marry citizens here yet show NO appreciation for living in a nice country where they don't have to work for pennies and can stay at home. Yes, there are many American men who marry overseas ladies to mistreat them; HOWEVER, there are many foreign women who are solely looking for a meal ticket and use the guys, too!

My former husband had the $$$ and I worked very little during that time. My ex came from a culture where a man with money did not want a wife to work more than part-time out of the house. I had NO problem keeping a pristine house, cooking from scratch ( is quickie meals for me), ironing his clothing for work, and ASKING before I made ANY large or uneeded purchase for myself.

We divorced almost 13 years ago because he and his family were basically jerks...but it is all good for me now! I took no money from this man when we divorced. I may have so much less now and have to rely solely on me -- it was scary during the job transition -- but I am a happier person. I would never EVER want to depend on a man again because I never felt secure in that situation.

I do appreciate that my mom helped me get a better car after those two junkers. I kept telling my mother that I could not thank her enough. She told me that I have NEVER asked her & my stepdad for money while my stepbrothers who are now fairly well-off did get their financial support in their younger years.
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 19, 2006
I can't believe those moos who think they are such a damn prize that any man would want them should they get divorced. Like, yeah, the hot studs will be lining up in front of your house - NOT. Get real!
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 19, 2006
I know of one SAHM, the one in my rant, who has insinuated that she would leave her husband is a wealthy man came along and showed interest. Right-o! These women are so delusional and cannot be grateful for the decent lives they already have. Many women -- CF or with kids -- would be happy to have a good man who is responsible and caring.
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 20, 2006
Breeder moos have no concept of reality. Even if it bit them in the ass or hit them on the head like a ton of bricks. confused smiley

lab mom
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 20, 2006
It is amazing how these SAHMs have no concept of reality. The one I know of from my rant and who thinks she could leave her husband if a rich man came along refuses to have sex with her spouse. As if a man with money will tolerate THAT much less the constant complaining from such a woman! tongue sticking out smiley
Anonymous User
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 20, 2006
Let me tell you about Catdaddy and his ex-wife. This is a bit long. They were married for about 10 years...luckily, no kids. He used to think he wanted kids, but now he is glad that he never had them, and finally got snipped shortly after I married him.

Anyway, when Catdaddy and the ex-bitch got married, he was making some good bucks as an electrical engineer. But they never could get ahead, as the ex, who worked only sporadically, spent his earnings as quickly as they came in. She even spend money that they DIDN'T have, by running his credit cards to the max.

He'd go to pay the bills, and he'd ask her about stuff on them, and she'd lie about it. Then, when he'd make more than the minimum payments on the credit cards, she'd yell at him for *wasting money*.

But as soon as the CC companies received their payments, out she'd go, a-shopping again.

Then he got laid off from his job, and had trouble finding another because everyone was requiring a degree. He'd gone to MIT, but had to drop out due to lack of money. So he joined the Navy and stayed in for six years, working as an engineer. He used this experience to get a job after he left the service.

So he decided to return to MIT and finish his degree, even if he had to take out tons of student loans to do so. He didn't really know how to do anything else that paid well, and people with engineering backgrounds tend not to get hired as burger-flippers or grocery baggers. The only job he could get was a techinician's job that he was way overqualified for, but at least if was something. It paid better than burger-flipping, but still nowhere near what he was making before.

So he worked that job part-time and went to school full-time.

Well, none of this sat well with the ex-bitch. She went behind his back, withdrew some of his student loan money, which he had placed in the joint account (he's still kicking himself over that), and used it to hire some shark of a divorce attorney. She filed for divorce and kicked Catdaddy out of the house. He didn't see it coming.

I met him not long after that...he was living in a graduate dorm at MIT, because he had nowhere else to money for a security deposit on an apartment or anything. Bitch spent it all.

So basically, he didn't have jack shit when we hooked up. But he's such a good, caring person...and he LOVES cats! I could not understand how the bitch could be so cold-hearted as to kick him out of the houe and file for divorce. Clearly, all she wanted was a wallet, and when Catdaddy's wallet went empty, it was time to discard him and bleed him for everything else he might have. And she got EVERYTHING...all Catdaddy got was his car and some of her personal belongings. She wouldn't let him even come back to visit their cats. I guess she was too busy looking for a new wallet.

He eventually moved into my place, so he would not have to pay for the dorm, and we split all of the bills down the middle. The divorce became final shortly before he graduated, and we got married not long after that.

The ironic thing is that now he's making the big bucks again, and I was finally able to quit working. It was hard for me at first, but he said that I'd earned it by helping him get through school. I know he works hard, so I do all I can to make his life at home easier for him.

