Anonymous User
#1510: LoafCenter boards
June 05, 2006
That *Ready for a baby, but my partner isn't* forum is indeed The Worst Trainwreck Ever.

For fuck's sake...what is the matter with these women? This chick was only dating this guy for two months when she discovered she was knocked up. Why in the fuckity-fuck-fuck-FUCK does she now expect this guy to be happy about this?

And WHY would they want to sprog with guys they barely know, anyway?

Call me old-fashioned, but if someone really wants kids, and is gonna be a PNB, they should wait until they are in a SOLID relationship before reproducing. You can't just fuck some guy once in a month together, get knocked up, and then expect a *happily ever after* thing.

As for the guy, the dumb schmuck is gonna have to pay loaf support. It's his kid, and it's the law. But I wish that these guys would think with the big head instead of the little one, and wear a condom if they do not wish to father children right now. Or get snipped if they know that they want to be permanently CF.

Men (present company excluded, as you guys already know) really need to educate themselves and learn to fight back against all of this oopsing shit.
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 06, 2006
I just don't get these stupid cows who breed with whoever happened to pick them up a couple of weeks before they ovulated. What the fuck is wrong with them?!? Whatever happened to getting to know the man first? Were I ever to breed, I would want a bloody ring around my finger - I wouldn't just shack up with some dude.

And it pisses me off that men fall for this crap. If I were a man, I'd be gay. No way would some skank trap me like that!
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 06, 2006
I have to laugh when these stupid single mothers claim the men are "missing out on so much" when the split and have nothing to do with those babies. How is it to be "missing out on something good" if a man has been able to escape that baby's constant crying, the hassle from the woman, and being used for $$$$???

Like Mercurior said, there are many men who have been used by women so they are leery even when a good one comes along. I am sickened by women who also advertise for a rich man but would be quick to call another woman a "sl*t". Isn't advertising for a wealthy husband the same as being a prostitute? Oh...don't get me started! I need to go to bed. It is after 2am!
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 06, 2006
therese been tales in the mens rights world, and in here about even if the man is careful using a condom, the moo to be scoops out the sperm and well.. pin pricks in the condoms and i aint talking bout the men,

and so on.. i even heard tell of one woman, whose hubbie didnt want them and did everything, like chucking the used in the bin so nothing would happen, she went with another man to get the baby, and claimed it was an ooops by the hubbie.. needless to say he divorced her when he found out (she told everyone but her hubbie what she did).. part of the problem is lack of birth control for men, we have 3 options, abstinence, condoms or vasectomy, thats it.. no other choice.. however that is changing slowly but NOT one of these is anywhere beyond the testing stage.

and india its not only men, its women too, they meet all these vain men, abusive men and they are leery of decent men, so it doesnt do any of us any good at all.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 06, 2006
Oh sure, the men ARE missing out on so much. Things such as: no sleep, a screaming kid, no sex life from the moo, a bitchy moo who isn't happy with anything, the high cost of raising a kid, shitty diapers, a messy house, a messy kid, having no time or money for your self and the list goes on and on.

I get a real laugh out of these moos who get left in the dust when they pull shit like that with men. Who, in their right mind, gets knocked up after having only known the guy 2 months? And if you do, have some sense and have an abortion.
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 06, 2006
That site definitely has some lovely trainwrecks. I had to roll my eyes at one of the posts from the woman who wanted to keep her child and had a partner that didn't. She said something like, "It's so unreal that the man that is supposed to love me would leave me when all I want to do is have his babies". Wowww...what world are these idiots living in? Damn, if my boyfriend oopsed me, I would get an abortion and I would make him pay for it and then make him drive me to and back from the clinic.

I also get a pretty good laugh out of the women who will piss and moan when their men leave them after pregnancy happens when they've only been together a short time. They get themselves knocked up, and then they expect their partner to just cave in and decide to become a parent and everything will be puppies and rainbows. Those men are probably happier paying child support than caring for the kid.

Are they still pushing for that law that would allow men to renounce all parental responsibilities in the event of an oops?
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 06, 2006
You are right, Mercurior. A lot of women have been so mistreated by past relationships that they purposely ignore a good one who comes along. I know...I have been there. The fellow with the long name commented on how snobby women have acted if he smiled in public - such as getting lunch in the "business district".

There are a lot of snobby women 'cause I have seen them. However, there may be a couple like myself who have been "burned badly" and are quite shy. It as if I feel socially retarded. I can sometimes smile back and talk. Yet other times, I can be more personable. I don't like the "play hard to get" act because no woman should be encouraged to play little games. Either you like the man or you don't!

