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When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch

Posted by deanad 
Anonymous User
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 01, 2011
I remember the first SATC when one of the "toxic bachelors" claims that women won't bother with the fat guy or the broke guy or the short guy. Miranda's quote was the story of my life: I have been out with some of those guys. The short, fat, poor ones. It makes absolutely no difference. They are just as self-centered and unappreciative as the good-looking ones.

And the duhds are worse. They honestly think they don't bring a ton of baggage.

Miranda was my fave SATC character and I was so disappointed that she sprogged with Steve because I liked him too. At least they had her stop at one unlike moo-brain Charlotte.
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 01, 2011
I still had Duh's writing me, but they'd start with: "I don't have primary custody of my kids, so..." or "I never see my kids, so..."

Do NOT fall for that one. Even if the kyds are two continents away and the duh swears he only sees them twice a year. It is very common for teenagers to whine and cry and

This is what I run into- daddies who lie, lie. lie.....
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 01, 2011
To hear(or see) others' stories of internet dating reminds me of the ONE guy I met through match.com. I made it very clear that I had never married, no kids and expected same. The first duh I met we talked on the phone exactly once. I was bitched out by him because he thought I was being bitchy about his fucktrophies. I never wanted the problems that came with dating someone divorced, with kydz, yadda yadda. The second whackjob told me that he didn't have any kydz but he was really attached to his niece and nephew. Towards the end of our dinner date, grandmoo brings the kiddies to the restaurant. Can you guess what they yelled when they first saw him??? DUHDDY!!! I realize I've been lied to but I was willing to let him explain himself. We're talking along that vein when grandmoo butted in with, and I could not make this up if I TRIED, "Four other "ladies" have said he doesn't admit to having kyds, but all of you are just trash in MY book".
I responded, very politely, "If four, no make that FIVE, women can show you the email AND the dating profile that says he doesn't have kydz maybe we aren't the ones who are trash. Maybe you raised the trash yourself. Does he still live with you or was he honest about having an apartment???" As I was picking up my purse and sweater to leave, grandmoo acted like she hadn't heard me. I asked the waitress at Olive Garden to call me a taxi. My husband thinks this is a funny story looking back on it eight years later. HE can laugh, he didn't have to take a taxi in a dress and heels.
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 01, 2011
Having been a "hot babe" through most of my 20s and 30s I can tell you there's another side to this. A lot of these self-proclaimed "nice guys" are really shallow annoying wankers with an overblown sense of entitlement. They won't even consider pursuing women who aren't physically fit and conventionally attractive but expect women to overlook their (often considerable) physical flaws. They can also be incredibly clingy and whiny when you do give in to their pestering and date them. The lucky few like Drew Carey (who I've always thought is an asshole) who become very successful in life attract greedy golddiggers in droves, which gives millions of shallow wanker losers hope and reinforces their entitled douchey behavior.

Amen Sister
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 01, 2011

Well someone really thinks a lot of himself...two faces puking

Don't think for a second this guy is only talking about moos. These guys are bitter and dislike women in general because they feel they have been wronged in the past and it's never their fault. And "childless" women were also dating bad boys back in high school. I'm sure Mr. TooCoolCatch was a dickhead back then too. My SO was an intelligent nerd who didn't date in school, he isn't angry or looking for payback.

I had thought the same thing; while I can empathize with the nerds who were passed over who just did not bother dating, a lot of these guys like the one above were thunderdouches back in the day too. THey would not date a fellow member of the nerd herd, or the overweight girl with a kickass personality, or the too tall basketball whiz. They were too busy gunning for the cheerleaders just like the jocks.

I remember the first SATC when one of the "toxic bachelors" claims that women won't bother with the fat guy or the broke guy or the short guy. Miranda's quote was the story of my life: I have been out with some of those guys. The short, fat, poor ones. It makes absolutely no difference. They are just as self-centered and unappreciative as the good-looking ones.

And the duhds are worse. They honestly think they don't bring a ton of baggage.

Both sexes are guilty, believe me. I've been on dating websites and had numerous "one and done" dating experiences, many times because the women are clearly carrying more baggage than a Boeing 757.

