Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
January 19, 2017
Anybody marching next weekend? I sure am.

I'll be marching in the NYC satellite march.

There are more than 370 satellite marches worldwide on Saturday, against President Chump. My European friends are very worried about this, because of the outsized influence the USA has on the planet.

I'm telling all young women I know that rights are earned, not given, so start protesting and fighting for our rights as women, because Chump will pick people that see to it that women lose their Constitutional rights to privacy.

Chump is a piece of shit. Look at his Cabinet picks, all crooks and liars.


Fucking deplorables.
Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
January 25, 2017
Unfortunately simply protesting and fighting do very little to actually help women or anyone else.

The simple truth is Roe Vs. Wade will likely be overturned and those of us that care need to begin participation in practical and concrete actions to protect reproductive rights. Overturning Roe will not make abortion illegal, but rather return it to being a states' rights issue. It was legal in CA and NY prior to 1973, and will continue to be so in places like MA, CT, and the District of Columbia. There are already nascent organisations formed to assist poor women with funding and those organizations will likely expand to include helping young and poor women in anti-choice states with travel and lodging to go to pro-choice states for abortion. If everyone that attended a March on Saturday were to contribute $5 to such an effort, abortion access would be greatly enhanced.
Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
February 01, 2017
Unfortunately simply protesting and fighting do very little to actually help women or anyone else.

The simple truth is Roe Vs. Wade will likely be overturned and those of us that care need to begin participation in practical and concrete actions to protect reproductive rights. Overturning Roe will not make abortion illegal, but rather return it to being a states' rights issue. It was legal in CA and NY prior to 1973, and will continue to be so in places like MA, CT, and the District of Columbia. There are already nascent organisations formed to assist poor women with funding and those organizations will likely expand to include helping young and poor women in anti-choice states with travel and lodging to go to pro-choice states for abortion. If everyone that attended a March on Saturday were to contribute $5 to such an effort, abortion access would be greatly enhanced.

I've given to Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin the last few years, also a member of the ACLU. Wisconsin is already making it difficult for Planned Parenthood to operate in the state; some anti-choicer planted a pipe bomb at the Fox Cities clinic ("God" told him to). I believe the legislature wants to slash funding again, so it's probably a matter of time before abortion is essentially banned in this state. Fortunately we live very near to Illinois now, which will likely keep abortion legal.

FFS, this is a battle that shouldn't need fighting again. Women will still have abortions if Roe is overturned, and even the most simplistic of pro-birthers knows this. The fact that women (and fetuses) will die from illegal abortions just doesn't matter to pro-birthers.

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
February 04, 2017
To respond to OP: I think Trump ran to get back at Obama for roasting him at that presidential dinner thingy. Frontline did a story where they showed how humiliated Trump looked and how Obama kept going on and on cracking jokes at Trump's expense. It was really uncomfortable. Shortly after that, Trump started in on his "birther" crap and had everyone asking for Obama's birth certificate.

That may not have been his WHOLE reason for running, but I wouldn't put it past him. He's clearly that petty. Even his slogan (which he trademarked long in advance) - "Make America Great Again" sounds like it's implying that Obama and/or black people messed America up. sarcastic clapping
Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
February 19, 2017
I saw this on YouTube and found it interesting. Someone took clips of Chump and Melanoma interacting with each other and speculated that she's an abused wife. She does look tense around him.
Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
February 23, 2017
Had a bizarre thought today.

America wanted a Give 'em Hell Harry S. Truman. They got President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: American politics 2016 cluster thread
February 23, 2017
I am by in large in favor of the policies that President Trump has endorsed thus far, and unapologetic about it.

the finger smiley to the SJWs.
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