Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
So, remember my amazing boss that I told you about? I started this new job last week, and I am supposed to be training for 2 weeks.

On Friday, the lead tech sent me a really nice text saying that I was doing a great job, that everyone loved me, and that they were happy that I was there. I come in early, stay late and they like my personality.

On Saturday, I was working with one of the girls who basically ignored me and taught me nothing. Everyone wanted to get out of there, so they were doing everything really fast and no one was taking the time to show me anything. I called the lead tech to tell her this. She was like - Oh, Saturdays are really hectic and I guess everyone wanted to get out. Don't be discouraged.

On Monday, I was slated to work from 9-1. Again, it was another day where everyone was hustling to get done, and no one showed me anything, or would let me do the things that I already know how to do. All I did was stand around, and get in people's way. I had an appointment that afternoon to take my cat to an internal medicine specialists because she has a mass in her abdomen. She needed an ultrasound and biopsy. At 1:15, I had finished up what I could, and went to leave. Everyone looked at the clock because a surgery was still going on. The lead tech was like - oh that's right, you have an appointment with the IM doctor. I

Today, I wake up to find that my cat's biopsy site had been oozing all night and her abdomen was bruised. I call the lead tech and ask her if I can bring my cat in. She was like - don't worry about work - bring the cat to the emergency clinic. This was at 6:30 a.m. At 12:30 p.m., I get a message from the vet that he no longer needed my services. WHAT? He wouldn't give me anymore information. I sent an email to the lead tech, who wrote back that the vet didn't like that I didn't come in today (even though she told me to not come in) and he didn't like that I make "all these appointments after work" which means that I can't stay and work overtime when they need me. I was like - if you put me on the schedule from 9-1, then I expect to leave sometime around one. If you need me to stay later, then extend my hours. The answer - "oh, we don't know when things are going to be crazy, so we can't give you definite days when you will stay late. Just assume that everyday is a late day and don't make plans."

This is typical breeder bullshit. 5 people work in this place, and they are all breeders or wanna-breeders. In typical breeder fashion, they have no life outside of work. Work is their "social time" and they spend as much time as possible there.

Sorry, I have a life and shit to do. I can't stand around for 3 hours after my shift is over so that I can clean the OR because no one else wants to do it. I was hired to do a specific job, not be the fucking janitor - which was what was happening. Everyone had this attitude that I had to "prove" myself to them to be trusted. Really? Then let me do my fucking job, instead of making me the janitor and kennel person. How are you going to trust me to do my job when you never let me do it?

So, I left a job that although it could be Hell on earth, at least the people really liked and respected me. There was none of this "proving myself" shit. They let me work from the get go and I did everything. No one ignored me and treated me like a fucking staff custodian. They were genuinely interested in my opinion about things. I barely spoke at the new job because no one really cared what I had to say. It was all the fucking vet bloviating and everyone nodding their heads in agreement.

I am so fucking mad. I don't know what to do. Honestly, I am at a point where I would rather not work than deal with this bullshit. I'm so disgusted.
Anonymous User
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
They didn't like that you made appointments for after work? When else were you supposed to make them? It's not like you were booking appointments during the working day. The appointments were not only something you couldn't have planned for, but you'd have thought a vet of all people would be understanding in the circumstances.
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
They didn't like that you made appointments for after work? When else were you supposed to make them? It's not like you were booking appointments during the working day. The appointments were not only something you couldn't have planned for, but you'd have thought a vet of all people would be understanding in the circumstances.

I was supposed to make them on my days off - Thursday and Sunday.

No one is around on Sunday. If I am working a half day, there should be no reason why I can't make an appointment for 3:00 when I am supposed to get out at 12:00.

