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1449-Our Tax Dollars Paying for Irresponsibility

Posted by Sherz 
Wow, seven children, WIC, reduced lunch, medicaid,college money, and all of the other shit! It really makes me wonder why I worked so hard for all those years. I should have been popping out millions of baybees so I could be enjoying all of that delicious gubament cheese from WIC, and getting free doctor visits with my medical card, not to mention getting a degree in something besides education!

"and we are happily expecting our 7th baby! It never occurred to me that someone would consider this irresponsible."

Really? Are you that pig ignorant? Just imagine, those 7 will pop out 7 more and so on--what a fucking drain on the system.

I hate how she signed it, too!

wife to Ken
mom to Tristen, Brandon, Connor, Stephanie, Noah, Isabelle, and #7 (Sept)

That's so fucking special!
Re: 1449-Our Tax Dollars Paying for Irresponsibility
May 25, 2006
I think that Lora ~ wife to Ken and Moo to a brood of worthless fuck trophies, needs a good kick to the cunt, an abortion, and serious clue. What the fuck is she thinking? "My husband works to pay into the system." Yea, probably at McDonalds. Does she think because he "works to pay into the system" that is is making up for all the money they get from the governmen? If she does, she is clearly too stupid to be alive. Sure! Let's keep having baybees because it's all that much more free stuff we get from Uncle Sam at the expense of the childfree taxpayers!
I *loved* the part where she said "it is all God's money".

Show of hands, people...who here's paycheck is signed by *God*?

Didn't think so.
Re: 1449-Our Tax Dollars Paying for Irresponsibility
May 25, 2006
When I worked for a small medical call center, this one part-time moo worker got Florida's Healthy Kids for herself & the three sprogs. What got me is that her husband made close to $20 an hour as a fire inspector and got overtime! This moo got on the state's subsidized medical care because she and her husband did not want to pay the higher premiums to add her and their offspring onto his plan.

I, on the other hand, have gone WITHOUT medical care for the majority of the past 13 years because: a) a job did not offer health care -or- b) I could not afford the premiums if an employer did offer benefits. I could not qualify for anything that the moos get since it is considered I earned too much money back then...eight dollars an hour...big wow!

My biggest gripe was how my former co-worker and her husband drove late model cars. She bragged how she got new furniture for her apartment. These breeders did not want to pay the extra premiums for the man's job to have them all on his medical plan but lived it up while having the State of Florida subsidize their medical.

What is wrong with this picture when a family where the earner makes almost 3x's what I do but gets everything handed to them??? Ticks me off... angry smiley
That kind of shit makes me see red!

I've mentioned before that I talked to a woman who worked for the US postal service and was on medical. Meanwhile just like india_darshan, I've never had a job that offered benefits or at least ones that I could afford. Where I'm at now they offer some shitty benefits that don't cover jack shit. One of my coworkers tore his achillies tendon and ins only covered $500 of his operation and other related expenses.

Also like I mentioned all women in pig in california get medical automatically and some of these bitches have good insurance but will use medical because they don't want to pay their deductible or some other bullshit. Some will often have two or three state run programs to choose from.

I once talked to some entitleminded welfare queen who bragged she had all eight of her croth droppings on medical. Yeah, thats exactly what I want my tax dollars going for. Why, how did families get along before the states handed them all these rewards for being irresponsible.

This job makes me want to smash my head into my keyboard.
And what the hell does Globally Delayed mean anyway? Is that another new fangled behavorial disorder I haven't heard of before.
I posted a reply to the cunt. Its under pitbullgirl2006. Globally Delayed I think means major development problems in ALL areas. Great that this bitchs are reproducing like lemmings eh? I also left my little signiture ask me about my abortion. That'll get em going!
These people really get my goat. I despise when they use God to justify their laziness. I won't quote scripture here, because it ain't the place. But, if these people are going to base their irresponsibility on the Bible, they should know that the Bible DOES NOT ADVOCATE LAZINESS! According to THEIR Bible...you don't work, you don't eat. Help your neighbor who is helping himself? Yes. Provide for your neighbor who can't be bothered to help himself and is making his situation worse? Ummmm, NO. HELL NO!
Well I guess when you're the kind of christian who picks and chooses various scripture from the bible to suit your own selfish and narrow-minded views and beliefs then you can make it advocate just about anything.

