Anonymous User
Teacher hates kids
October 24, 2005
I have to vent today- I am fed up with this teaching job. 13 years is long enough. I am on my way to my masters in a completely different field, but in the mean time to feed my face and my husband and my Dog, I must push forward for a little while longer.

I made the comment to my husband as I drove him to work, that I wonder if the many of the childfree families are in or were in education or something directly working with kids?

I am to the point I can't stand to look at them. I want to speed through school speed zones and I have hateful feelings towards all the little kids walking home with a backpack to full to carry. Latch key kids- at 7 years old left alone in a city of wild crazy people. But they are doing the best they can- we should feel sorry for them. Nope- not me, you had a choice- that was before you made a kid. Now you can never go back and be like me, so do right by your kid.

I teach 8th graders at a majority minority school; most of you would turn around and leave promptly upon your arrival at our school doors. I am subject to more crap than any person would think a teacher would be.

I have chosen to remain childfree, although I have not always felt this way, my husband has always been highly enlighten and did not want them. We just got the you are finally sperm free clearance today from the lab after his summer VAS. We are serious about no kids.

They are not cute, they are not wonderful to be around, and they don't keep me young. All things that people smile and say to me when the discover I am a teacher, I usually hide the fact if possible. No, I don't get great joy out of teaching them stuff- helping form them into worker bees. Nope, not me. I get a headache on most days, or a whiff of smelly never bathed kids- or pens thrown at my head (oh, but he is from a troubled home they say) **CK that, I like my eye ball to much to feel sorry for some MOOOOO that spread her legs and now it is our responsibility to pay her kids way with our tax dollars, while he is a problem too. I am sorry you MOOOOOO that you baby daddy left your butt for another butt to make more babies and now you don't have enough money to buy your self a pair of shoes- that is why you scuff down the hall in dirty pink slippers( but your smokes are name brand). Oh- you poor Mooooo your mother has to take care of your kid as you are strung out on crack and no where to be found. Oh- but the joys of pregnancy- I am sure you enjoyed everyone telling you how cute you looked and what a miracle. And what a cute name aquanentta or shqawwn was. Now they sit in my class all 40 of them and I can't help but wonder how happy you are that they are here- a break for you- as you catch up on the soaps. Oh- and all those parent conferences that you sit at telling me why your kid is an ass( I should understand this or that) and should not have to do their work, and why they need extra help oh and could I please help you parent because you don't know what else to do. Face it you are a bad parent and your kid will just continue to cycle.

That dazed and glazed look that most parents have on Saturday at Target (someone mentioned it in a post on here some time ago). I have that look as I drive home, my mind numb and angry. But I walk into my quiet home, clean and neat. I turn my music or TV shows on, sit down with a cup of tea and do what ever.
So parents when you feel sorry for me because I will never know the joys of parenthood, I say good for me. You will never know the feeling of the mental anguish and fog of being around children, clearing away and living life again. I know both worlds, you never get to turn off the noise or the mental confusion.

I am childfree- and FREEEEEEE is the word. And soon I will be free of all contacts with kids; I will be more than just a slave to these disrespectful young jerks.

Ok- can you tell I had a day from hell? Just needed to vent to people that will understand. Thanks for listening to a long Rant
Re: Teacher hates kids
October 24, 2005
I could have almost written your rant except for the fact that I haven't gotten to the point of hating my job yet. I just started teaching middle school which sounds almost identical to yours, this year after being in the elementary school for 7 years. I do enjoy my job for the most part. Yeah, they can be punks, but I like it better than those screeching little ones (that I couldn't take anymore). I teach art though. A fun subject that most of the kids don't mind being in.

I absolutely LOVE coming home to a quiet house though. I totally agree with you that kids DON'T make you feel "young" (whoever wrote that trival piece of shit garbage should be publicly humiliated for their stupidity). My job keeps me well balanced any time I think what if...The what if becomes why the hell would anyone want to do this to themselves?
mercurior 1
Re: Teacher hates kids
October 25, 2005
AMEN, halen.