I've been lucky enough in my life to have had a few women who, at least at the time, wanted to build a relationship based on communication, passion, and shared interests. Once they started the self-centered crap, out the door they went. I'm not going to be told that I can't do what I want to do or that I'm wrong for wanting certain things.

You are doing the right thing in jettisoning anyone you'd consider "toxic" in your life.
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
Snark Shark
. The second whackjob told me that he didn't have any kydz but he was really attached to his niece and nephew. Towards the end of our dinner date, grandmoo brings the kiddies to the restaurant. Can you guess what they yelled when they first saw him??? DUHDDY!!! .


was she TRYING to sabotage the date?
not that it wouldn't have ended eventually, what with him being a breeder n' all. but that's just ODD. "LET'S INTERUPT A QUIET DATE WITH SCREAMING CHIMPS!"

I never knew why she brought them. The conversation didn't get that far before I got up and left.
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
I know a guy who would constantly use his kids as an excuse as to why he was always a no-show when we made plans with friends. He was on HOUSE ARREST and wouldn't tell me. He still hasn't told me, come to think of it, but it was pretty easy to figure out. Now that he's got the bracelet off, he's regularly going out and getting shit-faced drunk and having close shaves with the law. Most recently he was pretty proud of himself for getting fines instead of going to jail because he knew the right cops. I used to think his ex was the crazy one, but now I think he's just a piece of shit deadbeat father. I no longer have contact with him, but if I ever had the chance, I'd love to sit down with ex and find out what it was like being married to this prize.

I also gave up on dating sites because of all the stupid single Faaaaatttthhhers out there. I said right in my profile that if you have kids, contacting me is a waste of both our time. If your stupid kyd is your 'world', than what the fuck do you need me for? I want to be your world, not play second fiddle to your failed relationship booby prize.
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
I agree with the people who say this guy doesn't sound like such a great guy.

I, like many others, was passed over in high school. Once I got away from that atmosphere, I did a lot better in many ways, including finding partners. I see no reason to be bitter or obsessed about those few years. They helped me learn that I don't have to be with anyone, no matter what those around me are doing. Besides, that was a good many years ago, and I am inclined to believe that living well is an excellent form of revenge for this sort of petty bullshit.

Would I have anything to do with the star jocks if I ran into them today? No. But I didn't want anything to do with them when I was in high school, either, had one of them deigned to notice me. I prefer people with interesting personalities, who didn't see high school as the high point of life.
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
Having been a "hot babe" through most of my 20s and 30s I can tell you there's another side to this. A lot of these self-proclaimed "nice guys" are really shallow annoying wankers with an overblown sense of entitlement. They won't even consider pursuing women who aren't physically fit and conventionally attractive but expect women to overlook their (often considerable) physical flaws. They can also be incredibly clingy and whiny when you do give in to their pestering and date them. The lucky few like Drew Carey (who I've always thought is an asshole) who become very successful in life attract greedy golddiggers in droves, which gives millions of shallow wanker losers hope and reinforces their entitled douchey behavior.

Amen Sister

These guys are also over-attached to their mothers, ever notice? They hold their mother's opinions on every topic far above anything else and will drop everything -- including YOU -- if their mothers summon them.

Consequently, they're not only emotionally retarded but they have totally and unaccountably overinflated estimations of their 'market value'. And there is nothing more embarrassing and uncomfortable than meeting or having to talk to an unattractive, boring, unaccomplished and very ordinary guy who's as self-centred, egotistical, self-congratulating and eager to promote himself as a hollywood a-lister. That's all because mommy spends every moment reassuring him about how wonderful he is.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
Guys like me went without sex in our teens and 20s for lots of reasons.

Um. Ugly?

Teens, I can see. Twenties - ahem, something's amiss. If all of a sudden a person becomes attractive in their thirties they either lost a lot of weight, kicked an addiction or got therapy, make a lot of money. But it doesn't make you all of a sudden ALL THAT because some desperate moos are hovering around your wallet.

