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1433-It's about what YOU want!

Posted by Sherz 
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 23, 2006
Catmommy, that is very scary that you had to hide your birth control pills to keep the ex-husband from sabotaging you to make you a moo. Men will do this sh*t. I do think most women need to NOT tell the men wheh they abort because the men's ego goes into overdrive and they suddenly act like they own the woman's body and can make her birth that baby on demand.

I was never into the show Dynasty but I do remember an episode from my high school years where the main male character threw his wife's pills out the window and then forced himself on her. Nine months later, the wifelet popped out that baby. She was so happy. What a horrible precedence to set by claiming that a woman needs to be "forced" to breed. Even at the age of 15, I knew this was sick!

Guest, I often feel the same way about being an abuse survivor. Even though I am in my 40's, I still have not really recovered from what happened almost 30 years ago. I saw the man, who abused me, beat my mother. He was my mom's live-in boyfriend at the time.
Anonymous User
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 23, 2006
Lady War-Dog, I am most happy to help!

Catdaddy was the world's biggest chicken about anyone placing a sharp instrument near his 'nads. But he chose to brave it, because, as you said, it is easier for the guy to do it.

Here's how it went:

Since we had Tufts Health Plan at the time (a rather breederific HMO in the New England area; we've heard that now they will NOT pay for sterilzations), he first had to get a referral to a urologist from his primary care physician. Said PCP was a breeder extraordinaire, has many loaves and has often cancelled appointments due to issues with said loaves, wife shitting out the latest loaf, etc. So at first, Dr. Dickwerkz would NOT give the referral. We went back to see him together, and then he finally gave it.

The urologist was cool. He required a pre-snip appointment, and the only question he asked was, "You DO know this is permanent, right?" To which Catdaddy said, "Well, I sure as hell HOPE so!" The doc then said something like, "Better a little pain in the balls now, than a big pain in the ass forever!", when Catdaddy asked about the pain involved.

He was also told that he could either shave himself down there, or else the nurse would have to do it pre-surgery. Catdaddy opted to use a depliatory...must have stung like a mofo, but even the doc was impressed with how clean he was down there. (maybe TMI, but this was not the first time Catdaddy depilated his 'nads...many years ago, when he was in the Navy, he got crabs from a cheap hooker, and he figured that this was the best way to get rid of them. It worked!)

The doctor gave Catdaddy some sort of drowsy pills, and told him to take them an hour before the surgery appointment. He would also need someone to take him to and from the appointment (that would be me).

So, Catdaddy, who would have been nervous as hell otherwise, was pretty relaxed by appointment time, thanks to the sleepy pills. The doc gave him a local anthestic and did the snip. While he was in surgery, I ran out to the local supermarket for some bags of frozen peas, and came back before it was over. It only took about an hour.

Catdaddy was still a bit woozy when he came out. The doctor gave him a scrip for Tylenol with codeine for the pain that might occur when the drugs wore off, and made an appointment for follow-up visits. We picked up the meds and went home. And he sat with a bag of the frozen peas over his crotch (over the underwear)...he was told to do this even if there was no pain, as it helps reduce any swelling down there.

He only needed to take one dose of the Tylenol with codeine. Once that wore off, he said the pain was non-existent. He didn't even need the frozen peas much after the first full day. The frozen peas thing is most important during the first 24 hours post-surgery.

He had scheduled the snip for a Friday, and took that and the following Monday off from work. That was it. He told his boss it was for *outpatient surgery* and left it at that. His boss at the time was another breederific asshole who would have given him shit over getting snipped. But it was none of his business, so no need to tell.

It all healed up nicely, no problems, and he went back for a couple of follow-ups. These included having to jack off into a cup so they could see if the lil swimmers were gone yet. It took about 6-8 weeks before Catdaddy was deemed 100% sperm-free.

So now, Catdaddy, who was once the world's biggest chicken about snippage, says that *it was nothing*. Nowhere near as horrible and painful as he feared. If he can get through it, I think anyone can!

