1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
While going to college in Boston, I became addicted to Starbucks frappuccinos. It was mostly a collegiate crowd hanging out in there, and I enjoyed being amongst my own. I don't know when Starbucks became a brats playground, and I'm EXTREMELY pissed off that moos are treating Starbucks like a McDonalds. To all moos trolling: look at the other people in Starbucks - they are business people on their laptops and pda's, people reading, adults having an adult conversation. Why do you feel the need to invade OUR territory?

What really pisses me off is this: If I ever see a breastfeeding cow in Starbucks, I will put up such a stink to the manager, that I will hopefully force the bovine to leave.

I was in Starbucks last New Years Eve on State Street in Boston, when a little shit was running back and forth between the trash recepticle and its' owners table. The brat fell flat on his face, and I shot its' owners a dirty look, translating to: take that thing the hell out of here,

Sorry - I know a lot of you don't like coffee houses, but this issue pisses me off just a tad.
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
I don't blame you for feeling that way. There need to be some places on the planet where a person can relax without the annoying squeal of a loaf, or toadler. A majority of today's parents feel their child should be able to hang out with them where ever they go. There is a really cool coffee house, with an indoor and outdoor seating area, in our town. One of the things I like about it is the array of bearded, hippie looking people hanging outside of it I think the yuppies are scared of them because this place is always childfree when I go there.
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
Stardust Coffee & Video is a private coffee joint that mostly has an adult hangout yet most people there just try to appear "too cool" and sooooo trendy. Still, I like the place. One time, there was a man with a toddler who made some a sort-of inappropriate comment to me while I was looking at some DVD's. I told him that he had no reason to talk to me since I had NOT initiated any sort of conversation. I notice that men with little kids just love to try to get attention from women. Other than this jerk, I have had no problems at Stardust. Starbucks here has turned into Moo Central with the upper-crust SAHMs.
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
I think single men with children think their child is some sort of woman bait. I think it's a repellant! Most single men with kids, who have full custody, are desperate to find a wife or girlfriend to take over the mommy role. When I was single, I seemed to attract this type of guy. Ick!
Anonymous User
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
This is why I go to Tim Horton's all the time. Tim's is sort of the lifeblood of Canada, it's a doughnut and coffee store stared by Tim Horton, who played on the Toronto Maple Leafs and died in a drunk/high car crash. (So, really Canadian.) There's actually a higher concentration of Tim's per Canadian than McDonald's per American.

Moos either go to Starbucks or ruin little indie coffee shops and tea houses by making them trendy. Tim's is too low-key and down-to-earth for the breeders. It's also cheap, good food and drinks, especially hangover food. And it's not owned by Wendy's anymore, after it went public, almost all the investors are Canadian since Americans don't know about it and don't care.
Anonymous User
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
Lady Cooper I'll have to check Tim Hortons out sometime. I've noticed that hockey players are high on the hot scale. Anyways so sick of moo's hanging out with their nasty brats. Why can't I bring my dogs into these places?

Ask interviewer to join you in a duet of "Summer Lovin'." If he/she refuses, do both parts.
Do Unto Others: Hilarious ways to screw with peoples heads
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
Men with children with them have always been a total turn-off. It is a bigger turn-off when a man thinks he should be given kudos for being the custodial parent. Well...he did play a part in those babies being born!

I hated that Adam Sandler movie where he dumps his girlfriend with what I think was a law career because she did not want those babies. The woman was jeered by Sandler's friends because she worked at Hooters to get through college.

That is the flick where Sandler takes on that abandoned child. All of the women are all over him. The sad truth *is* how women will fawn all over a man with a kid. Men will rarely go gah-gah over a woman with a child unless he is just trying for a "quickie".
Anonymous User
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
Lady Cooper, when we visited Nova Scotia several years ago, Tim Horton's was our friend. We took the Scotia Prince across from Portland, Maine, to Yarmouth, and then drove up to Halifax. It was nice that there are so many of them along the way, as we often needed to stop for coffee and food and restroom breaks.

Breeders and brats were pretty much non-existent in all of the TH's we went to. In fact, at one location, we saw a little girl who actually helped her mother clean off the table after they were finished, and then she took the tray to dump it in the trash.

I'm not a fan of Starbucks, but I imagine that the Yupmoos and brats who hang out there leave one hell of a mess.

We actually DO have a few Tim Horton's here in the I know of is in South Portland, Maine, and I know I have seen others up that way.