Agreed! If ANY man claims that he went without sex until he was over 30 because he was... snigger... 'bettering himself', you have to wonder how fucking awful he was in the first place. How ugly. How socially inept. How unfit, rude, lazy, boring and irritating he must have been.

And if he thinks a CF woman is going to be interested in him despite his being King Irritating of the Irritating People of Planet Irritating, just becuase he hasn't has kids, he'd better look at himself more closely.

Admittedly, men without children are automatically rated a good league or two ahead of their single peers who are saddled with kids. But let's be realistic.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
When Dh and I married, he was 35 and had never been married before. I didn't see any pictures of him as a young man until we had been together several years. When I did (and my reaction was the reason he kept them hidden) all I could do was utter a dismayed laugh and say "ohhhh deaarrrr." He was a 1950s Nerd Boy. Black nerd glasses, full blond hair slicked flat to his head with Brylcreem and a side part that started almost all the way over to his ear. He was hollow-chested, shoulders slumped and wearing a short-sleeved white shirt and high water pants. Oh, he was just .... I dunno, it was just indescribable. Even now I shake my head and laugh at how piteous he looked.

Dh was of the Vietnam generation and enlisted in the Air Force at 17, rather than face the draft. That really knocked a lot of the nerdness out of him. He traveled away from his Midwest hometown for the first time, dealt with some major responsibilities in being shunted to several bases over his enlistment and - best of all - ended up making some non-nerd friends who introduced him to a wider world of rowdy young manhood. After he got out of the service and returned home, everyone expected him to take the path of his age-mates, but he remained a bachelor. He still had a lot of nerd in him, preferring to tinker with electronics and choosing a career in the burgeoning computer science field, but never showed an interest in marriage or kids. Years after we married, he described his feelings as "I didn't know what I wanted; just what I didn't want" - the wife and kids thing. It wasn't until we met and he, for the first time, associated with a CF female, that he could picture what a long-term relationship/marriage could be like. Since this was almost 30 years ago, you can imagine how scarce and unacknowledged those kind of relationships were. Back then, if you didn't have kids it was assumed there was "something wrong" with one of the people as the reason why. And IVF was still in its latency, so couples without kids were pitied.

The person in the OP is lucky to be free to sneer nowadays because the choice to not have kids is more open. In earlier days, men might have had the same kind of thoughts in not wanting the baggage or that kind of life, but they couldn't express them - in fact, most didn't even know the words to say that sort of thing. They just got pegged into the "bachelor for life" title (or "spinster and old maid" if you were a woman).
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
I remember the first SATC when one of the "toxic bachelors" claims that women won't bother with the fat guy or the broke guy or the short guy. Miranda's quote was the story of my life: I have been out with some of those guys. The short, fat, poor ones. It makes absolutely no difference. They are just as self-centered and unappreciative as the good-looking ones.

And the duhds are worse. They honestly think they don't bring a ton of baggage.

Miranda was my fave SATC character and I was so disappointed that she sprogged with Steve because I liked him too. At least they had her stop at one unlike moo-brain Charlotte.

Mine, too. I think the only reason the writers turned her character into a Mom was because of the real life pregnancy that the actress was going through at the time. When SJP got pregnant, there wasn't much of a choice except to hide it for as long as possible and then send the show into hiatus until she foaled and got her figure back.

Truth be told, I was disappointed to see her (assumed) CF character spawn, but it did make the show more interesting to see how the other three characters - especially the rabidly CF Samantha - deal with a baby in their midst.The episode where Samantha took pity on Miranda and watched the kid while Miranda went out for some badly needed styling was a hoot. The vibrating carrier that kept the kid quiet broke; Samantha's expression at hearing the kid start screeching was priceless. She was inventive in a solution - just attach her own personal vibrator to the carrier, sit back, drink a martini while the baby slept.
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
Zzelda, don't you know a Harley cancels out everything bad? Drug addiction? Harley! Obese and unemployed? Harley! Dad of four autards? Harley!
I didn't have much luck in my teens or twenties either, there were few, but not many. What I ran into were women who just wanted to party, get drunk, and act like fools, definitely not my style. I did run into women who didn't want kids, but most of them were the "who needs a man" kind of feminist who took the view the men weren't necessary in their lives and everything would be their way or the highway, so I took the highway.

