1515 Single Moos At Work
June 07, 2006
I swear, married moos are just as bad but in a different way. They have their glassy-eyed view of what they think their life is really like, and like to rub it into other's faces. I've met some who put on a June Cleaver front and make everything think their life is roses when it's really a pile of steaming shit. S will who brag non-stop about how WUNNERFUL their husbands are when they're useless loaves of flesh. Then there are those who "wear the pants" in the famblee and lead their hubbies around by the nose - when you see the poor husband, he looks bewildered and unhappy and is checking out everything with a twat.

I've come to the conclusion that after you've shit out a loaf, your perception of the world, your marriage, life, etc., becomes very badly distorted.
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 07, 2006
My first thought when i read that rant is that the Moo does not know how to read. She was probably terrified of having to read the 2 sentences out loud and chickened out.
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 07, 2006
Good morning, Friends! Moo can read, CF Scorpio. She has done it before. With the application and testing process, the single mom would have been out of the door within minutes if she could not read. And...this ninny is actually attending police academy. Moo had this entitlement attitude about not reading. Participation is required with our training. This woman only wants to talk about sex -- shows how immature she and many Americans are about sexuality since they act so juvenile and crude.

The second absense by her leaving early last night does bother me. I can admit that the instructor is a good person by not wanting to be "cruel" (his words) about automatically terming someone who has more than one absense. This woman's first call-out was because Baybee Connor was sick. However, there is a lot of material to be learned. Taking handouts home does not help. If the single moo does not want to do the work in class, what makes anyone think she can do it at home. What if *I* or another non-childed person had more than one absense due to a true emergency? I bet we would be shown the door.

I don't know what it is with these single mothers. We have a single father in the class. He is a quiet person and truly a gentleman. He is glad to have a decent job and works hard in class. I know many single dads are jerks who think everyone should bow to them because they are actually taking care of their kids. However, I notice these men do tend to behave with a little more class by having better manners. This fellow in class does not have a gutter mouth or talk like a wh*re like the moo.

I love being in class but will be glad when this one is over with the nasty single moo and then the young kids barely out of high school. They are another rant altogether!
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 07, 2006
She has a 10-month old and she's already shacking up with another dude? That's the very definition of trash, right there. The foul language and explicit talk only seal the deal.

For your sake, I hope she quits or gets kicked out soon!
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 08, 2006
You know the boyfriend is only "there" for because the moo has a house she wrestled from her ex in the divorce -- something that makes her feel proud -- and she gets child support. Many single mothers also get food stamps. A lot of these kind of guys go after these slags because they know they will have a place to live, food to eat, and extra money off the back of some sap paying sprog support.
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 08, 2006
The moo was back tonight....*sigh*. She sure as hell got well quick despite saying how her migraines were caused by low insulin leven. She went on about her big drama of getting home last night. Suddenly, she is the pillar of health and back to saying the "F" word & being loud all night long. Another butt-pain was sitting near me tonight. This nasty 19-year-old raised by a single moo who let her do what she wanted. When the instructor mentioned his son getting in trouble with the police while out with friends and being loud, the teen said how the boy should not be punished. The kicker was the idiotic teen boy locked himself in the trunk to show off to the other kids. The youngsters in my class along with this single moo shows how our society has gone downhill...
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 08, 2006
You know, I love the "F" word, but there is a time and a place for it! Saying it in a work situation is just trashy.
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 08, 2006
I love using CUNT when I am pissed. So many women hate it which is why I use it. LOL
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 08, 2006
Cunt is a dirty, dirty word! You're naughty KFLL!! Cunt is one of the big guns of the cursing world!
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 08, 2006
I know I say the "C" word in private. I should be better about it but I am not. Sadly to say, so many women act like the "c" word. The young 19/year-old who decided to sit two seats down is one. She yacks all friggin' night long. My seatmate and I were assisting each other on a review which was allowed. This loud creature says how I need to say my answers "softer" so she can actually look them up rather than cheat. It was how she said it! Then, she needed help to look up a SKU for a SIM card. I just sat back and said nothing. To h*ll with her! She did not want to hear me say anything earlier despite how she disturbs others.
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 08, 2006
I'm sorry you have to put up with such ignorant people at work, India. You are fully justified in using the "C" word about her!
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 08, 2006
How much longer do you have to put up with this skank, India? I think I would have blown a fuse already!
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 09, 2006
Next week is the last week in class. Then, we will be in the transition qeue for week. After that, I will make darn sure I sit far from this moo and some of these nasty young girls, who incidently were raised by single moos. Notice how many young adults raised by the single moms turn out trashy. My mom left my horrible father when I was three. However, my mother always worked hard and I learned how to behave properly.

The scary thing, Medusa & Sherz, is that this skanky moo is actually attending the police academy...but then this is Flori-duh! Moo was not as bad tonight because we had a substitute teacher due to the one we have taking two days of vacation. The lady who subbed made it very clear that she would be writing people up for bad behavior. Yeah, this skank still said the "F" word under her breath but it was not as bad as it had been.
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 09, 2006
Oh, she'll make a great cop! (NOT!) Don't let her know your make and model of car, India, you'll be her first ticket!

As least you'll be away from her soon!
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 10, 2006
You are right about that, Sherz! I cannot imagine this young moo a cop. Manners are also taught at the police academny. Too many departments have had problems due to officers behaving badly. "F" this and "F" is Britni's (another moo with a kree8tive name) favorite terms. Britni tried to make conversation last night. I just replied and then turned my head.

She also goes on about that ex-husband and how she wishes this man was not the father of her bay-bee. I have to laugh when the moos say this about the exes. Most of these dumb bints do not realize that they are stuck with these men forever once they breed with them. Talk about these women being the slaggiest things.

One bit of good news is the nineteen-year-old troublemaker - who was always on her cell, smarting-off in class, eating, etc - was out yesterday for the second day in a row. She will not be allowed to come back. This is the one who was raised by a single moo who let her run wild. I do agree with the religious right how most kids raised with no father in the household due tend to turn into irresponsible young adults. The moos never set any boundaries or rules.
Re: 1515 Single Moos At Work
June 10, 2006
There is a time and place for swearing, and work is NOT it. Very unprofessional.

lab mom
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