Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011

eye rolling smiley This moo-post is so FILLED with selfishness it's absurd!

"Okay so here it goes. Our financial situation is not the best. DH hasn't had a raise in 3 years and well with another baby on the way we are very tight on money. SO WHY are you INPIG, again? confused smiley

I've only bought a few pants for the pregnancy and hoping that some of my oversized shirts and some of his tshirts will help make it through this pregnancy. So, I haven't spent much on myself if you can call even call it that and when I did I talked to him about the purchases. AAWwww, poor martyr moo. Has she outgrown her LAST set of mooternity clothes?:bawl

So, today I turn on the computer and what do I see...a purchase for an alum wallet with a price tag of almost 40 dollars. He did not once mention that he needed a new wallet or talk to me about making this what is a substantial purchase as it is about half of our grocery bill or a cell phone bill. I just do not get it he knows what kind of money situation we are in and that this is a huge purchase. No, she didn't just "turn on the computer" and see that purchase. The bitch was snooping and spying on her husband. I'd hardly call that a "substantial" purchase, but then I am not dirt poor and repeatedly getting knocked up either.eye rolling smiley

I am in charge of the money as far as paying bills and keeping us afloat, a chore I have handed off to him a few times which in turn he doesnt do it and I end up taking it over because I like a roof over our heads and food on the table. Since I tried the whole you be responsible thing, I am thinking of taking away his card and hiding all the cards when I go to bed so he cannot buy what I would consider luxory items (he could have went to walmart or target and got a 5 dollar wallet if he actually needed a new one but he doesnt). Oh, I have no DOUBT she is "in charge" of the money he makes. Taking away his card? What is he, a husband or her teen aged kid?saying 'wtf'

On top of this he has been taking lunches to work and not eating them because he goes out with the guys to lunch. Like I am not going to see those charges. My God! HE works and she does not, yet she begrudges his going out for burgers with the guys instead of being trapped in his office languishing over whether to eat the Lunchables or the PB&J? shrug

Another tid bit is that he knew that we had no money this week what so ever to spend and he knew it because as a couple we chose to spend the extra 100 dollars on a museum membership and see the pirate exhibit as well as treat the kids to a lunch. I am just upset with him about this whole money thing and just cannot believe after he got upset the last time when I told him what are financials were (last week) that he would go off and make such a purchase that really he didnt need. Riiighht. "As a couple" they decided to WASTE $100 on some kiddie Pirate exhibit bullshit and McNuggets.bouncing and laughing

I am thinking that options will be taking the card away and only giving him 30 dollars for gas at the end of the week (and if he needs it sooner I'll say ride your bike to work or ask a friend to take you until Friday). On top of that going to his dad which I would hate to do but he seems to be the only one DH listens to. OMFG! She's gonna take his card away, dole out a measly $30 for gas when that buys what, 1/2 a tank? or tell him to hitch a ride or ride a fucking bike, AND she's gonna rat him out to his dad? WHAT A CUNT!cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

I could use some advice about this if any of you ladies have some or just feel free to unload your ventings here I could always use some company to not feel so bad/alone on the situation." TRANSLATION: I want a backup of moo support so I can feel good about being a TOTAL moo-cunt-cud chewing bitch.the world 'fail' on flames

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
I can tell you right now what's going to happen. She's going to get all uppity about the spending, they're going to have a big fight, then she's going to get exactly what she apparently wants: control of the money and no "irresponsible" husband spending it without her "permission." Except the amount of money will be greatly reduced because he's going to find some pleasant woman who actually sees him as a MAN and not a pocketbook, and dump el preggo's fat ass for a woman who wants a real relationship.
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
It's a $40 wallet, not a NASCAR collectible shot glass package!

She's every man's nightmare - a fat, unemployed, screeching tyrant wanting his nuts in her purse. If he's smart, he won't be there to see the birth...or anything afterwards.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
I love how they're all whinging about the husbands going to lunch. It's not just about the food. It's about getting to know your co-workers and making informal connections with them. It may seem social, but it can help when it comes to things like promotions, assigning projects and feedback. It's tough to do that sitting in the lunchroom with a homemade lunch when everyone else is going out to lunch. There is such a thing as penny smart and dollar foolish. If schmoozing with the coworkers once or a few times a week can help someone's long term career prospects, it makes sense to spend the $ on lunch.

Also, if it's their bosses asking them to go to lunch, they know how much they make. If they're always turning them down to eat a lunch from home instead, the boss is going to know they're tight for money. If the salary is such that they shouldn't be, this is going to reflect poorly on the employee. So maybe cut back on the museum membership and budget for some lunches out for the person who's actually bringing in the money.

