Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 02, 2011
And I know y'all are damned sorry it didn't get a mention on this page.

How about if we make this week:

The World Is Seriously Overpopulated Awareness Week

Mother Nature is Trying to Tell You To Stop Breeding Awareness Week

Get Over the Need to Reproduce Your Own DNA When There Are Existing Children You Could Adopt Even If They Aren't The Right Color Awareness Week


Stop Fucking With Healthcare And Making Insurance Companies Cover Cosmetic Medical Procedures Such as IVF Because No CF Woman With A Reproductive Disease Will Ever Be Treated Again and Insurance is Too Fucking Expensive Already Awareness Week


This is Life. You Don't Always Get What You Want, and It Doesn't Require More Feel-Good Legislation. Deal With It Awareness Week.

Any More Suggestions?
Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 02, 2011
From the site:


At RESOLVE, we are so excited that National Infertilty Awareness Week® has begun! Read more about how you can celebrate this week with us!

Celebrate the week? Hell yeah, I'll Celebrate

WOO HOO! Drinks are on me! We're all CELEBRATING infertility

Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 02, 2011
I was curious about what 'myths' they want to bust. What are these massive misconceptions about infertility?


Myth: As soon as you adopt, you’ll get pregnant.

Yeah, and not adopting is a good contraceptive, just like douching with coke.

For it to be a myth, wouldn't someone actually have to believe it? As opposed to throwing it out there in the same way that you'd say "I washed my car and now it's going to rain" or "I'm waiting for a phone call, so now I'm going to take a bath." Yet they treat it seriously enough to explain why it is not true:


This is a myth! Adoption does not guarantee or ensure pregnancy, and it should not be used as a means to try and get pregnant. Pregnancy is a biological process, and a couple can not determine if and when they will become pregnant.

But of course, you know the myth I really wanted to look at was the one called 'childfree living.' I was surprised it wasn't full of 'myths' about how you can always overcome being childfree, and was actually attacking some bingos, namely 'empty lives' and 'selfish'.

Don't worry, though. They'll quickly have you back to puking with the myths about men and infertility--read “Something must be wrong with our marriage if my wife wants a baby so bad.” for a good dose of "for many women, having a baby is as biologically necessary as breathing" followed by a bit of "a baby is the ultimate consummation of that love—truly the definition of two souls becoming one."

Oh, and did you know that there's no such thing as an unwanted baby?
From the site:


At RESOLVE, we are so excited that National Infertilty Awareness Week® has begun! Read more about how you can celebrate this week with us!

Celebrate the week? Hell yeah, I'll Celebrate

WOO HOO! Drinks are on me! We're all CELEBRATING infertility


Hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!! Let's celebrate those of us who are fixed and thus infertile!! Woot!

Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 02, 2011
This nonsense is patently absurd! "Awareness" of what, exactly? A whole fucking week of it too? I suppose they want everyone to be aware of how haaarrd it is to NOT accept that their baybee ovens are broken down or that their dicks are shooting blanks. WHO CARES? These breeders will do anything for attention and sympathy and all the while there are hundreds of thousands of existing children across the globe in need of a good home. Why not an awareness campaign AGAINST creating more self replicants and FOR adoption? I think that everyone needs to be made aware of the extreme level of selfishness that it would take for someone to spend tens of thousands of dollars in order to create a self replicant (or reasonable facsmile of one) as opposed to adopting a kid who may not resemble a "mini-me".eye rolling smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 02, 2011
It's right up there with "World Breastfeeding Week." Ugh!!! Whassup with this?

Quote: At RESOLVE, we are so excited that National Infertilty Awareness Week® has begun! Read more about how you can celebrate this week with us!

How in the name of all that is sane and sanitary, do you celebrate being infertile with a bunch of people who are not your partner or spouse? I'd go check out their website, but I'm afraid of what I"ll see when I'm there. :sx
Remember, these are idiots who believe that whatever comes out of their favorite soap star's mouth is cold scientific fact, they bankrupt themselves trying to emulate Martha Stewart, and take marital and fashion advice from The Real Housewives. Oh, and are avid fans of the Nox Noise Channel! But don't you communists fringe people be judgmental on the poor gated community darlings, their trickle-down freakonomics pay your salaries and keep you free.
Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 02, 2011
This reminds me of something I found in my Fakebook feed from an old roommate, posted a few weeks ago but before this "Infertility Awareness Week" (I guess there's a whole coinciding MONTH "celebration" too???):

Infertility is a heart-wrenching, faith-questioning, relationship-testing, life-altering experience. April is Infertility Awareness Month. Whether a friend, a family member, a colleague or yourself has fought through this difficult fate that MILLIONS of women are fighting day in and day out. Post this as your status if you or someone you know has walked to hell and back for the chance to be a MOM ♥

eye rolling smiley eye rolling smiley eye rolling smiley eye rolling smiley eye rolling smiley eye rolling smiley eye rolling smiley eye rolling smiley
Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 02, 2011
Thank God/Deity of choice I'm sterilized.