I also saw single mothers with absentee dads who wanted father figures and wallets for their kids, something else I didn't want to be.

For a long time, I gave up the idea of dating, getting married, etc., and just enjoyed life on my own and realized I didn't need someone around all the time to be happy. In my 40s now, I've met someone who is also my age, never married, no kids and doesn't want them, and we get along just fine. She saw a lot of the same sort of games from men when she was younger, so she decided to take the same path as me and do without. We are neighbors and we have a good friendship, with some benefits, and we're happy.

Atlanta Escapee
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
My all time favorite single duh online ad was this average looking dude who had an exhaustive laundry list of the characteristics he wanted in a woman, culminating in "and she has to understand that my son comes first". This prince actually responded to my ad which very specifically and clearly stated that I was not interested in children. Did he seriously believe someone like me would be interested in playing surrogate moo and second fiddle to his snotminer?

Also, has anyone else had the glorious experience of fucking a guy and then being told to leave because "my son is here and I don't want to send a bad message." Yeah, like little Fuckstayne didn't know what we were doing in the bedroom. It was just a casual relationship but needless to say that was the last he saw of me because I don't play that shit.

They ALWAYS say that, but what they mean is the kid is supposed to "come first" with YOU. They NEVER put their own kid first, but expect everyone else to so THEY can play. I was married to a man like that and believe me when I say that he ALWAYS said that, but he was absolved from that little "rule" himself. The worst part is he claimed to not understand why I or anyone else didn't want to put his kid "first", but claimed this is what HE was doing which he CLEARLY was NOT. I later learned this is very typical of breeder men. NO THANKS!:1wv

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Anonymous User
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
They ALWAYS say that, but what they mean is the kid is supposed to "come first" with YOU. They NEVER put their own kid first, but expect everyone else to so THEY can play. I was married to a man like that and believe me when I say that he ALWAYS said that, but he was absolved from that little "rule" himself. The worst part is he claimed to not understand why I or anyone else didn't want to put his kid "first", but claimed this is what HE was doing which he CLEARLY was NOT. I later learned this is very typical of breeder men. NO THANKS!:1wv

Oh, exactly. If they really were putting the kyds first they would set aside specific time to spend alone with them doing activities the kyds would enjoy. But no, they want to drag the kyds along to activities they like or rope the new woman in their lives into babysitting while they go off and have fun with the boys.
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
They ALWAYS say that, but what they mean is the kid is supposed to "come first" with YOU. They NEVER put their own kid first, but expect everyone else to so THEY can play. I was married to a man like that and believe me when I say that he ALWAYS said that, but he was absolved from that little "rule" himself. The worst part is he claimed to not understand why I or anyone else didn't want to put his kid "first", but claimed this is what HE was doing which he CLEARLY was NOT. I later learned this is very typical of breeder men. NO THANKS!:1wv

Oh, exactly. If they really were putting the kyds first they would set aside specific time to spend alone with them doing activities the kyds would enjoy. But no, they want to drag the kyds along to activities they like or rope the new woman in their lives into babysitting while they go off and have fun with the boys.

Many folks are convinced that men are just dying to be fathers and hang out with the kiddies. While I wouldn't say that those types of men don't exist, I think the percentage is far less than what people expect. In fact I'd go so far in saying that many guys are putting up a front of enjoying that sort of thing in order to impress women who are looking for that kind of a guy.
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
Having been a "hot babe" through most of my 20s and 30s I can tell you there's another side to this. A lot of these self-proclaimed "nice guys" are really shallow annoying wankers with an overblown sense of entitlement. They won't even consider pursuing women who aren't physically fit and conventionally attractive but expect women to overlook their (often considerable) physical flaws. They can also be incredibly clingy and whiny when you do give in to their pestering and date them. The lucky few like Drew Carey (who I've always thought is an asshole) who become very successful in life attract greedy golddiggers in droves, which gives millions of shallow wanker losers hope and reinforces their entitled douchey behavior.

