more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 06, 2016 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,474 |
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 07, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 12,454 |
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 07, 2016 | Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 232 |
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 07, 2016 | Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 951 |
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 07, 2016 | Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 346 |
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 07, 2016 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,474 |
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 09, 2016 | Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 379 |
Men pretend that all they want is to get into a girl’s pants, but deep down, most want more. They want to find the woman who is confident enough to stand her ground and say “no.”
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 09, 2016 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,474 |
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 09, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 2,308 |
If a man has romantic interest in a woman, he will pursue her no matter what. If he has no romantic interest, he may still fuck you but holding out won't make him suddenly romantically interested (not saying a woman has to say yes if she doesn't want to though).
But yeah my dream mayun is totally a sexually repressed mysoginistic fundie that takes advantage of women "cuz they said yes" who expects me to be virginal while "sows his wild oats" before meeting me (whom will probably cheat on me when married cuz u aren't supposed to fuck your virginal wife unless baybey making), fuck that noise!
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 09, 2016 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,474 |
If a man has romantic interest in a woman, he will pursue her no matter what. If he has no romantic interest, he may still fuck you but holding out won't make him suddenly romantically interested (not saying a woman has to say yes if she doesn't want to though).
But yeah my dream mayun is totally a sexually repressed mysoginistic fundie that takes advantage of women "cuz they said yes" who expects me to be virginal while "sows his wild oats" before meeting me (whom will probably cheat on me when married cuz u aren't supposed to fuck your virginal wife unless baybey making), fuck that noise!
Both men and women have every right to love, date, and engage in sexual contact with whomever they want, for whatever reasons they want, and under any circumstances that they want. Consequently, both men and women may discriminate against and reject love, dating, and sex from anyone they want, and for any reason.
This means that if a man doesn't want a woman who has slept around, that's fine. If a woman wants a man who has slept around, that's fine too. And vice versa.
No one is owed sex, no one is owed respect for their sexual history. Men can reject you for your sexual history. They have every right to. You have the right to reject them, as well. You can reject them for their sexual history. You can reject them for their religious beliefs. You can reject them for their job (or lack thereof), their attractiveness... or any other reason that you desire.
Love, dating, and sex, is and should be, a completely open and free marketplace based on mutual consent.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 10, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 2,308 |
I never said nor meant that they couldn't, I just think its hypocritical to fuck like a rabbit cuz "I'm a man" then expect a virginal wife, I just think they should practice what they preach. I do not believe that anyone "owes" anyone sex or a relationship, but disrespect and hypocrisy bug me. Its not okay for someone to treat me as a second class citizen because I'm a sexual person. Yes they may reject me, no they may not treat me like I'm beneath them. And another thing I don't like about the article is that it tells women who are sexual will never get a man, and that's utterly ridiculous.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 10, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 12,454 |
Women who are sexually promiscuous will definitely get men! Their choices of men who wish to marry them may be diminished, but rest assured the number won't be 0.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 10, 2016 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,474 |
Women who are sexually promiscuous will definitely get men! Their choices of men who wish to marry them may be diminished, but rest assured the number won't be 0.
This statement implies that there are men who would put up with women with experience, but most men would prefer a woman without it.
I think it is more likely that there are men who prefer women without experience, men who prefer women with experience, and men who are indifferent. In order for the quoted statement to be true, there would have to be far more men who are in the first category for experienced women to see their marriage opportunities diminished.
I admit it is pure anecdote, but my personal experience doesn't suggest this is the case. In the modern world I certainly hope men who want virgins are in a minority, along with women who look at the size of a man's wallet. It's reasonable that people desire relationships with mutual respect. When someone is "settling" for you, they don't respect you.
Anyhow, what I - and I think most people commenting - object to is not if an individual guy has a preference for a virgin, but people teaching girls that "this is the way it is," as if all men had that preference. It's just not the truth. Like telling them that they have to be mothers, it sets them up for one vision of life which may not be the one which actually suits them. I'm all for people who mutually believe that sex should wait until marriage finding each other, but I'm also all for neither women nor men having to repress their sexuality prior to marriage out of an unjustified fear of ending up alone as a consequence.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 10, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 2,724 |
Women who are sexually promiscuous will definitely get men! Their choices of men who wish to marry them may be diminished, but rest assured the number won't be 0.
This statement implies that there are men who would put up with women with experience, but most men would prefer a woman without it.
I think it is more likely that there are men who prefer women without experience, men who prefer women with experience, and men who are indifferent. In order for the quoted statement to be true, there would have to be far more men who are in the first category for experienced women to see their marriage opportunities diminished.
I admit it is pure anecdote, but my personal experience doesn't suggest this is the case. In the modern world I certainly hope men who want virgins are in a minority, along with women who look at the size of a man's wallet. It's reasonable that people desire relationships with mutual respect. When someone is "settling" for you, they don't respect you.