Or get a job or stop having kids you can't afford.
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
Was she acting like this BEFORE the kyds came?
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
It's a $40 wallet, not a NASCAR collectible shot glass package!

She's every man's nightmare - a fat, unemployed, screeching tyrant wanting his nuts in her purse. If he's smart, he won't be there to see the birth...or anything afterwards.

Note how she says he can just get a $5 wallet at Walmart. It probably won't last as long as the $40 one and they'll have to get a replacement. Plus many guys end up keeping their wallets in their back pockets and sitting on them. So they may be particular about what they want. How would she like it if he was telling her what kind of underwear to buy and how much to spend on it?
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
I can tell you right now what's going to happen. She's going to get all uppity about the spending, they're going to have a big fight, then she's going to get exactly what she apparently wants: control of the money and no "irresponsible" husband spending it without her "permission." Except the amount of money will be greatly reduced because he's going to find some pleasant woman who actually sees him as a MAN and not a pocketbook, and dump el preggo's fat ass for a woman who wants a real relationship.

You got that right.

My advice to her would be to start a home day care or otherwise figure out her own income stream because she is going to need it. She's going to be finding motel-room charges and florist bills on that credit card statement pretty soon.
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
$40 for a wallet and few lunches out are considered luxuries? They must be piss poor! If I were the husband I would insist on three separate accounts: One for her, one for him, and one for the household expenses. Estimate the household expenses first, and then divide up what's left into the two separate accounts. It would be the only way to get this shrew off his back. She'd never go for it, however, because it's more about control than money, IMO.
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
I've heard this is what Chinese wives do - stay at home, maintain control over their husbands' paychecks and give him an allowance. Hell, it's what the woman who my mom's idiot shacked up with did to him (well, he needed it since he would otherwise not give a cent toward rent, food, etc.)

She knows she will tighten her vicegrip on her husband's balls a little bit more if she can get control over his money. I don't see why he can't just open another account for himself without telling her and put some money in there from his check that he can use for his own stuff. Or is he the kind of henpecked husband who cannot resist telling his wife everything and then she'll find out about any secret accounts?

I can't figure out if the husband is the kind of pussified man who needs a controlling woman to reel him in, or if he feels she's just a bitch and just puts up with her. What the hell kind of man lets his unemployed repugnant sow of a wife dictate what he does with the money HE earns? I wonder if he could report his card as stolen and get a new one if Moo takes the one he has?

If I were him, I think I'd start being home a lot less and start looking for a new place to live more. As in get an apartment and open a new bank account with only HIS name on it. Would he need to pay child support and alimony if he just leaves without divorcing her, I wonder? WIfey's balls have gotten far too big and she needs to get schooled in the fact that the bread winner is in charge of their own money, not the screaming harpy who sits on her ass all day long, getting fatter.
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
I love how one says "He just couldn't get the concept of paying a bill and making financial choices." ... Making sensible financial decisions is exactly what the OP's not doing, by having another baby. How exactly is not getting a raise in 3 years leading to hardship (I wasn't aware that an annual raise was mandatory), and having only one adult working isn't? As one person mentions, "Maybe he's a bit freaked out with having another baby on an already tight budget?" Duh.
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
If they are in that much of dire straits financially that he cannot afford a 40 dollar wallet or 9 bucks for lunch, why in the fuck is she pregnant AGAIN? If he has not received a raise in several years (welcome to corporate America) then why do they think having another mouth to feed was a good financial call?

Later on in the comments, she mentions she just finished school but has only had one interview...where they said nyet due to her lack of experience. My guess is the bloated pod belly was the real reason, but that is not legal to say. Besides, most interviews end in a NO even of you are not inpig.

This guy needs to cut and run. Normally I would say pay for your responsibilities, but in this case his sanity may depend on him running for the hills.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
If I were him, I would open a separate bank account (preferably from the Cayman islands or whatnot in case the shit hits the fan) and direct deposit all of his paychecks into it or get a deposit box and a nice locker somewhere to put the key in. This way he controls HIS money.

If she is not working, then she is a dependent and little more than a child and in terms of money should be treated as such.
Anonymous User
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 12, 2011
It's a $40 wallet, not a NASCAR collectible shot glass package!

She's every man's nightmare - a fat, unemployed, screeching tyrant wanting his nuts in her purse. If he's smart, he won't be there to see the birth...or anything afterwards.

Note how she says he can just get a $5 wallet at Walmart. It probably won't last as long as the $40 one and they'll have to get a replacement. Plus many guys end up keeping their wallets in their back pockets and sitting on them. So they may be particular about what they want. How would she like it if he was telling her what kind of underwear to buy and how much to spend on it?