But mostly, I prefer Dunkin Donuts (affectionately called Drunken Dognuts) to Starbucks. I do love their omelette-on-a-croissaint breakfast sammiches! Yeah, they have that stupid commercial with the moo carting the brats in the moo-van to various activities, but the restaurants themselves are not *trendeigh* enough for the Yupmoos to hang out in. They mostly go through the drive-through, so we can sit inside in peace.
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
A few years ago, I went to Starbucks to have a cup of coffee and enjoy the paper. This housewife came in with her toddler who screamed and carried on. These men were trying to work on their laptop. One actually was polite to this woman and talked to the kid. I quickly left. I came into the place to rid myself of a headache and relax. A screaming brat ruined the atmosphere. Starbucks does have high chairs so that is another reason to stay afar!
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
india_darshan Wrote:
> That is the flick where Sandler takes on that
> abandoned child. All of the women are all over
> him. The sad truth *is* how women will fawn all
> over a man with a kid. Men will rarely go gah-gah
> over a woman with a child unless he is just trying
> for a "quickie".

THe movie is called Big Daddy. I don't know why anyone would fawn over the kid in that movie. He was an obnoxious brat.
I know a guy that I worked with who loved to date single moms. He says they appreciate him more. Of course he has no intention of marrying any of them. He just likes the sex and the attention they give him.

Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
I really don't care for Starbucks, but I think those lactating moos should go somewhere else (like the restroom) to tit feed their little shits.

Btw, I wouldn't want to date/marry a man with excess "baggage". Yuck!

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
I prefer Tim's to Starbucks. I go by 2 Starbucks on the way to work, and five Tim's. And one Dunkin' Donuts.

I give a slight edge on coffee to Tim's, and a slight edge on donuts to Dunkin' Donuts.

Anyway, I never liked the 'baggage' of the kiddies in a relationship. I guess I felt I would be second in her life. Fortunately, I have a DW who loves me, then chocolate. So that works out well.
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
India - I never noticed the high chairs at Starbucks - maybe I've just been oblivious. At this juncture, I'd just be thrilled to be able to go anyplace to enjoy a cup of french vanilla - in peace - no kids. I like Starbucks because of the cozy chairs, the soft music, and the newspapers. Also because of habit. Drunken Dognuts (good one) is also on my way to work, but not a Tim Horton's, which I'm certain to scout out my next time in Maine. (Thanks for the tip!)
Anonymous User
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 21, 2006
Tim's is also the best hangover food. It's good, healthy soups and subs to put in your stomach to keep it from coming back up, and I found that a handfull of Timbits helps too (chocolate ones!)

And who says Canada doesn't do good things for you? That and basketball, ya still haven't thanked us for that.

And zippers. We invented zippers.
CF Scorpio
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 22, 2006
I hate that cafes have gone from being adult hangouts to being famblee hangouts. I guess the SAHMs found out what every college kid knows: that you can stay there as long as you want for the price of 1 coffee. I've always liked that cafes were a nice place to get some work done or read a book or have a quiet conversation. Why oh why do people have to bring their kids into that atmosphere?
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 22, 2006
CF Scorpio Wrote:
> Why oh why do people have to bring their kids into that atmosphere?

To fuck it up for everyone else, of course! They can't stand knowing there are people enjoying a nice, quiet time.

And they can't stand not being the center of attention. If they go to MonstroMart, where all the screeching loaves are, they'll just blend in and not get noticed. But, if there's only a few of them - bingo! Or so they seem to think.

Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
May 22, 2006
I would strongly discourage anyone from participating in the Starfucks plan to take over the world. The reason moos go there, and other chain places, is because they're afraid of new things. They know when they go to Starbucks they can be guarenteed music on the sound system that they've heard about 100,000 times before, a neatly groomed and easily identifiable server, high fat coffee drinks made with mixes, and bakery items that will always taste the same no matter what location you visit.

Starbucks is a predatory corporation who's whole plan is to run smaller, locally owned businesses out of towns so that they're the only choice. When you're the only game in town, you get ALL the profit. They will saturate a small area with multiple locations, because they know they can take a loss until the sheeple are herded away from the actual coffee shops to their calm, childfriendly, sameness.

Trust me, a locally owned coffee shop will be able to make a frothy, milky, flavored coffee drink that is about 18,000 times better than anything you'll get at Starfucks. AND you'll be able to get it however you want because...gasp!...they make their drinks from scratch, compared to Starfucks, by mixing milk, cocoa powder, sugar, flavoring and coffee.
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
July 16, 2006
This is my first post, but I've been coming here for over a year. First of all let me just say that reading your posts (especially many of the regulars) has helped me realize I am not alone. For most of my adult life I have felt there was something wrong with me, now I realize I'm just not following the "life script". So for this I sincerely thank you guys, you've brought me some peace and a lot of laughs.