It's good to hear other christians bash people for doing this kind of shit. It's the reason I gave up christianity in the first place.
Give it up? Heck, I never started! I just couldn't wrap my head around it all. That's what a few trips to a Sunday school in a Unitarian Universalist Church will do to you in your youth.
Re: 1449-Our Tax Dollars Paying for Irresponsibility
May 25, 2006
I can't stand lazy f*ckers who go on welfare, wic or medicaid, f*cking drain ass shit.

www.ivillage.com is a very breederish site. They have childfree boards, however.

lab mom
TSC Wrote:
> These people really get my goat. I despise when
> they use God to justify their laziness. I won't
> quote scripture here, because it ain't the place.
> But, if these people are going to base their
> irresponsibility on the Bible, they should know
> According to THEIR Bible...you don't work, you
> don't eat. Help your neighbor who is helping
> himself? Yes. Provide for your neighbor who
> can't be bothered to help himself and is making
> his situation worse? Ummmm, NO. HELL NO!

Um, isn't sloth 1 of the 7 deadly sins?
Re: 1449-Our Tax Dollars Paying for Irresponsibility
May 25, 2006
Wow, I just checked and your message is still there, Sharon! I'm really surprised. Even on the CF boards, they totally kiss breeder ass over there (I-Village). Which is why I rarely bother with them anymore.

I am so damn sick of Moos like this one. Like you said, Sharon: who the hell has 7 kids in this day and age? That is just plain insane. And, yes, selfish.

My aunt thought I was being a bitch a couple of weeks ago when I called my breederific cousins "baby factories". She said: "But they're only having 2". So I replied: "Yes, "only" 2. Who will then have 2 each. Who will then have 2 each. And so on." I think she finally got it then.
I just checked the board and Sharons post has been deleted, and I didn't even get to read it. sad smiley

Now, their over there mooing about how mean she was and how she's jealous and how wonderful it is to have an assload of kids they need help supporting and patting them selves on the back going "there, there".

This quote really pissed me off:

Everyone is so up and up about where their tax dollars are going. Should it matter it is not like taxes will ever go away and the gorverment is going to use them as they see fit. Weather it is to help someone in need or to rebuild a country we have no right to rebuild.

You misunderstood the question bitch!

You mean a country that we help destroy? Yes we do have a right to rebuild it but I guess if we use our tax dollars for things other than giving you a free ride then we have no right to do it.

I bet her tune would change if her handouts got cut off and she had to pay for her own little tribe.

Re: 1449-Our Tax Dollars Paying for Irresponsibility
May 26, 2006
The iVillage's CF board is still around??? There are quite a few childfree places that are what I call "breeder pleasers" -- not that *I* came up with the term! Wish I did, though! I stopped posting over there years ago...

I do notice how most moos want all of the tax bennies for themselves and to h*ll with everyone else. They are the most selfish b*tches on the planet. Don't mind my surliness. I did not sleep sleeping well last night and got to be at work at 5pm. At least, it is truly my "Friday"...
I hate welfare ticks with every fiber of my soul. They're a waste of skin. They turn decent neighborhoods into slums, and thumb their noses at the people who support them. The government shits all over the elderly, disabled, and veterans. But if some bitch is crapping one out, they throw the bennies her way. Something is seriously wrong with this.
My next door neighbor is 88 years old. She still works full time, because she doesn't qualify for anything. I take her dinner, because all she can afford to eat is ramen. This woman has worked her entire life as a teacher. It enrages me that she spent her whole life in the service of others, and can't retire. She's outlived her children, she has no family. This country ought to be ashamed of the way they throw people away. We can help everyone else, but our own. It's the American way...
My next door neighbor is 88 years old. She still works full time, because she doesn't qualify for anything. I take her dinner, because all she can afford to eat is ramen. This woman has worked her entire life as a teacher. It enrages me that she spent her whole life in the service of others, and can't retire.

That makes me sick! This woman spent her life educating future generations and what thanks does she get? I'm so glad she has a neighbor like you to help her out here and there. Of course a welfare breeder wouldn't give her a second look since she's lived her life and is not worthless in their eyes. God I hate people!

They way this country treats everyone except those who breed and breed makes me sick. Maybe I should move to Canada after all.
Medusa and Latrodectra: I am glad you got to read my post! Sorry Latro.
I cannot remember what I said now! Fucking swine. Someone else left a message similiar to mine however. I'm sure they will remove it. What a bunch of sissys! Oh yeah lady I am jealous and selfish! Please!! I have a sad life etc.. That makes me sick about Sprogless neighbor. What the fuck. I hate breeders! A hearty fuck-you to the sissy la-las over at Ivillage!