The other people there are this guys personal slaves. Instead of actually hiring a per diem weekend person, he has his full and part timers come in on Sunday to take care of the animals that had surgery on Saturday. So, basically, we get one day a week off. I hadn't been scheduled into the Sunday rotation yet. The day I was scheduled was May 26th - my aunt's 85th birthday party was that day. When I mentioned something - they just told me to come in before or after the party to take care of the animals, but it had to be done by such and such a time. That meant that I couldn't attend the party because I would have to leave about an hour into the party to go to work. It's not like I could drop in at work and then go back to the party. I get filthy and sweaty at work. I would be walking dogs, cleaning cages, feeding, doing wound care, giving meds and then cleaning up.

I don't really know how much an employer can ask from people before they quit. There was all of this talk about people who got fired or quit because "they didn't fit in". I guess because they wanted a life outside of work. He even fired a pregnant tech because she was pregnant, and wouldn't be able to lift. He got hit with a discrimination lawsuit, and everyone in the office was on HIS side. I don't normally defend preggos, but if you have a preggo that comes in and does her job and asks you for one accommodation, that's not a big deal. How do you fire a preggo for being preggo, and not expect a lawsuit?

I just don't understand people. This is why I hate even leaving my house. I really try hard on this stupid Ticket to Work program, but why do I bother?
Anonymous User
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
What the everloving fuck?

I am really sorry you're having to deal with such fucking retards. What the hell?

I like how since it was your cat you had to leave to take care of, it was a problem to schedule something OUTSIDE of work hours, and have to leave ON TIME... ONCE. Had it been a fucking human kyd with a splinter or green 11s, you'd have been given carte blanche to miss the whole day for Shartleigh's ambulance ride and ER visit.
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
What the everloving fuck?

I am really sorry you're having to deal with such fucking retards. What the hell?

I like how since it was your cat you had to leave to take care of, it was a problem to schedule something OUTSIDE of work hours, and have to leave ON TIME... ONCE. Had it been a fucking human kyd with a splinter or green 11s, you'd have been given carte blanche to miss the whole day for Shartleigh's ambulance ride and ER visit.

I'm convinced that someone thinks my life is a joke because nothing ever works out for me. Seriously. My friends make jokes about my "Black Cloud", but it's not funny. It's really fucked up.

When I was interviewing, he told me that he "understood" that emergencies come up - after all, the breeder who is the lead tech takes off for kid emergencies when she needs to. Like you said, kid emergencies or anything having to do with brats is A-OK with a fucking breeder scumbag.
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
Fuck that piece of sit and his staff, you deserve much better than that and will land a much better job. What this douche needs is the proverbial "gay mafia hit", spread his name and actions to the "family" and make sure that they pass on to everyone that his clinic is poisoned ground and that they avoid it. I live in Arizona, but have quite a few friends on the East Coast (plus the guy I have a crush on is from Jersey and knows quite a few people, mainly in the service industry and they can make sure he is completely shunned) who can spread the word and make this cockbag miserable.
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
Fuck that piece of sit and his staff, you deserve much better than that and will land a much better job. What this douche needs is the proverbial "gay mafia hit", spread his name and actions to the "family" and make sure that they pass on to everyone that his clinic is poisoned ground and that they avoid it. I live in Arizona, but have quite a few friends on the East Coast (plus the guy I have a crush on is from Jersey and knows quite a few people, mainly in the service industry and they can make sure he is completely shunned) who can spread the word and make this cockbag miserable.

The worst thing is that the clients absolutely adore this guy. Of course, they don't know what a douchebag he is in real life. I would love it if he had no clients. Really. His business is slow right now, and I wish he would just go out of business.
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
I know exactly how you're feeling.

I was fired from a job I held for three years. I liked the job well enough and my supervisor and the owner of the company seemed to like me. I got raises for two years straight, even one year when my boss told me to keep it hush-hush because there was no money left for anyone else to get a raise. Wow, you'd think I was doing great, right?

So I went along doing my job as usual (the same performance that had gotten me those raises before) when suddenly the boss and my supervisor wanted me gone. I think my supervisor wanted someone with more education. Ok, fine-hire someone with more education and lay me off. Preserve my freakin' dignity. But no, the owner just decided to act like a supreme dick to me to try to get me to quit. I think they were trying to prevent me from claiming unemployment. With my depression and social anxiety issues, this mistreatment hit me hard. When the shoe finally dropped and they fired me (two weeks after they hired someone with more education smile rolling left righteyes2 ) I was suicidal.