I hope this will help any man who is thinking of vasectomy, to decide to go ahead and do it.

Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 23, 2006
LadyWarDog, to the "hoe" who thought it was a good plan for you to 'Oopos!' your husband: I predict she'll probaly be having a divorce in her future, or her husband (if he hasn't already) would be having some major affairs behind her back. What a deceitful bitch.

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 23, 2006
india_darshan Wrote:
> I have also heard the "it does not matter what HE
> wants" when it comes to those wives wanting those
> babies. I knew a woman whose friend was having
> twins. The husband was freaking because of cost
> because only one child was planned for. Another of
> this woman's friend was having a second baby
> despite the husband not wanting another child. The
> woman's response to about her friends' husbands,
> "These men just have to DEAL with it!" This woman
> also bugged her husband for that baby. I have no
> pity for women like her when the man takes up with
> someone else or "deals with it" by leaving.

Amazing that there are people in the world like this. I really think sometimes that men get the short end of the stick far more then women. Lady War Dog: Your co-irker needs to mind her own damn business!! This is why I never discuss issues at work cuz I don't want anyones "expert" opinion. I cannot believe she said what she did. How utterly selfish.

Anonymous User
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 23, 2006
And I was supposed to get the bag of frozen peas out of the freezer so DW could ice her ankle! It was getting pretty swollen from symptoms associated with SLE lupus. Another reason for her not to have little ones sporged forth.

Anyway, I think what she wants is to not have the little poo factories kiddies running about.
Sherz Wrote:
> Yeah, that works out REALLY well in a marriage.
> I'm sure she probably oopsed him more than once!
> Why are some other people so concerned about
> other's breeding? It's a personal choice between
> a couple.

Yanno, I wish I knew. It's like, MY BODY, MY CHOICE, NOT YOURS!! MYOB, BITCHES! I still think it's the whole misery loves company thing, that most breeders think, "I have a brat or brats, I'm miserable, you're young and presumably healthy, so why won't you push out a sprog or two and join the ranks of the miserable crew, too?"

india_darshan Wrote:
> I have also heard the "it does not matter what HE
> wants" when it comes to those wives wanting those
> babies. I knew a woman whose friend was having
> twins. The husband was freaking because of cost
> because only one child was planned for. Another of
> this woman's friend was having a second baby
> despite the husband not wanting another child. The
> woman's response to about her friends' husbands,
> "These men just have to DEAL with it!" This woman
> also bugged her husband for that baby. I have no
> pity for women like her when the man takes up with
> someone else or "deals with it" by leaving.

Well, you know, after you have the baybee, it'll all be "in God's hands because He will provide." So, no matter how many baybees a breeder has, single or married, everything will work out because it was meant to be that way. [/sarcasm] LOL
Lady War-Dog Wrote:
> CatMommy,
> I keep telling War-Dog that if he is really,
> REALLY serious about not wanting children he
> should get the snip (since that procedure is an
> outpatient one and any permanent birth control for
> me will be invasive and probably require an
> overnight hospital stay). He is balking, however,
> since like most men he gets the jibblies at the
> thought of anyone coming near his genitals with a
> sharp instrument. Is there anything that I can
> tell him to ease his mind since you and CatDaddy
> have already gone through this procedure? Thanks
> in advance!
> --Lady War-Dog

My husband is CF-minded; however, he is still being extremely slow about getting snipped. He went to a urologist earlier this year, and that's about as far as it's gone. He still hasn't ade an appointment or anything. I, for one, got the Essure procedure done, because I knew 2000% that I didn't want any kids, but I'd feel better if hubby went ahead and actually got snipped, too!

Lady War-Dog
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 24, 2006
Thanks for all the info, CatMommy! smiling smiley I was pretty sure it was as bad as when I got a fibroid cyst removed (IE, no big deal and War-Dog would be up and about in a couple of days) and you have confirmed that. I will definitely share it with him ASAP.

