Anonymous User
#1420 - Embryo adoptions
May 20, 2006
I went to that disgustipating Focus on the Famblee site to see this shit. It's if you want to see it, have the barf bag handy.

They call these adopted embryos *snowflake baybees*, because they are frozen embryos left over from other couples' IVF treatments.

This is yet another wonderful example of fundie hypocrisy. Dobson and his pals are against things like birth control, abortion, sterilization and such, because they go against Gawd's will. Yet IVF is okay, and so is this embryo adoption thing, even though they are things that don't happen naturally.

There was some story on that site about the 100th *snowflake* was actually twins. The adoptive parents were going on and on about how their pweshus myrakuls were gifts from gawd. THEY ARE NOT GIFTS FROM GAWD, they come from a fucking LABORATORY, for fuck's sake!

And of course, this so-called *pro-life* fundies are against the idea of using these embryos for stem cell research. This research could help save lives of people who are already here, but hey...once you've already been birthed, whogizzashit, right?

Don't you just love how fundies *pick and choose* stuff to believe in or not believe in, to make it fit their twisted agendas?

I hate fundies!
Re: #1420 - Embryo adoptions
May 20, 2006
Most religions are into "pick & choosing" especially when it comes to women's lives. That is why I subscribe to no religion. I love Jesus but have Eastern spirutality leanings. I have tried many churches in the faith of my upbringing and thought I found "nirvana" in a very liberal church only to find the same classism, clique-ish behaviours, and sexism.
Re: #1420 - Embryo adoptions
May 20, 2006
Why the hell are people this fucking extreme about making kids? Dear lord, go out and adopt a child. Why the hell would a woman want to incubate an embryo that doesn't contain any of her own DNA?
Anonymous User
Re: #1420 - Embryo adoptions
May 20, 2006
I sent an e-mail to them expressing outrage that my tax money goes to this shit. I also left my little signiture at the bottom(same one at bottom here.)

"Everytime someone gets an abortion, an angel in heaven gets her wings." smiling smiley)))
Re: #1420 - Embryo adoptions
May 20, 2006
Snowflake Baybees, Indigo Children, Crystal Children. Damn these sound like figurines they sell on QVC! I prefer Children of the Corn.
Re: #1420 - Embryo adoptions
May 20, 2006
I am SO glad I'm not an American, so my taxes did not pay for this shit. My sympathies to you all. How much longer do you have to put up with Dubya, BTW? I don't remember.
Re: #1420 - Embryo adoptions
May 21, 2006
It feels like we will have to put up with him forever, but 2008 is when his term ends. He is a real piece of shit, idiot. I have no respect for him.
mercurior 1
Re: #1420 - Embryo adoptions
May 21, 2006
but wasnt he going to abolish the 2 term rule,

So there you have it. The 22nd Amendment became part of the Constitution and no one person can ever again hold the office of the Presidency for more than eight years.....right? Well, maybe.....but never say never.

On January 5th of this year, Congress quietly passed legislation, allowing for only a handful of the elected legislators to be able to create or change laws in time of natural disaster, contagion, attack by another nation and.......oh yes, that would include TERRORIST ATTACK! This new law, tagged the "Doomsday Legislation", contradicts the Constitution, which specifically states: “a majority of each Chamber shall constitute a quorum to do business.”

“I think the new rule is disgusting, terrible and unconstitutional,” said Norm Ornstein, of an independent, bipartisan panel called the Continuity of Government Commission which is studying the issue. “The way it was passed was deceitful and the intent behind the legislation was very foolish.”
Anonymous User
Re: #1420 - Embryo adoptions
May 21, 2006
The Handmaids Tale I'm telling you. This is so insane. Merc what I find ironic is you're from the UK and you are more informed then me about alot of the crazy crap going down here. Why is this country going so insane? I hope there will be a huge backlash against this fundie garbage someday soon!

When the boss asks for any last minute input, give detailed account of drunken orgy with cast of White Shadow.
Do Unto Others: Justin Heimberg,David Gomberg
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