What moo doesn't understand is that you get what you pay for in this world. I had to learn that lesson the hard way. When I started working out last year, I bought $20 tennis shoes from Walfart. Within two weeks, the sole of the shoe sunk in on one side. Thinking I had just gotten a defective pair of shoes, I bought another pair from Walfart, only to have the same thing happen but a week sooner. So, I sucked it up and bought a $100 pair of running shoes with gel soles from Sport Authority. They were 100x more comfortable and are still holding up to this day. If I had just kept buying shoes from Walfart, I would have spent hundreds of dollars more in the long run. Walfart's product quality is shit!

As others said, there is way more that goes into going out to lunch with your coworkers and boss than just eating lunch. In the long run, it is beneficial for him to go out to lunch because it cements him as part of the team, builds morale because everyone gets to know each other a little bit more outside the workplace, and he may be considered for promotions.

There are plenty of things that she can cut back on to help the budget out. She can cancel her cell phone that the $40 wallet was going toward (I'm sorry, a SAHMoo doesn't need a cell phone, she can use a cheaper landline), cancel that $100 museum membership, cook all the meals at home rather than take the brats out to lunch and most importantly she should've had an abortion. Also, if they have cable and internet, she can cut back on that too; those things are not necessities for survival. Yes, that would mean moo would have to miss out on Oprah and playing Farmville all day smile rolling left rightsmile
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 13, 2011
The only thing SHAMs contribute to the family monetarily is covering the cost of childcare, which can run what, $10K a year? Meanwhile Duh has to pay all the REST of the bills which come out to a lot more than that, especially if they have a mortgage.

In other words, bitch needs to put her kyds in daycare and get a fucking job. If she can make more than $10K a year, and she should be able to unless she's fucking retarded, WIN!

If SHAMoo works, she gets out of the house and away from the kydz, can cover costs of daycare, and bring in extra to possibly pay for biweekly house cleaning and maybe some other help as well. In a situation like this there is absolutely no fucking reason for her to be staying at home - she's not contributing as much as she would be if she worked.

I don't understand why SHAMoos think that their little DNA experiments should be paid for by everyone else. Moos need to contribute to HALF of the COSTS of their kyds!
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 13, 2011
If the dumbasses are barely scraping by as it is, WTF are they doing pinching out another loaf? BOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO, we got no money. WAAAAAA.

Fuck off. If you didn't have the kids, you'd have a shit ton more money. Idiots.
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 13, 2011
The only thing SHAMs contribute to the family monetarily is covering the cost of childcare, which can run what, $10K a year? Meanwhile Duh has to pay all the REST of the bills which come out to a lot more than that, especially if they have a mortgage.

In other words, bitch needs to put her kyds in daycare and get a fucking job. If she can make more than $10K a year, and she should be able to unless she's fucking retarded, WIN!

If SHAMoo works, she gets out of the house and away from the kydz, can cover costs of daycare, and bring in extra to possibly pay for biweekly house cleaning and maybe some other help as well. In a situation like this there is absolutely no fucking reason for her to be staying at home - she's not contributing as much as she would be if she worked.

I don't understand why SHAMoos think that their little DNA experiments should be paid for by everyone else. Moos need to contribute to HALF of the COSTS of their kyds!

I always laugh when I hear a moo brag, "We save SO MUCH MONEY on daycare with me staying at home!". saying 'wtf' Isn't that a kind of AFTER the fact "savings"? I wonder if it ever occurs to them that if they would just STOP SHITTING LOAVES that their "job" would be obsolete and there'd be no NEED for them to "save" on daycare. Think how much money that WE "save" on daycare by not using it.bouncing and laughing It reminds me of a friend of my father who always gave the impression that he had given up cigarettes by the things he said like, "I haven't had a cigarette in THIRTY years!" which was followed by questions about how he managed to have quit or avoid the cigarette "cravings" and whatnot. The man had NEVER smoked, but it was funny to watch and listen at how he managed to make people think he had without actually lying.

It's the same thing with the moos. They are going on about this "savings" when if they would put a stop to the source of the problem then there'd be no need for the expense in the first place. I'd suspect that I have "saved" roughly 300k on daycare and baybee sitters over the years.bouncing and laughing

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Inpig Moo Vent: DH Spends Too Much
June 13, 2011

It's like when people delude themselves that they "saved 25 percent on everything at Macy's this weekend." Yeah, and I saved 100 percent on everything at Macy's this weekend because I didn't go to the mall, LOL.

Plus the SHAMoos forget that they are a cost center themselves, ADDING to household expenses for food & drink, heat, apparel, footwear, health and beauty (?!) aids, health insurance and out-of-pocket health care, entertainment, transportation, maintenance such as haircuts, etc. They are a net loss when it comes to the financial arena, gourmet chef/nurse/engineer/ skills notwithstanding.
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