What is really bad in the States is that a man CAN be held responsible for a kid the wife had with another man during the marriage. If the woman did not tell Hubby about her nasty behavior, the judge will say how the child has only known this man as it's father and the husband has been acting as the father. Well, the man did not know any better until the facts came out!

I hate when the judges claim that this is in the sprogs' best interests. What about the man's financial interests. Why should he pay for some b*stard kid? I am sorry...I know that is uncalled for but it does anger me that a man can be financially responsible for another man's offspring. Yes...feminists in my country -- the US -- feel this is acceptable. As a feminist, I believe women need to take responsibility for their own lives and that includes their mistakes!
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 06, 2006
I'm ready for a baybee but my partner isn't is the equivalent of saying "I'm tired of working so I want to spawn so I have a walking wallet to support me and I don't really care what he has to say about it."
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 06, 2006
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> Oh sure, the men ARE missing out on so much.
> Things such as: no sleep, a screaming kid, no sex
> life from the moo, a bitchy moo who isn't happy
> with anything, the high cost of raising a kid,
> shitty diapers, a messy house, a messy kid, having
> no time or money for your self and the list goes
> on and on.

This 37 yo male couldn't have said it any better. The reasons listed are the reasons I choose to have my life in complete order and control. I can't imagine why anyone with half a brain would choose to deal with all that crap! Well, yeah I do: < Duh > "My friends have a baby, so we have to have one too!" (Shaking my head).

Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 06, 2006
india i only see if from the mans point of view, i cant really comment too well from the womans, so if i seem to be just focusing on women are evil, its not coz i think all its coz i know a lot of men who feel like that, and i can see where they are coming from. which i cant do for a woman..

the thing is it can be worse than being termed the father if the mother had an affair, you can still be termed the father even if you never met the woman.. this is the scarier part..

i know i have spoken about this before, but its still apt to this discussion.

both sexes have been ruined by a minority of people, we have to search hard if we havent given up already for that one special person.

to call these people feminists is wrong, they arent, they are entitlement minded people.. 2nd or 3rd wave feminists, unlike the original ones who wanted equality (i call them equalists, and that what a lot of the cf are they want equality, rather than feminism which has got a lot of bad press due to these people)

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 06, 2006
These men need to stick up for themselves. If the bitch says she can't get pregnant, wear a condom anyways. (Male contraception is a awesome idea) Those bitches will say anything such as, "but he said he loved me." Look cunt, sex isn't love. Now on the flip side, there are men who only want men and think they are too maucho to use a condom. It goes both ways. (#1 and a good reason to be pro-choice) winking smiley

lab mom
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 07, 2006

>>This 37 yo male couldn't have said it any better. The reasons listed are the reasons I choose to have my life in complete order and control. I can't imagine why anyone with half a brain would choose to deal with all that crap! Well, yeah I do: < Duh > "My friends have a baby, so we have to have one too!" (Shaking my head)<<

I can actually see why people choose to have children after their friends start having them. It's very easy to feel like you have nothing in common with formerly childless friends once they have a baby and their world becomes increasingly child-centered, so you have a child to connect with your friends again. (A very bad reason to have a child, IMO!)

DH's roommate from college and his wife are good friends of ours. We've kept their friendship even though they live in another state. Both were in our wedding, and DH even chose his the husband to be his best man. This couple had been married for 11 years without having children and, like us, had reached their late 30s, so we were sure they were CF.

Wrong - when they visited us in March 2005, they announced that the wife was pregnant with their first child. She was almost 38 at the time. We congratulated them, of course, and we sent them a gift when the baby was born. Howver, they have not stayed in touch with us as much as they did before the baby was born, so I can only assume they're too busy with the baby to make much time for their CF friends.

I also now have little in common with my younger sister, who will have her fourth child next month. Before she and our hubby started having children seven years ago, they often went out with DH and me whenever we could get together.

We had a lot of fun going out as four adults to nice restaurants, bars, performing arts, etc. That changed when they started having children. Now we can't go out with them at all unless we bring the children along, since they refuse to hire babysitters. I love my niece and nephews, and I'll probably love the new baby, too, but I wish we could have our adult evenings out again. If we go out with them, it's to places that are obviously child-friendly since they bring the kids along.