Anyhow, what I - and I think most people commenting - object to is not if an individual guy has a preference for a virgin, but people teaching girls that "this is the way it is," as if all men had that preference. It's just not the truth. Like telling them that they have to be mothers, it sets them up for one vision of life which may not be the one which actually suits them. I'm all for people who mutually believe that sex should wait until marriage finding each other, but I'm also all for neither women nor men having to repress their sexuality prior to marriage out of an unjustified fear of ending up alone as a consequence.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 10, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 12,454 |
I might also add that taken to the extremes, expecting a virginal partner is why whole cultures practice female genital mutilation including sewing the labia shut, wearing burquas to hide women because it's assumed men can't control their lust, and honor killings of females because they exercised some sort of choice in their lives.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 10, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 2,308 |
This BIG TIME^^^
I might also add that taken to the extremes, expecting a virginal partner is why whole cultures practice female genital mutilation including sewing the labia shut, wearing burquas to hide women because it's assumed men can't control their lust, and honor killings of females because they exercised some sort of choice in their lives.
This thread and some comments in it is starting to sound a bit on the MRA side, which is against rule #6.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 10, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 2,308 |
This statement implies that there are men who would put up with women with experience, but most men would prefer a woman without it.
I think it is more likely that there are men who prefer women without experience, men who prefer women with experience, and men who are indifferent. In order for the quoted statement to be true, there would have to be far more men who are in the first category for experienced women to see their marriage opportunities diminished.
I admit it is pure anecdote, but my personal experience doesn't suggest this is the case. In the modern world I certainly hope men who want virgins are in a minority, along with women who look at the size of a man's wallet. It's reasonable that people desire relationships with mutual respect. When someone is "settling" for you, they don't respect you.
Anyhow, what I - and I think most people commenting - object to is not if an individual guy has a preference for a virgin, but people teaching girls that "this is the way it is," as if all men had that preference. It's just not the truth. Like telling them that they have to be mothers, it sets them up for one vision of life which may not be the one which actually suits them. I'm all for people who mutually believe that sex should wait until marriage finding each other, but I'm also all for neither women nor men having to repress their sexuality prior to marriage out of an unjustified fear of ending up alone as a consequence.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 10, 2016 | Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 232 |
Reversing the genders, another example can be made with women who are seeking to marry a wealthy man. There are plenty of men who are decent, kind, attractive, and have all of the attributes that would seemingly make for a good partner. Unfortunately, they don't have a mid-six-figure income. There are women out there who will reject them as a long-term partner. Is that fair to the men? I would argue that while this may be frustrating to men, it is absolutely fair. It's the woman's life, her body, her preference, her decision to make, and no one else's.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 10, 2016 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,474 |
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 10, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 2,724 |
This BIG TIME^^^
I might also add that taken to the extremes, expecting a virginal partner is why whole cultures practice female genital mutilation including sewing the labia shut, wearing burquas to hide women because it's assumed men can't control their lust, and honor killings of females because they exercised some sort of choice in their lives.
This thread and some comments in it is starting to sound a bit on the MRA side, which is against rule #6.
Uhhh... yeah. Exactly. Choice. Choice in who you want to sleep with. Choice in your sexual partners.
No one is owed anything. Those who believe they are owed respect, owed a date, owed sex... they're going to end up very disappointed. You might be owed an inkling of common courtesy, but that's about it.
I'm not sure why any man, or any woman, would honestly believe that they had some sort of implied right to be liked by a member of the opposite sex.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 11, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 12,454 |
This statement implies that there are men who would put up with women with experience, but most men would prefer a woman without it.
I think it is more likely that there are men who prefer women without experience, men who prefer women with experience, and men who are indifferent. In order for the quoted statement to be true, there would have to be far more men who are in the first category for experienced women to see their marriage opportunities diminished.
I haven't implied anything.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 12, 2016 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,474 |
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 13, 2016 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 5,715 |
While I respect people's right to choose or decline sex partners as they see fit, I can't help but laugh when Madonna/whore complexed men thinks any woman who likes sex couldn't possibly be a good wife, then marries a woman who's missionary only type and only does it to have baybeez, then wonder why their sex life sucks.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 13, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 2,308 |
I think the offense that is being taken is comparing something like wealth, which is self-evidently a good trait to have in a partner of either gender, with sexual inexperience, which is only seen as a good trait to have in a female partner. Men don't get their bodies mutilated to discourage them from not becoming wealthy, and no man has ever been stoned for being poor. We aren't just talking about the sexual market place, we are talking about a cultural double standard. My mother found out that I had sex with my boyfriend when I was eighteen and she couldn't look at me for weeks and screamed that I was ruined, all the while knowing that my older brother kept condoms in his room. I doubt that many boys my age put up with this kind of shaming for acting on their natural inclinations.
But, as I said, men who value sexual inexperience pretty much get the sex they deserve. I love all the posts on MRA sites about the shitty sex lives these guys have. It's all, "I married a twenty-five-year-old virgin, and I'm so shocked and disappointed that she didn't turn into a freaky slut on our wedding night." I don't blame these men for wanting to marry a virgin, but I think it's hilarious to see them turn around and bitch that they got a frigid religious nut.
Re: more fundie dribbel: good girls aren't supposed to like nasty filthy dirty sex! April 13, 2016 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 2,308 |
I don't see choice when women are forcibly mutilated for male respect. I don't see choice in being forced to wear headscarves and burqua. I don't see choice in honor killings or forced marriages. But that's just me. Maybe you can mansplain this for all the little wimmins here.