CF Scorpio
Re: Teacher hates kids
October 25, 2005
You are not alone! Many of the teachers I know are childfree. And yes, they got that way from seeing all the bad parenting they're exposed to daily.
There always seem to be at least a few teachers or tutors in the No Kidding chapters I've been a member of.
Re: Teacher hates kids
October 25, 2005
I had a situation in which I was a newspaper reporter recently, covering the arts and education. Covering art exhibits was fun, but covering the school district was a pain in my ass. It was a small town, and these idiotic breeders would call by the dozen to complain to me about the news articles I wrote. I wrote the facts that they had financial problems and needed to close a school. They tried to shoot the messenger (me). I didn't take any of their calls; made the receptionist take messages. I had breeders calling to tell me that they had news tips for me, then would proceed to talk trash about the superintendent and principals and refuse to leave their names. Some would complain about articles they hadn't bothered to read. They had heard about the article from someone. Yeah, real helpful folks, they were, and great examples for their kids!

When I started at the paper, the lazy editor complained that art wasn't being covered enough. I changed that by writing more articles about the strong art community there. Then he bitched because it was covered too much, even though the community responded positively to the art coverage.
"There's fourth graders scrapbooking. Go cover that," he would say.
Puke. At one such event, the ugliest kid I have ever seen in my life (bucktoothed, red-faced and HUGE ears) shrieked at me, "You're ugly! You're ugly!"

Another fun event involved covering a high school leadership class in which the students gave speeches about their role models. Some of them were Martha Stewart (right after she was sent to jail), Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton and J. Lo.
How inspiring that story was about the aspirations of the chyldren, our future!

Hang it there, Halen. Your perseverance will get you through.
Anonymous User
Re: Teacher hates kids
October 26, 2005
You think teaching the little bastards is bad?
Try driving their ungrateful little assholes around in a bus..
They should make the welfare government whores ride around on them to work for their handouts.
I drove a school bus for 5 years 5 FREAKIN' YEARS!!!
At least, the summer camp I drove for up in New England, I did have the satisfaction of punching an obnoxious teenager out... nailed him twice.. And I loved the response: the owner of the camp wanted to know where I'd learned to hit like that and the head counselor commented it was a pity I didn't hit him any harder.
I worked for that camp 3 years after that.
As a general rule, most of the camp kids weren't bad, they had counselors on the bus to keep an eye on them.
I used to try and deflect the hockey kids from ragging on the tennis players.. until the tennis counselor proved what a snobby, contempt filled idiot he actually was. The tennis camp went up north to another town for a tennis competition. He allowed the kids to play music so loud my ears were ringing for a good 10 minutes after they got off the bus. Furthermore, I told him to make the kids go out the front door so I could get a head count (useful to make sure no one gets left behind..). The stupid little jerks all poured out of the back door and the attempt I made to stop it and count was met with ridicule. Needless to say, the stupid kids couldn't tell time either as to when to return to the bus. Since I didn't have a head count, I asked mr snot if all the kids were back which was met with 'that's your problem'. When I got back to the camp (good hour and half ride) I was met with the camp owner who said I'd left a couple kids behind. Mr snot started right up; by that time I'd had it and told him off, complete with the pejoritive 'ass hole'. Fortunately, the other driver was wanting to get off camp a little bit and went and got the brats.
I think they should have made the counselor go and get them.
( After that, as far as I was concerned, it was open season on the tennis portion of the camp. Told mr counselor to deal with them himself. It was my job to drive the bus, not keep order.
Spare me fro sprogging.
Anonymous User
Re: Teacher hates kids
October 27, 2005
Seems like I am not the only one with horror stories. I have always know that driving a bus would be hard. I don't have to worry about their safety so to speak- while they push my buttons, I don't have to worry about some stupid driver up ahead. My hats off to you.I would love to have it out on a few kids- but I think to myself what a wonderful site it will be when these kids pop off to a police officer and they get slammed into the car hood. I may not see if for real- but I know it will happen and I just smile at the thought.- I know I have been around the little turds to long Two cents

Nour- you learned the hard way when it comes to anything with kids you are always the bad guy- never good enough no matter what you do. I could totally relate.

anoon- I am glad I could rant a little for you too. I am happy you are ok with teaching, you are right about little kids- they scare me and I could have never done that. High school is better than middle, but I seem to get stuck at this level alot. Oh- well- its a pay check.