This was two years ago. I'm just now digging myself out of the depressive and suicidal funk this episode put me in. It didn't help that the only job I could find after was a mcjob (my confidence in myself had severely tanked and I bombed every job interview I went on). I felt so worthless because I'd been fired - honestly, how hard would it have been for them to just be honest and tell me they needed someone with more education, sorry we have to let you go?

People are dicks, especially control-freaky power-guzzling bosses. I know how you feel, never wanting to trust anyone again because it seems like people are only out to feed their own damn egos and fulfill their own agendas and fuck anyone else who gets in the way. What happened was not your fault.
Anonymous User
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
friendly hug

The vet is a dick for not clarifying expectations with you before just up and firing you. Especially when you were told inconsistent information! Though this obviously sucks, it is pretty clear this would have been a toxic environment in the long run. I got hired once in a position to find out shortly after my hire that in the previous year, they had hired & fired almost 10 people in that position. They had been burned by a former employee so in reaction began treating all their employees like children/slaves who could not be trusted. I stuck it out a year before finally quitting when I found something else where I was treated like an adult again but was it ever a miserable year!

I hope you find something else that is MUCH better.
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
If you live where I think you do, I was similarly fucked over by a politician from your town.

Hired to work for him over 15 other applicants, did an amazing job. Eventually he started attacking me for random things like the fact I wore flip flops and was supposedly arrogant. Any female who is smart and not an ass kisser was apparently arrogant. Fired and replaced with an older male. Two years later I read an article about the man who took my job in which it's mentioned that he was "tough" and was such a character parading around the office in "shorts and a cutoff tshirt." So for me, flip flops equaled unprofessional and arrogant was bad. For him, a cutoff tshirt and "toughness" were cool. I was depressed for close to 2 years over it so I know how you feel.
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
How is this breeder bullshit? Your story is unfortunate, but this really belongs in The Patio, not in the Living Room.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 08, 2013
You know what?

Yelp that shit. It shows potential patients/clients what they're dealing with.

Be truthful and professional, but try not to sound like a kyd-hater. Anything that saying other than "I don't have children, but that doesn't mean my pets deserve to suffer" would probably raise red flags.

Good luck, hon. Sorry you lost your job to those jackwagons. friendly hug
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 09, 2013
My friend Jen is an attorney, and I consulted her about employment law. Everything he did regarding my termination was illegal. She called the vet to request a meeting to discuss the legal way to terminate an employee and he hung up on her, and then called me and screamed at me about how "no one fucking threatens me". I forwarded the voice mail and texts to Jen for safe keeping.

This guy has already had 1. A discrimination lawsuit. and 2. Received hefty fines from the state about keeping improper records. Some kind of employment lawsuit is around the corner.

Karma is a bitch.
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 10, 2013
I am sorry this happened to you. sad smiley
Re: Fucked over by breeder scum....
May 12, 2013
I was also fired from one of my past jobs for a totally bullshit reason, but I didn't have the documentation to prove they were out of line, and I live in an employment-at-will state, so it's super hard to fight. sad smiley I still have a bad taste in my mouth from that, and it happened 4 years ago. I'm still really mad at the people there who acted nice to my face but conspired to get me fired so one of their friends could take my place. I'm totally not joking. It was obvious to me that this is what happened, but I didn't have proof or documentation to show that's what was happening. I didn't have any warnings or discipline on my file that would lead to termination, so I was totally surprised and taken aback by it. They didn't follow the company protocol for terminating someone, but since my state is employment at will, you really only have a case if you can prove discrimination.

I wish you the best of luck taking legal action against this piece of trash! friendly hug And I wish you luck finding new employment with a legitimate place and a good boss this time!
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