Amen Sister

These guys are also over-attached to their mothers, ever notice? They hold their mother's opinions on every topic far above anything else and will drop everything -- including YOU -- if their mothers summon them.

Consequently, they're not only emotionally retarded but they have totally and unaccountably overinflated estimations of their 'market value'. And there is nothing more embarrassing and uncomfortable than meeting or having to talk to an unattractive, boring, unaccomplished and very ordinary guy who's as self-centred, egotistical, self-congratulating and eager to promote himself as a hollywood a-lister. That's all because mommy spends every moment reassuring him about how wonderful he is.

The over attachment to their moms thing is always a red flag - but sometimes you don't notice it at first if the guy is still pretending to be straight. A lot of them AREN'T. smiling smiley (Helpful tech tip.) Doesn't mean they've actively sought out a gay lifestyle, but they've often been sort of, um, NEUTERED by an overly bossy, narcissistic, and/or perfectionist type of dysfunctional mom, so relating to a "normal" girl is something they find damned difficult.

Then there are guys like my dude who actually have genuinely good relationships with women in his family - now-deceased mom, older sisters, female employees. So there are some out there, but a lot of them are closeted.
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
Made my pix too small, will try again later smiling smiley
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
Here we go ~

Anonymous User
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
This whole discussion about single duhs reminded me of the episode of True Life called "I'm a Single Parent". Seriously, I would shoot myself in the head if I had their lives...and if I didn't have a gun, I would use a staple gun in its stead. I was ALMOST feeling sorry for that Nick guy up until I realized that he actually had the audacity to expect some future gf/wife to be the replacement mom for his countless brats. If his ex-wife is such an incompetent parent, maybe he should've figured that out sometime before she popped out SIX kids!

Anonymous User
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
Oh wait, never mind it says that they were twins and triplets, and the mom lost her mind later. Makes me pity him a little more.
Anonymous User
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
But after the first set of twins, you should stop.
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
Yeah, I agree, it kind of sounds like a "nice guy" rant. Heartless Bitches International has some great posts on that:




If one is truly "nice" or a "catch", one doesn't have to advertise it. The nice or catch status will speak for itself.
Anonymous User
Re: When the "Catch" is no longer a Catch
July 02, 2011
Post on Cave Canum Confession Board:

Ladies (and I call you that loosely),

Guys like me went without sex in our teens and 20s for lots of reasons. We were bettering ourselves, we were holding out for someone worth the effort, or we were just plain ignored for being 'nerdy' or 'not cool.' Well, we're in our 30s now with stable professional jobs, lots of money and many well developed interests. We're suddenly prime catches... so what the fuck makes you think we want your used-up asses and snotty fatherless children? You chose to party all the time and fuck the hot 'bad boys' so you can live with the consequences. There's plenty of smart, successful, single, childless ladies out there looking for a guy like me. Get lost, you washed up skanks - you're ten years too late.

I wonder if it works the other way, or people are more likely to view women who've mostly shunned dating/sex/relationships as weird and assume there's something fundamentally wrong with them (because of the notion that all women care about relationships more than men do, so something must be seriously wrong with a woman who "fails" to find one by a certain age). Then again, I've noticed prejudiced attitudes against the unmarried of either sex past a certain age - as in, "If he hasn't been married by 40, something must be wrong."

I'm afraid I'll fall into that category. I'm 24 and haven't dated much because I've been so focused on "my future," which isn't looking all that bright anymore. (I've had a few short relationships, but so many people my age have been in the same relationships for years and/or are getting married...) But I take heart knowing that even if things never get better - even if I never find a decent entry-level, non dead-end opportunity that's open to me, even if I always have to bust my ass just to scrape by, I'll never have to bust my ass nearly as hard as single moos (or working married moos). Plus, they have to give their meager gains up for ungrateful brats and don't even have time to themselves.

(And on a side note, when they talk about literally having no time to themselves, I wonder how they do it without killing themselves. Even if we CF have to put up with long days at degrading jobs, we can have at least some "me time" to stay sane.)
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