And my sister hasn't worked at all since having children. It's hard for her to me as a working professional, and it's hard for me to relate to her as a SAHM. We have to both make an effort to find topics of conversation that interest both of us. I don't mind hearing about her children, but that gets old after a while.

DH and I also have friends from church whose children are teenagers or grown, but even they sometimes talk about their kids too much. We can't chime in with our own stories about our children, so we feel left out of the conversations. I don't think these people are deliberately trying to leave us out - talking about their children is probably natural for them. But too much of it is boring to us.
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 07, 2006
Breeder Center is one trainwreck after another. Those breeder women obviously only believe they are walking uteruses. How pathedic and degrading.

lab mom
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 07, 2006
My bf had a good friend who moved about 1 1/2 hour away to the suburbs in Sacramento to sprog. He's got 2 kids now and pretty much does nothing but run a blog about TV shows ("Veronica Mars is the best show on television," he writes or "The finale of Lost was lame.") The site used to be more about other things. Since he sprogged, the only thing he, uh, actively does is watch TV. He never calls my bf. He'll communicate with an occasional e-mail, with a pic or mention of the sproggen along with some fantasy baseball info.

I have been with my bf for over a year and a half. I've known him almost a year before we became a couple. And only yesterday, did this guy finally spend time with my bf! Plus bf had to do all the work. Had to rent a car, drive to Sacramento so he could meet him at a ball game. Why the fuck is my bf friends with this guy? I don't know. But that's his thing, so I stay out of it.

Breeders want you to bend over backwards to arrange something with them, because doncha know, they are so noble, doing TMIJITW.
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 07, 2006
Nour Wrote:
> Breeders want you to bend over backwards to
> arrange something with them, because doncha know,
> they are so noble, doing TMIJITW.

That's soooooo true! It's always when it's convenient FOR THEM. And then, once you've made the plans and reserved that time for them... they cancel on you! And sometimes don't even have the courtesy/decency to call to let you know!

I've kicked all the breeders out of my life - they're useless.
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 07, 2006

Sorry, this is the wrong thread, but I had never really thought about the fact that men have only limited contraceptive options (abstinence, condoms) compared to women. I never thought that they needed more options or would be interested in taking a birth control pill until I started seeing my female friends oopsing their boyfriends or talking (jokingly?) about it. A lot of women in their thirties have baby rabies, feel like their time to breed is running out, don't understand why their boyfriend won't marry them and seem to be prepared to oops if they feel it is their only option. If I were a man, and I didn't want kids, I would want a vasectomy simply because I wouldn't trust a girlfriend not to oops me. Even a girlfriend that I had known a long time because the older they get, the more they feel like their time to breed is running out which makes an oops increasingly likely. I found a website called It's obviously written by a man, and it's very anti-western women. Ten years ago, I would have read the articles and thought it was all terrible lies about women written by a pathetic women-hater. But I have witnessed some of the behavior that the author complains about on the site. I had to admit, some of it is true, even commonplace. I'm glad there are some guys who post to this site because it has opened my eyes to the other side of the story.
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 08, 2006
i been to and it is very anti modern women (entitlement women particularly) and yes there is only 3 ways for a man to not even the condom route can be abused by unscrupulous women, many stories about that used condoms made an oops..

the thing is the majority of men would take the male b/c pill.. until they were ready if ever.. exactly like women,

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: #1510: LoafCenter boards
June 08, 2006
Grace, I also used to think that all Western men abused their Far Eastern wives because they all wanted a submissive, traditional woman. I had the misconception of how all of these women were so mistreated here in the US and the men always threatened to send them back. Knowing more than just a couple American and European men who married women from that part of the world has been a huge eye-opener for me as well.

A lot of these "mail order" brides are not the sweet little flowers just wanting to please a nice man. Many of them do only want rich foreigners (Westerners) for passage out of their countries. Although most of these women only associate with their "own" for female friendship once they get to the States or Europe, they are just as bad about wanting more and expecting the good life while they don't work. They demand that the husbands support the families "back home" and then demand the good Western lives for themselves. They show a kindly side of themselves during the correspondence knowing they will not follow through on any of the promises once they marry the guy.

I have also witnessed behavior as listed on the site from Western women. Fellows know I am different but are often feeling that I would become like those other women even though I had a tubal ligation and never took my ex-husband's money when we divorced in 1993. I used to be so offended when a man would say, "You really do want kids or a man to support you," years ago but now I understand why men put up this buffer. I have also been burned. The current husband did some really selfish things that harmed me financially. We are married but only in name. I am leery of most males because of what happened to me...
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