Shark Jumping Baybees
May 19, 2006
I saw that House. Heh. The thing is, she's thinking about letting HOUSE be the donor. That would be hilarious.

But how about that ridiculous scene with the red sprog mispronouncing words? "Spy-doze" and "Wed". Ugh. Must have been some crewmember's brat. And why do parents think its kyoot when their brad talks like that?
Re: Shark Jumping Baybees
May 19, 2006
I saw Without a Trace last night. Freaking breederism at its finest. I loved how Jack started crying in the elevator at the mere thought his baby could die without any apparent concern for the incubator.

And I just love how the big bad bank robber who murdered before didn't murder the FBI incubator because she told him she was pregnant.

Cry me a freaking river. You're right -- if this shows turns into a mushy sappy kidfest I'll be a former viewer as well.
Re: Shark Jumping Baybees
May 19, 2006
Ask me how bitter I still am about "The X-Files".
Anonymous User
Re: Shark Jumping Baybees
May 19, 2006
Eh, haing a kid is jumping the shark in real life too.
Re: Shark Jumping Baybees
May 20, 2006
Another damn good reason I don't watch t.v. Non-stimulating, gagworthy, nonsense crap. Not to mention, unintelligent. My in-laws bnp, do nothing but watch t.v. in their spare time. Yuck!

lab mom
Re: Shark Jumping Baybees
May 20, 2006
I hate the show House because he is so disrespectful and nasty women. House's character is mean to men but is worse to women because he will say sexually awful things. Cuddy wanting to be a single moo and have Dr. House as the sperm donor is disturbing because of the nasty inuendos he once made to her on an episode such as sticking his cane "inside" of her. That basically sends an awful message if Cuddy would want such a person to "father" her baby. If Dr. House was a nasty female doctor, the show would have been cancelled long ago. Many female viewers play into this sick misogyny by claiming how the Dr. House character is "sexy". There is nothing "sexy" about a man who is nasty to women. I no longer watch the show...
Leaning toward childfree
Re: Shark Jumping Baybees
May 20, 2006
One thing I will give to House though--he refuses to cater to Mommy culture. I remember one episode where a twelve year old girl got pregnant, and I was expecting House to tell the parents, and there would be this teary eyed scene where the parents would say, "We'll help her raise the baby."

Oh no. Housie don't play that.

Instead, barely disguising his disgust at the situation, he told the girl that since she was underage, he was going to have to get her parents' permission to perform an abortion. But, she was going to have to tell them that she was pregnant. She did, and House performed an abortion.

Yeah. That's how you do it. None of this London on the dole chain-smoking eleven year olds with mothers who are proud they got knocked up. The girl on House was thrilled to get an abortion, and her parents were relieved. That's how it is probably 90% of the time in real life, too. We just don't hear about it.
Re: Shark Jumping Baybees
May 20, 2006
india_darshan Wrote:
> Many female viewers play into this sick misogyny by claiming how the Dr. House character is "sexy".

It's Hugh Laurie who's unbearably sexy, not his character. To me, anyway! (Been a fan of his since "Black Adder".)
Re: Shark Jumping Baybees
May 21, 2006
Leaning toward childfree Wrote:
> One thing I will give to House though--he refuses
> to cater to Mommy culture. I remember one episode
> where a twelve year old girl got pregnant, and I
> was expecting House to tell the parents, and there
> would be this teary eyed scene where the parents
> would say, "We'll help her raise the baby."
> Oh no. Housie don't play that.
> Instead, barely disguising his disgust at the
> situation, he told the girl that since she was
> underage, he was going to have to get her parents'
> permission to perform an abortion. But, she was
> going to have to tell them that she was pregnant.
> She did, and House performed an abortion.
> Yeah. That's how you do it. None of this London on
> the dole chain-smoking eleven year olds with
> mothers who are proud they got knocked up. The
> girl on House was thrilled to get an abortion, and
> her parents were relieved. That's how it is
> probably 90% of the time in real life, too. We
> just don't hear about it.

I will like Dr. House for a few minutes since he did the abortion! I am surprised I did not hear about it since abortions-on-TV will get a huge uproar in this country by the pro-lifers who ARE running things.

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