VLM: I've heard about the Essure treatment and was considering asking my OB/GYN about it. I think my doc would let me get it (I'm 35 and in good health). Is it invasive? What exactly does it do? Thanks in advance for your help! smiling smiley

--Lady War-Dog
My response to "don't cheat yourself out of the experience of motherhood" and bingos of that ilk is generally..."well,after years of working with junkies, I've heard that heroin is great too."
That usually shuts them right up.
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 24, 2006
What kills me is a young single moo who had that baby at age 19 will try to tell ME, a grown woman in her 40's, that something is wrong with ME for not wanting children. I try to be kindly to people but will make a comment that having out-of-wedlock babies in the teen years or "having" to get married by age 18 or 19 are stupid decisions. That alone shuts up these type of co-workers.

New job at my former employer is going great. Class is wonderful. Yeah...we got a couple of young single moos in class. One can barely sit in her chair in a mannerly way but claims she wants to go to the police academy to follow her family's footsteps in law enforcement. Please! Then, there is another single moo with a one-year-old at home and another on the way. Yet, someone like me is odd for choosing a saner and better lifestyle.
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 24, 2006
guest Wrote:
> E tu, Medusa?? I'm sorry... you get <>
> Speaking only for myself, of course (I know this
> is a common bingo theme), I sometimes wonder
> whether part (not all!) of my reason for being CF
> is because of what happened to me. I have never
> had the fairytale take on "family" (meaning
> husband and wife and kids) that most breeder women
> seem to have (or had until they actually embarked
> on following through with the lifescript). I've
> always thought of the institution of family being
> something negative and undesirable, rather than
> appealing.
> I wonder if others have the same feeling.

I reciently found out that my mother had a shotgun wedding. I don't think it was an opps but she wound up marrying my father (she refused to get an abortion) and the marriage lasted less than a year. I never got to meet him and he died when I was 14.

I've also never had the "white picket fence" childhood either and in fact I was very lonely growing up since my moms twin sister, who is an adult child who refuses to grow up and make her own life, lived with us throughout most of my childhood and took my place as my moms child.

I'm sure my lack of having a father has greatly affected my relationships with men. I do well with having male friends but when it comes to dating I suck (or they do, who knows).

I think all these things contributed to my becoming childfree. I never saw myself as a mother and often feared I would ignore my child the way my mom ignored me.

Sorry if I'm off topic but reading Medusa's and guest's post made me thankful I was only ignored and kind of makes me thankful they were divorced after all.

On topic. These selfish women make me sick. Men need to really watch their back around these women. I still don't understand why there is not male form of the BC pill or norplant, etc.
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 24, 2006
as a man i can see a different point of view, the men stay there coz either way they are screwed, if they leave, child support, if they dont moo spends, its a choice tween the devil and the deep blue see.

faust wants to be snipped and purged and burned, her decision, which i am only too happy to support she has said it is my choice as its her choice to get purged and i am leaning rather heavily in that way.

they are working on a male pill, but naturally certain people moos say how do we know they wont take it and not tell us..


THE effects of the male equivalent of the Pill should be easily reversible, a study shows.
The contraceptive will never be widely used unless men can be sure that once they stop taking it their sperm counts will return to normal. To test that this is true of the combinations of implants and pills used so far in trials, a team led by Peter Liu, of the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute, examined 30 studies on the male Pill published between 1990 and 2005.

The trials have shown that it is possible to reduce the male sperm count to “infertile” levels by using hormone treatments, either in the form of pills, implants, or both. Two trials are in progress, one in China and one in Europe, to prove that the technology works and is safe. But the new study, published in The Lancet, aimed to show that the effects were reversible.

The conclusion was that, in the studies examined, sperm counts returned to a level of 20 million per millilitre — a fertile level — in three to four months.Older men, those of Asian origin, those who had higher sperm counts to start with, and those who took shorter-acting treatments, recovered fertility more quickly. But the trials show that all men will recover fertility — if they had it to start with — if they are prepared to wait long enough.

