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1588 Parunts with time to Blog

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 23, 2006
I agree, this self-absorbed ass's article sounds totally contrived. If they're so damn happy, why do they care so much about telling perfect strangers?

It's like they have to prove it to themselves: "See everyone-I MUST be so fucking happy- I started a BLOG!"

And about the time they spend...don't even get me started! Me & DH were invited to a supermoo's house for the 1st time for a BBQ, and she was so busy on her chat room, she didn't even acknowledge us when we came into her house!

We stood there uncomfortably in the living room for about 10 mn until moo's husband embarrassingly offered us a soda & showed us around the small town on his own. We got back & she was still clicking away-only stopped to change the sprog's diapers.

We said screw this & went to the riverboat casino nearby. The duhd of course tagged along. No matter what parunts say about lack of time, if it's something THEY want to do, they will always find time to burn.

Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 23, 2006
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 23, 2006
How rude! I hope you are not still friends with this woman. Her behavior was inexcusable.
Anonymous User
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 23, 2006
NO WAY am I friends with this woman! It was like we didn't exist when we came over. The only acknowledgement she gave me was to check me out to see if I was prettier than her.

Otherwise, her only friends are chat room buddies. We dropped them like a rock after that episode. Unfortunately, her hubby seemed a nice outgoing social guy. Hopefully he'll have the balls to pull the plug on her.
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 23, 2006
I've read this blog before, and it leaves me thinking the same thing I do whenever I read one or talk to parents IRL: How sad that the majority of his life (the time up until he sprogged) was empty, useless, and pointless. I mean seriously, that is SAD. So if peanut had never been born, he would have killed himself because of how empty and pointless his life is? Damn, but that's fucked up.

What's especially sad for the children born to these people is that they are expected to garner women husbands, keep marriages together, garner women monetary support for themselves, give their parents' lives purpose and meaning, etc. That's a lot of pressure for a youngun' IMHO.

And it really DOES sound like they are trying to convince themselves that their lives are good. My friend and I always joke about that. Most recently, my friend's coworker was trying to convince her to agressively pursue 'uh mayun' so her life would be complete and she'd be happy. She then turned right around and complained to my friend how her husband had given her an STD (one of those you can't get rid of) before he left for Iraq, and now that he was back, she wondered if she should stay with him for the kyds. What. The. Fuck. But by all means, my friend should find a man so she can have kyds and be happy. Ummm, yeah.

I personally have a couple of friends who are okay parents, but have admitted to me if they had it to do over again, they wouldn't. They're both counting down to their kids graduation/turning 18. I think a lot of parents feel that way, and need to convince themselves (with the help of their comrades in misery) it's Grrrrrrreat! So, if metrodick and his ilk need their blogs to pretend like paruhnthood is making them better than Gary Busey, then let them...because frankly, I'm tired of all the Franklyn Duzants, Edward Van Dyks, Neil J. Lofquists, this guy http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/06/02/grandparents.hit.ap/index.html and oh, I could go on forever. Yep, you feed the peanut, and I'll go party at Gary Busey's, lol.
Anonymous User
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 23, 2006
Good point, ivotemetroDICK-

If this fanny-pack wearer really wanted a meaningful life, he'd have found a way to use his apparent cash, time & connections he seemed to have to create one. It IS sad that the only way he could find fulfillment is by having a kid. Imagine all the possibilities a more creative person with those means could accomplish.

I mean, at least get a hobby other than your kid or blogging about your kid, for gawd's sakes!!!
Reading parunting blogs makes my brain turn to mush. Riveting shit, is this. NOT.

I vote MetroDick.
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 23, 2006
One more vote for MetroDick. Whenever I see a man with little kids and a diaper bag, I can't help thinking to myself "I bet they were cool, once..." Sad, indeed.
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 23, 2006
I hate those pussy-whipped duhs with that strapped baybee carrier in front - whatever that fucking thing is called. Urgh. Sorry for the vulgarity, but: call me when you get your balls back.
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 23, 2006
OMG...what a diaper-whipped, deluded breeder.

