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okay, let's talk about troll bait post

Posted by bell_flower 
okay, let's talk about troll bait post
April 04, 2005
Okay, I read the rant.

Do I think someone who spends $60,000 is crazy? You betcha. No surprise there because I'm CF.

It's not so much that people are spending this kind of money, it's that these people are spending this kind of money on SOMETHING THAT'S NOT A SURE THING, and OH, THE HORROR, when it flat out doesn't work. Doesn't IVF have a 30-40% success rate? Somebody is going to be in the 60%-70% category.

It seems logical to me that if one couldn't get pregnant on their own and had a choice of spening $25,000 on adoption, where the *reward* is having a living child at the end, or $25,000 on IVF, which could result in a child or could result in nothing except more debts, I see why people pick adoption. Then again, I'm not one of those people who is enamored with my own genes.

HOWEVER, if this part is true, I think the ranter is 100% dead-on.

" She tried counseling, but she berated her childless-by-choice counselor because said counselor was encouraging her to *gasp* accept her infertility and make the best of her life without children. (Of course, if you can't get pregnant, and you won't adopt, this seems like a rational and sane bit of advice, but I digress.) "

What does the counselor's CF status have to do with anything? How does the blogger know she wouldn't get THE SAME advice from a parent? Grief counselors usually tell you to accept your grief, right?

If you want to say someone's incompetent, do it for a reason that is unrelated to whether the person's gonads worked.
Anonymous User
Re: okay, let's talk about troll bait post
April 05, 2005
bell_flower Wrote:
> HOWEVER, if this part is true, I think the ranter
> is 100% dead-on.

ITA. I don't get how people can go into debt to the point where a bankruptcy is a very real possibility, but continue doing IVF. But that's me.

> What does the counselor's CF status have to do
> with anything?

I'm guessing not much. Maybe the counselor didn't give her enough bingos.
Well, if the councelor had prefaced her statements with "as a parent", she would have been much more credible.
ignorance is rampant over there
April 05, 2005
on the comments page.

Some of commentors, probably including Kat the dumbass Breeder, are surmising we are CF because we're not getting any sex.

If we apply the same junior high mindset, should we ask them if they are infertile because they aren't getting any sex?

Someone else wrote she bets our husbands *won't let us* have a baby.

They just can't wrap their tiny little brains around the concept of A WOMAN being childless by choice.

Oh yeah, babies kill sex dead, which is one of the many reasons I won't be having one.

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