“Our data provides strong assurance that the previously described efficacy of hormonal male contraceptives is coupled with highly predictable recovery to semen characteristics that are compatible with fertility,” the team concluded.

They offer a few caveats. Few men of Hispanic or African origin were included in the trials, and the threshold of 20 million sperm per millilitre is an arbitrary one. Despite this, their conclusion is optimistic.

Whether this will accelerate the marketing of a male Pill or implants is uncertain. Drug companies may be unwilling to take on the risks of marketing powerful hormonal treatments in an age of litigation.

The combinations so far tried include implants of the male sex hormone testosterone and injections of progesterone, or the other way around. The progesterone — a female sex hornmone — cuts sperm production to low levels, while the testosterone sustains levels of the male hormone.

The unanswered question is whether men will be willing to use the contraceptive. It is unlikely to appeal to any but those in stable, long-term relationships, and women may still want to provide their own independent protection. Also, a male Pill could increase the spread of sexually transmitted diseases by reducing the use of condoms.

The Pill, introduced in more innocent times, might now find the barriers to a licence difficult to surmount.

When millions of healthy people are expected to take a treatment for years on end, even tiny side-effects loom large, as the Pill scares have shown. That the effects of the male Pill are reversible may be important, but not conclusive, in determining its future.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 24, 2006
"The unanswered question is whether men will be willing to use the contraceptive. It is unlikely to appeal to any but those in stable, long-term relationships, and women may still want to provide their own independent protection. Also, a male Pill could increase the spread of sexually transmitted diseases by reducing the use of condoms."

I can't really see it making that much of a difference. There are still alot of ignorant men going around saying they don't like condoms because they don't feel good/aren't manly, etc. However if the guys are on the pill or implant at least they won't make another unwanted child.

If people want to be stupid and have unprotected sex with someone they don't even know there's really nothing we can do about it.
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 24, 2006
i am in a stable relationship, i know lots of men who are single and they will take it, to stop walking wallet syndrome. notice how its still the womans responsibility to use b/c according to the stories, and not the mans.

they complain when a man wants the same or similar rights to b/c as a woman. (i would take it now, and for the rest of my life i know others would too)

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 24, 2006
they complain when a man wants the same or similar rights to b/c as a woman.

Well you can't oops a man on birth control now can you? tongue sticking out smiley
Anonymous User
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 24, 2006
> Well you can't oops a man on birth control now can you?

I hope not! But I still would be very nervous about STDs and whatnot. That's where the condom helps. I don't know where those skanks have been.

Oh, wait, I don't do gold-diggers or others who sleep with anything with a dick. Never have.
Lady War-Dog
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 25, 2006
War-Dog would take the Male Pill in a heartbeat, as long as there were no bad side effects. I told him that I imagine that the side effects would probably be the same as the Female Pill--some nausea when you get started on it, headache, etc.

Please let them release this in the States soon! I don't think it's fair that men only have 3 options for BC (condoms, vasectomy, abstinence).

--Lady War-Dog
Anonymous User
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 25, 2006
Unfortunately, a male Pill is very very hard to make. With women, estrogen and progesterone just have to be kept from spiking once a month, which causes ovulation. Easy. Done.

Men would have to reduce testosterone and Human Gonadotropic Hormone greatly to stop the constant production of sperm somehow (probably through estrogen), and the testosterone drop would (not could, would) have serious side effects, such as obsesity, lactation, lack of sex drive, shrinkage of testicles, inability to gain and maintain erection, possibly heart problems, and constant nausea and mood swings since the male body is not set to deal with a lack of testosterone and high levels of estrogen.
Re: 1433-It's about what YOU want!
May 25, 2006
thats been my complaint over the years, why didnt they work on this years ago. but as latro says, "Well you can't oops a man on birth control now can you."

still, its happening slowly, the creation, just remember the freedom it would give men, they could do work and not worry bout getting pregnant... so 40 years (roughly) on from the female pill, men are getting a chance for that freedom

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
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