Oh suuuurrre...it's all worth it...

Anybody have a barf bag handy?
June 24, 2006
Here is a response to the MetroDad blog entry:

"That's what I love about parenting. In a way, it makes many of us who would never be "equals" or "in the same league" VERY EQUAL. Pretty cool."

If you read the MetroDad blog, MetroDad blabs on about how life as a parent is much better than his life as a twentysomething, single man in NYC. He tells this story about finding his 1999 daily planner and looking through it to remember what his life was like 7 years ago in 1999 when he was single and working in NYC. The calendar entries are all fabulous social events. He must have had a lot of friends and disposable income at that time. He concludes that his 1999 life was empty and shallow, but now that he has kids his life is more meaningful and wonderful.

I read a few of the responses to his blog entry, and I posted one of them above. Whoever posted that response is JEALOUS of people like MetroDad who have great social lives and is now GLEEFUL that MetroDad's life is now just like his/hers--boring, tedious, no social life unless it revolves around the kids activities, no money to attend theater and sporting events, etc. In other words, people with kids don't like their lives because they have no time or money for adult social activities. People with kids are jealous of adults who have fabulous social lives. People with kids want childfree and childless adults to have children so they will have to give up their social lives (be equal) and live the same boring, tedious life that most people with children live

If you haven't read the MetroDad blog, read it and see what I mean. It's a good example of how resentful parents are about the sacrifices they have to make, including their social lives, to have children.
Ugh, sorry again. I started a new thread because I didn't read the message board first. If you read MetroDad's blog entry, there is a response from someone who says: "That's what I love about parenting. In a way, it makes many of us who would never be "equals" or "in the same league" VERY EQUAL. Pretty cool. Um, hello. Michael Kors? Oh man, MD. Lucky bastard."

This is a perfect example (to quote another CF'er) that when it comes to parenting, misery not only loves company, but actively recruits it. The person who responded (clearly a parent who did not have a fulfilling social life before having children and does not have a social life now) is ecstatic that MetroDad is now his/her "equal"--a parent with no adult social life. Becoming a parent lowered MetroDad's lifestyle down to the level of the poster's lifestyle.

So many parents are jealous of the childfee (and single people and married couples without children, too, for that matter) because of our freedom and the fact that our lives do not revolve around children.
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 24, 2006
Why do breeders think we CF are hanging off chandeliers all the time? I certainly am not. And I'm not rolling around in disposable income, either.
Anonymous User
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 26, 2006
Medusa Wrote:
> Why do breeders think we CF are hanging off
> chandeliers all the time? I certainly am not. And
> I'm not rolling around in disposable income,
> either.

Me either, Medusa.

What the hell is 'disposable income" anyway? I hate that phrase. I know plently of childed couples that spend alot more on material crap & vacations than I will ever.

And there are others who are always broke because they didn't have the means to have a kid in the first place- so now they consider anyone with 2 nickels to rub together as having "disposable income".

If we both go see a movie, is my cash "disposable" and theirs "family fun money?" I mean, nobody needs a movie to survive, right? I guess the rules are different when you have kyyydddzzz.
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 26, 2006
I would win any bet that sets up MetroDick's feelings of parental equality against that loud, unwashed, poor, fast food eating, drunken family that just can't stop breeding. I would guarentee that he will feel way superior to those uneducated, blue collar, working stiffs, even though they're all in the same parenting boat, according to him. I'm also sure that he's never known or even met a poor person, and doesn't really know the majority of humanity lives.
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 26, 2006
Amen Feh, MD sounds like a pompous, childish adult-brat.
Anonymous User
Re: 1588 Parunts with time to Blog
June 26, 2006
Feh Wrote:
--I'm also sure that he's never
> known or even met a poor person, and doesn't
> really know the majority of humanity lives.

Right. And Peanut will continue this trend.

She'll grow up sheltered, and feeling like she is better than almost everyone she meets since she is such a special widdle pwincess. (I'm giving myself nausea)

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