1454 Just Another Moo
May 26, 2006
My best friend was like this before she squeezed out 2 loaves to please her breeder holy roller catholic hubby.

She was very beautiful - she could pass for Ashley Judd's twin and was very in-shape because she taught fitness classes all day long. Now she's still well dressed but certainly not a hottie anymore. She has some pounds in places that will absolutely not go away despite exercise and has one of those "mom-asses." She has aged years in her face and is getting a lot of gray all of a sudden. Her once-very mild bi-polar condition has raged into full blown manic-depressiveness. Her boobs have pretty much dissolved into nothing. At 39, she looks years older.

Sucks to be a moo.
Re: 1454 Just Another Moo
May 26, 2006
Besides my former co-worker, I have seen the same with other good-looking women who had those baybees. The girl in my rant got everyone's attention. All of the male security guards and contract cleaning crew loved to look at her. In last year's class, almost every young man in class wanted her. I bet that all changed once she got knocked up and started to "show". The tight jeans or slacks and pretty blouses or tank tops had to be swapped for maternity clothing.

I lost a bit of weight -- 30 pounds -- since I last worked at this call center. I feel very good about myself. I am 42 but am glad to be lookin' good these days. The conceited young honeys should be very careful about their vanity. A pregnancy ruins their looks and weight can change. I was always small and never thought I would be overweight. People have said I don't look my age. I don't wear make-up and am a very casual person.

I have also known women who breed to please those Catholic husbands, who don't have to do any of sh*t work when it comes to taking care of those babies. Some things cannot go away even if the moo exercises and diets as if there is no tomorrow. I don't understand these Catholic men who want a beautiful wife but then want to turn her into a moo. It does s*ck to be a moo...
Re: 1454 Just Another Moo
May 26, 2006
Congrats on your weight loss, India! Good for you!

If I were a "hot babe" of 19, I certainly wouldn't be in any hurry to ruin my body by having a baybee. I just don't understand that at all! Why not enjoy your beauty while it lasts? So stupid. Besides, I could have settled down at 21 - but I didn't want to! I wanted to get my degree and begin my career, and get my own place and enjoy life. Whatever happened to that? Young women today are so screwed up.

Oh well. I don't look my age either - so there!
Re: 1454 Just Another Moo
May 26, 2006
My body already looks like hell because I'm overweight (and no, I don't mean "baby fat" either), and I would prefer not to add 50 pounds onto my ever-widening ass through repugnancy. Most women really don't lose all that weight they gain, no matter how hard they try. I also am one to day I can't understand why a woman with a nice body would want to ruin it (and her life) by becoming a parent.
Re: 1454 Just Another Moo
May 27, 2006
Thank-you, Medusa! It was a shock for me to get to 160lbs since most of my life was spent as a smaller woman. I had suffered depression due to personal situations - that I will not mention because of privacy issues - that turned out differently than I expected. Before I could lose the weight, I had to learn to love myself as a larger woman. I was never comfortable in my own skin as a thin woman due to pressure to be "beautiful". I doubt I will ever be 120 again but am glad to have lost the 30 pounds. Taking on healthier eating and living habits as well as loving myself made this possible for me. The person who made nasty comments, "You need to DO something about it," when I voiced concerns of my weight had to eat his words. Hah!
Re: 1454 Just Another Moo
May 27, 2006
I don't know why any woman would want to become a mother at 19 either. What's the rush? Aside from enjoying your beauty, how about enjoying your life?

There are very few women who look good when they are pregnant, not to mention after they deliver the loaf. Even beautiful, rich Hollywood starlets seclude themselves during the last awful months of pregnancy. Michelle Pieffer worked on some movie until she was about 4-5 months, then she dropped off the face of the earth. Where is Demi Moore these days? Isn't she knocked up by Ashton? She hasn't been seen for months. Annette Bening, who was amazingly tiny in the movie the Grifters, looked like a cow during her 4th pregnancy when she was on a magazine cover--she could have been working a minimum wage job somewhere. (I'm not slandering those that work for a living--I do too-- just making the point that she looked like a normal person.)

The thing is, if you are a Hollywood staret, it's your JOB to look beautiful. It's the difference between being marketable and not being marketable. These people have the means and the time to do so. It always pisses me off when I see the media going on and on about how "beautiful" Angelina or the celebrity Cow-Du-Jour is when pregnant and how great they look afterward.

Average women who believe their pignancy will be "beautiful" are stupid not to see the cold, hard facts.

When Catherine Zeta-Jones got huge during her pregnancy, she could afford to have a plastic surgeon remove her loose sagging skin after she delivered. Annette Bening has a full time chef who can whip up fat free, gourmet food. It goes on and on.....This kind of lifestyle is not available to a woman of average means, no way.

Even if you're lucky, and you manage to get through pregnancy without a lot of damage to your body, it's the child RAISING that wears you out and makes you old. You're harried, broke and often exhausted, which has got to wear on you.

For me, being childfree gives me an advantage in the health and looks department. I'm in my mid-40's and I can tell you, my body doesn't respond to exercise and dieting the way it used to. I have to work harder at it. Just working a full-time job is tiring enough but I can use the time after work to take care of MYSELF. I can take the time to prepare healthful food and exercise. Junior isn't screwing up my sleep because he's up at 6 a.m every day or he's screaming about something stupid or he's wet the bed again.

NO AMOUNT of money or nannies would make the lifestyle of a mom attractive to me. I'll take my unwrecked body and my peace of mind, thanks.
Re: 1454 Just Another Moo
May 27, 2006
I love it..."pignancy"! I wish I thought of that one... :spin

My co-worker is clueless. Most young and even older women are stupid when it comes to thinking how their pignancy is going to be as glam as the celebs. YES...the celeb women can afford plastic surgery to take off the glut that even the personal trainers and the great chefs cooking healthy diets cannot undo to a post-preggo body.

Like you mention, bell_flower, even us childfree women are not immune to aging and the effects on the body. I was fortunate to have been able to lose that excess weight. I am sooooooo very careful about my eating habits now that I know how it is so much easier to pack it on then to lose it. However, I am never going to look the way I did as I was in my 20's regardless of how many co-workers tell me that I do not look 42 years old and can once again wear size 8-10 jeans & some fashions from the junior's department. Time catches up to all of us. With the women who had babies, it is worse.

A young girl of nineteen thinks that the creep who knocked her up will be around forever and, if not, she will still be the hot thing that all of the guys will drool over. I am really looking forward to seeing this young woman return from "leave". I have nothing against her personally since she was never nasty to me. I still feel that she did wrong by making fun of an older overweight woman in the courtyard. That was really mean!

We'll see how she looks after pushing out a 6-10lb baby from her body. There is a younger woman who is pignant in my class with Baby #2. No wedding band on her finger and she mentions being "alone". Also, she has a one-year-old at home. The young lady has a pretty face. In the breakroom, her maternity pants were sliding down. There were stretch marks on her back as well as stomach. I had to sit at the other end of the room so I could eat my lunch. This woman is not a bad person so I feel sorry for her for basically wrecking her life...not with just one kid but another baby as a single moo.

I am not a huge advocate of marriage and family life since women lose their ID's once they say "I do" and start having those babies. My thing is that being a single mother is much harder than having a husband who may at least care about the woman. A man who knocks up his girlfriend and does not want to marry has basically stated how he truly feels about her.
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