Anyhoo, this Starbuck's thing is a huge pet peeve for me too. I went to the Starbucks by my Dr.'s office which happens to be in a very wealthy area in the Bay Area (unlike where I live which is really ghetto). You would think wealthy parents or their nannies might rear better behaved children, think again! I try to open the door but I can see there are two loafs literally laying on their bellies playing in front of the door. Sorry to interrupt your precious childhood but I NEED my coffee and to get to class. So I open the door and enter carefully so as not to hit them with the door or step on them. I don't want to get caught in a stampede of angry moos. I entered and looked around for Moo(s) to have a word with but everywhere I looked was clueless adults very preoccupied with whatever they were discussing or eating/drinking. I mean you would think even an employee might say "Please dont lay in front of the door, people can't get in, you might get hurt, it's a fire hazard, etc." But no, everyone just acted like it wasn't even there. Like we must not disturb the precious endangered child in it's natural form (wild and annoying) or it might slip into a coma and die. WTF? I mean if I was on the floor my mom would have probably done one of those "what the hell is the matter with you - arm yank you up off the floor things" and make me behave like a person in a business. This behavior is wrong on soooo many levels, so how could no one else see it but me? I feel like Roddy Piper in "They Live" and I have those glasses that can see aliens, but instead of aliens I see horrible things parents and children do to other people while everyone else goes on like it's "normal" behavior. I feel like if these kids stood up on the table and took a dump we would all be expected to clap and eat it. Is it just me???
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
July 16, 2006
M.O.N., I lived in Marin County for years so I also am aware how the offspring of wealthier people are just as nasty as ghetto kids. Well-off men are also HUGE jerks which is why *I*, a working-class woman, would never date any of them...or should I say have sex with since that is how they view "my kind". My ex-husband was a rich man. I signed a pre-nup and left with nothing when I divorced him. I wanted to be away from him, his awful family, and the attitude of how I was nothing but "poor trash" before marrying this guy. I would not want anything those kind of people have! By the way, Rich Daddio is always trying to bed the European au pairs. I have stories about Marin...
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
July 16, 2006
I have a friend who says she loves kids and she was dating a divorced man who had a young daughter. Her reason for loving/wanting kids? In her own words: So they will adore me! Great, another otherwise intelligent, practical person who thinks that kids will make her happy and fulfill her. She thought that this man was a great catch and that the little girl was a plus.

I agree that men use small children to attract women. And they are not looking for another wife, just something to screw. From what I've seen, they have plenty of takers.

Libraries aren't quiet anymore, either. Kids are running around everywhere using the library as a playground. The librarians are too scared to shush them because the parents get so huffy.
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
July 17, 2006
A pissed off moo is such a pain in th ass. That's exactly why Starbucks workers and librarians don't shush the little twerps or tell them to get off the floor. They don't want to deal with a herd of rabid moos.

From my experience teaching, rich brats are the worst. Their parents usually have them when they are older, and think they've created the golden child. THey give them everything materially, but neglect to teach them basic manners, compassion, or morals. These kids have incredible self confidence for no good reason!

As far as single men with kids. When I was single I must have had a big red bull's eye on my ass that attracted these men. The vast majority of them are REALLY looking for someone to take over the care of their child or children, and to run thier household. Sorry guys, but your kids and your neediness are as big of a turn off as raging genital herpes!
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
July 17, 2006
I know that many men are sexually weird but I find divorced daddios and the religious right-wingers to be the weirdest guys when it comes to sexuality. The weirder the act is, the more they love it. But...these single daddios will go on about how they just love their kids and act so freaking "moral". A man with kids makes me run the other!
Anonymous User
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
July 17, 2006
One time, I did see the librarian in charge of a suburban branch library yell at a child running around to get her to stop and be quiet.

Something suggested to me she was CF, but I wasn't sure. I found out she liked cats, though.
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
July 17, 2006
You're correct about religious right-wingers being sexually weird. I dated a man for 5 years in my early 30's who was raised in a very religious home. Sex had been made so taboo to him growing up, that he couldn't get enough of it as an adult. He wasn't marriage material, but he sure was fun!
Re: 1422 - Starbucks Moos
July 18, 2006
Welcome Mom of None... and thanks for reviving my post...
Nope, it's "not just you," I agree. My peeve is simple: moos invaded MY territory. I used to live at Starbucks going to college in Boston, and I was amongst my own - young single people reading or chatting. I am pissed that I now see little shits running around in there, with moo oblivious chatting on her phone, or with her moo friend. I don't go to Chuck E's, or McD's, because I can't stand the noise. Why does moo feel it necessary to creep into my everyday life? Now, I have to look for the breederbus or s moo v before I can go in. Unfair! I hope those kids are in front of the door again - just open it and whack their heads with it - "Oops... sorry but you should learn to control your brats!"
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