We should have sterilization celebration month. grinning smiley

lab mom
I don't understand how many people think that being infertile is such a bad thing. Not everyone wants to shit out a replica of themselves. If I was to find out I was infertile, I'd be over the fucking moon!
Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 03, 2011
Ever since my tubal, I've been celebrating infertility. I don't need to set aside a specific week! thumbs upwink
I don't need a "Fertility Awareness Week" to realize that I have not solved that problem yet. I am aware of it every time I see a hot dude I like and realize that there is no way that I am going to have sex with him because I am still fertile.
Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 03, 2011
Peta didn't miss it winking smiley
Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 03, 2011
Peta didn't miss it winking smiley

I'm actually in agreement with PETA about something? Amazing. If only they'd taken the money that they spent promoting their latest sexist ("want my body?") advertisement and used it to offer sterilization to several hundred people.
Holy crap yes! I celebrate my infertility EVERY. FUCKING. DAY. OF. THE. WEEK!

Rah! Rah! Rah!
Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 04, 2011
I was curious about what 'myths' they want to bust. What are these massive misconceptions about infertility?


Myth: As soon as you adopt, you’ll get pregnant.

Yeah, and not adopting is a good contraceptive, just like douching with coke.

For it to be a myth, wouldn't someone actually have to believe it? As opposed to throwing it out there in the same way that you'd say "I washed my car and now it's going to rain" or "I'm waiting for a phone call, so now I'm going to take a bath." Yet they treat it seriously enough to explain why it is not true:


This is a myth! Adoption does not guarantee or ensure pregnancy, and it should not be used as a means to try and get pregnant. Pregnancy is a biological process, and a couple can not determine if and when they will become pregnant.

But of course, you know the myth I really wanted to look at was the one called 'childfree living.' I was surprised it wasn't full of 'myths' about how you can always overcome being childfree, and was actually attacking some bingos, namely 'empty lives' and 'selfish'.

Don't worry, though. They'll quickly have you back to puking with the myths about men and infertility--read “Something must be wrong with our marriage if my wife wants a baby so bad.” for a good dose of "for many women, having a baby is as biologically necessary as breathing" followed by a bit of "a baby is the ultimate consummation of that love—truly the definition of two souls becoming one."

Oh, and did you know that there's no such thing as an unwanted baby?

LOL. This sounds like a mental illness. I'm sure the mentally-unhinged women who slit open the bellies of pregnant women and take the fetuses feel the same way. -_-

I keep wondering if there is more than one human species out there because I cannot, no matter how hard I try, wrap my mind around this thought process. Even if I did want a baby that badly, if I couldn't have a biological one, I'd either adopt or get over it and dedicate my life to helping kids who are already here.

Unlike with breathing, you will not die if you don't breed.
I celebrate my infertility (and sterilization) every time Dh and I jump each other grinning smiley
Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 05, 2011
But of course, you know the myth I really wanted to look at was the one called 'childfree living.' I was surprised it wasn't full of 'myths' about how you can always overcome being childfree, and was actually attacking some bingos, namely 'empty lives' and 'selfish'.

Don't worry, though. They'll quickly have you back to puking with the myths about men and infertility--read “Something must be wrong with our marriage if my wife wants a baby so bad.” for a good dose of "for many women, having a baby is as biologically necessary as breathing" followed by a bit of "a baby is the ultimate consummation of that love—truly the definition of two souls becoming one."

Oh, and did you know that there's no such thing as an unwanted baby?

I have to agree - that "Men and Infertility" page was rather pukeworthy. two faces puking


This is probably the by product of the expression “what’s the matter, you shootin’ blanks” so many guys hear as part of the standard locker room insult fests uttered when a guy of child bearing maturity has not conceived and makes the unfortunate decision to confide in guys that seem to get their wives pregnant by looking at them.

You can become more of a man to your wife during the fertility process by learning the lingo and the acronyms for the next procedure so you don’t don that deer in the headlight look when you are in the next consult with your fertility doctor.

Or, I suppose, you can tell your locker room buddies to fuck off and associate with people who don't define "manhood" by the number of live rounds that they shoot into the missus.

Oh, God, and this shit:


Once a woman has found her soulmate, the natural progression for her is going to be to find her soul baby. It doesn’t come from something lacking in the marriage. In fact it is how fulfilled she is in your marriage that produces the strong urge to see what the miracle of creation will yield—your eyes, her smile, your patience, her temper.


If you open up and let in the potential for fatherhood—the vision of a future filled with that first bike ride, that first daddy/daughter dance, that afternoon playing ball in the yard as the sun sets and fire flies start to appear, then it is only natural that a negative outcome from a cycle would be disappointing.

This glurge-y Hallmark card bullshit just gets under my skin. It's never about raising a completely separate being to become a fully-functioning adult, is it? It's about some stupid fantasy of what a little he-plus-me will look like, or some vision of future games of catch with the 'lil buddy, or some fat slob of a moo living vicariously through her beauty pageant princess. These people would gain far greater benefit, IMO, from some soul-searching and maybe therapy than they would from having a kid. It's really telling to me that a lot of people would rather go through the time and expense of having that kid than to truly face themselves.
Re: Aw, shucks! We missed "National Fertility Awareness Week."
May 05, 2011
Jesus H. Christ - they trademarked the goddamned thing?
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