-Babys first steak knife.
-Top ten list of bad toys for brats,David Letterman
Re: 1449-Our Tax Dollars Paying for Irresponsibility
May 26, 2006
That is so sickening what is happening to your poor elderly neighbor, Sprogless. Please give her a big hug from me.

I read those replies on I-Village. What a bunch of pathetic cunts! They called Sharon a "sad individual who expresses hate to cover their own inner turmoil" - and the best one, about us: "People who have a combination of too much time on their hands, an inability to "live and let live," a case of unacknowledged jealousy, and a tad bit of mental instability." Hmm, looks who's talking, bitch! They are so delusional.

I hope it's OK if I copy Knlcook's post here, before it gets deleted. It rules! Here goes:

"I hate to break this to you, but if you cannot afford the children you are having, then you should not be having them. Having 7 kids and then sucking at the government teat to pay for their medical care and food is ridiculous - those services should be used by those who are truly down on their luck and need a break, not by those who feel they are entitled to push their personal expenses off onto everyone else. Remember the old adage, "God helps those who help themselves?" You appear to wish to rewrite it to say, "God helps those who take from others' pockets."

And as for who should pay for your kids' college educations, my dear, it should be you or your kids. The rest of us have already been dunned for their K-12 education, the emergency services they have used, the roads they have been driven about on, the police protection they have enjoyed, PLUS the food they have eaten and the medical care they have received. We have also stood by while you took tax deductions and tax credits for your children on your annual 1040. For all that, you have not yet thanked us. Instead, you are whining that you need even more!
When you finally take your hand out of the public trough and begin to stand up and support your own family, I'm sure God will smile on your for your self-sufficiency. In the meantime, deciding to have children you can not, or refuse to, pay for is the height of irresponsibility. And yes, the rest of us are tired of giving you money for free and getting nothing except more mouths to feed in return."
Yes!! Wasn't that a great post!! Good god those women are pathetic. Where do they find the time to post this shit anyways? Their houses must look like a Dark Age hovel if they can poke around on their computers all day. I wonder what they will say about knlcooks post?
I think I'm going to add a page to the site. It'll be called something like "Dumbass Moo of the Day" and it'll contain threads/posts like that one at ivillage. I read the deleted post by pitbull2006 and of course the moos are lying about it. Wasn't "super mean" at all. Freaking breeders.

I can usually find cached pages when people delete their bullshit, but ivillage doesn't have any. Next time I'll remember to save that kind of stuff as soon as I see it. Here's what I did manage to save in case they delete more:


Re: 1449-Our Tax Dollars Paying for Irresponsibility
May 26, 2006
Thank you, SpaceCowgirl.

It's sad that *our* nation treats the elderly (even sr. citizens) (verterans and such) like filth. They are human beings, too. Give your neighbor a loving hug for me, too. friendly hug

These filthy welfare scum sicken me to the very pit of my soul. I've had been back from a long line in my family fight for each and EVERY one of our nation's freedoms. The low lifes don't give a flying f*ck or a rats @ss. Welfare scum low lifes can go to hell for all *I* care.

lab mom
Re: 1449-Our Tax Dollars Paying for Irresponsibility
May 27, 2006
Oops, I got confused - that awesome post was by ReginaMaris, not by that other one (who's actually the stupid bint who started the thread). Sorry! But thanks for saving it, SpaceCowgirl!

I just went over there and it's like the whole TOK board blew up. Good! Stupid bitches. They really need to get a life and realize that the world does not revolve around their ovaries.
Re: 1449-Our Tax Dollars Paying for Irresponsibility
May 27, 2006
This quote sort of made me do a double-take:

...and the last time I looked it didn't take EDUCATION to raise a family.

Yeah, it doesn't take education to raise a family if you decide not to do it properly - even the dumbest people you can possibly scrape off the bottom of the world's kettle can fuck and breed. Apparently, this idiot didn't get an adequate education herself if she thinks she's doing the world a favor by shitting out more kids than she can possibly take care of and then expecting the rest of us to pay for her mistakes.

"God's money" they say? I love how these idiots always manage to justify their bad decisions with religion.
Re: 1449-Our Tax Dollars Paying for Irresponsibility
May 27, 2006
They are too stupid to do anything else.

lab mom
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