Thanks to everyone for letting me vent, there of course are a few solid kids- that still break my heart because they are already brainwashed into when they will have children and how many, not if I will have kids. Some of them are great people- I just would never want to give birth to them or feed or clothe or what ever. I get resentful when I am trying to do stuff and my dog needs let out. Gosh what would I do with a crying kid. childfree all the way

Anonymous User
Re: Teacher hates kids
October 27, 2005
I don't teach, I think kindergarten might be the only age group I could barely tolerate: however even this age group is being ruined by various moos and duhs. The kids, at the point, are not the total problem: so much goes back to the moos, duhs, and the modern pc 'feel good' self esteem garbage that passes for so called education.
This is one of the reasons I have a problem with seat belts on the school buses. Not only are they a weapon: whether or not the kid uses them depends on how the parents raised them. You cannot expect a child who was never required to sit buckled in a car seat at all to submit to same on a school bus. And then they expect the driver to be responsible for the kid staying buckled up? what a laugh. I also would love to be a fly on the wall where the buses have video cameras. Johnny gets written up for some misbehaviour; moo and duh come in blatting "my johnny would never do that", and out comes the video. I would have to go home and change if I EVER witnessed that. The sad thing about this scenario is Johnny will get his butt busted, but only for making the parents look like chumps.
IMO teaching has become a nightmare at all levels of education: clear into college. I read the other day that there are incidents of parunts flying into some of these high prestige seats of learning because little johnny is not doing well, or even flunking some grades. Their complaint? "Little Johnny won't be able to get into med school if you don't give him a better grade."
Sheesh, would we even WANT to be treated by someone like that?
take care
Anonymous User
Re: Teacher hates kids
October 28, 2005
Two cents -you are right about the culture of education. If anyone wants to learn about what the real agenda with schooling is link to the site with John Taylor Gatto- great stuff on how the system is totally broken. I did an activity over the last week, the kids were required to plan a lesson and teach it. They were assigned a topic- from the lectures and lessons we had spent 4 weeks on. I have four computers and poster paper and all the art supplies. So many of my 210 kids just blew it off- they felt that they did not have to work and I would just let them slide by. Truth is they are right, there is pressure from everywhere to let poor little jonny or rayshawn or what ever blow by because he is so pooooor. But the problem with this is that they at age 13-15 think that this is the norm, they are not required to do anything. They try and bat their big brown eyes and look all cute- hoping to sway me. I can see them working me from the start. But as soon as their don't get their way they are back to mr/miss mean- angry- loud you owe me- soon to be adult. They seem to switch it off and on in nanoseconds. So now I see this behavior everywhere I go - I see why we have problems in the world and inpart it is this very - I learned how to work the system and you owe me- that drives many of our problems. They will soon have kids and start the cycle new. We just help this system along at school- they teach each other the wrong things. A few kids get it, but they would have gotten it without me. They would be more in another system anyway. The education system is broken and we keep pumping taxes into the system- so big administrator can get a pay raise to do nothing- and they cry poor mouth next year- because their fifth removed relatives brother needs a new job. I could go on and on- but I will spare you my long rant. I seem to be full of them. And the worst part is everyone on the site- does not have children and we are paying for this everyday. Crazy.
Anonymous User
Re: Teacher hates kids
October 28, 2005
>>'and the ones who do get it....'<<

are murdered by their daddy-less compatriots
are bad mouthed and derided by the 'poor' peddlers (uncle toms, for example) etc.
I tend to think though that the bad ones stick out so 'loudly' that they over shadow the other half that tends to 'get by'.
I damn well hope that this is not the majority.
You know, you should google 'fall of rome gibbon' and you get some very interesting hits. I can't give you the link but he condensed a lot of it into paragraphs. So much of what was rampant then, is pandemic now. This nation will not survive, at least as we once knew it, much longer. I give it til 2020.

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