#1426 Neighbor Wars
May 22, 2006
CFBoston, what a sad story you have posted. I hope the Schultzes, those bastards, read this article. Elyvn Schultz said it well: "I have no empathy." I'm sure the couple has kids or will have them. What great models they are. They should be horsewhipped.
Re: #1426 Neighbor Wars
May 22, 2006
They are why this country is being ruined. People who will willingly live in a fascist subdivision which sets superficial rules on how your property should be. Sure, you can't have a clothes line, or vehicles parked in your driveway, but it's a-okay to cover your lawn with dangerous pesticides and weed killers to keep it looking like a golf course. These folks will happily succumb to all sorts of superfical "safety" bullshit like pat down searches to get into concerts and sports events; video cameras everywhere; v-chips and ratings systems; not being allowed to carry nail clippers and lighters (but matches are okay) on airlines; etc. etc. because it makes things appear safer, and that's all they, and their children, care about...superficial apperance. Who cares if your McMansion is actually a crappily constructed, dry wall, abomination that will probably need to be torn down, or extensively reparied in 10 years? It looks good now, and the Breedersons next door are jealous.

I really wish people like that would put on their brown shirts and jack boots and start marching. At least they'd really be themselves for the first time in their pathetic excuses for lives, and I'd know who to firebomb...or avoid.
Re: #1426 Neighbor Wars
May 22, 2006
I am tired of people claiming they have the right to tell a homeowner or another renter what can be done on another property. What about all of the kids that are running around screaming and ruining a peaceful environment for the other residents. In my complex, a complaint can be brought against a person for doing repairs on a car on property. Yet, the teen boys can hang out in the parking lot after school and ride their skateboards up & down. It looks so crude to have teenagers just hanging out in the lot.

I have to have the windshield replaced in the car I just got since the ding cannot be fixed. It went through both layers of glass. I had to ask special permission from the office for the work to be done on property should I opt for that rather than have to go back to the dealership. If residents cannot have their cars repaired on complex property despite paying rent to live here, than the moos should be required to keep their f**king kids INSIDE all of the time except for maybe a couple of hours a day. I am sorry to sound so crude but reading that article really angered me.
Re: #1426 Neighbor Wars
May 22, 2006
Feh & India- you both have it right. No clotheslines, cars must be parked in garages (where applicable), trees must be perfectly trimmed, and yards must resemble mini- greens. But what about the breeders yards? They're full of those obnoxious Lil'Tykes plastic climbing apparatus, toys, bikes, and crap all over the place, yet nobody says a word. A dog barks, these people are screaming about noise pollution, but their brats can scream bloody murder, and they don't consider that a nuissance at all. The worst thing to ever come along was the HOA. By breeders, for breeders.
Re: #1426 Neighbor Wars
May 22, 2006
Wow, this article sounds like what is happening in my area, and the areas surrounding it. It is so very sad. My poor DH is exposed to people like the Schultz's everyday at his job. He works in a county's building and development department, as an engineer. People like this care about no one but themselves, and have enough money and free time on their hands to complain about little things that most of us would never notice. I would hope that people who are this picky are unhappy, and that even their gorgeous McMansions, and all of their many material possessions don't bring them satisfaction.
CF Scorpio
Re: #1426 Neighbor Wars
May 22, 2006
Reading this makes me SO glad I don't live in a subdivision! I hate the way these places are run like mini-fiefdoms: they make their own rules and act like an autonomous government. Creepy! And they're all chock full of breeders.
Anonymous User
Re: #1426 Neighbor Wars
May 22, 2006
No fucking way would we ever buy into such a place! We rent now, but when we do buy, it's gonna be so far out in the boonies that no yup-breeder would want to live there. And with enough land around it is that no one can build some shittin' assed crap two feet from our house.

Catdaddy has a ham radio license. He doesn't have a radio now, but he still reads the ARRL magazine.

Many ham operators like to put up Hugh Jass antennas on their houses for their radios, and some article in that magazine said that more and more of these yuppie subdivisions are NOT allowing antennas on the roofs of the houses AT ALL.

Some creative operators figured out ways to install antennas in the attic that work, but WHY THEY FUCK should they have to? If they own the fucking house, then they should get to put what they fucking please on it. As long as it doesn't break any FCC rules, there should NOT be a problem.

I swear...of all of the breeders in the world, yup-breeders like the Schultzes are the sort I hate most of all...even more than I hate welfare rabbit breeders.
Re: #1426 Neighbor Wars
May 22, 2006
Yuppie breeders are the worst. They have the money, education and opportunity to do better, yet because they are lazy, self centered assholes, they willingly choose not to, even though they know better.
I hate them.
Anonymous User
Re: #1426 Neighbor Wars
May 22, 2006
One would think that Federal law usurps subdivision tenets regarding the operation of a licensed radio station. Anyway, those yuppie breeders would be grateful to Catdaddy if there is a disaster, as he may be their only link to Springfield or Moncton (for example) to line up hard-to-locate meds for such breeder spawn who might need them.

From what I read, it might be overturnable but it might take a long fight in Federal court. IANAL, but there are Ls which are hams and know all these things.
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