But if he were to get laid off again, I'd go back to work to keep us afloat. That's the way a marriage is supposed to work. I never set out to look for a wallet in the first place, so I would never dump Catdaddy over a job layoff. In fact, I was coming out of a nasty divorce myself, and wasn't even LOOKING for a man at the time. It kind of just happened. Why would I give up a good man, perhaps to marry some asshole who had nothing to offer me but money?

As for the ex-bitch, she has not found a new wallet, and I doubt she ever will. She's a little older than I am (I'm 46, Catdaddy is 53), so too old for rich guys who are only looking for a young trophy bimbo. And apparently she is not doing well financially on her own...we drove past Catdaddy's former home recently, where she still lives. The place was looking very neglected and run-down. I just hope the cats are okay...I wish we had some way to rescue them!

I wonder if she ever regrets what she threw away. Well, too bad for her, because even if she did want Catdaddy back, he is not interested.
Anonymous User
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 20, 2006
Catmommy9: It really is true: what goes around will come around. I feel bad for the cats tho. I don't know why some people have to be so selfish and evil.

-"Ask Me About My Abortion!smiling smiley
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 20, 2006
Catmommy9, I think these women are so friggin' delusional that they think the rich or young guys will be lining up for them. These wives don't realize that a wealthy man wants a trophy woman rather than someone in her 40's with or without kids. The young guys are only going to use divorcees who have money.

These women have these misguided ideas of grandiosity. Usually it is a few months to a couple of years after the divorce when the reality hits home for these stupid ex-wives. Many men will stay with such women feeling they are too old to start their lives over again or because they may be taken to the financial cleaners. All I can say is that I am glad to see that ex-b*tch of your husband did get her karmic retribution.

Catmommy9, I am glad you do not have to work and that your husband appreciates the hard work of yours to help him through school. I have heard the opposite many times of how the loyal wife was dumped for a trophy girl after the husband graduates and has an inflated ego. This happened to a former co-worker almost 20 years ago after she helped her husband get through law school. Your man sounds really nice.
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 20, 2006
Wow, Catmommy, she sounds like a royal bee-otch! Glad you met Catdaddy! I hope the kitties are okay, too.
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 20, 2006
I wish I could meet a Catdaddy of my own! *sigh*
Re: #1414- Lazy SAHM's
May 21, 2006
This is a looooong one... tongue sticking out smiley

I worked with a woman last year - at a second job - who was always giving her live-in boyfriend trouble about his kids, ex-wife, and his mother. The man was very nice. Even my co-worker said this fellow was the best boyfriend she has ever had. This man made way more money than the woman and paid all of the bills. She did complain about handing her paycheck to him but her little $1000 per month went for their "fun stuff" and she admitted that she enjoyed wine every night, smoked like a chimney and was always in Marshall's. So, it is not as if she helped out with living expenses. Heck, he even bought her a CAR when her old junker practically had no brakes.

My friend, who still works at that small call center, mentioned the two broke up briefly last year. The woman was still living in the apartment. She was trying to find a place she could afford but had no luck. *Miraculously*, the two reconciled. Yes, this man's mom was a pain but he made it clear that his girlfriend was to be treated with respect. His two kids like the woman so that was not a "real" problem. Th ex-wife was a lesbian with a lover so there were no true issues on that end, either. The woman ALWAYS felt she had to be in South Florida when the guy went to see his kids. And, she was always in competition with his mother for attention.

The man wants to move back to West Palm because he feels he should be near his children. With his job, he can live anywhere in the state. I am a CF person but respect a father who wants to be a part of his kids' life. My friend said the woman is going to refuse to move. She got what she wanted out of the relationship: a new car. What this dumb a** does not realise like with Catdaddy's ex is that she is going to have a hard time on her own. This area has become more expensive since most of the apartment complexes have gone condo. She may now make $1100 a month at the answering service. Most rentals are over $700 and one had to make three times the rent to often qualify.

The big thing is that this dummy said that this is the best man she ever has been with but is going to dump him over moving back to the other end of the state. This woman is pushing 40. The hot studs or men with money are not lining up to date her even though she has no kids. She had trouble finding good men until she met Ernie. All she has done is b*tch at this guy like Catdaddy's ex and spend his money. She will find herself alone probably for a long, long time & may accept any jerk just to get the rent paid. Ernie, on the other hand, will not have any problems finding a mate or "friends" when he moves back to West Palm. There are always more women looking than men.

Like I have said before, a woman rarely finds another good man once she gets rid of a man who is truly good. Even in ten years, these type of women will still be alone or will settle for a jerk.

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