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Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein

Posted by yurble 
Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
August 10, 2019
So it seems that creepy rapist of teenagers, Jeffrey Epstein, killed himself in prison. Which is a shame, as I was looking forward to seeing how many other disgusting people came out of the woodwork as the trial progressed. Aside from who else might be incriminated, I'm sure the world is better off with him dead.

He was also a super creepy wanna-breed who had a eugenics plan that involved widespread use of his sperm. Fortunately those genes are now as dead as he is. two faces puking
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
August 10, 2019
The media reports suggest suicide for Epstein.

I am not usually conspiracy minded but if I was one of the multi-billionaires accused in that case, I would pay enough to make it look like suicide.
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
August 10, 2019
Yes, I've certainly heard that theory. But it's also highly consistent for people like this to kill themselves in order to be in control and to rob others of the satisfaction of justice.
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
August 10, 2019
I am wondering how he managed to kill himself if he's been on suicide watch.
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
August 11, 2019
I am wondering how he managed to kill himself if he's been on suicide watch.

Interesting question. Maybe the guards just 'looked away for a second' like moos do when little kids off themselves?
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
August 12, 2019
I'm not a conspiracy nut but I don't buy this so-called suicide either.
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
August 12, 2019
When I posted it it was breaking news, and now more details are coming out. It does seem that self-centered people like to kill themselves rather than face the music, but it also isn't unknown for people to be killed in prison for what they know. Either way, I hope all his friends get fucked.
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
August 12, 2019
When I posted it it was breaking news, and now more details are coming out. It does seem that self-centered people like to kill themselves rather than face the music, but it also isn't unknown for people to be killed in prison for what they know. Either way, I hope all his friends get fucked.

...with a wood rasp.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
August 23, 2019
Personally, I think the suicide story is bogus. Too many big names had to lose. But however it happened, the world is better off without him. I just hope that t some point the whole story comes out and the guilty persons punished. I don't care who they are or what party affiliation, justice needs to be done,
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
October 25, 2019
I've been thinking about this for some time and I just don't believe it was a suicide. Too many people had too much to lose as a result of his testimony. However, whether it was suicide or murder, the world is far better off without Jeffrey Epstein in it.
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
November 03, 2019
The results are in, and they're considering his death as a homicide.

No shit, Sherlock.

I never bought the suicide story for a second. The cameras happen to malfunction at that exact moment only and nobody was paying attention to the monitor. He had too much dirt on too many powerful people. Keeping him alive was a risk the oligarchs weren't willing to take.
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
November 04, 2019
Re: Good riddance to Jeffrey Epstein
August 04, 2024
It wouldn't surprise me if someone killed ol' Jeffrey, either because of what he knew or simply because perverts like him are commonly killed in prison if others learn why that individual was incarcerated. Michigan had such a problem with pedophiles being killed that they have their own prison for these people.

I'm not shedding a tear because I watched a special about a young woman who was abused/raped by Epstein and the deviants who visited his
island. Even years later, when the reporter took her to Epstein's townhouse in New York, you could see she was still suffering at least some PTSD (understandably). If I have any regrets over his death, it would be that he never got to tell what he knew. I'm sure it would have proven quite embarrassing to a number of prominent individuals.

FWIW, I don't think he killed himself. Too many things like cameras turned off, not keeping a proper suicide watch, etc.
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